Equity Bottom-Up

Daily Equities Bottom-Up: AALI (AALI IJ): Indonesian Biodiesel Mandate to Support CPO Price and more

In this briefing:

  1. AALI (AALI IJ): Indonesian Biodiesel Mandate to Support CPO Price
  2. India: New Tariff Regulation Is Temporary Relief For NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) ​and Power Grid (PWGR IN) ​
  3. Tencent Music (TME): Both Live Video and Music Fairly Valued, No Action
  4. Small Cap Diary: MEGA, Eastwater
  5. SPH REIT Nibbles at Blackstone’s Portfolio

1. AALI (AALI IJ): Indonesian Biodiesel Mandate to Support CPO Price

  • Current price offers a good entry point, relatively strong analyst recommendation, and low earnings expectation relative to its sector
  • Successful execution of Indonesia’s biodiesel mandate should drive CPO demand for biodiesel blending, hence driving CPO prices
  • Through strong partnerships with smaller estates AALI can increase external FFB (fresh fruit bunch) purchases, reducing fixed costs incurred by plantation
  • Attractive at 19CE* 10% ROE/PB compared to ASEAN Consumer staples at 4.6% and AALI offers 4% dividend yield
  • Risks: Low palm-based commodities and crude palm oil prices

* Consensus Estimates

2. India: New Tariff Regulation Is Temporary Relief For NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) ​and Power Grid (PWGR IN) ​

This is something you really don’t see often, a sharp and positive stock price movement in Govt owned Indian power utilities. But after the latest draft regulation on the tariff norms for 2019-24 from CERC (the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, which is the highest regulatory body for power sector in India) was released on 14th of December, both NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) and Power Grid Corporation Of India (PWGR IN) have done well in absolute terms and also outperformed the broader markets. After CERC suggested continuation of the 15.5% regulated return on equity (RoE) for the power generation and transmission companies, this was seen as a positive regulatory development and helped these stocks.

However, investors should also look at the risks before getting too optimistic on Govt owned Regulated Power Utilities, a) these are not final norms and CERC has invited comments from the stakeholders and Regulator may still tweak the tariff norms for period starting 1st April 2019 depending on feedback and inputs from DISCOMs and consumer groups, b) Usually, the political rivalry between Centre and States doesn’t affect the PSUs but as some of recent developments such as Odisha where the state blamed Centre for increased tariff burden suggest, this is changing and could be damaging for future long term contracts of NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) and Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited (PWGR IN).

There are question marks on future growth for both these companies. While NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) will have to compete with renewable sources, there is a risk that capex growth will slow down for Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited (PWGR IN) as well. While latest draft regulation has come as positive, we don’t expect sustained stock price outperformance from NTPC Ltd (NTPC IN) and Power Grid Corporation Of India Limited (PWGR IN) as there are structural challenges for them and a Govt ownership and its impact on strategic decision making continues to remain an overhang.

3. Tencent Music (TME): Both Live Video and Music Fairly Valued, No Action


  • We believe that TME is fairly valued based on peer companies’ price / sales ratios.
  • The Chinese internet peer companies as comparison bases in valuation have declined significantly more than indices, we believe it is not a concern that indices declined further.
  • We believe that the main business of music will grow strongly in 2019 and 2020 due to the rapid growth of both the paying user base and ARPU (Average Revenues per User per month).

4. Small Cap Diary: MEGA, Eastwater

Small caps have an easier time scaling up in good times, but can get hit much harder by liquidity in the bear markets. Anyway, it’s still good to check how some of the better-know small cap names like MEGA and Eastwater even if they are not doing particularly well.

Here’s some highlights:

  • MEGA hasn’t done quite as well. Their earnings growth has slowed to under 10% this year despite an average of 19% between 2014 and 2017. It doesn’t seem like there’s anything wrong with the business model or even execution, just Law of Large Numbers and running out of near-term opportunities.
  • Interestingly, the company’s biggest market outside ASEAN is Africa (eg. Nigeria, Ethiopia), which accounts for 12% of their branded product revenues, and that’s declined 4.2%, hence dragging down the company’s performance.
  • East Water realized healthy and stable gross margin of 50% and ROE of 10.9% while maintaining a strong credit rating of A+, allowing them to finance aggressive capex cheaply.
  • The company generates over half of its revenues from raw water, which is more profitable than tap and industrial, and has had a recent change in strategic shareholder from EGCO to Manila Water.

5. SPH REIT Nibbles at Blackstone’s Portfolio

SPH REIT is acquiring an 85% stake in Figtree Grove Shopping Centre in the inner western suburb of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia for S$188.2 mn. Australia’s media has reported Blackstone as the property’s vendor. SPH REIT is jointly acquiring Figtree Grove with a publicly listed financial services group, Moelis Australia Limited, which will own the remaining 15% interest.

This acquisition is SPH REIT’s first overseas foray and is only the second acquisition deal since listing. Compared to its first acquisition of The Rail Mall, the acquisition of Figtree Grove is truly meaningful as it opens up the possibility of portfolio acquisitions from its newly established network of contacts.   

While the addition of an Australian retail asset into SPH REIT’s portfolio enhances geographical diversification (5.2% of portfolio by asset value), investors should know that the e-commerce threat to retailers in Australia appears to be greater than in Singapore.  

Estimates show that the acquisition of Figtree Grove is marginally DPU-accretive. I am maintaining my view on SPH REIT as a defensive investment to continue holding, noting the stable yield of 5.6% for FY19F-20F.  Fair value is largely unchanged at S$1.09/unit (previous S$1.08/unit).