

Brief TMT & Internet: LG Uplus – CJ Hello Acquisition: Current Status & Trade Approach and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. LG Uplus – CJ Hello Acquisition: Current Status & Trade Approach
  2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp
  3. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later
  4. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice

1. LG Uplus – CJ Hello Acquisition: Current Status & Trade Approach


  • LG Uplus is expected to have a BOD this Thursday (Feb 14) to finalize CJ Hello takeover. LG Uplus will pay approximately ₩1tril for a 53.92% controlling stake. This is twice last Friday’s closing price. Unlike the previous deal by SK Telecom, this deal is way much simpler. This is a straight stock acquisition deal. CJ Hello will be a listed subsidiary of LG Uplus. LG Group has no immediate merger plan.
  • CJ Hello made a 15.12% gain last Friday. LG Uplus was up only 6.12%. CJ Hello was clearly overshot mainly by local retail. Local institutions did a sell-off in CJ Hello last Friday. Given the complexities of Korea’s local telecom regulations, merger is surely inevitable. However, given the current MC ratio of less than 7.5, it’d be too costly for LG Uplus to go for it at this point.

  • LG Uplus needs a small-scale merger. LG Uplus will be exempted from stock purchase duty for its shareholders. For this, LG Uplus needs to keep MC ratio above 10. We should expect to see a consistent pressure on reducing the MC ratio. Relative price wise, this shouldn’t be positive on CJ Hello. I’d go short CJ Hello and long LG Uplus on last Friday’s CJ Hello overheating.

2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) (Mkt Cap: $176mn; Liquidity: $1.2mn)

When Bain announced its MBO for Kosaido at ¥610/share, Travis Lundy concluded (in his insight Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?) that it was a lowball bid and a virtual asset strip in progress. The kind of thing which gives activist hedge funds a bad name, but when cloaked in the finery of “Private Equity”, it looks like the renewal of a business. The share price jumped from the 400s to just under the Tender Offer Price, traded there for several days, then a week after it started trading at or near arb terms, the share price suddenly jumped through terms and headed higher.

  • Travis’ inclination at Thursday’s price (¥775/share) is that at a 30% discount to book, there could be enough here to entice someone to split the company up at a slightly better level, but he doubts that it is worth 1x book. Given the headaches involved in making this company worth more than book, it would be worth less than book now. If the Info business can be rescued, then it is cheap. If it cannot, it is not.
  • Because “management-friendly” shareholders currently hold at least 40% and probably more like 50+%, Travis thinks Murakami-san will find it really tough to mount, or get someone else to mount, a truly hostile action. 
  • Perhaps Murakami-san’s goal here is to block the deal then get management to use debt to buy out other people and expand the funeral parlour business, then get a strategic to buy the whole thing out. It could be, but Travis doesn’t think chasing the market at 25-30% above where Murakami-san got in is a good risk.

Since Travis wrote, Murakami-san’s vehicles have added another 1.24% to reach 9.55% of shares out. The last set of shares was purchased at an average of ¥652/share.

(link to Travis’ insight: Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms)

Descente Ltd (8114 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1.8bn; Liquidity: $4.3mn)

This past Thursday 7 February, Descente announced a weak Position Statement (Against) (in Japanese) the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer with a 28-page supporting powerpoint deck (also in Japanese). Descente appears to have no ability to defend itself, and its claim that a large shareholder like Itochu could damage corporate value by weakening governance is effectively a statement that others (like perhaps Wacoal) would too, so only a full takeover makes sense under that defense.

  • Descente management’s explanation for why Itochu owning 40% would be bad is almost a paean to good governance. If the influence of suppliers and customers in the shareholder register is bad, it is bad – whether friendly to management or not. Conflict of interest can happen via entrenchment.
  • The lack of a white knight proposed and effective “I got nothing, but please don’t tender” response is bearish for the shares. if management is right and Itochu’s presence at 40% will lower corporate value, the back end might be worth less than ¥1,871/share where it was trading pre-tender. That would mean the fair value of shares now would still be below here.
  • If Itochu gets its 40% and ANTA votes with Itochu, it is highly possible that the two could effect dramatic change at the management and board level. That would be very hostile and corporate Japan would have something to say about that. Travis says “I am not sure Itochu would go that hostile immediately.”
  • Michael Causton just wrote about Descente’s rejection of the Itochu tender saying “The Gloves Are Off”. He notes there is a perception of a cultural difference between Descente’s brand cultivation and Itochu Textile’s hands-off approach to brand management, but notes that the differences between Descente and Itochu need to be resolved quickly in order to optimally ramp up brand awareness and sales points ahead of the Rugby World Cup in Japan this year, the Olympics, next year, and the World Masters Games the year after. 

links to:
Travis’ insight: Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
Michael’s insight: Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off

ND Software (3794 JP) (Mkt Cap: $212mn; Liquidity: $0.04mn)

ND Software (NDS) announced a MBO sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be ~7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA. The deal comes with a 66.7% minimum threshold for completion, after which there will be a two-step squeeze-out, as is the norm in deals like this. Looks straightforward, but …

  • Sometime activist Symphony Financial Partners (SFP) holds around 20% in NDS. If on board, this this deal is almost done because 31.26% is already pledged to tender, Symphony’s stake would make it 51.5%. Other presumably management-friendly shareholders own another 10%, and employees own about 7%. If Symphony is on board, that easily clears the 67% hurdle. If SFP are not on board, they own about 60% of what is necessary to block this deal.  And they could buy on market to raise their stake further. 
  • Travis would not want to sell out his shares tomorrow at ¥1699/share. Or even ¥1701. He thinks there is a chance that the loose float is scooped up by shareholders or players who might want to increase their stake and see if this deal can be bumped. 

(link to Travis’ insight: ND Software (3794 JP) TOB for an MBO – Fireworks a Possibility)

M&A – Europe/UK

Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) (Mkt Cap: $4.1bn; Liquidity: $20mn)

Palpina confirmed that the Ernst Göhner Foundation, Panalpina’s largest shareholder (46% of shares out) does not support the current non-binding proposal from DSV and that it supports Panalpina’s Board of Directors in pursuing an independent growth strategy that includes M&A. Panalpina’a stock tanked, but is trading only 3% below DSV’s indicative offer, and 20.5% above where the stock was trading in mid-January before DSV’s indicative non-binding proposal. 

  • If management had said that they have a plan which is to grow themselves out of their current doldrums, and their largest shareholder supports that plan to stick with management and go slow, nothing will get done until the new chairman is installed in May at the AGM, and even then, given the Foundation’s position that they support management’s “independent growth strategy”, there is not much minority shareholders can do.
  • This is an ongoing issue of governance. If the directors are effectively chosen by the Ernst Göhner Foundation, which supports the company’s independence, so they do too, minority shareholders serve no purpose other than to provide capital for the foundation to keep Panalpina listed.
  • This doesn’t mean that there will be no deal, but it does mean there will be a lull unless someone else comes up with a more aggressive offer. Travis expects this is eventually worth another go but he would want to reload lower and/or later, or when Panalpina is in a better position after the full IT package is deployed.

Since Travis wrote, DSV has released earnings and said it is still significantly engaged in the bid, and comments from the chairman of the Ernst Göhner Foundation has made comments suggesting it is not wedded to the idea, so it comes down to price – someone has to pay now to get the benefits expected from the full IT package.

Travis pointed out in the discussions that interestingly, when DSV released earnings it did not announce a buyback, which would have been normal, leading some to speculate the company is saving its cash for another go at it.

(link to Travis’ insight: Largest Panalpina Shareholder to Other Shareholders: Get Stuffed

Ophir Energy (OPHR LN) (Mkt Cap: $204mn; Liquidity: $3mn)

On its fourth attempt Medco Energi Internasional T (MEDC IJ) receives board approval for its £0.55/share (66% premium to the closing price) offer for Ophir. The deal is conditional on receiving 75% shareholder approval, approval from the relevant authorities in Tanzania and Ophir not losing all or substantially all of its Bualuang interests in Thailand. It is expected that the Scheme will become effective in the first half of 2019.

  • There is an opportunistic element to Medco’s tilt after Ophir recently announced the denial of the license extension for the Fortuna project by the Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons. This resulted in a $300mn non-cash impairment. Ophir had previously written down $310mn on the same project back in September.
  • Shareholders such as Petrus (~2.8% stake) won’t support the offer having announced in mid-Jan that Medco’s earlier £0.485/share proposal “massively under-values” Ophir.
  • Reg approvals are not expected to be an issue  – the stake in Tanzania is for a 20% non-controlling interest, a similar % approved in a prior sale to Pavilion in 2015. There is no approval/consent required from the Thai authorities – it is in there really to cover the unlikely situation that for some reason the Thai authorities raise an objection.
  • Ophir’s shares are trading at or close to terms. Given Medco’s numerous proposals in short succession – four in three months – a bump cannot be dismissed. And the recent disclosure of a new shareholder (Sand Grove) may warrant such an outcome. A firm offer is on the table backed by the Ophir’s board. I’d look to get involved a spread or two below terms. 

(link to my insight: Medco’s “Okay” Offer For Ophir After Fortuna Setback)

RPC Group PLC (RPC LN) (Mkt Cap: $4.2bn; Liquidity: $43mn)

On January 23, after months of media speculation, RPC announced a final cash offer by a unit of Apollo Global Management for £7.82/share by way of a scheme. Two institutional shareholders, Aviva, with 1.93% and Royal London Asset Management, with 1.44%, immediately expressed disappointment with the offer valuation.

  • On January 31, Berry Global Group, a former Apollo  portfolio company, announced it was considering a possible cash offer for RPC and has requested due diligence. RPC responded with a release confirming it will engage with Berry in order to advance discussions in the interests of delivering best value to shareholders.
  • The price being paid by Apollo is not very generous, though RPC’s sale process has been widely reported since September, 2018. Apollo’s ‘no increase’ declaration has made it easy for BERY to win this, provided no one else comes to the party. (I reached out to RPC who confirmed Apollo is restricted from countering a higher bid as it is bound by the language in the Offer announcement that the offer of £7.82 per share is final and will not be increased.) So there is limited upside from here unless you think someone else could join BERY as a late gatecrasher.
  • Apollo’s offer provides an effective floor so there is limited downside from here, especially under strict UK rules which make it difficult for an acquirer to walk. John DeMasi recommend buying RPC on the possibility BERY comes out with a generous offer or another buyer shows up due to the undemanding valuation of Apollo’s offer.

(link to John’s insight: RPC Group PLC – It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over)


Baidu Inc (ADR) (BIDU US) (Mkt Cap: $60.6bn; Liquidity: $490mn)

Johannes Salim, CFA tackled Baidu which he estimates is trading at a discount to NAV of 29% or ~2 SD below its 3-yr average NAV discount.

