Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: EM by EM #37: The Taiwan election & the Trade war and more

In today’s briefing:

  • EM by EM #37: The Taiwan election & the Trade war
  • Portfolio Watch: Chasing ships and fading narratives
  • A Pause That Refreshes the Uptrend
  • U.S. Debt Watch: Biden Lost $17B the First Day of 2024
  • Positioning Watch – Risk aversion is back?
  • Steno Signals #81 – Fed member promises that QT is effectively already over
  • USD-flation Watch: Still not softening as much as Europe
  • CrossASEAN Ground Zero – GoTo’s Sustainability Verified, 2W EVs, and the Stormy Year Ahead
  • Scandi-flation Watch: Finally a bit of respite?
  • US Employment Data Confirms a Weakening Economy

EM by EM #37: The Taiwan election & the Trade war

By Emil Moller

  • A victory for Lai in the upcoming election has the potential to significantly elevate geopolitical risks.
  • Should Taipei fail to maintain a satisfactory relationship with Beijing threats of retaliation will fuel derisking going forwardThe Taiwan election could reignite another round of cold trade sanctions between the United States and China.
  • Given the current hawkishness of the Biden administration, it’s unlikely that this stance will be softened in the upcoming U.S. election.

Portfolio Watch: Chasing ships and fading narratives

By Emil Moller

  • Hello everybody, and welcome back to our weekly Portfolio Watch!
  • The Hamas attack on October 7th coincided with a material repricing and a crash in oil prices, marking the peak in inflation expectations and the subsequent collapse of oil prices as 2023 came to an end.

  • Given our contrarian nature, we were far from convinced by this swift market move. We believed it was only a matter of time before reality would set in, and it appears that 2024 has indeed brought a harsh awakening for complacent optimists.

A Pause That Refreshes the Uptrend

By Cam Hui

  • The stock market is poised for a period of consolidation or pullback after a powerful breadth thrust.
  • We remain bullish on equities as such episodes of strong price momentum have usually led to higher prices 6–12 months ahead.
  • In the short term, we advise against traders trying to short this market as downside risk is probably limited.

U.S. Debt Watch: Biden Lost $17B the First Day of 2024

By Anne Sandager

  • The U.S is at risk of a partial government shutdown beginning Jan. 19th of departments responsible for Agriculture, Energy/Water, Military Construction/Veterans Affairs and Transportation.
  • However, investors need not be overly concerned. Both Democratic and Republican leadership are incentivized to get a deal done, so even if a partial shutdown were to commence, it will be short lived with little impact on markets. 
  • Republicans are keen on securing funding for the U.S-Mexico border and improve their image as a party that can actually govern. Democrats, meanwhile, need to eliminate the 1% across-the-board cut to non-discretionary spending imposed on Jan. 1st. These factors provide ample motivation for lawmakers to get spending bills done.

Positioning Watch – Risk aversion is back?

By Andreas Steno

  • The latter half of 2023 was all about the soft (perfect) landing narrative, which made markets party like there was no tomorrow.
  • It almost looked like people forgot about risks, but positioning data has turned a bit at the end of December / start of January, which hints at a risk aversion comeback.
  • Could 2024 be the year when asset prices are no longer determined based on interest rates alone?

Steno Signals #81 – Fed member promises that QT is effectively already over

By Andreas Steno

  • Quote of the week:“So, given the rapid decline of the ON RRP, I think it’s appropriate to consider the parameters that will guide a decision to slow the runoff of our assets. In my view, we should slow the pace of runoff as ON RRP balances approach a low level.”– Lorie Logan, FOMC member at the annual meetings of the International Banking, Economics and Finance Association and the American Economic Association.
  • The above quote was delivered on Friday in a speech by Dallas Fed president Lorie Logan and it may prove to be the most important quote by a central banker in 2024 so far.

  • Effectively, the quote is a promise that QT is already history as the impact of Fed policy on liquidity / bank reserves will remain neutral to slightly positive from here, which is essentially what we have told clients for a while now. 

USD-flation Watch: Still not softening as much as Europe

By Andreas Steno

  • The inflation release on Thursday is the most important release of the week and we find consensus to be decently aligned with the underlying trends in US inflation.
  • Core inflation is trending around 0.3% MoM in the US and we see no reason for a sharp change in that trend given our price observations and models, and we only see a minor hawkish tilt in our models compared to consensus, but expect the MoM core inflation to print accurately above 0.3%.
  • The consensus change for the MoM core inflation is very close to 0.25% given the expectation of 3.8% YoY inflation.

CrossASEAN Ground Zero – GoTo’s Sustainability Verified, 2W EVs, and the Stormy Year Ahead

By Angus Mackintosh

  • CrossASEAN Ground Zero is a new thematic weekly product that will focus on key Southeast Asian digital themes and technology trends with a core focus on Indonesia. 
  • This week is focused on GoTo’s sustainability credentials and the recent scientific validation of its emission targets. 
  • 2024 will also see a ramp-up of Indonesia’s 2W EV charging infrastructure to power growth in numbers. We also look at key themes in 2024 for the digital economy.

Scandi-flation Watch: Finally a bit of respite?

By Andreas Steno

  • Welcome to our Scandi inflation watch.
  • Based on public demand, we will release our SEK and NOK inflation views on a running basis as well.
  • December is typically a seasonally weak inflation month in Norway with declines in Clothing and Footwear prices, Food prices- and health prices.

US Employment Data Confirms a Weakening Economy

By Rikki Malik

  • The December US Employment report shows a weaker outlook than the headline suggests.  
  • A loss of over 1.5 million full-time jobs in December.
  • Excluding government jobs, an exceptionally low number of new full-time jobs were created over the last year.

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