
Brief China: Repsol, Petronas & Mitsui Make Massive Gas Find in Indonesia and more

In this briefing:

  1. Repsol, Petronas & Mitsui Make Massive Gas Find in Indonesia
  2. Free Money Has Flown
  3. PBOC and the CNY Job
  4. Uzbekistan Is a Promising Latecomer, but Investors Need to Watch Out and Stay on Top of Data
  5. New Century Hotel (浙江開元酒店) Pre-IPO – Improved Profitability Not Driven by Underlying Operations

1. Repsol, Petronas & Mitsui Make Massive Gas Find in Indonesia


Repsol SA (REP SM)‘s discovery is very significant for the companies involved and others around the area, which we discuss in detail below. It is also important for Indonesia, which requires more gas to supply domestic and export demand. It is also positive for exploration sentiment globally, to see a material discovery (Oil Exploration: We Expect a Resurgence in 2019 Pointing to Strong Performance for E&Ps) and this may encourage further M&A in Indonesia such as this deal: (Indonesia Upstream Gas Asset Sale: Positive Read-Through to Other SE Asia Gas Companies).

Source: Repsol

2. Free Money Has Flown

The world will soon discover that debt matters.

The announcement of each round of QE increased asset prices, but the effect on Treasury bond prices began to fade when central bank purchases began. This unexpected behaviour revealed a little-known fact: asset prices react more to the expectation of changes in liquidity than to the experience of greater liquidity in financial markets. By contrast, economic growth is subject to the fluctuating standards of commercial bank lending, which follow variations in the demand for credit. Consequently, financial markets lead the economy. Meanwhile, central banks focus on lagging indicators, so they’re followers, not leaders. Bond markets usually predict more accurately than stock markets. To work, central bank easing policies require real risk-adjusted interest rates. However, with those rates below zero in many countries, further reductions would penalise lenders without helping borrowers. Thus, only rising inflation can save stressed debtors.

3. PBOC and the CNY Job


Over and over again we have commented on China’s FX market as a gauge for health of China’s markets. It is not just due to FX trading and rate shifts. It is also because it is easier to spot the PBOC gaming the system in the FX market. And we do believe that right now the PBOC is pushing the CNY away from what the value would be otherwise.

4. Uzbekistan Is a Promising Latecomer, but Investors Need to Watch Out and Stay on Top of Data

Uzbek 2 feb19

Last week, Uzbekistan placed a debut Eurobond, which attracted high interest from investors. Following a change of leadership in 2016, the country embarked on a path or rapid development. So far, its reform record has been quite impressive. However, new challenges often arise during periods of rapid transition. We expect both demand and supply-related pressures to lead to a rise in headline inflation towards the 20% mark in the next 12 months. We think that given the evidence of a rapid deterioration in the trade and current accounts in 2018, further depreciation of the local currency should be expected in the short term. Investors who have bought the Eurobond, or consider participation in further placements by Uzbek corporate issuers in the coming months, should watch out for signs of the build-up of persistent imbalances in Uzbekistan’s economy.

5. New Century Hotel (浙江開元酒店) Pre-IPO – Improved Profitability Not Driven by Underlying Operations

Gross margin breakdown hotel operation hotel management chartbuilder

Zhejiang New Century Hotel Management Group (ZHEKAIH HK) (ZNCH) is looking to raise US$220m in its upcoming IPO. 

ZNCH is a hotel operator and manager with presence across China. The company grew its revenue by a modest 5% from 2015 to 2017 but made significant improvements in profitability. Gross profit, EBITDA and PATMI grew by 33%, 61%, and 132% CAGR over the same period.

However, the improved profitability has not been driven by underlying operations. The company seemed a tad too ambitious to be expanding via leasing hotel when it already has a large hotel management pipeline.

In this insight, we will look at the company’s financial and operational performance, the drivers of its strong margin expansion, and include some questions for management.

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