  • It’s a weak-ish stub with 57%-owned video streaming subsidiary iQIYI Inc (IQ US) (which went public in 1Q18) and 19%-owned online travel agency, Ctrip.Com International (Adr) (CTRP US), together accounting  for 14% of NAV.
  • BIDU’s core business (primarily online/mobile search services plus new initiatives such as Baidu Cloud and autonomous driving), accounts for 78% of NAV, with net cash a further 8% of NAV.
  • Fundamentally, BIDU’s core business has grown healthily, with strong cash flows generation. Johannes estimates the market is unjustifiably valuing this business at US$49.3bn, or 8.7x 2019E EV/EBITDA or 11.2x 2019P, suggesting little to no growth prospect.

(link to Johannes’ insight: Baidu: Time to Swoop In, with NAV Discount Widening Substantially)

CJ Corp (001040 KS) (Mkt Cap: $3bn; Liquidity: $7.5mn)

Sanghyun Park recommends long Holdco and short the synthetic sub ((Cj Cheiljedang (097950 KS), CJ ENM (035760 KS), CJ CGV Co Ltd (079160 KS) and Cj Freshway (051500 KS) on a ratio of 50:40:7:3 ) at this point.

  • By my calcs, CJ Corp is trading at a 52% discount to NAV compared to a 52-week average of 41%. CJ C and CJ ENM comprise 63% of NAV.
  • Of note, the stub ops still account for 29% of NAV and primarily comprises the 55.13% stake in CJ Olive Networks and brand royalty, each accounting for ~13% of NAV.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach)

Toyota Industries (6201 JP)(Mkt Cap: $15.8bn; Liquidity: $24mn)

Curtis Lehnert recommends closing the Toyota set-up trade, which hasn’t exactly been a storming one (4% or 1.96% on the gross notional).

  • Toyota announced earning recently which (slightly) beat expectations slightly and the stock rallied in response. This move brought the discount to NAV in line with its 6-month average and has eroded the statistical edge of staying in the trade.
  • The fundamentals for Toyota are still attractive, therefore it could be argued to hold the stub beyond these levels. However, Curtis has opted for the tactical route in the current environment and take profits when a statistical edge disappears.

(link to Curtis’ insight: TRADE IDEA – Toyota Industries (6201 JP): Close the Stub Trade)





My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


China Securities
Hang Seng
CM Securities
China Securities
Sun Securities
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGreencrossScheme11-Feb2nd Court Date/Scheme Effective DtC
AusStanmore CoalOff Mkt5-FebPayment dateC
AusGrainCorpScheme20-FebAnnual General MeetingC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt28-FebClose of offerC
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
AusSigmaSchemeFebruaryBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeFebruaryFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateC
HKHarbin ElectricScheme22-FebDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme28-FebDespatch of Scheme DocumentC
IndiaBharat FinancialScheme28-FebTransaction close dateC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanPioneerOff Mkt1-MarDesignation of Common Stock as Securities To Be Delisted by TSEC
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme14-FebTakeovers Panel and NZX on BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-FebClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeFebruaryRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff MktFebruary-AprilSAMR of China ApprovalC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt28-FebOffer Period ExpiresC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt4-MarNasdaq Offer Close DateC
SwitzerlandPanalpina Off Mkt27-FebBinding offer to be announcedE
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirm

3. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later

This past week saw developments which put the Nissan Motor (7201 JP)Renault SA (RNO FP) relationship on a better path.

There are interesting noises around the likely arrival of Jean-Dominique Senard on the board of Nissan which the French state won’t like (because they won’t be getting the pony they want) but which would ultimately serve Renault’s interests better. 

Renault and Nissan are conducting a joint investigation into the Renault-Nissan Alliance BV entity which Carlos Ghosn also chaired, and Renault has passed a dossier of Ghosn’s personal expenses borne by Renault and the Alliance to French investigators.

A trial balloon was floated in the Nikkei suggesting the French government had said to the Japanese government it was open to Renault selling some Nissan shares and perhaps the state could lower its stake in Renault. This was “categorically denied” by the French with some haste but the idea of forming a holding company was categorically denied as acceptable by the French just under a year ago. Things have changed.

Governance changes are afoot, with a steady flow of developments likely coming in March, April, May, and June.

Below, a discussion of what the board looks like, will look like, and could look like in/after June and a discussion of the structure of possible capital changes.

4. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice

2019 02 08 11 18 46

Source: Japan Analytics

TUMBLING DICE – After ZOZO (3092 JP) (-52%) and Mercari (4385 JP) (-50%), CyberAgent (4751 JP) is the worst-performing large-cap Internet stock in Japan over the last seven months.  The company is the sector’s leading foreigner-held stock with over 48% (60%+ of the float) held by institutional investors such as Baillie Gifford (11.9%), JP Morgan AM (6.9%), Tybourne Capital (5.1%) and Blackrock Japan (5.0%). Having outperformed the sector and the market annually over the last nine years by 38% and 25%, respectively, over the seven months since the stock peaked in terms of our Relative Price Score on 13th July, CyberAgent shares have declined by 56%, underperforming the market by 48% and the sector by 37%.

PASSIVE PERILS – We will discuss the ‘perils ‘ of Passive TV in the DETAIL below. However, CyberAgent is yet another good example of the ‘perils’ of passive investing. On September 5th Nikkei Inc. announced that CyberAgent would replace Furukawa (5715 JP) in the Nikkei 225 index, with the inclusion occurring on October 1st. Since the ¥6050 intraday peak of the week before inclusion in the index, the shares have declined by 49% in 90 trading days.   

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

SUMMARY – CyberAgent’s business has three ‘pillars’, internet advertising, mobile gaming software, and media. The latter now includes the linear free-to-view AbemaTV business, which helped drive the share price to a post-listing high of ¥6930 in July 2018. Since then, business conditions for two of these ‘pillars’ have degraded significantly,  while the fledgeling TV business remains in ‘up-front’ investment mode. To cap what will be a turbulent year for CyberAgent, the company is moving into a new head office building in Shibuya called ‘Abema Towers‘ in March. We shall refrain from making any analogies to the Skyscraper Index

This Insight will review: – 

  • CyberAgent’s growth strategy
  • The company’s track profitability track record from the perspective of Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT), Comprehensive Income and Operating Profit margins 
  • The three main business segments – Internet Advertising, Game Software, and Media
  • Cash Flow and Valuation

We will also attempt to value AbemaTV and will reverse-engineer some target metrics that would justify the market’s current implied ¥41b valuation for this business, a valuation that reached ¥543b only seven months ago. 

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

VISION SHIFT? – In previous years, CyberAgent had a clear vision statement – ‘To create the 21st century’s leading company’. The company’s recent performance has led to a change of tone, and CyberAgent is now rather more modestly just ‘Aiming to be a company with medium to long-term supporters’.  In the vein of the lyrics from the best song on the best Rolling Stones album, Exile on Main Street, the business has recently been at ‘all sixes and sevens and nines’. In the search for new ‘supporters’, we encourage CyberAgent to just ‘keep on rolling’, letting the dice fall where they may. 

Exile on Main Street/Tumbling Dice – Jagger/Richards 1972 

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Brief TMT & Internet: Ecopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Ecopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
  2. Cypress Semiconductor. The Perfect Acquisition Target.
  3. Softbank Buyback More Than It Appears To Be
  4. Korea Circuit Long Support for Press Above Overhead Barriers
  5. Last Week in GER Research: Softbank, Pinduoduo, and Koolearn

1. Ecopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis

Ecopro 1

  • The bookbuilding of the Ecopro BM Co Ltd (247540 KS) IPO starts on February 14th. Ecopro BM Co Ltd (247540 KS) specializes in making cathode active materials for rechargeable batteries that are used in EVs and electrical energy storage systems (ESS). Ecopro BM is the second largest global player after Sumitomo in the NCA high nickel-based cathode materials with market share of nearly 35%.
  • Our base case valuation of the company suggests a market cap of 1.2 trillion won or implied price per share of 56,003 won, which is 31% higher than the high end of the IPO price range of 42,900 won. Therefore, we would take this deal. We used an estimated P/E of 25.3x (10% premium to the comps’ average of 23x) and an estimated net profit of 49.3 billion won in 2019 to derive our base case valuation. The high end of the valuation sensitivity analysis is 67,764 won, which would be 58% higher than the high end of the IPO price range of 42,900 won. 
  • Ecopro BM has stronger sales growth and operating margins than its peers. However, its peers have stronger balance sheet with slightly higher returns on equity. We would give special points to the company’s stronger sales growth which is an indication of greater customer demand. Therefore, we think it is appropriate to provide a 10-20% premium valuation to Ecopro BM versus its peers based on the P/E analysis. 

2. Cypress Semiconductor. The Perfect Acquisition Target.

Screen%20shot%202019 02 06%20at%208.47.57%20am

There’s a lot to like about Cypress Semiconductor. Since taking the helm back in August 2016, CEO Hassane El-Khoury has led the company through a series of strategic realignments as part of his Cypress 3.0 initiative. While some of those moves were initially counterintuitive, they are now proving prescient as the company demonstrates far more resilience in the face of the current downturn compared to any period in its history.

Cypress offers exposure to the high growth automotive and IoT markets, industrial and consumer to a slightly lesser degree. Their product portfolio is the #1 market leader in new fewer than seven key segments, up from #3 just two years ago. On the latest earnings call, the company reported annual revenues of $2.48 billion for 2018, a 7% YoY increase. The company’s financial model targets a growth CAGR of 7-9% through 2021 and is well on track to achieve that goal. 

Like many of its peers, last year’s downturn saw Cypress share price fall more than 30% from its 52-week high at the trough. Currently, after a 6.63% rise on the back of solid earnings and reasonable outlook, its stock currently trades at $14.79, a 21.6% discount to the 52-week high. It also comes with an impressive dividend yield of 3.5% annualized as of December 31’st 2018.

We believe that the company would be an excellent acquisition target for the likes of Qualcomm whose failed bid for NXP last year thwarted its attempt to expand into the market for automotive semiconductors. We expect any such takeover offer would instantly add ~30% to the company’s share price. 

3. Softbank Buyback More Than It Appears To Be

Screenshot%202019 02 10%20at%2010.22.15%20pm

Softbank Group (9984 JP) last week announced its Q3 results. The stock popped 15+% quickly that day and stayed up all day long, closing at +17.7%. The next day was up small. Over the two days volume was 74.1 million shares. 

I expect the shares were up for two reasons.

  1. People figured out Son-san could sell as well as buy. And the sale of NVIDIA Corp (NVDA US) shares was done very well. 
  2. Softbank announced a buyback of ¥600 billion – its largest buyback ever. 

