
Daily China: China’s Sluggish Inbound Tourism Industry and more

In this briefing:

  1. China’s Sluggish Inbound Tourism Industry
  2. EM Relative Strength Is Bottoming: Overweight

1. China’s Sluggish Inbound Tourism Industry

How can we explain the fact that in the five years from 2012 the number of tourist visits to China fell from 11.6 to 10.5 million per year? True, business and family reunion visits have risen, but such a culturally rich country should have more tourists.

2. EM Relative Strength Is Bottoming: Overweight


Relative strength for MSCI EM is bottoming vs. MSCI EAFE despite continued global equity market weakness.  Although the MSCI EM’s price index remains in a downtrend, we are seeing signs of outperformance ona a relative strength basis and would add incremental exposure. In this report we highlight attractive and actionable themes within EM.