

Brief Japan: Smartkarma’s Week That Was in JP/​​​​​​​KR: Aruhi, Rakuten-Lyft, Ecopro BM, & English Annual Reports and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Smartkarma’s Week That Was in JP/​​​​​​​KR: Aruhi, Rakuten-Lyft, Ecopro BM, & English Annual Reports
  2. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID

1. Smartkarma’s Week That Was in JP/​​​​​​​KR: Aruhi, Rakuten-Lyft, Ecopro BM, & English Annual Reports


KOSPI is up 9.4% and Nikkei is up 7.8% YTD. It has been an active first two months of 2019. Many stocks have retraced to the previous resistance levels in November/December 2018. In the past week, the following reports that are relevant for Japan and Korea have received a lot of interest among Smartkarma readers:

2. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID

Cp pipeline illustration 1e 1

US private LNG company Venture Global is starting construction on its 10 million ton per annum (mtpa) US LNG export facility in Louisiana after gaining approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This is positive for the LNG contractor market and we discuss the companies involved in the project. 

This follows final investment decision taken on Golden Pass (Exxon and Qatar Proceed with US$10bn Golden Pass LNG Terminal: Positive for Chiyoda and MDR US) and supports our thesis of a large wave of new projects that will be sanctioned in the coming months (A Huge Wave of New LNG Projects Coming in the Next 18 Months: Positive for The E&C Companies). This was viewed as a relatively speculative project and with aggressively low cost and timing estimates.

Source: Venture Global

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Brief Japan: TRADE IDEA – PCCW (8 HK) Stub: The Li Legacy Lives On and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. TRADE IDEA – PCCW (8 HK) Stub: The Li Legacy Lives On
  2. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum
  3. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing
  4. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy
  5. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade

1. TRADE IDEA – PCCW (8 HK) Stub: The Li Legacy Lives On


Have you ever wondered how a company secures the Chinese lucky number “8” as their ticker in Hong Kong? I’ll explain later on, but let’s just say that being the son of Li Ka Shing helps. 

Li Ka Shing is a name that hardly needs introduction in Hong Kong and Richard Li, Li Ka Shing’s youngest son and Chairman of PCCW Ltd (8 HK), follows suit. After being born into Hong Kong’s richest family, Richard Li was educated in the US where he worked various odd jobs at McDonald’s and as a caddy at a local golf course before enrolling at Menlo College and eventually withdrawing without a degree. As fate would have it, Mr. Li went on to set up STAR TV, Asia’s satellite-delivered cable TV service, at the tender age of 24. Three years after starting STAR TV, Richard Li sold the venture, which had amassed a viewer base of 45 million people, to Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp (NWS AU) for USD 1 billion in 1993. During the same year, Mr. Li founded the Pacific Century Group and began a streak of noteworthy acquisitions. 

You may be starting to wonder what all of this has to do with a trade on PCCW Ltd (8 HK) and I don’t blame you. In the rest of this insight I will:

  • finish the historical overview of the Li family and PCCW
  • present my trade idea and rationale
  • give a detailed overview of the business units of PCCW and the associated performance of each
  • recap ALL of my stub trades on Smartkarma and the performance of each  

2. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum


Keyence Corp (6861 JP) has long been a standout within the Japanese machinery sector for its exceptional margins, with only Fanuc Corp (6954 JP) and perhaps Smc Corp (6273 JP)  really operating in the same the stratosphere. But while Fanuc has faded, with its OPM now struggling to stay over 30% and SMC has only recently peaked its head over the 30% level, Keyence has been powering ahead and is on the cusp of recording five straight years over 50% OPM.

With relatively limited disclosures to go along with such stellar performance it is understandable then that some investors are concerned that the story is too good to be true, and even the FT has written a series of articles with a slightly critical bent: 1 2 34

Having recently visited the company, we analyse below, the nature of its competitive advantages by comparing it with its most similar peer Cognex Corp (CGNX US).

3. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing


Japan’s policymakers continue to fret about the lack of inflation but it is worth remembering the norm globally and historically is for the price of manufactured goods to decline over time. As companies grow, specialise and scale up the cost of production falls and with it final consumer goods prices. Falling retail prices which increase consumer real purchasing power is good news for Japanese households and for discretionary spending. Moreover with labour productivity growth outpacing wages costs by a wide margin, companies can absorb lower prices without sacrificing profitability. Stay overweight Japanese equities.

4. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy


The shares are cheap. The company is cash rich and owns 10% in treasury stock; it owned more last year but has cancelled 4%. It has some Y6bn in long term investment. EV in our view is Y57bn vs the current market cap of Y110bn. With ebitda next year coming in at Y15bn, EV/ebitda is under 4x. The shares yield 3.4% and trade at book. They have slightly underperformed the market over the last 12 months. For now, we view this as a defensive buy. There remain many issues longer term as to its place in the global elevator world. A potential positive, however, is that in May the company will announce a new mid-term plan and in it, they will outline their view as regards to shareholder returns for the next three years. They are aware that they are very over capitalised, so greater returns are a real possibility.

5. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade

Screenshot%202019 03 26%20at%208.38.52%20am

Last year was Tuesday and Wednesday. The year before was too. The year before that was Monday and Tuesday. Four years ago was Wednesday and Thursday, as it was the year before that. 

This Year it is Also Tuesday and Wednesday.

What is it about Tuesday and Wednesday?     The answer, as it is every year (on days such as the above), is hundreds of billions of yen of flows from people who are obliged to allocate money on these particular days.

For most, the benchmark is today.

So today and tomorrow should – by all logical measure – see hundreds of billions of yen worth of flow in Japanese equities (and as much as ¥1 trillion) more than any other average day.

It’s Tuesday. 

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Brief Japan: Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID

1. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID

Cp pipeline illustration 1e 1

US private LNG company Venture Global is starting construction on its 10 million ton per annum (mtpa) US LNG export facility in Louisiana after gaining approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This is positive for the LNG contractor market and we discuss the companies involved in the project. 

This follows final investment decision taken on Golden Pass (Exxon and Qatar Proceed with US$10bn Golden Pass LNG Terminal: Positive for Chiyoda and MDR US) and supports our thesis of a large wave of new projects that will be sanctioned in the coming months (A Huge Wave of New LNG Projects Coming in the Next 18 Months: Positive for The E&C Companies). This was viewed as a relatively speculative project and with aggressively low cost and timing estimates.

Source: Venture Global

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Brief Japan: Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID
  2. Bank of Kyoto – Nintendo Sale A Portent of Changes To Come?

1. Another US LNG Project Goes Ahead: Positive for the Contractors; Negative for Others Looking to FID

Cp pipeline illustration 1e 1

US private LNG company Venture Global is starting construction on its 10 million ton per annum (mtpa) US LNG export facility in Louisiana after gaining approval from the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). This is positive for the LNG contractor market and we discuss the companies involved in the project. 

This follows final investment decision taken on Golden Pass (Exxon and Qatar Proceed with US$10bn Golden Pass LNG Terminal: Positive for Chiyoda and MDR US) and supports our thesis of a large wave of new projects that will be sanctioned in the coming months (A Huge Wave of New LNG Projects Coming in the Next 18 Months: Positive for The E&C Companies). This was viewed as a relatively speculative project and with aggressively low cost and timing estimates.

Source: Venture Global

2. Bank of Kyoto – Nintendo Sale A Portent of Changes To Come?

Screenshot%202019 02 25%20at%204.44.18%20am

On Friday 22 February after the close, Nintendo Co Ltd (7974 JP) announced a buyback (E, J), a share cancellation (E, J), and a public equity offering of secondary shares (J-only). This kind of event is not abnormal in a year when profits are weaker and share prices are down. Cross-holders often sell shares into the end of the year in order to realise profits and let unrealised gains from the balance sheet filter into the income statement.

This time it is five sellers from four banks which all hail from the area: Bank Of Kyoto (8369 JP), Nomura Trust (which holds shares in a trust account for the MUFJ Bank pension fund as a beneficiary), Mitsubishi Ufj Financial (8306 JP)‘s MUFJ Bank, Resona Holdings (8308 JP), and Shiga Bank (8366 JP). The MUFJ Bank holdings likely originate from Sanwa Bank which was Osaka-based before merging with BOT-Mitsubishi almost 15 years ago, and Resona is also from Osaka – next door to Kyoto where Nintendo was founded – and Shiga Bank is the prefecture next door.

This would look like a normal sell-down… except for one thing.