The first was surprisingly well-executed. The ownership and transfers of assets from Softbank to the Softbank Vision Fund are sometimes tough to follow, and this should give non-Softbank SVF investors some pause, but Softbank’s ability to get leverage on assets is good, and the collar transaction was – in the eyes of this former derivatives strategist – very well done.

The US$15bn+ gain in market cap over the next two days was probably 10 times the net income impact of the savings on the NVIDIA trade, which means investors are paying 10x earnings for the same thing to incrementally happen every year vs what they thought was going to happen before Thursday. Financial trading businesses have generally traded over time in the high single digit PERs because of the variability of results, so the jump was a little more than it should have been for that, especially if you think some years the “right” jump because of better-than-market execution will have less impact than $2.9bn.

So the rest was either due to other business going well, or the share buyback. At ¥600 billion and at Friday’s closing price, it is about 7 days worth of volume using the 3-month volume average prior to the earnings release and 8.6 days of volume using a one-year average. That means they could buy 10% of ADV every day for 70-86 trading days and complete the buyback, or it means they could buy 3.4% of the volume every trading day. 

That doesn’t seem like a lot. But it is.

4. Korea Circuit Long Support for Press Above Overhead Barriers


Korea Circuit (007810 KS) exhibits the ability to make headway through triple resistance barriers on the back of higher degree divergence that has been forming since late 2017.

Overhead resistance barriers, represented by old floor support levels, once cleared, would open up the intermediate up cycle for Korea Circuit. A failure to clear these important levels would induce a fresh test of recent basing lows.

RSI pocket support helps fine tune a pullback level to take a long bet.

Risk to reward is attractive on a dip near support for a 6:1 ratio (reward to risk).

There are some major hurdles on the way up represented by old floor supports.

5. Last Week in GER Research: Softbank, Pinduoduo, and Koolearn

In this version of the GER weekly research wrap, we remind of our work on Softbank Group (9984 JP) before its 20% share rally which may have been prognosticated by its sweeping debt tender. Secondly, Arun updates on his excellent and contrarian call on Pinduoduo (PDD US) after its follow on placement announcement – of which he takes a more moderated view with the shares up 60% since IPO launch. Finally, we update on the IPO of Koolearn (1373356D HK) which provided an update to its prospectus.  A calendar of upcoming catalysts is also attached. 

More details can be found below. 

Best of luck for the new week – Rickin, Venkat and Arun

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Brief TMT & Internet: Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp
  2. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later
  3. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice
  4. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech

1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) (Mkt Cap: $176mn; Liquidity: $1.2mn)

When Bain announced its MBO for Kosaido at ¥610/share, Travis Lundy concluded (in his insight Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?) that it was a lowball bid and a virtual asset strip in progress. The kind of thing which gives activist hedge funds a bad name, but when cloaked in the finery of “Private Equity”, it looks like the renewal of a business. The share price jumped from the 400s to just under the Tender Offer Price, traded there for several days, then a week after it started trading at or near arb terms, the share price suddenly jumped through terms and headed higher.

  • Travis’ inclination at Thursday’s price (¥775/share) is that at a 30% discount to book, there could be enough here to entice someone to split the company up at a slightly better level, but he doubts that it is worth 1x book. Given the headaches involved in making this company worth more than book, it would be worth less than book now. If the Info business can be rescued, then it is cheap. If it cannot, it is not.
  • Because “management-friendly” shareholders currently hold at least 40% and probably more like 50+%, Travis thinks Murakami-san will find it really tough to mount, or get someone else to mount, a truly hostile action. 
  • Perhaps Murakami-san’s goal here is to block the deal then get management to use debt to buy out other people and expand the funeral parlour business, then get a strategic to buy the whole thing out. It could be, but Travis doesn’t think chasing the market at 25-30% above where Murakami-san got in is a good risk.

Since Travis wrote, Murakami-san’s vehicles have added another 1.24% to reach 9.55% of shares out. The last set of shares was purchased at an average of ¥652/share.

(link to Travis’ insight: Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms)

Descente Ltd (8114 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1.8bn; Liquidity: $4.3mn)

This past Thursday 7 February, Descente announced a weak Position Statement (Against) (in Japanese) the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer with a 28-page supporting powerpoint deck (also in Japanese). Descente appears to have no ability to defend itself, and its claim that a large shareholder like Itochu could damage corporate value by weakening governance is effectively a statement that others (like perhaps Wacoal) would too, so only a full takeover makes sense under that defense.

  • Descente management’s explanation for why Itochu owning 40% would be bad is almost a paean to good governance. If the influence of suppliers and customers in the shareholder register is bad, it is bad – whether friendly to management or not. Conflict of interest can happen via entrenchment.
  • The lack of a white knight proposed and effective “I got nothing, but please don’t tender” response is bearish for the shares. if management is right and Itochu’s presence at 40% will lower corporate value, the back end might be worth less than ¥1,871/share where it was trading pre-tender. That would mean the fair value of shares now would still be below here.
  • If Itochu gets its 40% and ANTA votes with Itochu, it is highly possible that the two could effect dramatic change at the management and board level. That would be very hostile and corporate Japan would have something to say about that. Travis says “I am not sure Itochu would go that hostile immediately.”
  • Michael Causton just wrote about Descente’s rejection of the Itochu tender saying “The Gloves Are Off”. He notes there is a perception of a cultural difference between Descente’s brand cultivation and Itochu Textile’s hands-off approach to brand management, but notes that the differences between Descente and Itochu need to be resolved quickly in order to optimally ramp up brand awareness and sales points ahead of the Rugby World Cup in Japan this year, the Olympics, next year, and the World Masters Games the year after. 

links to:
Travis’ insight: Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
Michael’s insight: Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off

ND Software (3794 JP) (Mkt Cap: $212mn; Liquidity: $0.04mn)

ND Software (NDS) announced a MBO sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be ~7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA. The deal comes with a 66.7% minimum threshold for completion, after which there will be a two-step squeeze-out, as is the norm in deals like this. Looks straightforward, but …

  • Sometime activist Symphony Financial Partners (SFP) holds around 20% in NDS. If on board, this this deal is almost done because 31.26% is already pledged to tender, Symphony’s stake would make it 51.5%. Other presumably management-friendly shareholders own another 10%, and employees own about 7%. If Symphony is on board, that easily clears the 67% hurdle. If SFP are not on board, they own about 60% of what is necessary to block this deal.  And they could buy on market to raise their stake further. 
  • Travis would not want to sell out his shares tomorrow at ¥1699/share. Or even ¥1701. He thinks there is a chance that the loose float is scooped up by shareholders or players who might want to increase their stake and see if this deal can be bumped. 

(link to Travis’ insight: ND Software (3794 JP) TOB for an MBO – Fireworks a Possibility)

M&A – Europe/UK

Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) (Mkt Cap: $4.1bn; Liquidity: $20mn)

Palpina confirmed that the Ernst Göhner Foundation, Panalpina’s largest shareholder (46% of shares out) does not support the current non-binding proposal from DSV and that it supports Panalpina’s Board of Directors in pursuing an independent growth strategy that includes M&A. Panalpina’a stock tanked, but is trading only 3% below DSV’s indicative offer, and 20.5% above where the stock was trading in mid-January before DSV’s indicative non-binding proposal. 

  • If management had said that they have a plan which is to grow themselves out of their current doldrums, and their largest shareholder supports that plan to stick with management and go slow, nothing will get done until the new chairman is installed in May at the AGM, and even then, given the Foundation’s position that they support management’s “independent growth strategy”, there is not much minority shareholders can do.
  • This is an ongoing issue of governance. If the directors are effectively chosen by the Ernst Göhner Foundation, which supports the company’s independence, so they do too, minority shareholders serve no purpose other than to provide capital for the foundation to keep Panalpina listed.
  • This doesn’t mean that there will be no deal, but it does mean there will be a lull unless someone else comes up with a more aggressive offer. Travis expects this is eventually worth another go but he would want to reload lower and/or later, or when Panalpina is in a better position after the full IT package is deployed.

Since Travis wrote, DSV has released earnings and said it is still significantly engaged in the bid, and comments from the chairman of the Ernst Göhner Foundation has made comments suggesting it is not wedded to the idea, so it comes down to price – someone has to pay now to get the benefits expected from the full IT package.

Travis pointed out in the discussions that interestingly, when DSV released earnings it did not announce a buyback, which would have been normal, leading some to speculate the company is saving its cash for another go at it.

(link to Travis’ insight: Largest Panalpina Shareholder to Other Shareholders: Get Stuffed

Ophir Energy (OPHR LN) (Mkt Cap: $204mn; Liquidity: $3mn)

On its fourth attempt Medco Energi Internasional T (MEDC IJ) receives board approval for its £0.55/share (66% premium to the closing price) offer for Ophir. The deal is conditional on receiving 75% shareholder approval, approval from the relevant authorities in Tanzania and Ophir not losing all or substantially all of its Bualuang interests in Thailand. It is expected that the Scheme will become effective in the first half of 2019.

  • There is an opportunistic element to Medco’s tilt after Ophir recently announced the denial of the license extension for the Fortuna project by the Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons. This resulted in a $300mn non-cash impairment. Ophir had previously written down $310mn on the same project back in September.
  • Shareholders such as Petrus (~2.8% stake) won’t support the offer having announced in mid-Jan that Medco’s earlier £0.485/share proposal “massively under-values” Ophir.
  • Reg approvals are not expected to be an issue  – the stake in Tanzania is for a 20% non-controlling interest, a similar % approved in a prior sale to Pavilion in 2015. There is no approval/consent required from the Thai authorities – it is in there really to cover the unlikely situation that for some reason the Thai authorities raise an objection.
  • Ophir’s shares are trading at or close to terms. Given Medco’s numerous proposals in short succession – four in three months – a bump cannot be dismissed. And the recent disclosure of a new shareholder (Sand Grove) may warrant such an outcome. A firm offer is on the table backed by the Ophir’s board. I’d look to get involved a spread or two below terms. 

(link to my insight: Medco’s “Okay” Offer For Ophir After Fortuna Setback)

RPC Group PLC (RPC LN) (Mkt Cap: $4.2bn; Liquidity: $43mn)

On January 23, after months of media speculation, RPC announced a final cash offer by a unit of Apollo Global Management for £7.82/share by way of a scheme. Two institutional shareholders, Aviva, with 1.93% and Royal London Asset Management, with 1.44%, immediately expressed disappointment with the offer valuation.

