

Brief Thailand: Bull Or Bear? Latest Global Liquidity Readings and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. Bull Or Bear? Latest Global Liquidity Readings
  2. Risk of Future LNG Supply Glut as Bubble of New Projects Grows
  3. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda
  4. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished
  5. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note

1. Bull Or Bear? Latest Global Liquidity Readings


  • Global Liquidity bottoming out, but Central Banks not yet easing
  • US Fed only withdrew $30bn in Q1, versus $350 bn in Q4
  • PBoC still tightening through OMOs
  • ECB  on ‘pause’
  • QE4 is coming in 2019, but no evidence it has started yet

2. Risk of Future LNG Supply Glut as Bubble of New Projects Grows


The rapidly improving outlook in the LNG industry over the last few years, reinforced towards the end of 2017 by the unexpected growth of demand from China, has set off a proliferation of new LNG projects especially from the US (Exhibit 1).

In its latest LNG Outlook report, Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN) is projecting from 2023 onwards a significant gap between the future LNG demand and the existing supply including the capacity under construction that could require up to 100mtpa of new LNG project sanctions by 2023.

The race to gain market share in the projected LNG demand-supply gap has produced an aggregated capacity of proposed new projects of up to 475mtpa, a number larger than the total LNG traded volume in 2018 of 319mtpa and way above the capacity required to meet the future growth in LNG demand.

Exhibit 1: Funnel of proposed LNG projects getting bigger

Source: Energy Market Square, interpretation of data from Shell LNG Outlook 2019, public filings. Higher probability rating depending on oil majors backing, level of offtake agreements, positive news flow catalysts (e.g. regulatory approval, equity financing, EPC agreements). Demand projection assumes 90% capacity utilization. Bubble size proportional to project capacity.  The position of the bubbles within the probability ranges is random.

3. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda

We visited two companies with very different trajectories. 

  • Renewable power specialist DEMCO is struggling, despite doing really well in the past, while jeweler Pranda, once struggling, is on the recovery path.
  • DEMCO reported gross profit and revenue decline of 8% and 7% respectively. Their earnings more than doubled, but that’s solely due to dividends from Wind Energy, an investment that cost them Bt800m and is embroiled in scandal.
  • Pranda’s operating cash flows surged from Bt12m to Bt230m, as they restructured their store network.
  • We’d still be caution on PDJ, as management doesn’t feel the restructuring is over. More stores could be closed down in the future.

4. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished

  • The dollar IS the story
  • EUR punished for negative yields
  • Chasing Brexit down a rabbit hole
  • Gold confounds
  • Bitcoin at an interesting juncture

The fact that the dollar has strengthened despite the dovish turn at the Fed this year and the significant fall in US rates and bond yields has confounded many analysts.

5. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note


On Friday, March 15th, an estimated 1.6 million students in over 120 countries (source: Time magazine) walked out of classrooms and took to streets demanding radical climate action. Climate change activism rarely grabbed headlines or wider public attention as it is doing now. Rising climate activism will continue to train the spotlight on industries/businesses associated with carbon-emission making it increasingly difficult for them to expand capacities or secure funding. Large institutional investors – sovereign funds, pension funds, insurance companies – have begun to incorporate climate risk into investment policy and are limiting exposure to sectors that directly contribute to carbon emissions – primarily coal, crude oil producers and power plants based on them. Expect sector devaluation; active investors may well look beyond juicy near term earnings and dividend yield.

Even as scientists and meteorological organisations keep warning of dire consequences unless concrete action is taken to limit carbon emissions to stall climate change, political establishment/regulators in most countries are in denial while others are doing little more than lip service.  If so, should corporates care? even though businesses are the ones that play a direct role in escalating carbon emissions. With rising consumer awareness and activism, several industries associated with carbon emissions are already facing operational and funding challenges; we believe, it pays for all businesses to be above par on ‘climate action’ – it would be in their own self-interest, not just general good. And do Investors bother? Under the aegis of Climate Action 100+, an investor initiative with 320 signatories having more than USD33 trillion in assets collectively under management, they have been engaging companies on improving governance, curbing emissions and strengthening climate-related financial disclosures. It has listed out Oil & Gas, Mining, Utilities and Auto manufacturers as target sectors. Investors have already been making an impact – by vote or exit. It sure makes logical sense to effect positive change and minimise climate risk when you have a long term investment horizon.