There was a note in the announcement to the effect that “in the context of how companies deal with their policy cross-holdings becoming the subject of greater focus, we confirmed that several shareholders desired to sell shares, and as a company subject to such cross-holdings, we are conducting the above-mentioned Offering.”

The “greater focus” comes from the both the change in the Japan Corporate Governance Code which was introduced last spring and went live June 1st (discussed in Japan’s Corporate Governance Code Amendments – A Much Bigger Stick for Activists and Stewards) which raised the bar for disclosure of reasons, and results, of such policy crossholdings in a revised version of Principle 1.4, and an example of how a board should make decisions and execute an unwind of corporate crossholdings. This example was given by Japan Exchange Group (8697 JP) itself regarding the TSE’s stake of 4.95% in Singapore Exchange (SGX SP) and was discussed in Japan Crossholdings: Japan Exchange’s Sale of SGX Shares Sets A Precedent – Watch Closely.  

In the TSE crossholding of SGX situation, the sale was not the most important part. The explanation of how the Board came to its decision and what they decided to do about it was important. 

On the other hand, Japan’s Corporate Governance Code (the Code), which was introduced in 2015, requires listed companies to examine and explain the economic rationale and future outlook of holding shares of other listed companies for reasons other than pure investment purposes. Following a review of the requirements under the Code, JPX reached the conclusion that the existing cooperative relationship with SGX would continue even without holding the shares of SGX.       [my bold]

The Japan Exchange Group had now provided the example for why even companies with cooperative business relationships should not own cross-holdings. And it is, if active stewards of capital choose to make it so, more subtle. Shareholders have even an even better pressure point. IF a company’s cooperative relationship with another company would not survive the unwinding of cross-holdings to improve capital efficiency for both sides, is that company truly independent? Is that company beholden to the company whose shares it holds? Is the cross-holding board doing its job?

And the Japan Exchange Group had said it would unwind its holdings of SGX over three years, so as not to overly impact the market for SGX shares. This provided an example of HOW to unwind, in addition to the WHY to unwind announced above.

The BIG QUESTION (And Nothing Else Matters)

The big question here is whether the reasoning for selling is really because of the new focus on policy cross-holdings, or it is just Bank of Kyoto and other banks trying to top up profit before the end of the fiscal year, using heretofore unrealised gains.

The Nintendo-specific situation is discussed in Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics

An analysis of the Bank of Kyoto-specific situation is discussed below.

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Brief Japan: Cracking the Keyence Conundrum and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum
  2. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing
  3. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy
  4. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade
  5. US Lake Charles LNG Liquefaction Plant Tendering for Contractors: Positive for TechnipFMC

1. Cracking the Keyence Conundrum


Keyence Corp (6861 JP) has long been a standout within the Japanese machinery sector for its exceptional margins, with only Fanuc Corp (6954 JP) and perhaps Smc Corp (6273 JP)  really operating in the same the stratosphere. But while Fanuc has faded, with its OPM now struggling to stay over 30% and SMC has only recently peaked its head over the 30% level, Keyence has been powering ahead and is on the cusp of recording five straight years over 50% OPM.

With relatively limited disclosures to go along with such stellar performance it is understandable then that some investors are concerned that the story is too good to be true, and even the FT has written a series of articles with a slightly critical bent: 1 2 34

Having recently visited the company, we analyse below, the nature of its competitive advantages by comparing it with its most similar peer Cognex Corp (CGNX US).

2. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing


Japan’s policymakers continue to fret about the lack of inflation but it is worth remembering the norm globally and historically is for the price of manufactured goods to decline over time. As companies grow, specialise and scale up the cost of production falls and with it final consumer goods prices. Falling retail prices which increase consumer real purchasing power is good news for Japanese households and for discretionary spending. Moreover with labour productivity growth outpacing wages costs by a wide margin, companies can absorb lower prices without sacrificing profitability. Stay overweight Japanese equities.

3. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy


The shares are cheap. The company is cash rich and owns 10% in treasury stock; it owned more last year but has cancelled 4%. It has some Y6bn in long term investment. EV in our view is Y57bn vs the current market cap of Y110bn. With ebitda next year coming in at Y15bn, EV/ebitda is under 4x. The shares yield 3.4% and trade at book. They have slightly underperformed the market over the last 12 months. For now, we view this as a defensive buy. There remain many issues longer term as to its place in the global elevator world. A potential positive, however, is that in May the company will announce a new mid-term plan and in it, they will outline their view as regards to shareholder returns for the next three years. They are aware that they are very over capitalised, so greater returns are a real possibility.

4. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade

Screenshot%202019 03 26%20at%208.38.52%20am

Last year was Tuesday and Wednesday. The year before was too. The year before that was Monday and Tuesday. Four years ago was Wednesday and Thursday, as it was the year before that. 

This Year it is Also Tuesday and Wednesday.

What is it about Tuesday and Wednesday?     The answer, as it is every year (on days such as the above), is hundreds of billions of yen of flows from people who are obliged to allocate money on these particular days.

For most, the benchmark is today.

So today and tomorrow should – by all logical measure – see hundreds of billions of yen worth of flow in Japanese equities (and as much as ¥1 trillion) more than any other average day.

It’s Tuesday. 

5. US Lake Charles LNG Liquefaction Plant Tendering for Contractors: Positive for TechnipFMC


Energy Transfer LP (ET US) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN) have signed a Project Framework Agreement to further develop a large-scale LNG export facility in Lake Charles, Louisiana and move toward a potential final investment decision (FID). They have started actively engaging with LNG Engineering, Procurement and Contracting (EPC) companies with a plan to issue an Invitation to Tender (ITT) in the weeks ahead. We look at the potential contract size and winners and also the other US LNG projects that could be negatively impacted. More detail on the LNG project queue for this year in: A Huge Wave of New LNG Projects Coming in the Next 18 Months: Positive for The E&C Companies.

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Brief Japan: Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing
  2. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy
  3. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade
  4. US Lake Charles LNG Liquefaction Plant Tendering for Contractors: Positive for TechnipFMC
  5. Zozo: Never Meet a Margin Call

1. Japanese Inflation – Much Ado About Nothing


Japan’s policymakers continue to fret about the lack of inflation but it is worth remembering the norm globally and historically is for the price of manufactured goods to decline over time. As companies grow, specialise and scale up the cost of production falls and with it final consumer goods prices. Falling retail prices which increase consumer real purchasing power is good news for Japanese households and for discretionary spending. Moreover with labour productivity growth outpacing wages costs by a wide margin, companies can absorb lower prices without sacrificing profitability. Stay overweight Japanese equities.

2. Fujitec (6406) Value Buy


The shares are cheap. The company is cash rich and owns 10% in treasury stock; it owned more last year but has cancelled 4%. It has some Y6bn in long term investment. EV in our view is Y57bn vs the current market cap of Y110bn. With ebitda next year coming in at Y15bn, EV/ebitda is under 4x. The shares yield 3.4% and trade at book. They have slightly underperformed the market over the last 12 months. For now, we view this as a defensive buy. There remain many issues longer term as to its place in the global elevator world. A potential positive, however, is that in May the company will announce a new mid-term plan and in it, they will outline their view as regards to shareholder returns for the next three years. They are aware that they are very over capitalised, so greater returns are a real possibility.

3. It’s The Annual Tuesday & Wednesday BUY TOPIX Trade


Last year was Tuesday and Wednesday. The year before was too. The year before that was Monday and Tuesday. Four years ago was Wednesday and Thursday, as it was the year before that. 

This Year it is Also Tuesday and Wednesday.

What is it about Tuesday and Wednesday?     The answer, as it is every year (on days such as the above), is hundreds of billions of yen of flows from people who are obliged to allocate money on these particular days.

For most, the benchmark is today.

So today and tomorrow should – by all logical measure – see hundreds of billions of yen worth of flow in Japanese equities (and as much as ¥1 trillion) more than any other average day.

It’s Tuesday. 

4. US Lake Charles LNG Liquefaction Plant Tendering for Contractors: Positive for TechnipFMC


Energy Transfer LP (ET US) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN) have signed a Project Framework Agreement to further develop a large-scale LNG export facility in Lake Charles, Louisiana and move toward a potential final investment decision (FID). They have started actively engaging with LNG Engineering, Procurement and Contracting (EPC) companies with a plan to issue an Invitation to Tender (ITT) in the weeks ahead. We look at the potential contract size and winners and also the other US LNG projects that could be negatively impacted. More detail on the LNG project queue for this year in: A Huge Wave of New LNG Projects Coming in the Next 18 Months: Positive for The E&C Companies.