  • On January 31, Berry Global Group, a former Apollo  portfolio company, announced it was considering a possible cash offer for RPC and has requested due diligence. RPC responded with a release confirming it will engage with Berry in order to advance discussions in the interests of delivering best value to shareholders.
  • The price being paid by Apollo is not very generous, though RPC’s sale process has been widely reported since September, 2018. Apollo’s ‘no increase’ declaration has made it easy for BERY to win this, provided no one else comes to the party. (I reached out to RPC who confirmed Apollo is restricted from countering a higher bid as it is bound by the language in the Offer announcement that the offer of £7.82 per share is final and will not be increased.) So there is limited upside from here unless you think someone else could join BERY as a late gatecrasher.
  • Apollo’s offer provides an effective floor so there is limited downside from here, especially under strict UK rules which make it difficult for an acquirer to walk. John DeMasi recommend buying RPC on the possibility BERY comes out with a generous offer or another buyer shows up due to the undemanding valuation of Apollo’s offer.

(link to John’s insight: RPC Group PLC – It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over)


Baidu Inc (ADR) (BIDU US) (Mkt Cap: $60.6bn; Liquidity: $490mn)

Johannes Salim, CFA tackled Baidu which he estimates is trading at a discount to NAV of 29% or ~2 SD below its 3-yr average NAV discount.

  • It’s a weak-ish stub with 57%-owned video streaming subsidiary iQIYI Inc (IQ US) (which went public in 1Q18) and 19%-owned online travel agency, Ctrip.Com International (Adr) (CTRP US), together accounting  for 14% of NAV.
  • BIDU’s core business (primarily online/mobile search services plus new initiatives such as Baidu Cloud and autonomous driving), accounts for 78% of NAV, with net cash a further 8% of NAV.
  • Fundamentally, BIDU’s core business has grown healthily, with strong cash flows generation. Johannes estimates the market is unjustifiably valuing this business at US$49.3bn, or 8.7x 2019E EV/EBITDA or 11.2x 2019P, suggesting little to no growth prospect.

(link to Johannes’ insight: Baidu: Time to Swoop In, with NAV Discount Widening Substantially)

CJ Corp (001040 KS) (Mkt Cap: $3bn; Liquidity: $7.5mn)

Sanghyun Park recommends long Holdco and short the synthetic sub ((Cj Cheiljedang (097950 KS), CJ ENM (035760 KS), CJ CGV Co Ltd (079160 KS) and Cj Freshway (051500 KS) on a ratio of 50:40:7:3 ) at this point.

  • By my calcs, CJ Corp is trading at a 52% discount to NAV compared to a 52-week average of 41%. CJ C and CJ ENM comprise 63% of NAV.
  • Of note, the stub ops still account for 29% of NAV and primarily comprises the 55.13% stake in CJ Olive Networks and brand royalty, each accounting for ~13% of NAV.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach)

Toyota Industries (6201 JP)(Mkt Cap: $15.8bn; Liquidity: $24mn)

Curtis Lehnert recommends closing the Toyota set-up trade, which hasn’t exactly been a storming one (4% or 1.96% on the gross notional).

  • Toyota announced earning recently which (slightly) beat expectations slightly and the stock rallied in response. This move brought the discount to NAV in line with its 6-month average and has eroded the statistical edge of staying in the trade.
  • The fundamentals for Toyota are still attractive, therefore it could be argued to hold the stub beyond these levels. However, Curtis has opted for the tactical route in the current environment and take profits when a statistical edge disappears.

(link to Curtis’ insight: TRADE IDEA – Toyota Industries (6201 JP): Close the Stub Trade)





My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


China Securities
Hang Seng
CM Securities
China Securities
Sun Securities
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGreencrossScheme11-Feb2nd Court Date/Scheme Effective DtC
AusStanmore CoalOff Mkt5-FebPayment dateC
AusGrainCorpScheme20-FebAnnual General MeetingC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt28-FebClose of offerC
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
AusSigmaSchemeFebruaryBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeFebruaryFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateC
HKHarbin ElectricScheme22-FebDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme28-FebDespatch of Scheme DocumentC
IndiaBharat FinancialScheme28-FebTransaction close dateC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanPioneerOff Mkt1-MarDesignation of Common Stock as Securities To Be Delisted by TSEC
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme14-FebTakeovers Panel and NZX on BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-FebClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeFebruaryRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff MktFebruary-AprilSAMR of China ApprovalC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt28-FebOffer Period ExpiresC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt4-MarNasdaq Offer Close DateC
SwitzerlandPanalpina Off Mkt27-FebBinding offer to be announcedE
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirm

2. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later

This past week saw developments which put the Nissan Motor (7201 JP)Renault SA (RNO FP) relationship on a better path.

There are interesting noises around the likely arrival of Jean-Dominique Senard on the board of Nissan which the French state won’t like (because they won’t be getting the pony they want) but which would ultimately serve Renault’s interests better. 

Renault and Nissan are conducting a joint investigation into the Renault-Nissan Alliance BV entity which Carlos Ghosn also chaired, and Renault has passed a dossier of Ghosn’s personal expenses borne by Renault and the Alliance to French investigators.

A trial balloon was floated in the Nikkei suggesting the French government had said to the Japanese government it was open to Renault selling some Nissan shares and perhaps the state could lower its stake in Renault. This was “categorically denied” by the French with some haste but the idea of forming a holding company was categorically denied as acceptable by the French just under a year ago. Things have changed.

Governance changes are afoot, with a steady flow of developments likely coming in March, April, May, and June.

Below, a discussion of what the board looks like, will look like, and could look like in/after June and a discussion of the structure of possible capital changes.

3. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice

2019 02 07 12 09 25%20%281%29

Source: Japan Analytics

TUMBLING DICE – After ZOZO (3092 JP) (-52%) and Mercari (4385 JP) (-50%), CyberAgent (4751 JP) is the worst-performing large-cap Internet stock in Japan over the last seven months.  The company is the sector’s leading foreigner-held stock with over 48% (60%+ of the float) held by institutional investors such as Baillie Gifford (11.9%), JP Morgan AM (6.9%), Tybourne Capital (5.1%) and Blackrock Japan (5.0%). Having outperformed the sector and the market annually over the last nine years by 38% and 25%, respectively, over the seven months since the stock peaked in terms of our Relative Price Score on 13th July, CyberAgent shares have declined by 56%, underperforming the market by 48% and the sector by 37%.

PASSIVE PERILS – We will discuss the ‘perils ‘ of Passive TV in the DETAIL below. However, CyberAgent is yet another good example of the ‘perils’ of passive investing. On September 5th Nikkei Inc. announced that CyberAgent would replace Furukawa (5715 JP) in the Nikkei 225 index, with the inclusion occurring on October 1st. Since the ¥6050 intraday peak of the week before inclusion in the index, the shares have declined by 49% in 90 trading days.   

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

SUMMARY – CyberAgent’s business has three ‘pillars’, internet advertising, mobile gaming software, and media. The latter now includes the linear free-to-view AbemaTV business, which helped drive the share price to a post-listing high of ¥6930 in July 2018. Since then, business conditions for two of these ‘pillars’ have degraded significantly,  while the fledgeling TV business remains in ‘up-front’ investment mode. To cap what will be a turbulent year for CyberAgent, the company is moving into a new head office building in Shibuya called ‘Abema Towers‘ in March. We shall refrain from making any analogies to the Skyscraper Index

This Insight will review: – 

  • CyberAgent’s growth strategy
  • The company’s track profitability track record from the perspective of Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT), Comprehensive Income and Operating Profit margins 
  • The three main business segments – Internet Advertising, Game Software, and Media
  • Cash Flow and Valuation

We will also attempt to value AbemaTV and will reverse-engineer some target metrics that would justify the market’s current implied ¥41b valuation for this business, a valuation that reached ¥543b only seven months ago. 

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

VISION SHIFT? – In previous years, CyberAgent had a clear vision statement – ‘To create the 21st century’s leading company’. The company’s recent performance has led to a change of tone, and CyberAgent is now rather more modestly just ‘Aiming to be a company with medium to long-term supporters’.  In the vein of the lyrics from the best song on the best Rolling Stones album, Exile on Main Street, the business has recently been at ‘all sixes and sevens and nines’. In the search for new ‘supporters’, we encourage CyberAgent to just ‘keep on rolling’, letting the dice fall where they may. 

Exile on Main Street/Tumbling Dice – Jagger/Richards 1972 

4. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech


Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

There are no new IPO filings in Hong Kong but there is news on the timeline of a few upcoming IPOs.

In Korea, Homeplus will be starting its investor education next Monday to raise about US$1.5bn. Brief details of the deal are already available. The company will be selling 345m primary shares at an indicative range of KRW4,530 – 5,000 per share. We heard that the roadshow kick off on 28th February and will likely list on 29th March.

In India, PNB is targeting to list PNB MetLife between April to September. The estimated IPO size was about US$150 – 300m and its draft prospectus was filed last year. 

In the Philippines, Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) (CCTP PH) is targeting to launch its US$123m IPO towards the end of the third quarter this year based on media reports. We have previously covered the IPO in Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) Pre-IPO Review – Muted Growth in Core Products.

As for placements, Pinduoduo (PDD US) chose to launch its follow-on offering in the midst of Chinese New Year, raising about US$1bn in fresh capital along with sell-down from existing investors. The placement was priced at US$25 per share, a 17.5% discount from its pre-announcement price of US$30.33 on 5th February and a 5.7% discount to its 7th February close price. Settlement date is on 12th February, greenshoe expires on 10th March and lock-up expires 9th May according to Bloomberg.

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.8% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

No new IPO filings

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

List of pre-IPO Coverage on Smartkarma

Hong Kong
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)
China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 1): Lower Sales but Higher Operating Profit Versus Canaan Inc.
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 2): Tough Competition from Bitmain and Canaan
EbangEbang IPO Preview: Balance Sheet Indicators Point to a Significant Slowdown

Dexin China (德信中国) Pre-IPO – Related Party Transactions and Partial Asset Listing 


Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

Stealth BioStealth Biotherapeutics IPO: Cure the Symptoms but Not the Cause (Part 1)
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
WeLabWeLab Pre-IPO – Stuck in a Regulatory Quagmire; Not the Right Time to List
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
DreamtechDreamtech IPO Preview (Part 1)
DreamtechDreamtech: Trying for an IPO Again at a Lower Price
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

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Brief TMT & Internet: Cypress Semiconductor. The Perfect Acquisition Target. and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Cypress Semiconductor. The Perfect Acquisition Target.
  2. Softbank Buyback More Than It Appears To Be
  3. Korea Circuit Long Support for Press Above Overhead Barriers
  4. Last Week in GER Research: Softbank, Pinduoduo, and Koolearn
  5. LG Uplus – CJ Hello Acquisition: Current Status & Trade Approach

1. Cypress Semiconductor. The Perfect Acquisition Target.

Screen%20shot%202019 02 05%20at%201.22.34%20pm

There’s a lot to like about Cypress Semiconductor. Since taking the helm back in August 2016, CEO Hassane El-Khoury has led the company through a series of strategic realignments as part of his Cypress 3.0 initiative. While some of those moves were initially counterintuitive, they are now proving prescient as the company demonstrates far more resilience in the face of the current downturn compared to any period in its history.

