

Daily Japan: Singapore REIT – Preferred Picks 2019 and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Singapore REIT – Preferred Picks 2019
  2. Micron’s Guidance Bombshell Signals Troubled Times Ahead For Beleaguered Semiconductor Segment
  3. Japan: Moving Average Outliers – Year-End Blues
  4. Horiba (6856 JP): Bad News Largely Discounted
  5. Last Week in Event SPACE: Familymart, Takeda, Harbin Electric, Motherson, Young Poong, NTT

1. Singapore REIT – Preferred Picks 2019

With the FTSE ST REIT index’s decline of 9.3% year-to-date, value has emerged for some of the bellwether names in the Singapore REITs sector. The forward yield spread between these REITs and the Singapore government 10-year bond yield (2.13%) currently stand at least 390 basis points. In view of the increasing concerns over global economic growth, rising interest rates and the ongoing trade tension between the US and China, I present three quality REITs with fortified portfolios that are well-positioned to weather the near-term market uncertainties. They possess growth potential from acquisitions, positive rental reversions and deliver resilient forward distribution yield of more than 6%. Some of the bellwether names in the more resilient retail REIT sector, while offering lower yield of around 5.0% – 5.7%, are also in my buy list. 

2. Micron’s Guidance Bombshell Signals Troubled Times Ahead For Beleaguered Semiconductor Segment

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After months of skirting around inventory build-up and a weakening demand outlook, Micron used their latest earnings report to call closing time on a revenue and profitability party that began in Q4 2016 and just got better and better with each passing quarter. 

Micron reported Q1 FY2019 results on December 18’th and while revenues were largely in line with recently lowered guidance from the company, their outlook for both Q2 and 2019 as a whole was worse than even the most bearish of expectations. 

Citing high inventory levels at key customers, Micron guided Q2 FY2019 revenues for $6 billion at the midpoint, down a staggering $1.9 billion, 24% QoQ and 18% YoY. At the same time, Micron revised down their CY2019 bit demand growth forecast for both DRAM (from 20% to 16%) and NAND (35%, the bottom of the previously forecasted range). The company plans to adjust both CapEx and bit supply output downwards to match.

In the wake of their guidance bombshell, Micron’s share price closed down almost 8% the following day to end the session at $31.41, a level last seen in August 2017. Micron is unique in reporting out of sync with its industry peers, making it the proverbial canary in a coal mine. The company’s gloomy outlook and clarion call for further CapEx reductions in a bid to rebalance supply and demand spells troubled times ahead for an already beleaguered semiconductor segment ahead of the upcoming earnings season. 

3. Japan: Moving Average Outliers – Year-End Blues

2018 12 23 16 00 40


Source: Japan Analytics

TRADING ZONE – As of last Friday, the Japan All Market Composite has now entered a bear market, having declined by 20% from the January 23rd high if Y757t. At the close, only 8% by number and 11% by value of Japanese stocks were trading above their weighted composite of 5, 20, 60, 120, and 240-day moving averages. These were the lowest closing values since February 2016 when the All Market Composite reached a low of Y475tand  offer an entry point for a short-term trade for those happy to hold over the extended New Year Holiday period.

Source: Japan Analytics

BREAKOUTS –  The ‘Breaking Bad’ percentage reached 11% on December 4th, the tenth-lowest reading in three years bu thas yet to fall below ‘-15-.  Adding the Breaking Above and Breaking Below percentages together provides a more straightforward view of the 15% threshold that has marked previous short and medium-term turning points, and which again we have yet to reach.


LEGEND: The ‘sparklines’ show the three-year trend in the weighted percentage above moving average relative to the Market Composite and the ‘STDev’ column is a measure of the variability of that relative measure. The table also provides averages for the breaks above and breaks below and the positive and negative ‘crossovers’.

SECTOR BREAKDOWN – The top six sectors measured by the percentage above the weighted average of 5-240 Days are all, predictably, domestic and defensive –  Food, Beverages & Tobacco, REITs, Information Technology, Internet, Media and Utilities. Equally predictable are the bottom half-dozen – Banks, Non-Bank Finance, Autos, Metals, Electrical Equipment and Chemicals


COMPANY MOVING AVERAGE OUTLIERS – As with the market and sectors, out moving average outlier indicator uses a weighted sum of the share price relative to its 5-day, 20-day, 60-day, 120 day and 240-day moving averages. Extreme values are weighted sums greater than 100% and less than -100%. We would caution that this indicator is best used for timing shorter-term reversals and, in many cases, higher highs and lower lows will be seen. 

Source: Japan Analytics

THE 100% CLUB – As of Friday 21st, there were 16 extreme positive outliers and 622 extreme negative outliers. The number of extreme negative outliers suggests we are a short-term bottom.

In the DETAIL section below, we highlight the current top and bottom twenty-five larger capitalisation outliers as well as those companies that have seen the most significant positive and negative changes in their outlier percentage in the last two weeks and provide short comments on companies of particular note. 

4. Horiba (6856 JP): Bad News Largely Discounted

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Horiba combines high gearing to semiconductor capital spending with a large and growing automotive test business characterized by upward trending but uneven profitability. At ¥4,545 (Friday, December 21, closing price), its share price has dropped by 53% from an all-time high of ¥9,590 reached last May. Falling demand for semiconductor production equipment and a downward revision to FY Dec-18 sales and profit guidance announced in November appear to be largely in the price. 

The downward revision, which cut projected full-year operating profit growth from 15.5% to 2.5%, followed a 22.2% year-on-year decline in operating profit in 3Q and implies a similar rate of decline in 4Q. The weakness is concentrated in Semiconductor Equipment and Automotive Test, the former due to a cyclical downturn in overall demand, the latter due to M&A-related and other one-time expenses. New Automotive Test orders continued to outpace sales, leading to a 9.5% increase in the order backlog during 3Q.

Automotive Test sales and profits should rise next year, while semiconductor equipment sales and profits seem likely to bottom out. In a report issued on December 17, SEMI (the semiconductor equipment and materials industry organization) forecasts a further decline in wafer fab equipment sales in 1H of 2019, followed by recovery in 2H. Other industry sources we talked to before the report was issued had similar views. 

This scenario could fall apart due to general economic weakness, American attempts to stifle China’s semiconductor industry, or both. On December 21, Reuters reported that Foxconn “…is in the final stages of talks with the local government of the Chinese city of Zhuhai to build a chip plant there with a total investment of about $9 billion… most of which would be shouldered by the Zhuhai government through subsidies and tax breaks…” This looks like a perfect target for the Americans, but whether or not they will notice or care remains to be seen.

Horiba is now selling at 9.6x our EPS estimate for this fiscal year, 13.4x our estimate for next year and 12.1x our estimate for FY Dec-20. These and other projected valuations are near the bottom of their 5-year historical ranges. If the Semiconductor Equipment division does not recover in 2H of 2019, historical data suggest that its operating profit could drop by 70% rather than the 47% we are now forecasting, resulting in a P/E ratio of 17x. Nevertheless, it is time to start considering when and at what price to buy Horiba.

Horiba is a diversified Japanese maker of precision and analytical devices and systems with a significant presence in the global markets for automotive test, industrial process and environmental analysis, hematology, semiconductor production equipment and scientific instruments. It is by far the world’s leading producer of automotive emission measurement systems (EMS), having supplied about 80% of the installed base worldwide, and also the world’s top manufacturer of mass flow controllers for the semiconductor industry, with an estimated global market share of nearly 60%.

5. Last Week in Event SPACE: Familymart, Takeda, Harbin Electric, Motherson, Young Poong, NTT


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Recapping the original plan: when Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) (“FM”) sold the remaining 60% of UNY to Don Quijote Holdings (7532 JP) (DQ), it entered into an agreement to buy 20+% in DQ, for one of two reasons; 1) a company wants to prove to the employees of a division being sold that they are maintaining a watchful eye over them, or (as is now evident) 2) the buyer wants to gain an equity method affiliate and the income from it (including the placeholder for frontrunner status to future capital events). 

  • FM launched a Partial Tender Offer at a 20% premium to last in order to buy these shares, and in the MOU to launch the tender offer there was a clause which said that if FM did not reach the full 20%, it had made arrangements to borrow shares in order to get to 20% of the voting rights. And if FM did not manage to get to the full 20%, there was an agreement between DQ which allowed FM to buy shares in the market to get to a 20% (but not larger) position. 
    • If FM managed to get the shares, it was going to buy from the weak hands.  Growth stock managers don’t like selling growth stocks until the growth stops growing. DQ is still growing, and with UNY, DQ may grow faster than previously expected. The upshot is that everyone decided they’d stand pat – FM got nothing in the tender (0.08% of the total desired).
  • Shares in DQ could fall because of a lack of hard strategy announced by FM to buy all the shares at a higher price immediately. That shouldn’t be a big worry – it wasn’t going to happen.
  • Travis Lundy sees DQ having a performance skew which includes a “cushion of sorts” in the ¥5500-6600/share zone where he would expect FM to acquire shares. He does not see a cushion for the shares of FM, and expects them to be volatile. 

