
Brief Consumer: StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update and more

In this briefing:

  1. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update
  2. MTG Co Ltd; Problems Stretch Far Beyond the New Chinese E-Commerce Legislation
  3. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact
  4. Sony Corp: Key Takeaways from Our Recent Meeting with IR Team
  5. Company Visits: The Best of March 2019

1. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Naspers are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

2. MTG Co Ltd; Problems Stretch Far Beyond the New Chinese E-Commerce Legislation


  • MTG revised their original targets for FY2019 and issued revised targets which were significantly below the original targets
  • The share price has already been on the decline even prior to the notice of revised targets
  • Declining inbound sales of its flagship brand ReFa is the main culprit for guidance reversion
  • The impact of Chinese e-commerce legislation was significant due to limited exposure to pure inbound sales
  • Parallel buyers, those who buy products to resell them in China: dominates MTG’s inbound sales
  • MTG’s price difference in Japan duty-free purchases vs official sales channels in China
  • The Troubles of MTG, Causing Panic Among Consensus
  • Insider ownership and lack of free float keeping the share price above its fair value
  • Price to book approaching 1.0x; limits the immediate downside risk

3. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact


Naspers (NPN SJ) recently announced another attempt to reduce the holdco discount which has remained stubbornly high despite previous attempts by management to reduce it. Since the announcement there has been movement, so perhaps this time it really is different!

So what is being done? Naspers will spin off its international internet assets, which account for >99% of its value, into a newco. They will then list 25% of newco on the Euronext in Amsterdam by issuing these shares to Naspers’ shareholders. The intention is to create a vehicle which can attract increased foreign and tech investors without the complication of a South African listing. The company believes this has been a key factor behind the wide holdco discount. The move also reduces Naspers weighting in South African indices which is another contributing factor.

Alastair Jones sees the announcement as a positive, although there are still issues with the main listing being in South Africa. He still believes a buyback would be the most effective way to reduce the discount, but Naspers is also keen to keep investing. 

4. Sony Corp: Key Takeaways from Our Recent Meeting with IR Team

This article is a round up of the key takeaways from our recent meeting with Sony’s IR team. Our main focus was on the PlayStation and subsequent hardware and software developments, the company’s mobile phones business unit, the pictures unit as well as the semiconductor business.

  • In the gaming segment, Sony doesn’t see Stadia as a threat since Sony mainly caters to the core gaming segment. Sony does not expect cloud gaming to offer the same quality that consoles offer to core gamers anytime soon. For the time being, Stadia will most likely appeal to casual gamers.
  • In the pictures segment, Sony is developing a Spider-Verse sequel. A definite release date is yet to be confirmed, however, looking at the first movie’s success, we can expect a similar result for the sequel upon release.
  • The company also plans to hold onto its mobile communications segment even though it is expected to make losses in FY03/19 as well. For Sony, this segment is crucial in developing 5G technologies.
  • In the semiconductors segment, Sony expects a demand hike from the number of cameras used per phone. This is in spite of the mobile phone market itself slowing down. Sony expects to increase the ASPs of these sensors going forward as well.

5. Company Visits: The Best of March 2019


We selectively visited a dozen companies in March and were most impressed with three of them (two of which we happily own):

  • SISB, Thailand’s only listed education stock, whose market cap has increased more than 30% since its IPO. The future potential growth they are currently working on in Cambodia and China  will show up here and spruce the company’s already strong growth. Working in a favorable environment (Thailand’s affluent class is growing) also helps.
  • MINT, the country’s hotel chain giant and 20th largest chain in the world, sees great growth potential in Europe, where things are slowly turning around after they made two big acquisitions (NH Hotels and Tivoli). Synergies are also materializing with co-marketing and re-branding efforts.
  • After You, arguably the dessert chain with the highest margin in Thailand. No longer a newbie IPO stock, these guys boast collaboration with global giant Starbucks and branching out into new channels such as After You Durian. 

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