Cypress offers exposure to the high growth automotive and IoT markets, industrial and consumer to a slightly lesser degree. Their product portfolio is the #1 market leader in new fewer than seven key segments, up from #3 just two years ago. On the latest earnings call, the company reported annual revenues of $2.48 billion for 2018, a 7% YoY increase. The company’s financial model targets a growth CAGR of 7-9% through 2021 and is well on track to achieve that goal. 

Like many of its peers, last year’s downturn saw Cypress share price fall more than 30% from its 52-week high at the trough. Currently, after a 6.63% rise on the back of solid earnings and reasonable outlook, its stock currently trades at $14.79, a 21.6% discount to the 52-week high. It also comes with an impressive dividend yield of 3.5% annualized as of December 31’st 2018.

We believe that the company would be an excellent acquisition target for the likes of Qualcomm whose failed bid for NXP last year thwarted its attempt to expand into the market for automotive semiconductors. We expect any such takeover offer would instantly add ~30% to the company’s share price. 

2. Softbank Buyback More Than It Appears To Be

Screenshot%202019 02 10%20at%2011.12.29%20pm

Softbank Group (9984 JP) last week announced its Q3 results. The stock popped 15+% quickly that day and stayed up all day long, closing at +17.7%. The next day was up small. Over the two days volume was 74.1 million shares. 

I expect the shares were up for two reasons.

  1. People figured out Son-san could sell as well as buy. And the sale of NVIDIA Corp (NVDA US) shares was done very well. 
  2. Softbank announced a buyback of ¥600 billion – its largest buyback ever. 

The first was surprisingly well-executed. The ownership and transfers of assets from Softbank to the Softbank Vision Fund are sometimes tough to follow, and this should give non-Softbank SVF investors some pause, but Softbank’s ability to get leverage on assets is good, and the collar transaction was – in the eyes of this former derivatives strategist – very well done.

The US$15bn+ gain in market cap over the next two days was probably 10 times the net income impact of the savings on the NVIDIA trade, which means investors are paying 10x earnings for the same thing to incrementally happen every year vs what they thought was going to happen before Thursday. Financial trading businesses have generally traded over time in the high single digit PERs because of the variability of results, so the jump was a little more than it should have been for that, especially if you think some years the “right” jump because of better-than-market execution will have less impact than $2.9bn.

So the rest was either due to other business going well, or the share buyback. At ¥600 billion and at Friday’s closing price, it is about 7 days worth of volume using the 3-month volume average prior to the earnings release and 8.6 days of volume using a one-year average. That means they could buy 10% of ADV every day for 70-86 trading days and complete the buyback, or it means they could buy 3.4% of the volume every trading day. 

That doesn’t seem like a lot. But it is.

3. Korea Circuit Long Support for Press Above Overhead Barriers


Korea Circuit (007810 KS) exhibits the ability to make headway through triple resistance barriers on the back of higher degree divergence that has been forming since late 2017.

Overhead resistance barriers, represented by old floor support levels, once cleared, would open up the intermediate up cycle for Korea Circuit. A failure to clear these important levels would induce a fresh test of recent basing lows.

RSI pocket support helps fine tune a pullback level to take a long bet.

Risk to reward is attractive on a dip near support for a 6:1 ratio (reward to risk).

There are some major hurdles on the way up represented by old floor supports.

4. Last Week in GER Research: Softbank, Pinduoduo, and Koolearn

In this version of the GER weekly research wrap, we remind of our work on Softbank Group (9984 JP) before its 20% share rally which may have been prognosticated by its sweeping debt tender. Secondly, Arun updates on his excellent and contrarian call on Pinduoduo (PDD US) after its follow on placement announcement – of which he takes a more moderated view with the shares up 60% since IPO launch. Finally, we update on the IPO of Koolearn (1373356D HK) which provided an update to its prospectus.  A calendar of upcoming catalysts is also attached. 

More details can be found below. 

Best of luck for the new week – Rickin, Venkat and Arun

5. LG Uplus – CJ Hello Acquisition: Current Status & Trade Approach


  • LG Uplus is expected to have a BOD this Thursday (Feb 14) to finalize CJ Hello takeover. LG Uplus will pay approximately ₩1tril for a 53.92% controlling stake. This is twice last Friday’s closing price. Unlike the previous deal by SK Telecom, this deal is way much simpler. This is a straight stock acquisition deal. CJ Hello will be a listed subsidiary of LG Uplus. LG Group has no immediate merger plan.
  • CJ Hello made a 15.12% gain last Friday. LG Uplus was up only 6.12%. CJ Hello was clearly overshot mainly by local retail. Local institutions did a sell-off in CJ Hello last Friday. Given the complexities of Korea’s local telecom regulations, merger is surely inevitable. However, given the current MC ratio of less than 7.5, it’d be too costly for LG Uplus to go for it at this point.

  • LG Uplus needs a small-scale merger. LG Uplus will be exempted from stock purchase duty for its shareholders. For this, LG Uplus needs to keep MC ratio above 10. We should expect to see a consistent pressure on reducing the MC ratio. Relative price wise, this shouldn’t be positive on CJ Hello. I’d go short CJ Hello and long LG Uplus on last Friday’s CJ Hello overheating.

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Brief TMT & Internet: Murata Up 12.8% Following 3QFY03/19 Earnings Release and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Murata Up 12.8% Following 3QFY03/19 Earnings Release

1. Murata Up 12.8% Following 3QFY03/19 Earnings Release


  • Murata reported 3.4% YoY revenue growth to JPY427.6bn and 89.9% YoY OP growth to JPY85.6bn in its third quarter earnings.
  • Despite the strong third quarter performance, we, along with consensus, expect the company to underperform its revenue guidance. This is mainly due to the slowdown in the smartphone market, which is expected to persist in the current quarter as well.
  • Based on our estimates, Murata is currently trading at a FY1 PE multiple of 17.5x, lower than its historical median of 20.5x.

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief TMT & Internet: Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp
  2. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later
  3. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice
  4. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech
  5. The Downward Revision in FY03/19 Guidance Places Panasonic in Our Worst-Case Scenario

1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Kosaido, Descente, Panalpina, Ophir, RPC, Baidu, CJ Corp


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) (Mkt Cap: $176mn; Liquidity: $1.2mn)

When Bain announced its MBO for Kosaido at ¥610/share, Travis Lundy concluded (in his insight Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?) that it was a lowball bid and a virtual asset strip in progress. The kind of thing which gives activist hedge funds a bad name, but when cloaked in the finery of “Private Equity”, it looks like the renewal of a business. The share price jumped from the 400s to just under the Tender Offer Price, traded there for several days, then a week after it started trading at or near arb terms, the share price suddenly jumped through terms and headed higher.

  • Travis’ inclination at Thursday’s price (¥775/share) is that at a 30% discount to book, there could be enough here to entice someone to split the company up at a slightly better level, but he doubts that it is worth 1x book. Given the headaches involved in making this company worth more than book, it would be worth less than book now. If the Info business can be rescued, then it is cheap. If it cannot, it is not.
  • Because “management-friendly” shareholders currently hold at least 40% and probably more like 50+%, Travis thinks Murakami-san will find it really tough to mount, or get someone else to mount, a truly hostile action. 
  • Perhaps Murakami-san’s goal here is to block the deal then get management to use debt to buy out other people and expand the funeral parlour business, then get a strategic to buy the whole thing out. It could be, but Travis doesn’t think chasing the market at 25-30% above where Murakami-san got in is a good risk.

Since Travis wrote, Murakami-san’s vehicles have added another 1.24% to reach 9.55% of shares out. The last set of shares was purchased at an average of ¥652/share.

(link to Travis’ insight: Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms)

Descente Ltd (8114 JP) (Mkt Cap: $1.8bn; Liquidity: $4.3mn)

This past Thursday 7 February, Descente announced a weak Position Statement (Against) (in Japanese) the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer with a 28-page supporting powerpoint deck (also in Japanese). Descente appears to have no ability to defend itself, and its claim that a large shareholder like Itochu could damage corporate value by weakening governance is effectively a statement that others (like perhaps Wacoal) would too, so only a full takeover makes sense under that defense.

  • Descente management’s explanation for why Itochu owning 40% would be bad is almost a paean to good governance. If the influence of suppliers and customers in the shareholder register is bad, it is bad – whether friendly to management or not. Conflict of interest can happen via entrenchment.
  • The lack of a white knight proposed and effective “I got nothing, but please don’t tender” response is bearish for the shares. if management is right and Itochu’s presence at 40% will lower corporate value, the back end might be worth less than ¥1,871/share where it was trading pre-tender. That would mean the fair value of shares now would still be below here.
  • If Itochu gets its 40% and ANTA votes with Itochu, it is highly possible that the two could effect dramatic change at the management and board level. That would be very hostile and corporate Japan would have something to say about that. Travis says “I am not sure Itochu would go that hostile immediately.”
  • Michael Causton just wrote about Descente’s rejection of the Itochu tender saying “The Gloves Are Off”. He notes there is a perception of a cultural difference between Descente’s brand cultivation and Itochu Textile’s hands-off approach to brand management, but notes that the differences between Descente and Itochu need to be resolved quickly in order to optimally ramp up brand awareness and sales points ahead of the Rugby World Cup in Japan this year, the Olympics, next year, and the World Masters Games the year after. 

links to:
Travis’ insight: Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
Michael’s insight: Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off

ND Software (3794 JP) (Mkt Cap: $212mn; Liquidity: $0.04mn)

ND Software (NDS) announced a MBO sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be ~7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA. The deal comes with a 66.7% minimum threshold for completion, after which there will be a two-step squeeze-out, as is the norm in deals like this. Looks straightforward, but …

  • Sometime activist Symphony Financial Partners (SFP) holds around 20% in NDS. If on board, this this deal is almost done because 31.26% is already pledged to tender, Symphony’s stake would make it 51.5%. Other presumably management-friendly shareholders own another 10%, and employees own about 7%. If Symphony is on board, that easily clears the 67% hurdle. If SFP are not on board, they own about 60% of what is necessary to block this deal.  And they could buy on market to raise their stake further. 
  • Travis would not want to sell out his shares tomorrow at ¥1699/share. Or even ¥1701. He thinks there is a chance that the loose float is scooped up by shareholders or players who might want to increase their stake and see if this deal can be bumped. 