(link to Travis’ insight: FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat)  

Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) (Mkt Cap: $546mn; Liquidity: $0.4mn)

Power generation equipment manufacturer Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) is currently suspended pursuant to Hong Kong’s Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs, suggesting a privatisation offer from parent Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) is pending. As HE is PRC incorporated, a privatisation by way of a merger by absorption may be proposed, similar to Advanced Semiconductor Mfg Corp Ltd. (3355 HK) as discussed in ASMC’s Merger By Absorption. 

  • It is possible this suspension is not in relation to a takeover, but a major sale of assets, for example, from the parent to the sub. This would make sense given the recent share purchase by HEC (completed in January this year), and the fact HE is playing catch-up to Dongfang Electric Corporation (1072 HK) Shanghai Electric Group Company (2727 HK). Arguably, launching a takeover shortly after subscribing for more shares is unusual.  Then again, when the two SOE railway behemoths CNR and CSR merged in 2015, a merger was disputed (at the time) when both were suspended on account of the fact CNR was only listed (on the HK exchange) in 2Q14.
  • HE has perennially traded at discount to net cash. As at its last traded price, the discount to net cash (using the 2018 interim figure of HK$12.4bn, or HK$7.27/share) was 65%.
  • “Fair” pricing to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on PER. I simply don’t see this happening. And if it doesn’t, the fiduciary duty of independent directors will be tested/scrutinised if they recommend an offer to shareholders at any price less than the net cash/share of the company.

(link to my insight: Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised)  

Motherson Sumi Systems (MSS IN) (Mkt Cap: $7.7bn; Liquidity: $1.6mn)

Reportedly Motherson has entered merger/acquisition talks with Leoni AG (LEO GR), a leading provider of cables and cable systems for the automotive sector and other industries. Motherson has made four acquisitions so far in this business segment with the latest being PKC in 2017.

  • Motherson has always aimed at strengthening this business area internationally, therefore the news about a merger with Leoni comes as no surprise and was mentioned as a potential acquisition target in LightStream Research‘s earlier insight Two More Acquisitions on the Way for Motherson Sumi
  • Motherson has a strong balance sheet that could support this acquisition, although its ability to make further acquisitions in the short-to-medium term may be hampered – Leoni would be at the higher end of the price range for recent acquisitions. Should the acquisition go through, the company will be very well positioned to reach its US$18bn revenue target by 2020E, given that the combined revenue for FY2017 alone is ~US$13bn.
  • Currently, Motherson is trading at an FY1 EV/EBITDA of 10x, slightly above peers such as Mahindra Cie Automotive (MACA IN) (9x) and below peers such as Bosch Ltd (BOS IN) (25x). If the deal goes through, Motherson’s FY1 EV/EBITDA of ~12x would be at a slight premium to local players, but still reasonable compared to international players. 

(link to Aqila Ali ‘s insight: Motherson In Merger Talks with One of Our Previously Short-Listed Candidates – Leoni)  

MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts reduced its indicative offer to $3.40 from $3.77 on Thursday after sifting through MYOB’s books, with MYOB announcing:

Following completion of due diligence and finalisation of debt funding commitments, KKR has revised the offer price to $3.40 per share. …  The board has informed KKR that it is not in a position to recommend the revised proposal, however it remains in discussions with KKR regarding its proposal. (my emphasis)

(link to my insight: Friday Deadline Looms As MYOB Snubs KKR’s Reduced Offer)


NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) (Mkt Cap: $75bn; Liquidity: $181mn)

The Nikkei carried an article noting that the Japanese government’s FY2019 budget currently being formed proposes a sale of ¥160bn of shares in NTT to help fund any revenue impact from the upcoming consumption tax rate hike from 8% to 10% next October. The article helpfully notes that they plan on selling when NTT is buying back shares. One of the longstanding features of buybacks for NTT is that NTT is subject to the NTT Law which requires (for the moment) that the government hold at least one-third of the shares outstanding in NTT.

  • Travis estimates NTT has ~1.95bn shares outstanding, or ~1.917bn shares outstanding ex-Treasury shares, after recent buybacks. If NTT cancelled the shares it has bought back prior to buying back shares from the government, this would allow NTT to buy back 59mm shares from the government (assuming those shares are also cancelled). If it did not, it would mean NTT could only buy back about 42-43mm shares. 59mm shares backs out ¥250bn; 43mm shares at a 10% discount would be  ¥180bn. That means there is about 10% leeway in stock price to buy ¥160bn from the government IF shares repurchased under the current buyback are not cancelled.
  • But that also means that there would be no more buybacks from the government after that until the company buys back more shares from the market. If the company wanted to buy back another ¥200bn from the government, ceteris paribus it would have to buy back something like ¥400-450bn first from the market in order to reduce the denominator. Travis concludes there is still more on-market buying to do.
  • At an NTT/ NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP) ratio of 1.80x, buybacks coming, expected ongoing strong dividend policy (and lots of headroom to do so, unlike perhaps Softbank Corp (9434 JP)), and investor suspicion of what comes next for Docomo, NTT is the home of the cashflow.

(link to Travis’ insight: NTT Buybacks Will Roll On)  

Takeda Pharmaceutical (4502 JP) Softbank Corp (9434 JP)

The IPO of Softbank Corp and the Merger of Takeda and Shire Pharmaceuticals create significant changes in TOPIX, MSCI, and FTSE because of the addition of roughly ¥5tn of “new” market capitalization in major Japan indices. Pure passive investors have something like ¥1.35tn of Softbank Corp and Takeda Pharmaceutical to buy.

  • However, after Travis’ initial note (Softbank Corp, Takeda, and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion), TSE unhelpfully changed their mind on timing (for Takeda) based on an unhelpful change by the LSE. With the changes at FTSE and now TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400, we no longer have quite the same clarity of forces on the bodies, and therefore less clarity on the resulting motion. The LSE’s announced market change appears to have led the MSCI to change its deletion date for Shire as well, now also (along with FTSE) deleting Shire at the close of the 21st. The new schedule is:
    Index DeletionShire
    (shs mm)
    Index InclusionTakeda
    (shs mm)
    Index Effect
    (US$ bn)
    Net Delta
    21 DecMSCI -50MSCI JP+75– $0.3bn+$1.3bn
    21 DecFTSE UK, All-Share,-100-130FTSE JP+15-$5.2bn+– $2.1bn

    rest of December – end of a pretty bad year for hedge funds, but illiquid

    all of January

    30 JanTOPIX-$1.9bnTOPIX, JPXN400


    30 JanTOPIX-$3.5bnTOPIXSoftbank+$3.5bn+$3.5bn
    all of February
    27 FebTOPIX, JPXN400+60+$2.1bn+$2.1bn
  • It doesn’t change the amounts but a lot more time allows for more risk and preparation and there will no longer be any potential settlement issues on the TOPIX side. There is still the same amount of Takeda to buy in TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400. 
  • In principle, Travis would want to be long Takeda at the close of the year of 2018, but given the LSE and TSE changes there is less support to give and the payoff is substantially more distant. 

links to Travis’ insights
Softbank Corp, Takeda, and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Takeda: Move Over Newton! Now It’s Spooky Action At a Distance

Dic Corp (4631 JP) (Mkt Cap: $2.8bn; Liquidity: $15mn)

Speciality steel maker Nisshin Steel (5413 JP) is slated to merge with parent company Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (5401 JP) as of January 1, 2019. For that, Nisshin Steel will be delisted on December 26th (i.e. the last day of trading is the 25th) and that means the Nikkei Inc was obliged to choose a replacement for Nisshin Steel in the Nikkei 225 and other indices. On December 11th, the Nikkei Inc announced Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc (2296 JP) would take Nisshin’s place in the Nikkei 500 Index; announced that Japan Post Holdings (6178 JP) would join the Nikkei 300 Index; and announced that Dic Corp (4631 JP) would replace Nisshin Steel in the Nikkei Stock Average, better known as the Nikkei 225.

  • Nisshin Steel’s deletion is a nothing-burger. 
  • The possibility of a DIC addition was well-flagged as early as May when sell-side brokers started compiling Annual and Ad Hoc Review lists for the Nikkei 225 changes to come in September and as a result of the Nisshin Steel merger. Travis would rather be long DIC than short DIC through the close of December 21st or probably December 25th. 

(link to Travis’ insight: Small Potatoes Nikkei 225 Changes on Christmas Day)


Young Poong (000670 KS) / Korea Zinc (010130 KS)

YP appeared “cheap” back in April when I last discussed this Holdco, and is now cheaper, with its holding in KZ accounting for near-on 200% of its market cap.  I can’t think of any other parent/subsidiary relationship – one which is essentially a single stock structure – with such a deep discount. Especially one where the stub ops operate in a similar space to that of the listed holding. 

