
Brief Consumer: Shanghai/Shenzhen Connect – $8.5 Bn of Inflow in January (Kweichow Moutai, Gree, Midea) and more

In this briefing:

  1. Shanghai/Shenzhen Connect – $8.5 Bn of Inflow in January (Kweichow Moutai, Gree, Midea)
  2. ZOZO: Earthbound
  3. Koito Outperforms in 3Q While Stanley Disappoints; Latter Still on Track to Achieve FY03/19E Target
  4. Toppan Printing: Money for Nothing (& Your Clicks for Free)
  5. Share Classifications: Jan 2019 Month-End Snapshot

1. Shanghai/Shenzhen Connect – $8.5 Bn of Inflow in January (Kweichow Moutai, Gree, Midea)


In our Discover SZ/SH Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of northbound trades via the Shanghai Connect and Shenzhen Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by offshore investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the northbound trade into three groups: those with a market capitalization of above USD 5 billion, and those with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion.

We note that offshore investors were buying all GICS sectors, and had a strong preference for Consumer Staples, Financials and Consumer Discretionary names. We estimate that total inflow into A-share market via northbound trade amounted to USD 8.5 bn in January.

Stocks with strong inflows (by quantum) were Kweichow Moutai Co Ltd A (600519 CH), Gree Electric Appliances Inc Of Zhuhai (000651 CH), and Midea Group Co Ltd A (000333 CH). Please read this note together with our coverage for December flow and our coverage for January northbound flow

2. ZOZO: Earthbound

2019 02 01 08 56 52

Source: Japan Analytics

DOWN AND OUT – ZOZO (3092 JP)‘s third-quarter results which were announced yesterday, saw a 28% quarter-on-quarter increase in sales and trailing-twelve-month (TTM) revenues increased by 25%. Elsewhere the wheels are gradually coming off. In ZOZO most important quarter of the year, Operating Income rose by just 8.2% year-on-year and Net Income by 9.5%. As we mentioned in our previous Insight, Buying a Stairway to Heaven, ZOZO required at least ¥46b in revenues and ¥15b in operating income to meet their full-year forecasts. ¥36b and ¥10b failed to reach this high hurdle and, for the first time since listing, ZOZO has been required to revise down the company’s earnings forecasts. Revenues have been revised down by 20%, OPerating Income by 34% and Net Income by 36% compared to the company’s previous forecasts. Compared to the trailing-twelve-month number the revisions are +1% and -11%, respectively.  

Source: Japan Analytics

DOWNSIDE RISK – If ZOZO has entered an era of low or no-growth, a revaluation fo the business to reflect such a reality could see the company’s shares fall by up to 50%

3. Koito Outperforms in 3Q While Stanley Disappoints; Latter Still on Track to Achieve FY03/19E Target


Koito Manufacturing (7276 JP) released its 3QFY03/19 earnings that saw revenue outpace consensus estimates by +2%, while Stanley Electric (6923 JP) ’s revenue fell below consensus estimates by -1%. While Koito witnessed revenue growth of 10% YoY, Stanley posted a decline in revenue for the quarter by -4% YoY. On profitability as well, Koito witnessed growth of +6% YoY, achieving an OPM of 12%. Stanley, on the other hand, experienced a decline in OP for the quarter by -7% YoY, although still managing to achieve a relatively higher OPM of 13%. Here again, Koito managed to beat consensus estimates by +1% while Stanley fell below consensus estimates by -3%. Our conservative estimates for 3Q looked a bit light for Koito while they were slightly high for Stanley.  Koito has been the company which usually disappoints the market with its earnings results, although it has proved otherwise this quarter.

That being said, it should be noted that, although Stanley’s three months ended results did not look particularly robust, its nine months ended results were quite favourable. The company witnessed the revenue grow 0.5% YoY (for the nine months ended 30th Dec 2018) while OP grew by 5.9% YoY, supported by the steady growth in the high-margin LED headlamps. For Koito, on the other hand, the three months ended results seemed quite favourable, although the nine months ended results displayed a revenue decline of -5.1% YoY and OP decline of -2.4% YoY, citing the deconsolidation of its Chinese subsidiary and the decrease in the volume of automobile production in some of its business regions as the key reasons. Thus, the overall YTD financial performance of Stanley looks still attractive compared to that of Koito. Following the earnings release, Stanley opened -3.7% down on Thursday from Tuesday’s close, while Koito closed +4.8% up on Wednesday since Friday’s close.