In the detailed note below we

  • discuss how rising consumer/investor activism and/or political/regulatory changes are posing challenges to key sectors –Coal, Oil & Gas, Automobiles/Aviation, Consumer goods –  that are associated with carbon emissions. 
  • analyse how rising climate activism is negatively impacting growth prospects and valuation of companies in these sectors.
  • highlight the opportunities for businesses to capitalise on changing consumer preferences for products that minimise carbon footprint and differentiate themselves by being on the right side of climate action.
  • present a quick primer on climate change and lay down the key facts and data on climate change as presented by World Meteorological Organisation, NASA and IPCC. 

However, the report does NOT discuss potential risks to businesses from the aftermath of Climate change. Unlike our recently released report Fast Fashion in Asia: Trendy Clothing’s Toxic Trails – Investors Beware that looked into sector’s environmental violations and attempted to estimate potential earnings/growth/valuation downside as leading textile players adopt sustainable practices, we believe the impact of unpredictable climate change poses a threat that is not easy to identify or quantify.  

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Brief Thailand: Surya Citra Media (SCMA IJ) – Digital Revolution in the Spring – On the Ground in J-Town and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. Surya Citra Media (SCMA IJ) – Digital Revolution in the Spring – On the Ground in J-Town
  2. Global EM Special: Andean Condors Vs Asian Elephants – Where Is the Growth in EM?
  3. Political Pit Stop (March): Time of Controversy
  4. SGP: Ready for New Growth Cycle

1. Surya Citra Media (SCMA IJ) – Digital Revolution in the Spring – On the Ground in J-Town

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A meeting Surya Citra Media Pt Tbk (SCMA IJ) in Jakarta found management in a relatively ebullient mood. The share price performance has been slightly perplexing the fact that its digital strategy is close to coming to fruition, with upcoming acquisitions representing a positive catalyst.

The company will move forward on acquiring controlling stakes in digital streaming player, internet company, and out of home media advertising player EYE Indonesia.

Total revenues from the digital and non-TV space will grow from less than 5% of SCMA’s total revenue to nearly 20% of the total, making it the biggest player in both free-to-air and a major player in digital adverting in Indonesia. is especially interesting given how fragmented that market is currently. Iy=t already has 22m active users viewing its sport and local content but is looking to bring in a major global player to help finance original content and bring in more international content. 

Internet companies represent the biggest and fastest growing advertising customers outside FMCG. They are increasingly paying above market rates for up to two-hour exclusive slots on prime time, where they air their own programming which allows them to engage with the audience. 

The recent Kraft Heinz Co (KHC US) debacle may signal the end of zero-based budgeting, which may mean global players such as Unilever Indonesia (UNVR IJ) start to spend more on advertising. in the meantime, local FMCG players remain more aggressive on advertising their products on TV. 

Surya Citra Media Pt Tbk (SCMA IJ) remains the best quality proxy to the advertising market in Indonesia. The upcoming acquisitions in the digital space represent strong potential catalysts for the stock, which have not yet been factored into valuations. Its core business continues to register stable and rising growth, especially from local FMCG players, with the re-entry of the tobacco companies potentially representing another boon for this year, given there has been no excise tax increase. According to Capital IQ consensus, the company is trading on 15.3x FY19E PER and 13.8x FY20E PER, with forecasts EPS growth of +8.5% and +10.5% for FY19E and FY20E respectively.  The company is forecast to achieve an ROE of 33% in 2019, with a dividend yield of 4.2%. 

2. Global EM Special: Andean Condors Vs Asian Elephants – Where Is the Growth in EM?


Global growth is expected to slow over the coming quarters, possibly years – and emerging market economies are certainly not immune from this. Nevertheless, within this diverse universe, the pace of deceleration will be uneven. Whilst some “open” EM economies are generally synchronized with growth dynamics in the rest of the world, others will be shielded by a combination of idiosyncratic forces – including renewed accommodative (monetary and fiscal) policies, cyclical recovery or upswing in domestic growth drivers and – for some – positive political developments and reform progress. Still, other EMs are less fortunate and a growth deceleration is likely to deepen in the near-term – held back by less policy flexibility, political uncertainty and various domestic or external shocks.

With 4Q18 GDP growth reports underway, we sifted through – and synthesized – various growth indicators to introduce a “Growth-Profile Framework” (GPF) to systematically evaluate – and rank – growth profiles in a data-driven, automated and standardized manner. The “GPF” not only takes into account GDP for the most recently-reported four quarters but also forward-looking forecasts and the latest economist revisions, which often take into account the latest data surprises and other material developments.