(link to Travis’ insight: ND Software (3794 JP) TOB for an MBO – Fireworks a Possibility)

M&A – Europe/UK

Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) (Mkt Cap: $4.1bn; Liquidity: $20mn)

Palpina confirmed that the Ernst Göhner Foundation, Panalpina’s largest shareholder (46% of shares out) does not support the current non-binding proposal from DSV and that it supports Panalpina’s Board of Directors in pursuing an independent growth strategy that includes M&A. Panalpina’a stock tanked, but is trading only 3% below DSV’s indicative offer, and 20.5% above where the stock was trading in mid-January before DSV’s indicative non-binding proposal. 

  • If management had said that they have a plan which is to grow themselves out of their current doldrums, and their largest shareholder supports that plan to stick with management and go slow, nothing will get done until the new chairman is installed in May at the AGM, and even then, given the Foundation’s position that they support management’s “independent growth strategy”, there is not much minority shareholders can do.
  • This is an ongoing issue of governance. If the directors are effectively chosen by the Ernst Göhner Foundation, which supports the company’s independence, so they do too, minority shareholders serve no purpose other than to provide capital for the foundation to keep Panalpina listed.
  • This doesn’t mean that there will be no deal, but it does mean there will be a lull unless someone else comes up with a more aggressive offer. Travis expects this is eventually worth another go but he would want to reload lower and/or later, or when Panalpina is in a better position after the full IT package is deployed.

Since Travis wrote, DSV has released earnings and said it is still significantly engaged in the bid, and comments from the chairman of the Ernst Göhner Foundation has made comments suggesting it is not wedded to the idea, so it comes down to price – someone has to pay now to get the benefits expected from the full IT package.

Travis pointed out in the discussions that interestingly, when DSV released earnings it did not announce a buyback, which would have been normal, leading some to speculate the company is saving its cash for another go at it.

(link to Travis’ insight: Largest Panalpina Shareholder to Other Shareholders: Get Stuffed

Ophir Energy (OPHR LN) (Mkt Cap: $204mn; Liquidity: $3mn)

On its fourth attempt Medco Energi Internasional T (MEDC IJ) receives board approval for its £0.55/share (66% premium to the closing price) offer for Ophir. The deal is conditional on receiving 75% shareholder approval, approval from the relevant authorities in Tanzania and Ophir not losing all or substantially all of its Bualuang interests in Thailand. It is expected that the Scheme will become effective in the first half of 2019.

  • There is an opportunistic element to Medco’s tilt after Ophir recently announced the denial of the license extension for the Fortuna project by the Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons. This resulted in a $300mn non-cash impairment. Ophir had previously written down $310mn on the same project back in September.
  • Shareholders such as Petrus (~2.8% stake) won’t support the offer having announced in mid-Jan that Medco’s earlier £0.485/share proposal “massively under-values” Ophir.
  • Reg approvals are not expected to be an issue  – the stake in Tanzania is for a 20% non-controlling interest, a similar % approved in a prior sale to Pavilion in 2015. There is no approval/consent required from the Thai authorities – it is in there really to cover the unlikely situation that for some reason the Thai authorities raise an objection.
  • Ophir’s shares are trading at or close to terms. Given Medco’s numerous proposals in short succession – four in three months – a bump cannot be dismissed. And the recent disclosure of a new shareholder (Sand Grove) may warrant such an outcome. A firm offer is on the table backed by the Ophir’s board. I’d look to get involved a spread or two below terms. 

(link to my insight: Medco’s “Okay” Offer For Ophir After Fortuna Setback)

RPC Group PLC (RPC LN) (Mkt Cap: $4.2bn; Liquidity: $43mn)

On January 23, after months of media speculation, RPC announced a final cash offer by a unit of Apollo Global Management for £7.82/share by way of a scheme. Two institutional shareholders, Aviva, with 1.93% and Royal London Asset Management, with 1.44%, immediately expressed disappointment with the offer valuation.

  • On January 31, Berry Global Group, a former Apollo  portfolio company, announced it was considering a possible cash offer for RPC and has requested due diligence. RPC responded with a release confirming it will engage with Berry in order to advance discussions in the interests of delivering best value to shareholders.
  • The price being paid by Apollo is not very generous, though RPC’s sale process has been widely reported since September, 2018. Apollo’s ‘no increase’ declaration has made it easy for BERY to win this, provided no one else comes to the party. (I reached out to RPC who confirmed Apollo is restricted from countering a higher bid as it is bound by the language in the Offer announcement that the offer of £7.82 per share is final and will not be increased.) So there is limited upside from here unless you think someone else could join BERY as a late gatecrasher.
  • Apollo’s offer provides an effective floor so there is limited downside from here, especially under strict UK rules which make it difficult for an acquirer to walk. John DeMasi recommend buying RPC on the possibility BERY comes out with a generous offer or another buyer shows up due to the undemanding valuation of Apollo’s offer.

(link to John’s insight: RPC Group PLC – It Ain’t Over ’til It’s Over)


Baidu Inc (ADR) (BIDU US) (Mkt Cap: $60.6bn; Liquidity: $490mn)

Johannes Salim, CFA tackled Baidu which he estimates is trading at a discount to NAV of 29% or ~2 SD below its 3-yr average NAV discount.

  • It’s a weak-ish stub with 57%-owned video streaming subsidiary iQIYI Inc (IQ US) (which went public in 1Q18) and 19%-owned online travel agency, Ctrip.Com International (Adr) (CTRP US), together accounting  for 14% of NAV.
  • BIDU’s core business (primarily online/mobile search services plus new initiatives such as Baidu Cloud and autonomous driving), accounts for 78% of NAV, with net cash a further 8% of NAV.
  • Fundamentally, BIDU’s core business has grown healthily, with strong cash flows generation. Johannes estimates the market is unjustifiably valuing this business at US$49.3bn, or 8.7x 2019E EV/EBITDA or 11.2x 2019P, suggesting little to no growth prospect.

(link to Johannes’ insight: Baidu: Time to Swoop In, with NAV Discount Widening Substantially)

CJ Corp (001040 KS) (Mkt Cap: $3bn; Liquidity: $7.5mn)

Sanghyun Park recommends long Holdco and short the synthetic sub ((Cj Cheiljedang (097950 KS), CJ ENM (035760 KS), CJ CGV Co Ltd (079160 KS) and Cj Freshway (051500 KS) on a ratio of 50:40:7:3 ) at this point.

  • By my calcs, CJ Corp is trading at a 52% discount to NAV compared to a 52-week average of 41%. CJ C and CJ ENM comprise 63% of NAV.
  • Of note, the stub ops still account for 29% of NAV and primarily comprises the 55.13% stake in CJ Olive Networks and brand royalty, each accounting for ~13% of NAV.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach)

Toyota Industries (6201 JP)(Mkt Cap: $15.8bn; Liquidity: $24mn)

Curtis Lehnert recommends closing the Toyota set-up trade, which hasn’t exactly been a storming one (4% or 1.96% on the gross notional).

  • Toyota announced earning recently which (slightly) beat expectations slightly and the stock rallied in response. This move brought the discount to NAV in line with its 6-month average and has eroded the statistical edge of staying in the trade.
  • The fundamentals for Toyota are still attractive, therefore it could be argued to hold the stub beyond these levels. However, Curtis has opted for the tactical route in the current environment and take profits when a statistical edge disappears.

(link to Curtis’ insight: TRADE IDEA – Toyota Industries (6201 JP): Close the Stub Trade)





My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


China Securities
Hang Seng
CM Securities
China Securities
Sun Securities
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGreencrossScheme11-Feb2nd Court Date/Scheme Effective DtC
AusStanmore CoalOff Mkt5-FebPayment dateC
AusGrainCorpScheme20-FebAnnual General MeetingC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt28-FebClose of offerC
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
AusSigmaSchemeFebruaryBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeFebruaryFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateC
HKHarbin ElectricScheme22-FebDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme28-FebDespatch of Scheme DocumentC
IndiaBharat FinancialScheme28-FebTransaction close dateC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanPioneerOff Mkt1-MarDesignation of Common Stock as Securities To Be Delisted by TSEC
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme14-FebTakeovers Panel and NZX on BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-FebClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeFebruaryRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff MktFebruary-AprilSAMR of China ApprovalC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt28-FebOffer Period ExpiresC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt4-MarNasdaq Offer Close DateC
SwitzerlandPanalpina Off Mkt27-FebBinding offer to be announcedE
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirm

2. Nissan Governance Outlook – Foggy Now, Sunny Later

This past week saw developments which put the Nissan Motor (7201 JP)Renault SA (RNO FP) relationship on a better path.

There are interesting noises around the likely arrival of Jean-Dominique Senard on the board of Nissan which the French state won’t like (because they won’t be getting the pony they want) but which would ultimately serve Renault’s interests better. 

Renault and Nissan are conducting a joint investigation into the Renault-Nissan Alliance BV entity which Carlos Ghosn also chaired, and Renault has passed a dossier of Ghosn’s personal expenses borne by Renault and the Alliance to French investigators.

A trial balloon was floated in the Nikkei suggesting the French government had said to the Japanese government it was open to Renault selling some Nissan shares and perhaps the state could lower its stake in Renault. This was “categorically denied” by the French with some haste but the idea of forming a holding company was categorically denied as acceptable by the French just under a year ago. Things have changed.

Governance changes are afoot, with a steady flow of developments likely coming in March, April, May, and June.

Below, a discussion of what the board looks like, will look like, and could look like in/after June and a discussion of the structure of possible capital changes.

3. CyberAgent: Tumbling Dice

2019 02 09 06 34 41

Source: Japan Analytics

TUMBLING DICE – After ZOZO (3092 JP) (-52%) and Mercari (4385 JP) (-50%), CyberAgent (4751 JP) is the worst-performing large-cap Internet stock in Japan over the last seven months.  The company is the sector’s leading foreigner-held stock with over 48% (60%+ of the float) held by institutional investors such as Baillie Gifford (11.9%), JP Morgan AM (6.9%), Tybourne Capital (5.1%) and Blackrock Japan (5.0%). Having outperformed the sector and the market annually over the last nine years by 38% and 25%, respectively, over the seven months since the stock peaked in terms of our Relative Price Score on 13th July, CyberAgent shares have declined by 56%, underperforming the market by 48% and the sector by 37%.

PASSIVE PERILS – We will discuss the ‘perils ‘ of Passive TV in the DETAIL below. However, CyberAgent is yet another good example of the ‘perils’ of passive investing. On September 5th Nikkei Inc. announced that CyberAgent would replace Furukawa (5715 JP) in the Nikkei 225 index, with the inclusion occurring on October 1st. Since the ¥6050 intraday peak of the week before inclusion in the index, the shares have declined by 49% in 90 trading days.   