4. Toppan Printing: Money for Nothing (& Your Clicks for Free)

2019 01 31 20 26 27

TOPPAN PRINTING (7911 JP) is Japan’s current Negative Enterprise Value ‘champion’. Although only growing in the low single digits and with margins to match, comprehensive income margins and returns are significantly higher, as they take Toppan’s significant investment portfolio gains into account. The investment portfolio has grown at a 39.1% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the last five years, outperforming Toppan’s core operations (6.4% CAGR) and the overall stock market (7.5% CAGR).

Source: Japan Analytics

MARKET MYOPIA – Despite the investment portfolio’s ¥411b contribution to Shareholder’s Equity, which has otherwise only increased by ¥98b, the stock market preferred to focus on the stagnating top-line, and the shares have been serial underperformers. Toppan’s market capitalisation has grown by only 2% per annum or just ¥34b since December 2013. From the recent peak in June 2017, Toppan shares have underperformed the market by 27% and, for the last year, have been at their most extreme value relative to TOPIX over the previous thirty years.  During this period, Toppan’s equity holdings rose from 43% of the company’s market capitalisation to close to parity at the recent market peak in September 2018. 

Source: Japan Analytics

BOTTOMING OUT – With the upcoming boost to sales in the printing business from the change in Japan’s gengō (元号) or era name on the accession of the new Emperor in April, the shares have finally broken out of a one-year period in the Oversold ‘doldrums’.

Source: Toppan Printing Investor Presentation November 12th 2018

SELLING STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS – More importantly, the company has become more proactive in managing equity risk. On 23rd January, Toppan sold 10.5m shares in Recruit Holdings (6098 JP) for approximately ¥31.5b, reducing Toppan’s holding in Japan’s leading listing employment services business from 6.57% to 6.05%. Despite the boilerplate language used to describe the company’s strategy towards strategic shareholdings, Toppan has begun to address the portfolio more proactively and in accordance with the spirit of the new guidelines on Corporate Governance in Japan.

Source: Japan Analytics

BUYBACK POTENTIAL – With this sale, Toppan’s liquid assets will now exceed US$3b or 58% of the current market capitalisation, while the company has committed to capital expenditures totalling only ¥125b over the next five years. Toppan last conducted a modest 0.2% share buyback in 2015-Q2, which was ‘unwound’ by a 0.5% reduction in Treasury Stock in 2017-Q3, which was not accompanied by a share cancellation. With just 8% of shares outstanding held in treasury, there is ample room for further buybacks. 

Source: Japan Analytics

For Japan’s ‘Deep Value’ investors or even the ‘activists’, Toppan is an attractive opportunity.

In the DETAIL below, we list the ‘top’ twenty-five negative enterprise value companies in Japan and provide a brief overview of Toppan’s business, the investment portfolio and explain why, with apologies to our ‘Brothers in Arms’, Dire Straits, investors in Toppan are, at present, getting their ‘money for nothin’ and clicks for free’.

Dire Straits: Brothers in Arms/Money for Nothing – Knopfler/Sting – 1985

5. Share Classifications: Jan 2019 Month-End Snapshot


This month-end share class summary is a companion insight to Travis Lundy‘s H/A Spread & Southbound Monitors and Ke Yan‘s HK Connect Discovery Weeklies.

This share class monitor provides a snapshot of the premium/discounts for various share classifications around the region, and comprises four sets of data:

1.  82 ADRs 
2.  104 Korean Prefs 
3.  22 Regional Dual Classes
4.  7 Foreign/Local Thai shares 

The average premium/discount for each set over a one-year period is graphed below.

Source: CapIQ

For a granular breakdown of each data set, PDFs are attached at the bottom of this insight.

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