
Press Coverage

Toshiba shareholders vote down both spin-off plan and call to seek buyout offers | Financial Post

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Excerpt: The failure of 3D’s motion “doesn’t mean it is over, and it doesn’t mean Toshiba can’t act on some portion of the contents of 3D’s proposal,” said Travis Lundy, an analyst at Quiddity Advisors in Hong Kong who publishes on Smartkarma. • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Les actionnaires de Toshiba rejettent son projet de scission

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Excerpt: L’objectif numéro 1 de Toshiba et du Meti (ministère japonais de l’Economie et de l’Industrie, NDLR) est de se débarrasser des activistes, rien d’autre, a commenté Travis Lundy, analyste de Quiddity Advisors publiant sur la plateforme Smartkarma.

Bourse Direct – Actualités du jour • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Les actionnaires de Toshiba votent contre la scission et recherchent des offres de rachat

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Excerpt: L’impasse laisse Toshiba sans direction claire. TRAVIS LUNDY, ANALYSTE, QUIDDITY ADVISORS, PUBLIE SUR SMARTKARMA, HONG KONG Si le plan de séparation était passé, cela aurait été un échec de l’activisme.

Zonebourse • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Toshiba-Aktionäre stimmen gegen Abspaltung und suchen nach Übernahmeangeboten

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Excerpt: Die Pattsituation lässt Toshiba ohne klare Richtung zurück. TRAVIS LUNDY, ANALYST, QUIDDITY ADVISORS, VERÖFFENTLICHT AUF SMARTKARMA, HONG KONG Wenn der Abspaltungsplan angenommen worden wäre, wäre das ein Misserfolg des Aktivismus gewesen.

Marketscreener DE • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Toshiba shareholders vote against spin-off and quest for buyout offers

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Excerpt: The stalemate leaves Toshiba with no clear direction. TRAVIS LUNDY, ANALYST, QUIDDITY ADVISORS, PUBLISHES ON SMARTKARMA, HONG KONG If the separation plan had passed, that would have been a failure of activism.

Channel NewsAsia – Mobile: Lifestyle • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Toshiba holds key shareholder vote on spin-off plan

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Excerpt: Travis Lundy, an analyst at Quiddity Advisors who publishes on Smartkarma, told AFP that Toshiba’s number one goal is to get rid of the activists, make them go away. The problem is… that activists have a certain mandate, he said.

Legit • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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COVID vaccine maker Moderna flags Japan ambition with sumo sponsorship

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Excerpt: … showing Moderna’s shot has the strongest antibody effect when combined with other vaccines, the firm still has opportunity to seize market share from Pfizer in terms of boosters, said healthcare analyst Xinyao Wang, who publishes on the SmartKarma …

Rocky Swift • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Alibaba Surges over 13% After Expanding Buyback Program to $25 Billion

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Excerpt: According to Ming Lu, an analyst that publishes on Smartkarma, says that Chinese companies’ share buyback programs are “a regular signal that they have confidence.” • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Evergrande unit discovers $2.1bn of its cash can be seized by banks

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Excerpt: “The announcement suggests Evergrande Property Services had offered a third-party guarantee to banks which had lent money to another borrower,” said Travis Lundy, a special situations analyst who publishes on Smartkarma.

Money Web • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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Alibaba đã tăng quy mô mua lại cổ phần của mình lên 25 tỷ USD

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Excerpt: Ming Lu, một nhà phân tích xuất bản trên nền tảng nghiên cứu đầu tư độc lập Smartkarma, cho biết các chương trình mua lại cổ phiếu của các công ty Trung Quốc là một tín hiệu thường xuyên cho thấy họ có niềm tin.

Ngọc Châu • (Opens in a new window) ⧉

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