The observation universe is the “Emerging Markets-25” (EM-25) of large, investable EM countries most often found in benchmark indices such as MSCI EM and JPMorgan (GBI-EM and EMBI) indices. This opportunity set offers a breadth of diversity spanning across Asia, EMEA and LatAm and different stages of development. 

Source: Author’s assessment based on Growth Profile Framework (GPF)


  • Introducing the “EM-25” Growth Profile Framework: This data-driven, automated and standardized model generates a ranking of the “EM-25” economies based on a composite of factors reflecting: 1/ The most recent GDP growth data (in relation to three look-back periods), 2/ Forward-looking consensus growth forecasts (in relation to the most recent four quarters of GDP) and 3/ Upgrades and downgrades to those forecasts.
  • Andean condors soar while Asian elephants amble along: LatAm – specifically the Andean economies (plus Brazil) – currently stand out as having the most attractive growth profiles among the EM-25. They are helped by a combination of – largely idiosyncratic – factors ranging from newfound reform optimism (Brazil), improving domestic confidence (Colombia), pent-up domestic demand (Peru) and stabilizing appetite for key commodities (Chile). This contrasts with export-oriented Asian manufacturers that dominate the bottom rankings. Elsewhere, the legacy of past macroeconomic policy choices – both painfully orthodox (Argentina) and otherwise (Turkey, Venezuela, Pakistan) – are taking their unique toll on certain other economies.
  • Does growth matter for investment strategy? Yes…: Simplistically speaking, economies with exemplary growth profiles are viable candidates for long or overweight positions in equity markets and external debt. Strong growth is often associated with stronger corporate earnings potential as well as lower debt-to-GDP levels, respectively. Growth implications for FX and local debt are more ambiguous, but to the extent that a robust growth outlook guides central banks to tighten policy or lifts the government’s fiscal revenues over time, then this may also be positive for currencies and rates, respectively.
  • …But it’s complicated: However, strong growth can detract asset performance if it is the result of unsustainable policies (e.g. overly loose fiscal or monetary actions) or if it leads to overheating conditions (e.g. runaway inflation or a wider current account deficit). An attractive growth profile, as with all data sets, needs to be judged against its context. Although high and improving growth is an end-goal for many policymakers, the road to strong – and sustainable – growth is far more important for its longevity (and for risk assets over the medium-term). For instance: Are growth prospects improving due to rising productivity (as it might from structural reform)? Or rather from overly-stimulative policies that risk fanning inflation or widening the current account deficit? To what extent do officials have the policy flexibility to stoke growth, smoothen downside growth risks or stave off a recession? We touch upon these questions in the individual country sections below.

  • While the narrative is almost always more important than the number itself, this GPF framework nevertheless offers a valuable screening tool that systematically evaluates growth profiles – on a stand-alone and relative basis – across the “EM-25” universe.

Growth Profile Framework (GPF) Rankings: Snapshot and Historical Movement

Source: Author’s Growth Profile Framework (GPF)
Source: Author’s Growth Profile Framework (GPF)

3. Political Pit Stop (March): Time of Controversy

In the recent weeks, the election race heated up, and that’s not surprising when the elections are happening on the 24th. Even by Thai standards, some of these developments were considered quite landmark. Here’s three of the top ones:

  • The Thai Raksa Chart Incident. After nominating the King’s eldest sister as Prime Minister, the smaller Thaksinite party faces prospect of dissolution and public backlash.
  • National Debate. In a rare Thai Rath event lasting more than an hour, seven political parties, including all the four main ones, get to voice their key policies and even a chance at shooting down each other’s campaign promises. MCorp Review provides some highlights on the debate.
  • Army budget. The Thaksinites recently declared that they would cut the defense budget by 10% if elected, touching on one of the most sensitive issues for the Army faction. This is arguably the hottest issue on the media right now.

4. SGP: Ready for New Growth Cycle


We initiate coverage of SGP with a BUY rating and a 2019E target price of Bt14.00, derived from 10.9x PE’19E, which is +0.5 SD of its 3-year trading average. We believe that a new growth cycle is poised to act as a re-rating catalyst.