  • On the negative front, an investigation into YP’s Seokpo zinc smelter remains ongoing on account of perceived environmental transgressions. The Seokpo smelter is located in a national park on the Nakdong river. Wastewater containing above-legal limits of certain chemicals (fluoride and selenium) allegedly flowed downstream to residents, who are heavily reliant on this water.
  • YP’s stub and KZ are in the same business, but there are differences. YP does not have a balanced product mix as KZ does, with around 84% of its revenue coming from zinc-related production (for the 9M18 period), compared to 42.5% (on a revenue basis) for KZ, followed by lead (20.4%), silver (20.2%), and gold (7.6%).
  • However, YP and KZ remain inextricably intertwined and the current discount is unjustifiably steep. Just that YP’s liquidity, uncertainty on Seokpo, and lack of a near-term catalyst make for a difficult stub set-up.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Young Poong Blows Out, Again)  

Softbank Group (9984 JP) / Softbank Corp (9434 JP)

A forgettable trading debut for Japan’s largest-ever IPO, with Softbank Corp, closing at ¥1,282/share, down from the IPO price of ¥1,500, and closing at ¥1,316/share on Friday, the same day as its FTSE inclusion.


With seven stocks promoted/reassigned from TSE2, MOTHERS, and JASDAQ in November 2018 leading to the same seven stocks being included in TOPIX at the end of December, Travis tested 340+ TOPIX inclusions over the past five years to see what really happens around TOPIX inclusions?

  • If you own all but the smallest stocks (with a market cap of less than ¥15bn), odds are that, ON AVERAGE, they will underperform TOPIX from inclusion date or the day after, for many months.
  • The larger the market cap, the more marked the AVERAGE underperformance immediately following inclusion. 
  • For names in the ¥25-50bn sweet spot of “large enough to be “small cap” with somebody paying attention to it”, outperformance vs underperformance in the next 10 days is a 47/53 proposition. That is a bigger risk. It may be data-idiosyncratic, but it is not clear.
  • In the case of the 7 names going into TOPIX at month-end this month, the averages would suggest one could still be long the four largest (at the time of Travis’ insight), but one would not want to be long the others; and one could sell long positions in all the names as of the close of the 27th or 28th and have it be an ex-ante expected net positive outcome vs TOPIX over the following 10-60 trading days.

(link to Travis’ insight: Historical TOPIX Inclusions:  How Do They Do Around Inclusion Date?)


Ke Yan, CFA, FRM provided an update on the HK Connect/southbound flow. Fullshare Holdings (607 HK)Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd (1787 HK) and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) (2196 HK) rounded out the top three inflows relative to their free float in the past seven days.  Shandong Gold remained in the top inflow list for the third consecutive week. Top outflows relative to the free float are Wuxi Biologics (Cayman) Inc (2269 HK), China Southern Airlines (1055 HK) and Sino Biopharmaceutical (1177 HK)

(link to Ke Yan’s insight: Discover HK Connect: Mainlanders Are Buying Shandong Gold, and Pharmaceuticals (2018-12-17))  

Briefly …


  • LCY Chemical Corp (1704 TT).  MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs) approval has now been received and LCY has applied for the delisting from the TWSE. The last trading day is the 23 Jan 2019 and the stock delists on the 30 Jan.  The settlement is expected to take place mid-Feb.
  • Healthscope Ltd (HSO AU). In an ASX announcement on Friday Brookfield said: “based on its enquiries and financing discussions to date, it has no reason to believe it will not be willing and able to proceed with the proposal“. The exclusivity provisions have been extended to 18 January. Separately, Healthscope has also received correspondence from the BGH-AustralianSuper Consortium that it has indicated it is able to commence due diligence immediately. HSO’s board stated it will consider the correspondence. These are both positive developments.


My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


China Sec
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx

Daily Japan: Horiba (6856 JP): Bad News Largely Discounted and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Horiba (6856 JP): Bad News Largely Discounted
  2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Familymart, Takeda, Harbin Electric, Motherson, Young Poong, NTT
  3. Japan Pharma – Domestic Market and Long Listed Drug Exposure
  4. Japan – Policymakers Panicking, We Are Not
  5. FamilyMart: A Shrewd Head-Fake?

1. Horiba (6856 JP): Bad News Largely Discounted

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Horiba combines high gearing to semiconductor capital spending with a large and growing automotive test business characterized by upward trending but uneven profitability. At ¥4,545 (Friday, December 21, closing price), its share price has dropped by 53% from an all-time high of ¥9,590 reached last May. Falling demand for semiconductor production equipment and a downward revision to FY Dec-18 sales and profit guidance announced in November appear to be largely in the price. 

The downward revision, which cut projected full-year operating profit growth from 15.5% to 2.5%, followed a 22.2% year-on-year decline in operating profit in 3Q and implies a similar rate of decline in 4Q. The weakness is concentrated in Semiconductor Equipment and Automotive Test, the former due to a cyclical downturn in overall demand, the latter due to M&A-related and other one-time expenses. New Automotive Test orders continued to outpace sales, leading to a 9.5% increase in the order backlog during 3Q.

Automotive Test sales and profits should rise next year, while semiconductor equipment sales and profits seem likely to bottom out. In a report issued on December 17, SEMI (the semiconductor equipment and materials industry organization) forecasts a further decline in wafer fab equipment sales in 1H of 2019, followed by recovery in 2H. Other industry sources we talked to before the report was issued had similar views. 

This scenario could fall apart due to general economic weakness, American attempts to stifle China’s semiconductor industry, or both. On December 21, Reuters reported that Foxconn “…is in the final stages of talks with the local government of the Chinese city of Zhuhai to build a chip plant there with a total investment of about $9 billion… most of which would be shouldered by the Zhuhai government through subsidies and tax breaks…” This looks like a perfect target for the Americans, but whether or not they will notice or care remains to be seen.

Horiba is now selling at 9.6x our EPS estimate for this fiscal year, 13.4x our estimate for next year and 12.1x our estimate for FY Dec-20. These and other projected valuations are near the bottom of their 5-year historical ranges. If the Semiconductor Equipment division does not recover in 2H of 2019, historical data suggest that its operating profit could drop by 70% rather than the 47% we are now forecasting, resulting in a P/E ratio of 17x. Nevertheless, it is time to start considering when and at what price to buy Horiba.

Horiba is a diversified Japanese maker of precision and analytical devices and systems with a significant presence in the global markets for automotive test, industrial process and environmental analysis, hematology, semiconductor production equipment and scientific instruments. It is by far the world’s leading producer of automotive emission measurement systems (EMS), having supplied about 80% of the installed base worldwide, and also the world’s top manufacturer of mass flow controllers for the semiconductor industry, with an estimated global market share of nearly 60%.

2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Familymart, Takeda, Harbin Electric, Motherson, Young Poong, NTT


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Recapping the original plan: when Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) (“FM”) sold the remaining 60% of UNY to Don Quijote Holdings (7532 JP) (DQ), it entered into an agreement to buy 20+% in DQ, for one of two reasons; 1) a company wants to prove to the employees of a division being sold that they are maintaining a watchful eye over them, or (as is now evident) 2) the buyer wants to gain an equity method affiliate and the income from it (including the placeholder for frontrunner status to future capital events). 

  • FM launched a Partial Tender Offer at a 20% premium to last in order to buy these shares, and in the MOU to launch the tender offer there was a clause which said that if FM did not reach the full 20%, it had made arrangements to borrow shares in order to get to 20% of the voting rights. And if FM did not manage to get to the full 20%, there was an agreement between DQ which allowed FM to buy shares in the market to get to a 20% (but not larger) position. 
    • If FM managed to get the shares, it was going to buy from the weak hands.  Growth stock managers don’t like selling growth stocks until the growth stops growing. DQ is still growing, and with UNY, DQ may grow faster than previously expected. The upshot is that everyone decided they’d stand pat – FM got nothing in the tender (0.08% of the total desired).
  • Shares in DQ could fall because of a lack of hard strategy announced by FM to buy all the shares at a higher price immediately. That shouldn’t be a big worry – it wasn’t going to happen.
  • Travis Lundy sees DQ having a performance skew which includes a “cushion of sorts” in the ¥5500-6600/share zone where he would expect FM to acquire shares. He does not see a cushion for the shares of FM, and expects them to be volatile. 

(link to Travis’ insight: FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat)  

Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) (Mkt Cap: $546mn; Liquidity: $0.4mn)

Power generation equipment manufacturer Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) is currently suspended pursuant to Hong Kong’s Codes on Takeovers and Mergers and Share Buy-backs, suggesting a privatisation offer from parent Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) is pending. As HE is PRC incorporated, a privatisation by way of a merger by absorption may be proposed, similar to Advanced Semiconductor Mfg Corp Ltd. (3355 HK) as discussed in ASMC’s Merger By Absorption. 

  • It is possible this suspension is not in relation to a takeover, but a major sale of assets, for example, from the parent to the sub. This would make sense given the recent share purchase by HEC (completed in January this year), and the fact HE is playing catch-up to Dongfang Electric Corporation (1072 HK) Shanghai Electric Group Company (2727 HK). Arguably, launching a takeover shortly after subscribing for more shares is unusual.  Then again, when the two SOE railway behemoths CNR and CSR merged in 2015, a merger was disputed (at the time) when both were suspended on account of the fact CNR was only listed (on the HK exchange) in 2Q14.
  • HE has perennially traded at discount to net cash. As at its last traded price, the discount to net cash (using the 2018 interim figure of HK$12.4bn, or HK$7.27/share) was 65%.
  • “Fair” pricing to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on PER. I simply don’t see this happening. And if it doesn’t, the fiduciary duty of independent directors will be tested/scrutinised if they recommend an offer to shareholders at any price less than the net cash/share of the company.