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

SUMMARY – CyberAgent’s business has three ‘pillars’, internet advertising, mobile gaming software, and media. The latter now includes the linear free-to-view AbemaTV business, which helped drive the share price to a post-listing high of ¥6930 in July 2018. Since then, business conditions for two of these ‘pillars’ have degraded significantly,  while the fledgeling TV business remains in ‘up-front’ investment mode. To cap what will be a turbulent year for CyberAgent, the company is moving into a new head office building in Shibuya called ‘Abema Towers‘ in March. We shall refrain from making any analogies to the Skyscraper Index

This Insight will review: – 

  • CyberAgent’s growth strategy
  • The company’s track profitability track record from the perspective of Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT), Comprehensive Income and Operating Profit margins 
  • The three main business segments – Internet Advertising, Game Software, and Media
  • Cash Flow and Valuation

We will also attempt to value AbemaTV and will reverse-engineer some target metrics that would justify the market’s current implied ¥41b valuation for this business, a valuation that reached ¥543b only seven months ago. 

Source: CyberAgent Way 2018

VISION SHIFT? – In previous years, CyberAgent had a clear vision statement – ‘To create the 21st century’s leading company’. The company’s recent performance has led to a change of tone, and CyberAgent is now rather more modestly just ‘Aiming to be a company with medium to long-term supporters’.  In the vein of the lyrics from the best song on the best Rolling Stones album, Exile on Main Street, the business has recently been at ‘all sixes and sevens and nines’. In the search for new ‘supporters’, we encourage CyberAgent to just ‘keep on rolling’, letting the dice fall where they may. 

Exile on Main Street/Tumbling Dice – Jagger/Richards 1972 

4. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech

Total deals since inception accuracy rate since inception  chartbuilder%20%286%29

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

There are no new IPO filings in Hong Kong but there is news on the timeline of a few upcoming IPOs.

In Korea, Homeplus will be starting its investor education next Monday to raise about US$1.5bn. Brief details of the deal are already available. The company will be selling 345m primary shares at an indicative range of KRW4,530 – 5,000 per share. We heard that the roadshow kick off on 28th February and will likely list on 29th March.

In India, PNB is targeting to list PNB MetLife between April to September. The estimated IPO size was about US$150 – 300m and its draft prospectus was filed last year. 

In the Philippines, Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) (CCTP PH) is targeting to launch its US$123m IPO towards the end of the third quarter this year based on media reports. We have previously covered the IPO in Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) Pre-IPO Review – Muted Growth in Core Products.

As for placements, Pinduoduo (PDD US) chose to launch its follow-on offering in the midst of Chinese New Year, raising about US$1bn in fresh capital along with sell-down from existing investors. The placement was priced at US$25 per share, a 17.5% discount from its pre-announcement price of US$30.33 on 5th February and a 5.7% discount to its 7th February close price. Settlement date is on 12th February, greenshoe expires on 10th March and lock-up expires 9th May according to Bloomberg.

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.8% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

No new IPO filings

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

List of pre-IPO Coverage on Smartkarma

Hong Kong
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)
China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 1): Lower Sales but Higher Operating Profit Versus Canaan Inc.
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 2): Tough Competition from Bitmain and Canaan
EbangEbang IPO Preview: Balance Sheet Indicators Point to a Significant Slowdown

Dexin China (德信中国) Pre-IPO – Related Party Transactions and Partial Asset Listing 


Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

Stealth BioStealth Biotherapeutics IPO: Cure the Symptoms but Not the Cause (Part 1)
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
WeLabWeLab Pre-IPO – Stuck in a Regulatory Quagmire; Not the Right Time to List
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
DreamtechDreamtech IPO Preview (Part 1)
DreamtechDreamtech: Trying for an IPO Again at a Lower Price
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

5. The Downward Revision in FY03/19 Guidance Places Panasonic in Our Worst-Case Scenario


  • Panasonic Corp (6752 JP)’s 3Q earnings were quite weak, failing to meet both consensus and our estimates. Panasonic reported revenue of JPY2,074.8bn and OP of JPY97.5bn resulting in an OPM of 4.7% compared to 5.8% in the third quarter of last year
  • The majority of revenue growth came from the Automotive & Industrial Solution (A&IS) segment which saw the strongest growth in revenue at nearly 8% YoY followed by the Eco Solutions Segment. Despite the steady growth in the A&IS revenue, the segment continued to display a decline in profits by almost 13% YoY.
  • A downward revision in targets was made following the weak earnings this quarter. Nine-months cumulative figures weren’t particularly attractive in the OP front as well (Revenue up 3% YoY and OP down -8% YoY as of 3QFY03/19). Panasonic is nearing our modest case scenario, although its downward revised earnings target places it in our worst-case scenario, where we expect Panasonic to be exposed to a high degree of risk, increasing its lookout for other customers. Panasonic has only tied up with Toyota Motor (7203 JP) thus far and may have to diversify its customer base further to bring earnings to a sustainable level.
  • After the earnings release and news about Chinese competitor, CATL (A) (300750 CH), collaborating with Honda Motor (7267 JP) ( Honda Chooses CATL as Battery Partner for Their EVs; Panasonic Has Lost the Chance), Tesla Motors (TSLA US) announced that it was acquiring battery company Maxwell Technologies for production of its EV batteries. Panasonic fell almost -5% on Monday’s open.

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Brief TMT & Internet: CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach
  2. Pinduoduo (拼多多) Placement – Not a Good Sign
  3. Korean & Taiwanese Governments May Restrict the Use of Huawei Telecom Equipment Products

1. CJ Corp Holdco/Synthetic Sub Trade: Current Status & Trade Approach


  • CJ Corp is a three-sub holdco. CJ Cheiljedang and CJ ENM, account for three fourth of the holdings. CJ Olive Networks accounts for 10%. Olive Young’s growth has slowed down substantially. There is nearly nothing in Holdco’s stub. Holdco price should now be virtually pegged to the two listed subs.
  • It’d be safe to do a stub trade with a synthetic sub. I synthesize the four listed subs on a ratio of 50:40:7:3 (CJ Cheiljedang, CJ ENM, CJ CGV and CJ FW). It’d be also fine to do a simpler one with 55:45 on CJ Cheiljedang and CJ ENM only.
  • Holdco/Synthetic Sub are now at -0.25σ on a 20D MA. Normally, I wouldn’t make any move at this point. But things still look a bit tempting in favor of Holdco. We are now seeing a much higher price volatility on Korea’s media content stocks including CJ ENM.
  • Generally, a higher sub price volatility leads to a higher holdco valuation relative to sub. In addition, this Olive Networks IPO story is being re-ignited by local investors lately. I expect Holdco to hit a +2σ level which we saw late December. I’d go long Holdco and short the synthetic sub even at this point.

2. Pinduoduo (拼多多) Placement – Not a Good Sign


Pinduoduo (PDD US) is looking to raise about US$1.5bn in its follow-up offering. The placement is a mix of primary and secondary selldown.

The deal scores poorly on our framework due to its large deal size and expensive valuation relative to peers. We find that the timing of the placement to be peculiar and the large overhang post-offering is a worry. Banyan’s selldown in this placement suggested that principal shareholders may progressively look to exit their stakes contrary to our previous assumption and their shares will add pressure to the share price in the near-term.

3. Korean & Taiwanese Governments May Restrict the Use of Huawei Telecom Equipment Products

  • It was announced on February 7th that the South Korean National Assembly will start to discuss the threats that Huawei’s products may pose on the South Korean national security. The National Assembly will specifically discuss about banning all Huawei products for government telecommunication networks. This is the first time that the issue of Huawei products potentially posing a national security threat will be discussed in the South Korea National Assembly. 
  • Taiwan is also another major country that is seriously thinking about banning all Huawei’s 5G related telecom equipment. In late January, the local Taiwanese news outlets reported that the Taiwanese government may announce a ban of Huawei’s telecom equipment by the end of March. At this time, the Taiwanese government may also announce a “blacklist” of Chinese companies that may pose national security threat. The companies that could potentially be included in this “blacklist” include Huawei, Hikvision, Lenovo, and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co. 
  • It remains to be seen how the Taiwanese government may decide on this case but this could have an enormous repercussion on not just on Huawei but also on Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) (2330 TT) since Huawei is a major customer of TSMC. 

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Brief TMT & Internet: ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech
  2. The Downward Revision in FY03/19 Guidance Places Panasonic in Our Worst-Case Scenario
  3. Murata Up 12.8% Following 3QFY03/19 Earnings Release
  4. Yahoo Japan 3Q Update: Consumer Business Drives Mid-Term Growth; Plans to Diversify in the Long Run
  5. Samsung Electronics Share Class: Long 1P / Short Common on BlackRock Showing

1. ECM Weekly (9 February 2019) – Pinduoduo, Homeplus, PNB Metlife, Cal-Comp Tech

Total deals since inception accuracy rate since inception  chartbuilder%20%286%29

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

There are no new IPO filings in Hong Kong but there is news on the timeline of a few upcoming IPOs.

In Korea, Homeplus will be starting its investor education next Monday to raise about US$1.5bn. Brief details of the deal are already available. The company will be selling 345m primary shares at an indicative range of KRW4,530 – 5,000 per share. We heard that the roadshow kick off on 28th February and will likely list on 29th March.

In India, PNB is targeting to list PNB MetLife between April to September. The estimated IPO size was about US$150 – 300m and its draft prospectus was filed last year. 

In the Philippines, Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) (CCTP PH) is targeting to launch its US$123m IPO towards the end of the third quarter this year based on media reports. We have previously covered the IPO in Cal-Comp Tech (Philippines) Pre-IPO Review – Muted Growth in Core Products.

As for placements, Pinduoduo (PDD US) chose to launch its follow-on offering in the midst of Chinese New Year, raising about US$1bn in fresh capital along with sell-down from existing investors. The placement was priced at US$25 per share, a 17.5% discount from its pre-announcement price of US$30.33 on 5th February and a 5.7% discount to its 7th February close price. Settlement date is on 12th February, greenshoe expires on 10th March and lock-up expires 9th May according to Bloomberg.