The story:

  • Regional LPG player with upstream transportation network
  • New businesses to drive new growth cycle
  • LPG price set to bottom out
  • Expected earnings to recover in 2019E


             Currency  fluctuation

             Raw material price fluctuation

             Overseas investment failure

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Brief Thailand: QH: 2018 Earnings Grew 10% In-Line with Our Forecast and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. QH: 2018 Earnings Grew 10% In-Line with Our Forecast
  2. Memory Chips and the Elasticity Myth

1. QH: 2018 Earnings Grew 10% In-Line with Our Forecast

QH has 4Q18 net profit of Bt786m (-13%YoY, -40%QoQ). The 2018 result was in-line with our expectation.

  • 4Q18 earnings from property development segment drop 36%YoY caused by one time charge of Bt150m from litigation and lead to higher SG&A-to-sales to 25.4% from 18.1% in 4Q17. Meanwhile, total sales grew 20%YoY.
  • 4Q18 equity income grew 12%YoY at Bt493m driven by HMPRO contribution which derived from its branches expansion and HMPRO S.
  • 2018 core earnings grew 83%YoY to Bt2.0bn backed by gross margin improvement and better SG&A controls. Meanwhile, sales drop 6% YoY due to lower new project launches.
  • We maintain positive outlook in 19-20E driven by Q Sukhumvit transfer and foresee little impact from LTV implementation. QH’s portfolio are based on luxury segment and 50% of net profit come from equity income which mainly driven by HMPRO.
  • Announced an interim dividend payment of Bt0.14 (XD on 24 Apr), which is equivalent to 4.3% upcoming dividend yield.

We maintain our BUY rating with a target price of Bt3.9 based on 10xPE’19E.

2. Memory Chips and the Elasticity Myth


During recent earnings calls memory chip makers have postulated that the market will return to higher margins once price elasticity causes demand to increase.  This popular myth needs to be treated with great skepticism since, as this Insight will reveal, short-term price elasticity has a negligible impact upon memory chip sales if it has any impact at all.

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Brief Thailand: Risk of Future LNG Supply Glut as Bubble of New Projects Grows and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. Risk of Future LNG Supply Glut as Bubble of New Projects Grows
  2. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda
  3. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished
  4. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note
  5. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ

1. Risk of Future LNG Supply Glut as Bubble of New Projects Grows


The rapidly improving outlook in the LNG industry over the last few years, reinforced towards the end of 2017 by the unexpected growth of demand from China, has set off a proliferation of new LNG projects especially from the US (Exhibit 1).

In its latest LNG Outlook report, Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN) is projecting from 2023 onwards a significant gap between the future LNG demand and the existing supply including the capacity under construction that could require up to 100mtpa of new LNG project sanctions by 2023.

The race to gain market share in the projected LNG demand-supply gap has produced an aggregated capacity of proposed new projects of up to 475mtpa, a number larger than the total LNG traded volume in 2018 of 319mtpa and way above the capacity required to meet the future growth in LNG demand.

Exhibit 1: Funnel of proposed LNG projects getting bigger

Source: Energy Market Square, interpretation of data from Shell LNG Outlook 2019, public filings. Higher probability rating depending on oil majors backing, level of offtake agreements, positive news flow catalysts (e.g. regulatory approval, equity financing, EPC agreements). Demand projection assumes 90% capacity utilization. Bubble size proportional to project capacity.  The position of the bubbles within the probability ranges is random.

2. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda

We visited two companies with very different trajectories. 

  • Renewable power specialist DEMCO is struggling, despite doing really well in the past, while jeweler Pranda, once struggling, is on the recovery path.
  • DEMCO reported gross profit and revenue decline of 8% and 7% respectively. Their earnings more than doubled, but that’s solely due to dividends from Wind Energy, an investment that cost them Bt800m and is embroiled in scandal.
  • Pranda’s operating cash flows surged from Bt12m to Bt230m, as they restructured their store network.
  • We’d still be caution on PDJ, as management doesn’t feel the restructuring is over. More stores could be closed down in the future.

3. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished

  • The dollar IS the story
  • EUR punished for negative yields
  • Chasing Brexit down a rabbit hole
  • Gold confounds
  • Bitcoin at an interesting juncture

The fact that the dollar has strengthened despite the dovish turn at the Fed this year and the significant fall in US rates and bond yields has confounded many analysts.

4. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note


On Friday, March 15th, an estimated 1.6 million students in over 120 countries (source: Time magazine) walked out of classrooms and took to streets demanding radical climate action. Climate change activism rarely grabbed headlines or wider public attention as it is doing now. Rising climate activism will continue to train the spotlight on industries/businesses associated with carbon-emission making it increasingly difficult for them to expand capacities or secure funding. Large institutional investors – sovereign funds, pension funds, insurance companies – have begun to incorporate climate risk into investment policy and are limiting exposure to sectors that directly contribute to carbon emissions – primarily coal, crude oil producers and power plants based on them. Expect sector devaluation; active investors may well look beyond juicy near term earnings and dividend yield.

Even as scientists and meteorological organisations keep warning of dire consequences unless concrete action is taken to limit carbon emissions to stall climate change, political establishment/regulators in most countries are in denial while others are doing little more than lip service.  If so, should corporates care? even though businesses are the ones that play a direct role in escalating carbon emissions. With rising consumer awareness and activism, several industries associated with carbon emissions are already facing operational and funding challenges; we believe, it pays for all businesses to be above par on ‘climate action’ – it would be in their own self-interest, not just general good. And do Investors bother? Under the aegis of Climate Action 100+, an investor initiative with 320 signatories having more than USD33 trillion in assets collectively under management, they have been engaging companies on improving governance, curbing emissions and strengthening climate-related financial disclosures. It has listed out Oil & Gas, Mining, Utilities and Auto manufacturers as target sectors. Investors have already been making an impact – by vote or exit. It sure makes logical sense to effect positive change and minimise climate risk when you have a long term investment horizon.

In the detailed note below we

  • discuss how rising consumer/investor activism and/or political/regulatory changes are posing challenges to key sectors –Coal, Oil & Gas, Automobiles/Aviation, Consumer goods –  that are associated with carbon emissions. 
  • analyse how rising climate activism is negatively impacting growth prospects and valuation of companies in these sectors.
  • highlight the opportunities for businesses to capitalise on changing consumer preferences for products that minimise carbon footprint and differentiate themselves by being on the right side of climate action.
  • present a quick primer on climate change and lay down the key facts and data on climate change as presented by World Meteorological Organisation, NASA and IPCC. 

However, the report does NOT discuss potential risks to businesses from the aftermath of Climate change. Unlike our recently released report Fast Fashion in Asia: Trendy Clothing’s Toxic Trails – Investors Beware that looked into sector’s environmental violations and attempted to estimate potential earnings/growth/valuation downside as leading textile players adopt sustainable practices, we believe the impact of unpredictable climate change poses a threat that is not easy to identify or quantify.  

5. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ

We visited two small-cap companies from totally different industries today. These are the key highlights.

  • Rajthanee Hospital, a small hospital chain based in Ayuthya, achieved 15.7% revenue growth CAGR since 2016 on the back of its proximity to industrial estates.
  • CAZ has seen its backlog double to Bt2.5bn largely due to its good relations with major clients (PTT) and partners (Samsung and other Korean chaebol), which dole out projects in the oil & gas sector to it.
  • Internally, CAZ follows a sophisticated cost control method sporting bar codes and GPS to track materials and dedicated cost-control staff.

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Brief Thailand: Memory Chips and the Elasticity Myth and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. Memory Chips and the Elasticity Myth

1. Memory Chips and the Elasticity Myth


During recent earnings calls memory chip makers have postulated that the market will return to higher margins once price elasticity causes demand to increase.  This popular myth needs to be treated with great skepticism since, as this Insight will reveal, short-term price elasticity has a negligible impact upon memory chip sales if it has any impact at all.

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Brief Thailand: Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda
  2. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished
  3. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note
  4. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ
  5. Elections, Coups and Constitutions: Thailand’s Reckoning

1. Shaky Situations at DEMCO and Pranda

We visited two companies with very different trajectories. 

  • Renewable power specialist DEMCO is struggling, despite doing really well in the past, while jeweler Pranda, once struggling, is on the recovery path.
  • DEMCO reported gross profit and revenue decline of 8% and 7% respectively. Their earnings more than doubled, but that’s solely due to dividends from Wind Energy, an investment that cost them Bt800m and is embroiled in scandal.
  • Pranda’s operating cash flows surged from Bt12m to Bt230m, as they restructured their store network.
  • We’d still be caution on PDJ, as management doesn’t feel the restructuring is over. More stores could be closed down in the future.

2. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished

  • The dollar IS the story
  • EUR punished for negative yields
  • Chasing Brexit down a rabbit hole
  • Gold confounds
  • Bitcoin at an interesting juncture

The fact that the dollar has strengthened despite the dovish turn at the Fed this year and the significant fall in US rates and bond yields has confounded many analysts.

3. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note


On Friday, March 15th, an estimated 1.6 million students in over 120 countries (source: Time magazine) walked out of classrooms and took to streets demanding radical climate action. Climate change activism rarely grabbed headlines or wider public attention as it is doing now. Rising climate activism will continue to train the spotlight on industries/businesses associated with carbon-emission making it increasingly difficult for them to expand capacities or secure funding. Large institutional investors – sovereign funds, pension funds, insurance companies – have begun to incorporate climate risk into investment policy and are limiting exposure to sectors that directly contribute to carbon emissions – primarily coal, crude oil producers and power plants based on them. Expect sector devaluation; active investors may well look beyond juicy near term earnings and dividend yield.

Even as scientists and meteorological organisations keep warning of dire consequences unless concrete action is taken to limit carbon emissions to stall climate change, political establishment/regulators in most countries are in denial while others are doing little more than lip service.  If so, should corporates care? even though businesses are the ones that play a direct role in escalating carbon emissions. With rising consumer awareness and activism, several industries associated with carbon emissions are already facing operational and funding challenges; we believe, it pays for all businesses to be above par on ‘climate action’ – it would be in their own self-interest, not just general good. And do Investors bother? Under the aegis of Climate Action 100+, an investor initiative with 320 signatories having more than USD33 trillion in assets collectively under management, they have been engaging companies on improving governance, curbing emissions and strengthening climate-related financial disclosures. It has listed out Oil & Gas, Mining, Utilities and Auto manufacturers as target sectors. Investors have already been making an impact – by vote or exit. It sure makes logical sense to effect positive change and minimise climate risk when you have a long term investment horizon.

In the detailed note below we

  • discuss how rising consumer/investor activism and/or political/regulatory changes are posing challenges to key sectors –Coal, Oil & Gas, Automobiles/Aviation, Consumer goods –  that are associated with carbon emissions. 
  • analyse how rising climate activism is negatively impacting growth prospects and valuation of companies in these sectors.
  • highlight the opportunities for businesses to capitalise on changing consumer preferences for products that minimise carbon footprint and differentiate themselves by being on the right side of climate action.
  • present a quick primer on climate change and lay down the key facts and data on climate change as presented by World Meteorological Organisation, NASA and IPCC. 

However, the report does NOT discuss potential risks to businesses from the aftermath of Climate change. Unlike our recently released report Fast Fashion in Asia: Trendy Clothing’s Toxic Trails – Investors Beware that looked into sector’s environmental violations and attempted to estimate potential earnings/growth/valuation downside as leading textile players adopt sustainable practices, we believe the impact of unpredictable climate change poses a threat that is not easy to identify or quantify.  

4. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ

We visited two small-cap companies from totally different industries today. These are the key highlights.

  • Rajthanee Hospital, a small hospital chain based in Ayuthya, achieved 15.7% revenue growth CAGR since 2016 on the back of its proximity to industrial estates.
  • CAZ has seen its backlog double to Bt2.5bn largely due to its good relations with major clients (PTT) and partners (Samsung and other Korean chaebol), which dole out projects in the oil & gas sector to it.
  • Internally, CAZ follows a sophisticated cost control method sporting bar codes and GPS to track materials and dedicated cost-control staff.

5. Elections, Coups and Constitutions: Thailand’s Reckoning

Thailand went to the polls for the first time in six years last Sunday. The Election Commission will release results for 94% of the vote this Friday, with full and confirmed results released on 9 May. An elected government will be restored but the game has been rigged by the amended 2017 Constitution which allows the military to appoint the 250-strong Senate.

We asked our long-time Thai political correspondent, Professor Thitinan Pongsudhirak of Chulalongkorn University, to have a look at Thailand’s political history and to give us his views on the likely outcome. Dr. Thitinan forecasts the return of Prayut Chan-Ocha as prime minister but at the head of a very weak government in what looks likely to be a Pheu Thai coalition in the lower house. Thai politics looks set to become fractious, and interesting, once again.

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Brief Thailand: PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth

1. PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth


We initiate coverage of PRM with a BUY rating, based on a target price of Bt7.70, derived from a PEG ratio of 0.9x, which is the average for the Asia ex-japan transportation sector, implying 22.0x PE’19E.