(link to my insight: Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised)  

Motherson Sumi Systems (MSS IN) (Mkt Cap: $7.7bn; Liquidity: $1.6mn)

Reportedly Motherson has entered merger/acquisition talks with Leoni AG (LEO GR), a leading provider of cables and cable systems for the automotive sector and other industries. Motherson has made four acquisitions so far in this business segment with the latest being PKC in 2017.

  • Motherson has always aimed at strengthening this business area internationally, therefore the news about a merger with Leoni comes as no surprise and was mentioned as a potential acquisition target in LightStream Research‘s earlier insight Two More Acquisitions on the Way for Motherson Sumi
  • Motherson has a strong balance sheet that could support this acquisition, although its ability to make further acquisitions in the short-to-medium term may be hampered – Leoni would be at the higher end of the price range for recent acquisitions. Should the acquisition go through, the company will be very well positioned to reach its US$18bn revenue target by 2020E, given that the combined revenue for FY2017 alone is ~US$13bn.
  • Currently, Motherson is trading at an FY1 EV/EBITDA of 10x, slightly above peers such as Mahindra Cie Automotive (MACA IN) (9x) and below peers such as Bosch Ltd (BOS IN) (25x). If the deal goes through, Motherson’s FY1 EV/EBITDA of ~12x would be at a slight premium to local players, but still reasonable compared to international players. 

(link to Aqila Ali ‘s insight: Motherson In Merger Talks with One of Our Previously Short-Listed Candidates – Leoni)  

MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts reduced its indicative offer to $3.40 from $3.77 on Thursday after sifting through MYOB’s books, with MYOB announcing:

Following completion of due diligence and finalisation of debt funding commitments, KKR has revised the offer price to $3.40 per share. …  The board has informed KKR that it is not in a position to recommend the revised proposal, however it remains in discussions with KKR regarding its proposal. (my emphasis)

(link to my insight: Friday Deadline Looms As MYOB Snubs KKR’s Reduced Offer)


NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) (Mkt Cap: $75bn; Liquidity: $181mn)

The Nikkei carried an article noting that the Japanese government’s FY2019 budget currently being formed proposes a sale of ¥160bn of shares in NTT to help fund any revenue impact from the upcoming consumption tax rate hike from 8% to 10% next October. The article helpfully notes that they plan on selling when NTT is buying back shares. One of the longstanding features of buybacks for NTT is that NTT is subject to the NTT Law which requires (for the moment) that the government hold at least one-third of the shares outstanding in NTT.

  • Travis estimates NTT has ~1.95bn shares outstanding, or ~1.917bn shares outstanding ex-Treasury shares, after recent buybacks. If NTT cancelled the shares it has bought back prior to buying back shares from the government, this would allow NTT to buy back 59mm shares from the government (assuming those shares are also cancelled). If it did not, it would mean NTT could only buy back about 42-43mm shares. 59mm shares backs out ¥250bn; 43mm shares at a 10% discount would be  ¥180bn. That means there is about 10% leeway in stock price to buy ¥160bn from the government IF shares repurchased under the current buyback are not cancelled.
  • But that also means that there would be no more buybacks from the government after that until the company buys back more shares from the market. If the company wanted to buy back another ¥200bn from the government, ceteris paribus it would have to buy back something like ¥400-450bn first from the market in order to reduce the denominator. Travis concludes there is still more on-market buying to do.
  • At an NTT/ NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP) ratio of 1.80x, buybacks coming, expected ongoing strong dividend policy (and lots of headroom to do so, unlike perhaps Softbank Corp (9434 JP)), and investor suspicion of what comes next for Docomo, NTT is the home of the cashflow.

(link to Travis’ insight: NTT Buybacks Will Roll On)  

Takeda Pharmaceutical (4502 JP) Softbank Corp (9434 JP)

The IPO of Softbank Corp and the Merger of Takeda and Shire Pharmaceuticals create significant changes in TOPIX, MSCI, and FTSE because of the addition of roughly ¥5tn of “new” market capitalization in major Japan indices. Pure passive investors have something like ¥1.35tn of Softbank Corp and Takeda Pharmaceutical to buy.

  • However, after Travis’ initial note (Softbank Corp, Takeda, and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion), TSE unhelpfully changed their mind on timing (for Takeda) based on an unhelpful change by the LSE. With the changes at FTSE and now TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400, we no longer have quite the same clarity of forces on the bodies, and therefore less clarity on the resulting motion. The LSE’s announced market change appears to have led the MSCI to change its deletion date for Shire as well, now also (along with FTSE) deleting Shire at the close of the 21st. The new schedule is:
    Index DeletionShire
    (shs mm)
    Index InclusionTakeda
    (shs mm)
    Index Effect
    (US$ bn)
    Net Delta
    21 DecMSCI -50MSCI JP+75– $0.3bn+$1.3bn
    21 DecFTSE UK, All-Share,-100-130FTSE JP+15-$5.2bn+– $2.1bn

    rest of December – end of a pretty bad year for hedge funds, but illiquid

    all of January

    30 JanTOPIX-$1.9bnTOPIX, JPXN400


    30 JanTOPIX-$3.5bnTOPIXSoftbank+$3.5bn+$3.5bn
    all of February
    27 FebTOPIX, JPXN400+60+$2.1bn+$2.1bn
  • It doesn’t change the amounts but a lot more time allows for more risk and preparation and there will no longer be any potential settlement issues on the TOPIX side. There is still the same amount of Takeda to buy in TOPIX and JPX Nikkei 400. 
  • In principle, Travis would want to be long Takeda at the close of the year of 2018, but given the LSE and TSE changes there is less support to give and the payoff is substantially more distant. 

links to Travis’ insights
Softbank Corp, Takeda, and Newton’s Three Laws of Motion
Takeda: Move Over Newton! Now It’s Spooky Action At a Distance

Dic Corp (4631 JP) (Mkt Cap: $2.8bn; Liquidity: $15mn)

Speciality steel maker Nisshin Steel (5413 JP) is slated to merge with parent company Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal (5401 JP) as of January 1, 2019. For that, Nisshin Steel will be delisted on December 26th (i.e. the last day of trading is the 25th) and that means the Nikkei Inc was obliged to choose a replacement for Nisshin Steel in the Nikkei 225 and other indices. On December 11th, the Nikkei Inc announced Itoham Yonekyu Holdings Inc (2296 JP) would take Nisshin’s place in the Nikkei 500 Index; announced that Japan Post Holdings (6178 JP) would join the Nikkei 300 Index; and announced that Dic Corp (4631 JP) would replace Nisshin Steel in the Nikkei Stock Average, better known as the Nikkei 225.

  • Nisshin Steel’s deletion is a nothing-burger. 
  • The possibility of a DIC addition was well-flagged as early as May when sell-side brokers started compiling Annual and Ad Hoc Review lists for the Nikkei 225 changes to come in September and as a result of the Nisshin Steel merger. Travis would rather be long DIC than short DIC through the close of December 21st or probably December 25th. 

(link to Travis’ insight: Small Potatoes Nikkei 225 Changes on Christmas Day)


Young Poong (000670 KS) / Korea Zinc (010130 KS)

YP appeared “cheap” back in April when I last discussed this Holdco, and is now cheaper, with its holding in KZ accounting for near-on 200% of its market cap.  I can’t think of any other parent/subsidiary relationship – one which is essentially a single stock structure – with such a deep discount. Especially one where the stub ops operate in a similar space to that of the listed holding. 

  • On the negative front, an investigation into YP’s Seokpo zinc smelter remains ongoing on account of perceived environmental transgressions. The Seokpo smelter is located in a national park on the Nakdong river. Wastewater containing above-legal limits of certain chemicals (fluoride and selenium) allegedly flowed downstream to residents, who are heavily reliant on this water.
  • YP’s stub and KZ are in the same business, but there are differences. YP does not have a balanced product mix as KZ does, with around 84% of its revenue coming from zinc-related production (for the 9M18 period), compared to 42.5% (on a revenue basis) for KZ, followed by lead (20.4%), silver (20.2%), and gold (7.6%).
  • However, YP and KZ remain inextricably intertwined and the current discount is unjustifiably steep. Just that YP’s liquidity, uncertainty on Seokpo, and lack of a near-term catalyst make for a difficult stub set-up.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Young Poong Blows Out, Again)  

Softbank Group (9984 JP) / Softbank Corp (9434 JP)

A forgettable trading debut for Japan’s largest-ever IPO, with Softbank Corp, closing at ¥1,282/share, down from the IPO price of ¥1,500, and closing at ¥1,316/share on Friday, the same day as its FTSE inclusion.


With seven stocks promoted/reassigned from TSE2, MOTHERS, and JASDAQ in November 2018 leading to the same seven stocks being included in TOPIX at the end of December, Travis tested 340+ TOPIX inclusions over the past five years to see what really happens around TOPIX inclusions?

