
Brief China: The Art of the Deal Meets the Art of the Possible and more

In this briefing:

  1. The Art of the Deal Meets the Art of the Possible

1. The Art of the Deal Meets the Art of the Possible

In his 2019 State of the Union address, President Trump said he was seeking “real structural change” to China’s economy:

I have great respect for President Xi, and we are now working on a new trade deal with China. But it must include real, structural change to end unfair trade practices, reduce our chronic trade deficit, and protect American jobs.

In the next breath, he referred to the reboot of NAFTA, which only yielded minor changes:

Another historic trade blunder was the catastrophe known as NAFTA. I have met the men and women of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, New Hampshire, and many other states whose dreams were shattered by the signing of NAFTA. For years, politicians promised them they would renegotiate for a better deal, but no one ever tried, until now.

Our new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the USMCA, will replace NAFTA and deliver for American workers like they haven’t had delivered to for a long time. I hope you can pass the USMCA into law so that we can bring back our manufacturing jobs in even greater numbers, expand American agriculture, protect intellectual property, and ensure that more cars are proudly stamped with our four beautiful words: “Made in the USA.

It is said that politics is the art of the possible. Here is where the Art of the Deal meets the art of the possible. Expect either the March 1 deadline to be extended or a deal to be made where both sides commit to further discussions on intellectual property protection and structural reforms.

Everybody wins. The Trump administration demonstrates a mastery of the Art of the Deal. China can temporarily take the tail-risk of additional tariffs and trade war off the table.

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