The story:

  • Secured revenue from domestic trading business
  • IMO 2020 implementation to propel floating storage demand
  • Recovery in T/C rate should prompt international trading turnaround

Risks:  Lower-than-expected domestic oil consumption and trading activities in ASEAN, foreign currency and fuel cost fluctuations

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Brief Thailand: The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished
  2. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note
  3. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ
  4. Elections, Coups and Constitutions: Thailand’s Reckoning
  5. Thai Election 2019: Defeat in Parliament, Victory in Senate

1. The Dollar IS the Story; Gold Confounds, A Brexit Rabbit Hole; EUR Punished

  • The dollar IS the story
  • EUR punished for negative yields
  • Chasing Brexit down a rabbit hole
  • Gold confounds
  • Bitcoin at an interesting juncture

The fact that the dollar has strengthened despite the dovish turn at the Fed this year and the significant fall in US rates and bond yields has confounded many analysts.

2. Climate Action – School Strikes Hit a Spot, Carbon Emitters Face Heat. Investors Take Note


On Friday, March 15th, an estimated 1.6 million students in over 120 countries (source: Time magazine) walked out of classrooms and took to streets demanding radical climate action. Climate change activism rarely grabbed headlines or wider public attention as it is doing now. Rising climate activism will continue to train the spotlight on industries/businesses associated with carbon-emission making it increasingly difficult for them to expand capacities or secure funding. Large institutional investors – sovereign funds, pension funds, insurance companies – have begun to incorporate climate risk into investment policy and are limiting exposure to sectors that directly contribute to carbon emissions – primarily coal, crude oil producers and power plants based on them. Expect sector devaluation; active investors may well look beyond juicy near term earnings and dividend yield.

Even as scientists and meteorological organisations keep warning of dire consequences unless concrete action is taken to limit carbon emissions to stall climate change, political establishment/regulators in most countries are in denial while others are doing little more than lip service.  If so, should corporates care? even though businesses are the ones that play a direct role in escalating carbon emissions. With rising consumer awareness and activism, several industries associated with carbon emissions are already facing operational and funding challenges; we believe, it pays for all businesses to be above par on ‘climate action’ – it would be in their own self-interest, not just general good. And do Investors bother? Under the aegis of Climate Action 100+, an investor initiative with 320 signatories having more than USD33 trillion in assets collectively under management, they have been engaging companies on improving governance, curbing emissions and strengthening climate-related financial disclosures. It has listed out Oil & Gas, Mining, Utilities and Auto manufacturers as target sectors. Investors have already been making an impact – by vote or exit. It sure makes logical sense to effect positive change and minimise climate risk when you have a long term investment horizon.

In the detailed note below we

  • discuss how rising consumer/investor activism and/or political/regulatory changes are posing challenges to key sectors –Coal, Oil & Gas, Automobiles/Aviation, Consumer goods –  that are associated with carbon emissions. 
  • analyse how rising climate activism is negatively impacting growth prospects and valuation of companies in these sectors.
  • highlight the opportunities for businesses to capitalise on changing consumer preferences for products that minimise carbon footprint and differentiate themselves by being on the right side of climate action.
  • present a quick primer on climate change and lay down the key facts and data on climate change as presented by World Meteorological Organisation, NASA and IPCC. 

However, the report does NOT discuss potential risks to businesses from the aftermath of Climate change. Unlike our recently released report Fast Fashion in Asia: Trendy Clothing’s Toxic Trails – Investors Beware that looked into sector’s environmental violations and attempted to estimate potential earnings/growth/valuation downside as leading textile players adopt sustainable practices, we believe the impact of unpredictable climate change poses a threat that is not easy to identify or quantify.  

3. Small Cap Diary: Rajthanee Hospital, CAZ

We visited two small-cap companies from totally different industries today. These are the key highlights.

  • Rajthanee Hospital, a small hospital chain based in Ayuthya, achieved 15.7% revenue growth CAGR since 2016 on the back of its proximity to industrial estates.
  • CAZ has seen its backlog double to Bt2.5bn largely due to its good relations with major clients (PTT) and partners (Samsung and other Korean chaebol), which dole out projects in the oil & gas sector to it.
  • Internally, CAZ follows a sophisticated cost control method sporting bar codes and GPS to track materials and dedicated cost-control staff.

4. Elections, Coups and Constitutions: Thailand’s Reckoning

Thailand went to the polls for the first time in six years last Sunday. The Election Commission will release results for 94% of the vote this Friday, with full and confirmed results released on 9 May. An elected government will be restored but the game has been rigged by the amended 2017 Constitution which allows the military to appoint the 250-strong Senate.