  • If you own all but the smallest stocks (with a market cap of less than ¥15bn), odds are that, ON AVERAGE, they will underperform TOPIX from inclusion date or the day after, for many months.
  • The larger the market cap, the more marked the AVERAGE underperformance immediately following inclusion. 
  • For names in the ¥25-50bn sweet spot of “large enough to be “small cap” with somebody paying attention to it”, outperformance vs underperformance in the next 10 days is a 47/53 proposition. That is a bigger risk. It may be data-idiosyncratic, but it is not clear.
  • In the case of the 7 names going into TOPIX at month-end this month, the averages would suggest one could still be long the four largest (at the time of Travis’ insight), but one would not want to be long the others; and one could sell long positions in all the names as of the close of the 27th or 28th and have it be an ex-ante expected net positive outcome vs TOPIX over the following 10-60 trading days.

(link to Travis’ insight: Historical TOPIX Inclusions:  How Do They Do Around Inclusion Date?)


Ke Yan, CFA, FRM provided an update on the HK Connect/southbound flow. Fullshare Holdings (607 HK)Shandong Gold Mining Co Ltd (1787 HK) and Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) (2196 HK) rounded out the top three inflows relative to their free float in the past seven days.  Shandong Gold remained in the top inflow list for the third consecutive week. Top outflows relative to the free float are Wuxi Biologics (Cayman) Inc (2269 HK), China Southern Airlines (1055 HK) and Sino Biopharmaceutical (1177 HK)

(link to Ke Yan’s insight: Discover HK Connect: Mainlanders Are Buying Shandong Gold, and Pharmaceuticals (2018-12-17))  

Briefly …


  • LCY Chemical Corp (1704 TT).  MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs) approval has now been received and LCY has applied for the delisting from the TWSE. The last trading day is the 23 Jan 2019 and the stock delists on the 30 Jan.  The settlement is expected to take place mid-Feb.
  • Healthscope Ltd (HSO AU). In an ASX announcement on Friday Brookfield said: “based on its enquiries and financing discussions to date, it has no reason to believe it will not be willing and able to proceed with the proposal“. The exclusivity provisions have been extended to 18 January. Separately, Healthscope has also received correspondence from the BGH-AustralianSuper Consortium that it has indicated it is able to commence due diligence immediately. HSO’s board stated it will consider the correspondence. These are both positive developments.


My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


China Sec
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx

3. Japan Pharma – Domestic Market and Long Listed Drug Exposure


  • The Japanese government recently announced its decision to initiate an ad-hoc price reduction of ~4.35%, to be levied in October 2019, this will be in addition to the scheduled biennial price revisions (source).
  • The October 2019 scheduled price cuts will have nominal overall impact; however, we highlight a few companies that are relatively more vulnerable to ongoing price reforms.
  • Mitsubishi Tanabe, Taisho, Santen, Kaken, Kyorin and Kissei generate >50% of revenue from the domestic market and are projected to continue to do so over next 3-5 years.
  • Furthermore, the contribution from long listed (LL) drugs is much higher for the above-mentioned companies, which makes them relatively vulnerable to ongoing price reforms (price cuts for LL drugs are much higher than the average).
  • On the other hand, Ono, KHK and Nippon Shinyaku, despite a high proportion of domestic revenue (as a % of total revenue), have only limited contribution from LL drugs.
  • Ono’s Opdivo, however, will continue to face market expansion led special price cuts going forward.
Source: Company data, Pathology Associates research
* Companies with financial year ending December, Taisho domestic pharma includes OTC sales, N Kayaku domestic pharma sales includes Generics and Biosimilar sales

4. Japan – Policymakers Panicking, We Are Not


Japanese policymakers are panicking. Economic activity contracted in 3Q.  Inflation is slowing, up 0.8% YoY in December vs 1.4% YoY previously. Exports are flat lining. Unsurprisingly the BoJ left monetary policy unchanged this month while Abe’s cabinet, taking no chances approved a record initial budget for fiscal 2019 this week. We see few real signs of the economy slowing yet though. We remain overweight Japanese equities and are forecasting 1% nominal GDP growth in 2019, the same as the first three quarters of 2018.

5. FamilyMart: A Shrewd Head-Fake?


We think the failed tender but continued asset sale between Familymart Uny (8028 JP) and Don Quijote (7532 JP)  is astutely beneficial for Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) and parent Itochu Corp (8001 JP) . More details below 

Daily Japan: Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2018…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2019 and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2018…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2019
  2. Japan: Ticking the Bear Market Boxes
  3. FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat
  4. 2018 Was Not the Year for Value or Beta Names in Japan….
  5. Universal, SegaSammy & Dynam Sit Best Positioned Among Japan Companies in Race for IR Partnerships

1. Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2018…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2019

In a follow up to my note from last year Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2017…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2018 I again look at my stock ideas that have worked out in 2018, those that have not and those where the verdict is still pending.

Last year I provided 5 high conviction ideas and here is their performance in a brutal year for Asian Stock Markets:

Share Price 27 Dec 2017
Share Price 20 December 2018
% Total Return
0.70 HKD
0.88 HKD
0.01 HKD
0.20 SGD
0.27 SGD
0.0 SGD
2.39 HKD
2.82 HKD
0.147 HKD
0.84 SGD
0.85 SGD
0.02 SGD
1.44 MYR
0.32 MYR
0.0 MYR
source: Refinitiv

4 out of 5 had a positive performance.

Below I will make a new attempt to provide five high conviction ideas going into 2019.

2. Japan: Ticking the Bear Market Boxes

2018 12 21 10 17 38

After the market action on Thursday, this Insight provides a brief rundown of the technical position of our Japan Market Composite. I would categorise the current state of play as ‘The End of the Beginning’ and, despite the potential of short-term rallies, would still advise caution for the first quarter as the impact of the slowdown in global trade feeds through into earnings. 

Source: Japan Analytics

3. FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat


In October, the Nikkei leaked and Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) immediately thereafter announced that Familymart would sell the rest of its GMS (and financing) subsidiary UNY to Don Quijote Holdings (7532 JP) (which bought 40% of the company in 2017) and would conduct a Tender Offer later in 2018 at a 20% premium to the then-current price to buy a stake in Don Quijote of just over 20%. The Tender Offer was announced November 6th. Familymart had arranged to borrow shares it did not manage to buy in the tender so that at the next record date it will have 20% of the voting rights by hook or by crook. 

Don Quijote shares jumped to the Tender Offer price the same day and then spent a day there before investors decided that the news and structure of the deal was better news for Don Quijote than Familymart had priced in. 

Results of the Tender Offer have just been announced. Familymart had been trying to buy 32,108,700 shares for JPY 212 billion. They just missed. They got 0.08% of the total desired, or 24,721 shares for just over JPY 163 million.


I expect Familymart had zero idea this would happen. I expect their bankers are surprised as well. They should not have been. They analysed this badly. There was a decent chance they would find it difficult to dislodge shares from owners. 

In FamilyMart Tender for Don Quijote – Elmer vs Mr. Partridge? I recalled how “Old Turkey” (from Edwin Lefevre’s Reminiscences of a Stock Operator) did not want to lose his position while Elmer was eager to take profits.

I couldn’t think of selling that stock.” “You couldn’t?” asked Elmer, beginning to look doubtful himself. It is a habit with most tip givers to be tip takers. “Why not?” And Elmer drew nearer. “Why, this is a bull market!” The old fellow said it as though he had given a long and detailed explanation. 

Growth stock managers don’t like selling growth stocks until the growth stops growing. Don Quijote is still growing. And with UNY, Don Quijote may grow faster than previously expected. 

The announcement at the end of the Tender Offer Results announcement is also VERY telling. There was a plan to make Don Quijote an equity-method affiliate by buying in the Tender Offer, buying in the market, or borrowing lots of shares. There was a plan for Familymart to appoint directors to DQ.

There was a clearly-available trading strategy based on that. 

The new announcement puts that strategy into question. And Mr. Partridge might not be so inclined to call it a bull market. Since the launch of the deal, the markets have started the trip to Gehenna in a trug. From the one-month average prior to the Familymart bid news, Don Quijote is up 25%. Familymart is up 40%, the Nikkei 225 is down 10.7%, the TOPIX retail sector is down 5.5% but Familymart and Don Quijote have influenced that performance (without those two names, average performance is worse).

4. 2018 Was Not the Year for Value or Beta Names in Japan….


We looked back and identified which factors drove the Japanese market in 2018. We found that Value, which is historically strong in Japan, did poorly and really the only investment styles/factors that did well were large-cap and names with a high percent of retail investors.  

5. Universal, SegaSammy & Dynam Sit Best Positioned Among Japan Companies in Race for IR Partnerships


  • We’ve reviewed 10 companies in the sector. Of those, three are the consensus favorites of our Tokyo based panel of industry, financial and economics observers of the IR initiative over many years.
  • Based on pachinko alone, the stocks of these companies are fully valued. Based on potential tailwind from a license award within 6 months, they could be vastly undervalued.
  • Each of the three noted here brings strength to a bid less based on financials than corporate focus, outlook and experience in the field.

