Daily BriefsMacro

Daily Brief Macro: 2024 High Conviction Idea: The Case for a Rotation Out of Japan into Hong Kong – Part 1 and more

In today’s briefing:

  • 2024 High Conviction Idea: The Case for a Rotation Out of Japan into Hong Kong – Part 1
  • Rate Cuts: How Much? How Quick? How Real?
  • Great Game – Climate, Chips and Corruption!
  • The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – GoTo & TikTok, BliBli’s Omnichannel, and Malaysian Banks
  • Positioning Watch – Are markets ready for Powell Wednesday?
  • Energy Cable #49: Ouch …..
  • USD-flation Watch: Not a disinflationary home run as in Europe

2024 High Conviction Idea: The Case for a Rotation Out of Japan into Hong Kong – Part 1

By Rikki Malik

  • Risk reward favours this shift in allocation between these markets.
  • Japan will suffer from base effects on economic data and earnings this year as JPY move reverses.
  • Year end Positioning could provide attractive entry points for both legs.

Rate Cuts: How Much? How Quick? How Real?

By Srinidhi Raghavendra

  • Western central bankers have made it amply clear that rate cuts are not a given. They remain data dependent. And the data is sending mixed signals.
  • Meanwhile markets are opting for selective hearing and are pricing sharp rate cuts soon. Inflation is hard to tackle in general. The last mile gets nasty. Are markets ready?
  • Base effects have contributed to the rapid slowdown in inflation. When these base effects fade, the false sense of safety could crater leading to a very different inflation narrative.

Great Game – Climate, Chips and Corruption!

By Mikkel Rosenvold

  • Welcome to your weekly geopolitical update from the Great Game! With a relatively quiet week in global affairs, we have time to dive into a couple of issues that we’ve been looking at over the past weeks.
  • But let’s start at the main stage with the current COP28 summit that’s about to wrap up.
  • Will “majlis” sit-downs save the climate?

The Week That Was in ASEAN@Smartkarma – GoTo & TikTok, BliBli’s Omnichannel, and Malaysian Banks

By Angus Mackintosh

Positioning Watch – Are markets ready for Powell Wednesday?

By Andreas Steno

  • With Powell taking the stage on Wednesday, likely turning more hawkish in his rhetoric after weeks of financial conditions easing, we have had a look at if we are starting to see signs of markets reversing their ultra-bullish positioning.
  • In general markets have taken a bit of a breather from a positioning perspective after the historically bullish sentiment seen throughout November, and people are now starting to hedge their longs based on recent option volumes, with the aggregate US intraday put-call ratio now back solidly above 1.
  • Looks like traders are starting to hedge their equity bets going into the central bank bonanza this week.

Energy Cable #49: Ouch …..

By Ulrik Simmelholt

  • Main take aways: Long utilities in Europe. OPEC looks like losing control with the market. SPR purchases could floor Oil markets here.
  • Last week wasn’t the best in terms of our trades in the energy space after an otherwise strong year in our tactical bets placed within the sector.
  • We have been stopped out of our natural gas trade and our crude oil long is now in the red.

USD-flation Watch: Not a disinflationary home run as in Europe

By Andreas Steno

  • We see US inflation printing roughly 0.15%-points above consensus tomorrow driven by upside surprises in apparel prices, medical care services and used car prices.
  • This remains in sharp contrast to trends in Europe where inflation softens faster than expected.
  • The upside will be seen in both headline -and core inflation.

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