We asked our long-time Thai political correspondent, Professor Thitinan Pongsudhirak of Chulalongkorn University, to have a look at Thailand’s political history and to give us his views on the likely outcome. Dr. Thitinan forecasts the return of Prayut Chan-Ocha as prime minister but at the head of a very weak government in what looks likely to be a Pheu Thai coalition in the lower house. Thai politics looks set to become fractious, and interesting, once again.

5. Thai Election 2019: Defeat in Parliament, Victory in Senate


With over 90% of the votes counted, the Thaksinite party Peau Thai currently leads with a razor-thin margin of 10 seats, which will be easily overwhelmed by at least 200+ senators who will certainly support the Army faction that appointed them.

  • This ensures policy continuity. The Thaksinite lead is simply too small to justify a mass protest and political uncertainty feared by foreign investors. The stock market reacted counter-intuitively by falling, and this seems like a good opportunity to buy from our vantage point.
  • The strong showing of newbie party Future Forward, now Thailand’s third largest, should benefit TSC (Thai Steel Cable) on the sentiment level. Thanatorn’s uncle Suriya is part of the pro-Army party, though joining the government bloc may be tricky given Future Forward’s campaign stance.

  • The Democrats performed poorly, losing much of their seats in both Bangkok and Southern Thailand (their home base), to Future Forward and Pracharat respectively. However, they may still end up in the government if Future Forward doesn’t pounce on the opportunity.
  • Bhumjaithai was the only swing vote party that did well in this election, emerging as number 4. At the moment, they are the most likely party for the pro-Army government, given their friendly and flexible stance prior to the elections. The Party Leader’s family controls STEC.

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Brief Thailand: PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth
  2. IPO Stalker: SISB’s Growth Plans

1. PRM: Thai Largest Tanker Fleets Assured of Consistent Growth


We initiate coverage of PRM with a BUY rating, based on a target price of Bt7.70, derived from a PEG ratio of 0.9x, which is the average for the Asia ex-japan transportation sector, implying 22.0x PE’19E.

The story:

  • Secured revenue from domestic trading business
  • IMO 2020 implementation to propel floating storage demand
  • Recovery in T/C rate should prompt international trading turnaround

Risks:  Lower-than-expected domestic oil consumption and trading activities in ASEAN, foreign currency and fuel cost fluctuations

2. IPO Stalker: SISB’s Growth Plans

SISB has been one of the best investments in our portfolio, rising 26% since we jumped in shortly after the IPO. Founder Kelvin Koh reiterated the strengths in his prospectus (English-Chinese language, affordability, own brand) and backs it up with:

  • positive stats and trends. 7.8% CAGR in international students, growth in high net worth Thais (11.4% CAGR) and expat population (6.9% CAGR) all of which are supportive of the business.
  • expansion plans both abroad and domestic. A Bt70m investment in the Thonburi site as well as talks to potentially set up new campuses in China and/or CLMV region.
  • Financials. An almost sixfold jump in earnings from Bt18m in 2017 to Bt103.5m in 2018 primarily due to its high operating leverage and now debt-free status after the IPO.
  • favorable operating environment. High availability of Caucasian teachers in Thailand and growing Chinese expat community due to China’s increasing environment.

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Brief Thailand: IPO Stalker: SISB’s Growth Plans and more

By | Thailand

In this briefing:

  1. IPO Stalker: SISB’s Growth Plans

1. IPO Stalker: SISB’s Growth Plans

SISB has been one of the best investments in our portfolio, rising 26% since we jumped in shortly after the IPO. Founder Kelvin Koh reiterated the strengths in his prospectus (English-Chinese language, affordability, own brand) and backs it up with:

  • positive stats and trends. 7.8% CAGR in international students, growth in high net worth Thais (11.4% CAGR) and expat population (6.9% CAGR) all of which are supportive of the business.
  • expansion plans both abroad and domestic. A Bt70m investment in the Thonburi site as well as talks to potentially set up new campuses in China and/or CLMV region.
  • Financials. An almost sixfold jump in earnings from Bt18m in 2017 to Bt103.5m in 2018 primarily due to its high operating leverage and now debt-free status after the IPO.
  • favorable operating environment. High availability of Caucasian teachers in Thailand and growing Chinese expat community due to China’s increasing environment.

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