Daily Japan: Japan Retail Review 1H2018: Top Retailers Outperform and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Japan Retail Review 1H2018: Top Retailers Outperform
  2. NTT Buybacks Will Roll On
  3. Time-Out Not Time up for Trade War
  4. Softbank Corp: When Does It Become a Buy?
  5. SoftBank Group (9984 JP): SoftBank Corp IPO Has Failed to Meaningfully Narrow the Holdco Discount

1. Japan Retail Review 1H2018: Top Retailers Outperform


Leading Japanese retail chains across all the major formats had a strong 1H2018 with surprisingly few exceptions.

Although some saw operating profits fall, and most of those that did expect profits to be lower for the year as a whole, other results were particularly impressive given the difficult operating conditions this year due to weather and natural disasters.

The following is a quick snapshot of the state-of-play at major Japanese retailers.

2. NTT Buybacks Will Roll On

Screenshot%202018 12 19%20at%202.37.35%20pm

There is an extensive history of writing on the NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) family (and indeed Japan telecom sector) buybacks – their modalities and methods, impacts, legal and accounting requirements, competition, push-me-pull-you effect, etc. 

One of the longstanding features of buybacks for NTT is that NTT is subject to the NTT Law which requires (for the moment) that the government hold at least one-third of the shares outstanding in NTT.

Today, the Nikkei carried an article noting that the Japanese government’sFY2019 budget currently being formed proposes a sale of JPY 160bn of shares to help fund any revenue impact from the upcoming consumption tax rate hike from 8% to 10% next October. The article helpfully notes that they plan on selling when NTT is buying back shares.

This news is not unexpected to Smartkarma readers of the ongoing series. And there are implications and read-throughs. 

3. Time-Out Not Time up for Trade War


  • Xi and Trump walk away from Buenos Aires with something to sell at home
  • But trade negotiations will be dominated by fraught disagreements
  • After 90-day negotiations, further delays to tariff escalation are likely 

4. Softbank Corp: When Does It Become a Buy?


Although we were bearish on the IPO initially and turned increasingly so following the relatively poor reception among retailers that was discussed in Softbank IPO: Signs Point to Risk of Early IPO Price Break, we were still a touch surprised at the extent of the drop today, with the stock finishing down 14.53% to close at the lows with 271.5m shares changing hands. With a rising dividend yield and looming buying from passive funds on the on hand and a potentially large overhang from retailers who may have been looking to flip for a profit on the other, we discuss what would turn us more bullish below.

5. SoftBank Group (9984 JP): SoftBank Corp IPO Has Failed to Meaningfully Narrow the Holdco Discount


Softbank Group (9984 JP)’s market cap has consistently traded below its NAV. A popular expectation was that the Softbank Corp (9434 JP) IPO should be a catalyst to narrow the conglomerate discount (holdco discount). On its trading debut today, SoftBank Corp’s shares fell 14.5% from its IPO price of JPY1,500 to JPY1,282 per share – the worst first-day decline ever for a major IPO in Japan since the Japan Display (6740 JP) IPO in 2014. 

In our previous research, we stated that the SoftBank Corp IPO is unlikely to meaningfully narrow SoftBank’s holdco discount. Our updated SoftBank SoTP analysis which reflects SoftBank Corp’s trading debut suggests that SoftBank’s holdco discount has not meaningfully narrowed.

Daily Japan: Global Markets Deteriorating…Except EM and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Global Markets Deteriorating…Except EM
  2. BAUTO (BAUTO MK): New Models to Keep Strong Sales Momentum
  3. Korean Government and Hyundai Motor Group’s Grand Ambitions to Expand Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
  4. Japan: The 2018-Q3 Cash Flow Stakes – Runners, Riders & Red Flags
  5. Belluna: Growing by Selling Gentility to the Expanding Older Market in Japan

1. Global Markets Deteriorating…Except EM


With U.S. markets stumbling, the MSCI ACWI index is breaking down to new lows: defensive Sectors remain attractive. Relative to MSCI ACWI however, emerging markets are the place to be. China, Brazil, Hungary, Qatar, India, Poland, and Indonesia all display positive price and/or RS trends. In this report we recap technical important levels on all major indexes and highlight attractive stocks within Real Estate, Health Care/Pharma, Precious Metals Mining, and Utilities.

2. BAUTO (BAUTO MK): New Models to Keep Strong Sales Momentum

  • Improving asset turnover, relatively strong analyst recommendations, and slow asset growth relative to its sector
  • New launches in FY2019-20 e.g. CX-3 facelift and 7-seat SUV CX-8 should stimulate sales going forward. Sales were up by 24% in 1QFY19 YoY
  • Equity income from JV with Mazda Motor (7261 JP) should increase as production volume ramps up to meet strong ASEAN demand. Production up by 40% YoY in FY2018
  • Attractive at a 19CE* 0.4 PEG ratio versus ASEAN Consumer Discretionary at a PEG of 0.9 and BAUTO is net cash
  • Risks: Regulations and sluggish consumer demand, FX risk JPY and PHP

* Consensus Estimates

3. Korean Government and Hyundai Motor Group’s Grand Ambitions to Expand Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Hydrogen 2

  • On December 18th, the Korean government announced numerous measures to reduce fine dust levels, including a significant increase in the number of hydrogen powered vehicles, including expanding hydrogen vehicles to 65,000 units by 2022 (cumulative). 
  • The Korean government wants to encourage the growth of hydrogen powered economy and position the country as one of the global leaders in this segment. The Korean government plans to spend about 3.5 trillion won to support the Korean auto industry. The Korean government’s new plan is to expand the hydrogen vehicles to 65,000 units by 2022, which is a big increase from the previous plan of expanding the hydrogen vehicles to 15,000 units by 2022.
  • The Hyundai Motor Group also recently announced a grand plan to expand its fuel cell vehicles with the announcement of its ‘FCEV Vision 2030.’ The Hyundai Motor Group plans to increase its annual production capacity for fuel cell systems to 0.7 million units by 2030, with plans to invest about $7 billion in the next 10 years to develop hydrogen fuel cell systems. 

4. Japan: The 2018-Q3 Cash Flow Stakes – Runners, Riders & Red Flags

2018 12 19 10 24 10

Source: Japan Analytics

JAPAN CORPORATE CASH FLOW UPDATE – This insight updates our previous Insight Yen Weakens > Normal Service Resumed with data from all of the most quarterly reports filed last month. Our aggregate cash flow model reformulated cash flows into eight categories which sum to Change in Cash – Free Cash Flow (Operating Cash Flow less Investing Cash Flow), Financing Cash Flow, Shareholder Cash Flow (Equity Cash Flow and Dividend Cash Flow) and Minorities. In the last three months, Japan’s non-financial companies generated ¥12.1t in Operating Cash Flow while investing ¥9.2t – the largest quarterly amount of capex since 2016-Q4.  Of the total ¥2.9t in Free Cash Flow, 65% was returned to shareholders of which half was in the form of reductions in equity – an improving and welcome trend which we covered in an earlier Insight. After a ¥0.8t increase in debt and a ¥0.3t increase in Minorities Cash Flow, aggregate cash rose by ¥2.2t for the quarter. Since 2011-Q4, 58% of the ¥102.7t in cumulative FCF has been allocated to shareholders and 40% to cash, leaving considerable room for improvement in the relative size of these ratios.

SECTORS & STOCKS – In the DETAIL below, we also look at sector cash flow trends and provide brief comments on some of the most significant changes in individual cash flows over the last three months including Softbank Group (9984 JP), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (9107 JP)Hanwa (8078 JP), Open House (3288 JP)Macnica Fuji Electronics (3132 JP), and Digital Garage (4819 JP).

5. Belluna: Growing by Selling Gentility to the Expanding Older Market in Japan

Image2 1

While Nissen and Senshukai (8165 JP) have hit new lows in the past five years, Belluna (9997 JP) has gone from strength to strength by sticking with printed catalogues and tying these to e-commerce and retail store expansion.

The company’s strategy is also helped by the core customer demographic being women over the age of 50, one of the few population segments that is still growing.

As a result, group sales have risen by 28.8% in five years and operating profit has almost doubled from ¥7.8 billion to ¥13 billion.

The acquisition of Sagami, a kimono retailer that suffered from lack of attention under Uny’s management, could also result in a boost to profits in the next year.

Daily Japan: IKEA: Small Store Rollout in Japan to Start in 2020 and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. IKEA: Small Store Rollout in Japan to Start in 2020
  2. Share Classifications: Mid-December 2018 Snapshot

1. IKEA: Small Store Rollout in Japan to Start in 2020


IKEA Japan is following its parent company’s international strategy of opening smaller stores and expanding e-commerce. The first small store in Japan is now confirmed and will open in a high profile location in Harajuku.

With the correct design and positioning, it should help IKEA Japan back onto a higher growth path, and give Nitori Holdings (9843 JP) some competition at last – if only a little.

2. Share Classifications: Mid-December 2018 Snapshot

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This weekly share class summary is a companion insight to Travis Lundy‘s H/A Spread & Southbound Monitor – most recently discussed in H/A Spread & Southbound Monitor – Going Into Year End.   

