
Brief China: Global Equity Strategy: Constructive Outlook Intact, Bottoming Process Continues and more

In this briefing:

  1. Global Equity Strategy: Constructive Outlook Intact, Bottoming Process Continues
  2. Repsol, Petronas & Mitsui Make Massive Gas Find in Indonesia

1. Global Equity Strategy: Constructive Outlook Intact, Bottoming Process Continues


We remain constructive overall and continue to believe that global equities (MSCI ACWI) are going through a bottoming process. Opportunities exist but Sector leadership is mixed.  In our February International Strategy document, we explore various themes which lead to our overall constructive outlook, as well as a technical appraisal of each Sector and the investable opportunities therein.

2. Repsol, Petronas & Mitsui Make Massive Gas Find in Indonesia

Indonesia en tcm14 11706

Repsol SA (REP SM)‘s discovery is very significant for the companies involved and others around the area, which we discuss in detail below. It is also important for Indonesia, which requires more gas to supply domestic and export demand. It is also positive for exploration sentiment globally, to see a material discovery (Oil Exploration: We Expect a Resurgence in 2019 Pointing to Strong Performance for E&Ps) and this may encourage further M&A in Indonesia such as this deal: (Indonesia Upstream Gas Asset Sale: Positive Read-Through to Other SE Asia Gas Companies).

Source: Repsol

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