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.8% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

No new IPO filings

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

List of pre-IPO Coverage on Smartkarma

Hong Kong
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)
China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 1): Lower Sales but Higher Operating Profit Versus Canaan Inc.
EbangEbang IPO Preview (Part 2): Tough Competition from Bitmain and Canaan
EbangEbang IPO Preview: Balance Sheet Indicators Point to a Significant Slowdown

Dexin China (德信中国) Pre-IPO – Related Party Transactions and Partial Asset Listing 


Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

Stealth BioStealth Biotherapeutics IPO: Cure the Symptoms but Not the Cause (Part 1)
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
WeLabWeLab Pre-IPO – Stuck in a Regulatory Quagmire; Not the Right Time to List
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
DreamtechDreamtech IPO Preview (Part 1)
DreamtechDreamtech: Trying for an IPO Again at a Lower Price
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

2. The Downward Revision in FY03/19 Guidance Places Panasonic in Our Worst-Case Scenario


  • Panasonic Corp (6752 JP)’s 3Q earnings were quite weak, failing to meet both consensus and our estimates. Panasonic reported revenue of JPY2,074.8bn and OP of JPY97.5bn resulting in an OPM of 4.7% compared to 5.8% in the third quarter of last year
  • The majority of revenue growth came from the Automotive & Industrial Solution (A&IS) segment which saw the strongest growth in revenue at nearly 8% YoY followed by the Eco Solutions Segment. Despite the steady growth in the A&IS revenue, the segment continued to display a decline in profits by almost 13% YoY.
  • A downward revision in targets was made following the weak earnings this quarter. Nine-months cumulative figures weren’t particularly attractive in the OP front as well (Revenue up 3% YoY and OP down -8% YoY as of 3QFY03/19). Panasonic is nearing our modest case scenario, although its downward revised earnings target places it in our worst-case scenario, where we expect Panasonic to be exposed to a high degree of risk, increasing its lookout for other customers. Panasonic has only tied up with Toyota Motor (7203 JP) thus far and may have to diversify its customer base further to bring earnings to a sustainable level.
  • After the earnings release and news about Chinese competitor, CATL (A) (300750 CH), collaborating with Honda Motor (7267 JP) ( Honda Chooses CATL as Battery Partner for Their EVs; Panasonic Has Lost the Chance), Tesla Motors (TSLA US) announced that it was acquiring battery company Maxwell Technologies for production of its EV batteries. Panasonic fell almost -5% on Monday’s open.

3. Murata Up 12.8% Following 3QFY03/19 Earnings Release


  • Murata reported 3.4% YoY revenue growth to JPY427.6bn and 89.9% YoY OP growth to JPY85.6bn in its third quarter earnings.
  • Despite the strong third quarter performance, we, along with consensus, expect the company to underperform its revenue guidance. This is mainly due to the slowdown in the smartphone market, which is expected to persist in the current quarter as well.
  • Based on our estimates, Murata is currently trading at a FY1 PE multiple of 17.5x, lower than its historical median of 20.5x.

4. Yahoo Japan 3Q Update: Consumer Business Drives Mid-Term Growth; Plans to Diversify in the Long Run

Yahoo Japan (4689 JP)  reported 3Q FY03/19 financial results last Monday (04th February). Revenue and OP were on par with consensus. YJ revised the lower range of its FY03/19E OP guidance upwards by JPY7bn to JPY140bn mainly due to lower than expected growth related expenses (expenses for new challenges as per the management). Meanwhile, the upper limit of the FY03/19E OP guidance of JPY143bn remains unchanged. The revised OP guidance for FY03/19E is JPY140-143bn.

Key Financials FY03/17-21E






Revenue (JPY bn)






YoY Growth %





OP (JPY bn)






OP Margin %







Media Business

Revenue (JPY bn)






OP Margin %







Consumer Business

Revenue (JPY bn)






OP Margin %






*Some data points are not comparable with the latest figures due to a segment reclassification in FY03/19.
Source: Company Disclosures and LSR Estimates

5. Samsung Electronics Share Class: Long 1P / Short Common on BlackRock Showing


  • It was reported yesterday that BlackRock upped its stake in SamE by 0.04% to 5.03%. BlackRock announcement will increase expectation on higher dividend. Sentiment wise this news will likely push 1P over Common in the short-term.
  • SamE shares are now enjoying a 21% YTD return. But Common/1P price ratio got reversed in favor of Common since around Jan 21. This must have been partly because of lower dividend concerns for this year. Local street expected a 25% payout on ₩30tril earnings. This’d put C/1P div yield difference at about 0.6%p. This is well below last year’s average.
  • With BlackRock showing, somewhere around ₩1,450~1,500 per share seems to be a realistic expectation. At this much DPS on ₩30tril earnings, C/1P div yield difference would be right near last year’s yearend level. We are entering the March shareholder meeting phase. Usually, this’d not be a good time to go after 1P. But in this special situation, I’d go long 1P and go short Common for a short-term mean reversion.

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Brief TMT & Internet: Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles
  2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Chinese Tourism: HK & Macau Gained ‘Share’ in December, Continuing H218 Trend

1. Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles


Silverlake Axis (SILV SP) triggered a buy above the triangle formation break at 0.43 and the daily MACD barrier outlined in our recent update Silver Lake Bottom Targets . The pick up in buy volumes were noted as an underlying positive as rally energy started to take shape.

Buy volumes have picked up nicely after noted accumulation in late 2018.

The failure to reach for a final low has set in motion the rally toward medium term pivot resistance and more importantly a test on the higher end of the intermediate range.

Near term, this rally is looking extended. We like buying weakness for a press through pocket resistance. Silverlake rallies tend to be explosive.

2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Chinese Tourism: HK & Macau Gained ‘Share’ in December, Continuing H218 Trend

Dec 3x airlines

Tracking Traffic/Chinese Tourism is the hub for all of our research on China’s tourism sector. This monthly report features analysis of Chinese tourism data, notes from our conversations with industry participants, and links to recent company news and thematic pieces. Our aim is to highlight important trends in China’s tourism sector (and changes to those trends).

In this issue readers can find:

  1. As it has throughout the latter half of 2018, HK & Macau traffic boomed in December: Over the last several months, we believe Chinese tourists have been staying ‘closer to home’, for a variety of reasons. December’s Chinese outbound tourist figures support this idea, as visits to nearby Hong Kong and Macau surged, and trips to destinations farther afield moderated.
  2. An analysis of December domestic Chinese travel activity, which remained subdued: Overall domestic travel demand, measured in passenger-kms, grew by 3.4% in December, similar to H118 growth. But while rail and highway travel growth held up relatively well compared to earlier in 2018, air travel in December was again weak relative to H118’s strength, up 9.1% after climbing 13.8% in the first half of the year. 
  3. China-to-USA travel activity continued to weaken in December: US tourist and student visa issuance and visits to Hawaii all declined again in December. We think the declines reflect some Chinese tourists turning cautious on the economy (and thus disposable income), but the declines may also reflect changing Chinese policy.

Although we remain positive on the long-term growth of Chinese tourism, it’s clear that near-term demand growth has slowed, and that Chinese tourists are generally staying closer to home and probably spending less than they were a year ago. 

Happy New Year (of the Pig)!

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Brief TMT & Internet: Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles and more

By | TMT/Internet

In this briefing:

  1. Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles
  2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Chinese Tourism: HK & Macau Gained ‘Share’ in December, Continuing H218 Trend
  3. Honda Chooses CATL as Battery Partner for Their EVs; Panasonic Has Lost the Chance

1. Silverlake Axis Rally Ignition and Hurdles


Silverlake Axis (SILV SP) triggered a buy above the triangle formation break at 0.43 and the daily MACD barrier outlined in our recent update Silver Lake Bottom Targets . The pick up in buy volumes were noted as an underlying positive as rally energy started to take shape.

Buy volumes have picked up nicely after noted accumulation in late 2018.

The failure to reach for a final low has set in motion the rally toward medium term pivot resistance and more importantly a test on the higher end of the intermediate range.

Near term, this rally is looking extended. We like buying weakness for a press through pocket resistance. Silverlake rallies tend to be explosive.

2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Chinese Tourism: HK & Macau Gained ‘Share’ in December, Continuing H218 Trend

Dec n&s

Tracking Traffic/Chinese Tourism is the hub for all of our research on China’s tourism sector. This monthly report features analysis of Chinese tourism data, notes from our conversations with industry participants, and links to recent company news and thematic pieces. Our aim is to highlight important trends in China’s tourism sector (and changes to those trends).

In this issue readers can find:

  1. As it has throughout the latter half of 2018, HK & Macau traffic boomed in December: Over the last several months, we believe Chinese tourists have been staying ‘closer to home’, for a variety of reasons. December’s Chinese outbound tourist figures support this idea, as visits to nearby Hong Kong and Macau surged, and trips to destinations farther afield moderated.
  2. An analysis of December domestic Chinese travel activity, which remained subdued: Overall domestic travel demand, measured in passenger-kms, grew by 3.4% in December, similar to H118 growth. But while rail and highway travel growth held up relatively well compared to earlier in 2018, air travel in December was again weak relative to H118’s strength, up 9.1% after climbing 13.8% in the first half of the year. 
  3. China-to-USA travel activity continued to weaken in December: US tourist and student visa issuance and visits to Hawaii all declined again in December. We think the declines reflect some Chinese tourists turning cautious on the economy (and thus disposable income), but the declines may also reflect changing Chinese policy.

Although we remain positive on the long-term growth of Chinese tourism, it’s clear that near-term demand growth has slowed, and that Chinese tourists are generally staying closer to home and probably spending less than they were a year ago. 

Happy New Year (of the Pig)!

3. Honda Chooses CATL as Battery Partner for Their EVs; Panasonic Has Lost the Chance

CATL (A) (300750 CH) announced on Monday that it has signed a deal with Honda Motor (7267 JP) for jointly developing Li-ion batteries. This news comes to us as no surprise, given CATL’s effort in expanding market share globally by tying with leading automakers such as Nissan Motor (7201 JP), Daimler AG (DAI GR), and Bayerische Motoren Werke Ag (BMW GR). It seems that the Chinese battery leader is now targeting leading Japanese automakers alongside their focus on luxury automakers in Europe ( BMW to Invest in CATL: Chinese Battery Maker to Gain Exposure in Europe?).  Following Panasonic Corp (6752 JP)’s news about forming a Joint Venture with Toyota, we were under the impression that Panasonic would hit a deal with Honda as well. However, it seems that CATL has emerged as a first mover and secured a steady business by partnering with Honda, one of the leading automakers in Japan. Although Panasonic and Honda joined hands for developing a swappable battery system in Indonesia, the team hasn’t really gone ahead in developing Li-ion batteries. Honda’s battery sales are now for CATL, while Panasonic has lost a steady business deal unless the latter makes plans with Honda to develop new battery technologies such as solid-state batteries. In our opinion, Honda and CATL, being leaders in their respective industries, when joined together via this agreement should capture a strong position in the auto sector which is striding towards electrification. The effect of this news on CATL share price cannot be really seen as the markets are closed for ongoing holidays in China. Panasonic, however, opened -5.1% low on February 5th, mainly due to its disappointing 3QFY03/19 earnings and could be partly due to this news.

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