This share class monitor provides a snapshot of the premium/discounts for various share classifications around the region, and comprises four sets of data:

1.  82 ADRs
2.  105 Korean Prefs
3.  22 Regional Dual Classes
4.  7 Foreign/Local Thai shares 

The average premium/discount for each set over a one-year period is graphed below.

Source: CapIQ

For a granular breakdown of each set, PDFs are attached at the bottom of this insight.

Daily Japan: FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat
  2. 2018 Was Not the Year for Value or Beta Names in Japan….
  3. Universal, SegaSammy & Dynam Sit Best Positioned Among Japan Companies in Race for IR Partnerships
  4. Global Markets Deteriorating…Except EM
  5. BAUTO (BAUTO MK): New Models to Keep Strong Sales Momentum

1. FamilyMart Tender Offer for Don Quijote Misses The Mark as Mr. Partridge Stands Pat


In October, the Nikkei leaked and Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) immediately thereafter announced that Familymart would sell the rest of its GMS (and financing) subsidiary UNY to Don Quijote Holdings (7532 JP) (which bought 40% of the company in 2017) and would conduct a Tender Offer later in 2018 at a 20% premium to the then-current price to buy a stake in Don Quijote of just over 20%. The Tender Offer was announced November 6th. Familymart had arranged to borrow shares it did not manage to buy in the tender so that at the next record date it will have 20% of the voting rights by hook or by crook. 

Don Quijote shares jumped to the Tender Offer price the same day and then spent a day there before investors decided that the news and structure of the deal was better news for Don Quijote than Familymart had priced in. 

Results of the Tender Offer have just been announced. Familymart had been trying to buy 32,108,700 shares for JPY 212 billion. They just missed. They got 0.08% of the total desired, or 24,721 shares for just over JPY 163 million.


I expect Familymart had zero idea this would happen. I expect their bankers are surprised as well. They should not have been. They analysed this badly. There was a decent chance they would find it difficult to dislodge shares from owners. 

In FamilyMart Tender for Don Quijote – Elmer vs Mr. Partridge? I recalled how “Old Turkey” (from Edwin Lefevre’s Reminiscences of a Stock Operator) did not want to lose his position while Elmer was eager to take profits.

I couldn’t think of selling that stock.” “You couldn’t?” asked Elmer, beginning to look doubtful himself. It is a habit with most tip givers to be tip takers. “Why not?” And Elmer drew nearer. “Why, this is a bull market!” The old fellow said it as though he had given a long and detailed explanation. 

Growth stock managers don’t like selling growth stocks until the growth stops growing. Don Quijote is still growing. And with UNY, Don Quijote may grow faster than previously expected. 

The announcement at the end of the Tender Offer Results announcement is also VERY telling. There was a plan to make Don Quijote an equity-method affiliate by buying in the Tender Offer, buying in the market, or borrowing lots of shares. There was a plan for Familymart to appoint directors to DQ.

There was a clearly-available trading strategy based on that. 

The new announcement puts that strategy into question. And Mr. Partridge might not be so inclined to call it a bull market. Since the launch of the deal, the markets have started the trip to Gehenna in a trug. From the one-month average prior to the Familymart bid news, Don Quijote is up 25%. Familymart is up 40%, the Nikkei 225 is down 10.7%, the TOPIX retail sector is down 5.5% but Familymart and Don Quijote have influenced that performance (without those two names, average performance is worse).

2. 2018 Was Not the Year for Value or Beta Names in Japan….


We looked back and identified which factors drove the Japanese market in 2018. We found that Value, which is historically strong in Japan, did poorly and really the only investment styles/factors that did well were large-cap and names with a high percent of retail investors.  

3. Universal, SegaSammy & Dynam Sit Best Positioned Among Japan Companies in Race for IR Partnerships


  • We’ve reviewed 10 companies in the sector. Of those, three are the consensus favorites of our Tokyo based panel of industry, financial and economics observers of the IR initiative over many years.
  • Based on pachinko alone, the stocks of these companies are fully valued. Based on potential tailwind from a license award within 6 months, they could be vastly undervalued.
  • Each of the three noted here brings strength to a bid less based on financials than corporate focus, outlook and experience in the field.

4. Global Markets Deteriorating…Except EM


With U.S. markets stumbling, the MSCI ACWI index is breaking down to new lows: defensive Sectors remain attractive. Relative to MSCI ACWI however, emerging markets are the place to be. China, Brazil, Hungary, Qatar, India, Poland, and Indonesia all display positive price and/or RS trends. In this report we recap technical important levels on all major indexes and highlight attractive stocks within Real Estate, Health Care/Pharma, Precious Metals Mining, and Utilities.

5. BAUTO (BAUTO MK): New Models to Keep Strong Sales Momentum

  • Improving asset turnover, relatively strong analyst recommendations, and slow asset growth relative to its sector
  • New launches in FY2019-20 e.g. CX-3 facelift and 7-seat SUV CX-8 should stimulate sales going forward. Sales were up by 24% in 1QFY19 YoY
  • Equity income from JV with Mazda Motor (7261 JP) should increase as production volume ramps up to meet strong ASEAN demand. Production up by 40% YoY in FY2018
  • Attractive at a 19CE* 0.4 PEG ratio versus ASEAN Consumer Discretionary at a PEG of 0.9 and BAUTO is net cash
  • Risks: Regulations and sluggish consumer demand, FX risk JPY and PHP

* Consensus Estimates

Daily Japan: Japan Pharma – Domestic Market and Long Listed Drug Exposure and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Japan Pharma – Domestic Market and Long Listed Drug Exposure
  2. Japan – Policymakers Panicking, We Are Not
  3. FamilyMart: A Shrewd Head-Fake?
  4. Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2018…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2019
  5. Japan: Ticking the Bear Market Boxes

1. Japan Pharma – Domestic Market and Long Listed Drug Exposure


  • The Japanese government recently announced its decision to initiate an ad-hoc price reduction of ~4.35%, to be levied in October 2019, this will be in addition to the scheduled biennial price revisions (source).
  • The October 2019 scheduled price cuts will have nominal overall impact; however, we highlight a few companies that are relatively more vulnerable to ongoing price reforms.
  • Mitsubishi Tanabe, Taisho, Santen, Kaken, Kyorin and Kissei generate >50% of revenue from the domestic market and are projected to continue to do so over next 3-5 years.
  • Furthermore, the contribution from long listed (LL) drugs is much higher for the above-mentioned companies, which makes them relatively vulnerable to ongoing price reforms (price cuts for LL drugs are much higher than the average).
  • On the other hand, Ono, KHK and Nippon Shinyaku, despite a high proportion of domestic revenue (as a % of total revenue), have only limited contribution from LL drugs.
  • Ono’s Opdivo, however, will continue to face market expansion led special price cuts going forward.
Source: Company data, Pathology Associates research
* Companies with financial year ending December, Taisho domestic pharma includes OTC sales, N Kayaku domestic pharma sales includes Generics and Biosimilar sales

2. Japan – Policymakers Panicking, We Are Not


Japanese policymakers are panicking. Economic activity contracted in 3Q.  Inflation is slowing, up 0.8% YoY in December vs 1.4% YoY previously. Exports are flat lining. Unsurprisingly the BoJ left monetary policy unchanged this month while Abe’s cabinet, taking no chances approved a record initial budget for fiscal 2019 this week. We see few real signs of the economy slowing yet though. We remain overweight Japanese equities and are forecasting 1% nominal GDP growth in 2019, the same as the first three quarters of 2018.

3. FamilyMart: A Shrewd Head-Fake?


We think the failed tender but continued asset sale between Familymart Uny (8028 JP) and Don Quijote (7532 JP)  is astutely beneficial for Familymart Uny Holdings (8028 JP) and parent Itochu Corp (8001 JP) . More details below 

4. Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2018…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2019

In a follow up to my note from last year Overview of My Winners and Losers in 2017…and 5 High Conviction Ideas Going into 2018 I again look at my stock ideas that have worked out in 2018, those that have not and those where the verdict is still pending.

Last year I provided 5 high conviction ideas and here is their performance in a brutal year for Asian Stock Markets:

Share Price 27 Dec 2017
Share Price 20 December 2018
% Total Return
0.70 HKD
0.88 HKD
0.01 HKD
0.20 SGD
0.27 SGD
0.0 SGD
2.39 HKD
2.82 HKD
0.147 HKD
0.84 SGD
0.85 SGD
0.02 SGD
1.44 MYR
0.32 MYR
0.0 MYR
source: Refinitiv

4 out of 5 had a positive performance.

Below I will make a new attempt to provide five high conviction ideas going into 2019.

5. Japan: Ticking the Bear Market Boxes

2018 12 21 10 19 58

After the market action on Thursday, this Insight provides a brief rundown of the technical position of our Japan Market Composite. I would categorise the current state of play as ‘The End of the Beginning’ and, despite the potential of short-term rallies, would still advise caution for the first quarter as the impact of the slowdown in global trade feeds through into earnings. 

