

Daily Brief Thailand: Delta Electronics Thai and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Quiddity Leaderboard SET50 Dec 23: DELTA Deletion Fears Unrealistic

Quiddity Leaderboard SET50 Dec 23: DELTA Deletion Fears Unrealistic

By Janaghan Jeyakumar, CFA

  • In this insight, we take a look at the potential ADDs/DELs for Thailand’s SET50 index rebalance in December 2023.
  • Delta Electronics Thai (DELTA TB) – one of the largest SET 50 members – has been in the Market Surveillance Measure list a couple of times already this year.
  • Although this creates some doubts over the fate of DELTA’s SET50 membership, at present, I believe DELTA will escape deletion in December 2023. 

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Daily Brief Thailand: Bangkok Chain Hospital and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Bangkok Chain Hospital (BCH TB): High COVID-Related Base Effect Impacted 1Q23 Result

Bangkok Chain Hospital (BCH TB): High COVID-Related Base Effect Impacted 1Q23 Result

By Tina Banerjee

  • In 1Q23, Bangkok Chain Hospital (BCH TB) recorded 62% YoY decline in revenue from hospital operation, dragged by 39% YoY decline in revenue from general patients (66% of total revenue).
  • COVID-19 revenue contributed 48% of revenue in 1Q22, thereby creating a high base for 1Q23. Even if we exclude COVID-19 revenue received in 1Q22, 1Q23 revenue was down 28% YoY.
  • BCH will need time to recover and record growth. Consensus expects BCH to report revenue and EPS decline of 34% and 47%, YoY, respectively in 2023.

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Daily Brief Thailand: Bangkok Dusit Medical Services and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS TB): Returning of International Patients Drove 1Q23 Performance

Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS TB): Returning of International Patients Drove 1Q23 Performance

By Tina Banerjee

  • Bangkok Dusit Medical Services (BDMS TB) recorded 4% YoY growth in hospital revenue in 1Q23, driven by higher patient intensity at Center of Excellence (COE) and returning of international patients.
  • However, Thai patient revenues decreased 6% YoY due to a decrease of COVID-19 related revenues, in line with improving COVID-19 situation in Thailand.
  • BDMS targets to increase its bed capacity to ~9,000 beds in 2027 from 8,400 beds in 2022. BDMS targets revenue CAGR of 6–8% during 2023–2025.

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Daily Brief Thailand: Bumrungrad Hospital Pub Co and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Bumrungrad Hospital (BH TB): International Business Is Roaring Back; Greenfield Project Approved

Bumrungrad Hospital (BH TB): International Business Is Roaring Back; Greenfield Project Approved

By Tina Banerjee

  • Bumrungrad Hospital Pub Co (BH TB) recorded 48% YoY increase in revenue from hospital operation to THB6 billion in 1Q23, mainly driven by 78% YoY revenue growth from non-Thai patients.
  • International patients contributed 55% of total revenue in 1Q23. Middle East and Indochina remained the two most important growth drivers, with YoY revenue growth of 147% and 60%, respectively.
  • The company is constructing a 150-bed boutique hospital in Phuket, one of the world’s most coveted island travel destinations, thereby opening immense opportunity for medical tourism.  

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Daily Brief Thailand: TOA Paint (Thailand) and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • TOA Paint (Thailand) (TOA TB) – An Unfortunate Turn of Events

TOA Paint (Thailand) (TOA TB) – An Unfortunate Turn of Events

By Angus Mackintosh

  • TOA Paint is Thailand’s leading decorative paints player with a 48% market share and a good track record but it has become caught up by association with STARK Corporation.
  • This looks like a guilt by association sell down given there are no visible business connections between STARK and TOA Paint but the eldest son of the family controls Stark.
  • The second son of the Patriarch is CEO of TOA Paint, which is otherwise enjoying a strong recovery in demand plus lower input costs. Valuations have declined to attractive levels. 

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Daily Brief Thailand: Energy Absolute and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • ASEAN EV Ecosystem Series: Committed Towards Building a Regional EV Ecosystem

ASEAN EV Ecosystem Series: Committed Towards Building a Regional EV Ecosystem

By Shifara Samsudeen, ACMA, CGMA

  • EV adoption in the ASEAN is very low compared to developed markets including the US, the Europe and China due to higher ASPs and lack of logistics, maintenance and repair.
  • However, there has been a rapid growth in EV related investment in the region recently, focusing on developing domestic EV markets to make them more affordable while conserving the environment.
  • The governments have put forward several incentives such as government funding, tax incentives to buy EVs, while introducing measures to discourage the use of ICE vehicles.

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Daily Brief Thailand: STARK Corporation and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Stark Corporation: Not the Guy from the Movie

Stark Corporation: Not the Guy from the Movie

By Warut Promboon

  • STARK Corporation (STARK TB) (Stark) defaulted on its interest payments on 2-June, leading to a default event.
  • Stark’s default has exposed the structural weakness in the Thai bond market which is worth discussion.
  • We do not believe there is a reasonable basis for calculating the bond recovery value at this juncture.

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Daily Brief Thailand: Delta Electronics Thai and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Delta Electronics (DELTA TB): Potential SET50 Index Delete in December?

Delta Electronics (DELTA TB): Potential SET50 Index Delete in December?

By Brian Freitas

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Daily Brief Thailand: Kasikornbank PCL and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • BBL/KBANK: Hitting a Wall

BBL/KBANK: Hitting a Wall

By Brian Freitas

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Daily Brief Thailand: Thonburi Healthcare Group and more

By | Daily Briefs, Thailand

In today’s briefing:

  • Thonburi Healthcare Group (THG TB): Improving Core Operation and Future Expansion to Drive Growth

Thonburi Healthcare Group (THG TB): Improving Core Operation and Future Expansion to Drive Growth

By Tina Banerjee

  • Thonburi Healthcare Group (THG TB) recorded 23% YoY increase in non-COVID medical services revenue in 1Q23, mainly driven by higher pay per bed and utilization of inpatient division.
  • With the recovery in core healthcare services, THG expects its revenue to grow 10% YoY this year, accelerating from 6% revenue growth recorded in 2022.
  • In the next 3 years, THG plans to increase 195 outpatient rooms and 419 beds and is set to spend nearly THB5 billion on capex during 2023–2025.

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