
Brief China: Naspers: Softbank Buyback a Guide for Naspers? and more

In this briefing:

  1. Naspers: Softbank Buyback a Guide for Naspers?
  2. Global Equity Strategy: Constructive Outlook Intact, Bottoming Process Continues

1. Naspers: Softbank Buyback a Guide for Naspers?

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Recently, Softbank’s (9984 JP) shares jumped +18% after announcing a $5.5bn share buyback. Using Smartkarma’s holdco monitor, the discount to NAV had widened to around 55% prior to the announcement but is now sitting around 40-45%. There were a few key reasons for the buyback: (1) the Softbank Corp (9434 JP) (KK) IPO netted $20bn, giving the company the flexibility to do the buyback, and (2) Softbank is taking a more disciplined approach to further platform investments.

Both these arguments are also available to Naspers (NPN SJ) management and a move to buy back 5% of market cap is feasible and we believe would narrow the discount. The question is whether management are listening. They have been dismissive of buybacks in the past but this could change.

2. Global Equity Strategy: Constructive Outlook Intact, Bottoming Process Continues


We remain constructive overall and continue to believe that global equities (MSCI ACWI) are going through a bottoming process. Opportunities exist but Sector leadership is mixed.  In our February International Strategy document, we explore various themes which lead to our overall constructive outlook, as well as a technical appraisal of each Sector and the investable opportunities therein.

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