Source: Japan Analytics

Daily Japan: Time-Out Not Time up for Trade War and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Time-Out Not Time up for Trade War
  2. Softbank Corp: When Does It Become a Buy?
  3. SoftBank Group (9984 JP): SoftBank Corp IPO Has Failed to Meaningfully Narrow the Holdco Discount
  4. Semiconductor WFE Outlook. Things Just Got Really Ugly
  5. Taisho Frontrunner to Acquire BMS’s French OTC Business

1. Time-Out Not Time up for Trade War


  • Xi and Trump walk away from Buenos Aires with something to sell at home
  • But trade negotiations will be dominated by fraught disagreements
  • After 90-day negotiations, further delays to tariff escalation are likely 

2. Softbank Corp: When Does It Become a Buy?


Although we were bearish on the IPO initially and turned increasingly so following the relatively poor reception among retailers that was discussed in Softbank IPO: Signs Point to Risk of Early IPO Price Break, we were still a touch surprised at the extent of the drop today, with the stock finishing down 14.53% to close at the lows with 271.5m shares changing hands. With a rising dividend yield and looming buying from passive funds on the on hand and a potentially large overhang from retailers who may have been looking to flip for a profit on the other, we discuss what would turn us more bullish below.

3. SoftBank Group (9984 JP): SoftBank Corp IPO Has Failed to Meaningfully Narrow the Holdco Discount


Softbank Group (9984 JP)’s market cap has consistently traded below its NAV. A popular expectation was that the Softbank Corp (9434 JP) IPO should be a catalyst to narrow the conglomerate discount (holdco discount). On its trading debut today, SoftBank Corp’s shares fell 14.5% from its IPO price of JPY1,500 to JPY1,282 per share – the worst first-day decline ever for a major IPO in Japan since the Japan Display (6740 JP) IPO in 2014. 

In our previous research, we stated that the SoftBank Corp IPO is unlikely to meaningfully narrow SoftBank’s holdco discount. Our updated SoftBank SoTP analysis which reflects SoftBank Corp’s trading debut suggests that SoftBank’s holdco discount has not meaningfully narrowed.

4. Semiconductor WFE Outlook. Things Just Got Really Ugly

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SEMI, the global industry association serving the manufacturing supply chain for the electronics industry, published three different forecasts for wafer fab equipment (WFE) sales in the past week. While the forecasts differ in approach and detail, they all agree on one thing, WFE revenues are continuing to fall and the outlook for 2019 is sharply down on previous estimates.

Specifically, Q4 2018 WFE revenues are set to decline 20.8% or $3.3 billion QoQ and the forecast which had just six months ago predicted 7% growth in 2019 is now calling for an 8% decline next year. 

These latest forecasts cast a dark shadow over the predictions of the leading WFE manufacturers that H1 2019 would be stronger than H2 2018 and we anticipate a strong downward revision of forward guidance in the upcoming earnings season. 

There may be a glimmer of hope on the horizon however as SEMI forecasts a strong rebound in the second half of 2019 leading to a return to growth of ~20% in 2020. Let’s see.  

5. Taisho Frontrunner to Acquire BMS’s French OTC Business

EventBristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US)‘s  French OTC business UPSA has been on the block since June 2018. According to a December 17, 2018 Bloomberg report (link), Taisho has emerged as the frontrunner to acquire UPSA for ~$1.6b

Our Take

  • If Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdin (4581 JP)  indeed goes ahead, it would get access to UPSA’s established (matured) OTC business, which generated ~$480m in sales in FY17
  • UPSC’s key OTC brands include Aspirine, Dafalgan and Efferalgan pain relievers; Donormyl sleep aid; and Fervex cold and flu remedies
  • Taisho also gains a foothold in France, contributing ~60% of UPSA sales (the rest is from other EU countries and China), by leveraging UPSA’s production facilities and distribution channels to perhaps market some of its own OTC products


Preliminary analysis suggests that the potential acquisition would have only a marginal impact on Taisho’s financials in the short to medium term due to:

  • Acquisition of a matured OTC portfolio that is projected to decline by 3-5% per year
  • Absence of cost synergies; Taisho’s SG&A expense to increase by ~¥12-15b from FY19e
  • Post deal Cash and Eq. of ~ $1b (assuming UPSA is an all cash deal)


Net, net we would maintain our EW rating and Fair Value estimate of ¥11,300 / share.

Daily Japan: Korean Government and Hyundai Motor Group’s Grand Ambitions to Expand Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Korean Government and Hyundai Motor Group’s Grand Ambitions to Expand Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles
  2. Japan: The 2018-Q3 Cash Flow Stakes – Runners, Riders & Red Flags
  3. Belluna: Growing by Selling Gentility to the Expanding Older Market in Japan
  4. Japan Retail Review 1H2018: Top Retailers Outperform
  5. NTT Buybacks Will Roll On

1. Korean Government and Hyundai Motor Group’s Grand Ambitions to Expand Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Hydrogen 2

  • On December 18th, the Korean government announced numerous measures to reduce fine dust levels, including a significant increase in the number of hydrogen powered vehicles, including expanding hydrogen vehicles to 65,000 units by 2022 (cumulative). 
  • The Korean government wants to encourage the growth of hydrogen powered economy and position the country as one of the global leaders in this segment. The Korean government plans to spend about 3.5 trillion won to support the Korean auto industry. The Korean government’s new plan is to expand the hydrogen vehicles to 65,000 units by 2022, which is a big increase from the previous plan of expanding the hydrogen vehicles to 15,000 units by 2022.
  • The Hyundai Motor Group also recently announced a grand plan to expand its fuel cell vehicles with the announcement of its ‘FCEV Vision 2030.’ The Hyundai Motor Group plans to increase its annual production capacity for fuel cell systems to 0.7 million units by 2030, with plans to invest about $7 billion in the next 10 years to develop hydrogen fuel cell systems. 

2. Japan: The 2018-Q3 Cash Flow Stakes – Runners, Riders & Red Flags

2018 12 19 10 24 10

Source: Japan Analytics

JAPAN CORPORATE CASH FLOW UPDATE – This insight updates our previous Insight Yen Weakens > Normal Service Resumed with data from all of the most quarterly reports filed last month. Our aggregate cash flow model reformulated cash flows into eight categories which sum to Change in Cash – Free Cash Flow (Operating Cash Flow less Investing Cash Flow), Financing Cash Flow, Shareholder Cash Flow (Equity Cash Flow and Dividend Cash Flow) and Minorities. In the last three months, Japan’s non-financial companies generated ¥12.1t in Operating Cash Flow while investing ¥9.2t – the largest quarterly amount of capex since 2016-Q4.  Of the total ¥2.9t in Free Cash Flow, 65% was returned to shareholders of which half was in the form of reductions in equity – an improving and welcome trend which we covered in an earlier Insight. After a ¥0.8t increase in debt and a ¥0.3t increase in Minorities Cash Flow, aggregate cash rose by ¥2.2t for the quarter. Since 2011-Q4, 58% of the ¥102.7t in cumulative FCF has been allocated to shareholders and 40% to cash, leaving considerable room for improvement in the relative size of these ratios.

SECTORS & STOCKS – In the DETAIL below, we also look at sector cash flow trends and provide brief comments on some of the most significant changes in individual cash flows over the last three months including Softbank Group (9984 JP), Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (9107 JP)Hanwa (8078 JP), Open House (3288 JP)Macnica Fuji Electronics (3132 JP), and Digital Garage (4819 JP).

3. Belluna: Growing by Selling Gentility to the Expanding Older Market in Japan

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While Nissen and Senshukai (8165 JP) have hit new lows in the past five years, Belluna (9997 JP) has gone from strength to strength by sticking with printed catalogues and tying these to e-commerce and retail store expansion.

The company’s strategy is also helped by the core customer demographic being women over the age of 50, one of the few population segments that is still growing.

As a result, group sales have risen by 28.8% in five years and operating profit has almost doubled from ¥7.8 billion to ¥13 billion.

The acquisition of Sagami, a kimono retailer that suffered from lack of attention under Uny’s management, could also result in a boost to profits in the next year.

4. Japan Retail Review 1H2018: Top Retailers Outperform


Leading Japanese retail chains across all the major formats had a strong 1H2018 with surprisingly few exceptions.

Although some saw operating profits fall, and most of those that did expect profits to be lower for the year as a whole, other results were particularly impressive given the difficult operating conditions this year due to weather and natural disasters.

The following is a quick snapshot of the state-of-play at major Japanese retailers.

5. NTT Buybacks Will Roll On

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There is an extensive history of writing on the NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) (9432 JP) family (and indeed Japan telecom sector) buybacks – their modalities and methods, impacts, legal and accounting requirements, competition, push-me-pull-you effect, etc. 

One of the longstanding features of buybacks for NTT is that NTT is subject to the NTT Law which requires (for the moment) that the government hold at least one-third of the shares outstanding in NTT.

Today, the Nikkei carried an article noting that the Japanese government’sFY2019 budget currently being formed proposes a sale of JPY 160bn of shares to help fund any revenue impact from the upcoming consumption tax rate hike from 8% to 10% next October. The article helpfully notes that they plan on selling when NTT is buying back shares.

This news is not unexpected to Smartkarma readers of the ongoing series. And there are implications and read-throughs.