5. Zozo: Never Meet a Margin Call


Yusaku Maezawa is once again in the news. This time due to speculation that he is auctioning off at least part of his art collection at Sotheby’s in Hong Kong on April 1st.

Following on from the share buyback that was conducted in May last year which:

  • Allowed Maezawa to sell 6m out of his then 118.227m shares into a buyback that totalled just 6.35m shares.
  • Led to a ¥38.3bn swing in net cash from +¥24.6bn to -¥13.8bn (the buyback totaled ¥24.4bn)
  • Was conducted at the same time that share options for up to 31m shares were issued, of which Maezawa could have been allocated more than 90%.

this looks a lot like a sudden need to raise cash.

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Brief Japan: Bank of Kyoto – Nintendo Sale A Portent of Changes To Come? and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. Bank of Kyoto – Nintendo Sale A Portent of Changes To Come?

1. Bank of Kyoto – Nintendo Sale A Portent of Changes To Come?

Screenshot%202019 02 25%20at%204.44.18%20am

On Friday 22 February after the close, Nintendo Co Ltd (7974 JP) announced a buyback (E, J), a share cancellation (E, J), and a public equity offering of secondary shares (J-only). This kind of event is not abnormal in a year when profits are weaker and share prices are down. Cross-holders often sell shares into the end of the year in order to realise profits and let unrealised gains from the balance sheet filter into the income statement.

This time it is five sellers from four banks which all hail from the area: Bank Of Kyoto (8369 JP), Nomura Trust (which holds shares in a trust account for the MUFJ Bank pension fund as a beneficiary), Mitsubishi Ufj Financial (8306 JP)‘s MUFJ Bank, Resona Holdings (8308 JP), and Shiga Bank (8366 JP). The MUFJ Bank holdings likely originate from Sanwa Bank which was Osaka-based before merging with BOT-Mitsubishi almost 15 years ago, and Resona is also from Osaka – next door to Kyoto where Nintendo was founded – and Shiga Bank is the prefecture next door.

This would look like a normal sell-down… except for one thing.

There was a note in the announcement to the effect that “in the context of how companies deal with their policy cross-holdings becoming the subject of greater focus, we confirmed that several shareholders desired to sell shares, and as a company subject to such cross-holdings, we are conducting the above-mentioned Offering.”

The “greater focus” comes from the both the change in the Japan Corporate Governance Code which was introduced last spring and went live June 1st (discussed in Japan’s Corporate Governance Code Amendments – A Much Bigger Stick for Activists and Stewards) which raised the bar for disclosure of reasons, and results, of such policy crossholdings in a revised version of Principle 1.4, and an example of how a board should make decisions and execute an unwind of corporate crossholdings. This example was given by Japan Exchange Group (8697 JP) itself regarding the TSE’s stake of 4.95% in Singapore Exchange (SGX SP) and was discussed in Japan Crossholdings: Japan Exchange’s Sale of SGX Shares Sets A Precedent – Watch Closely.  

In the TSE crossholding of SGX situation, the sale was not the most important part. The explanation of how the Board came to its decision and what they decided to do about it was important. 

On the other hand, Japan’s Corporate Governance Code (the Code), which was introduced in 2015, requires listed companies to examine and explain the economic rationale and future outlook of holding shares of other listed companies for reasons other than pure investment purposes. Following a review of the requirements under the Code, JPX reached the conclusion that the existing cooperative relationship with SGX would continue even without holding the shares of SGX.       [my bold]

The Japan Exchange Group had now provided the example for why even companies with cooperative business relationships should not own cross-holdings. And it is, if active stewards of capital choose to make it so, more subtle. Shareholders have even an even better pressure point. IF a company’s cooperative relationship with another company would not survive the unwinding of cross-holdings to improve capital efficiency for both sides, is that company truly independent? Is that company beholden to the company whose shares it holds? Is the cross-holding board doing its job?

And the Japan Exchange Group had said it would unwind its holdings of SGX over three years, so as not to overly impact the market for SGX shares. This provided an example of HOW to unwind, in addition to the WHY to unwind announced above.

The BIG QUESTION (And Nothing Else Matters)

The big question here is whether the reasoning for selling is really because of the new focus on policy cross-holdings, or it is just Bank of Kyoto and other banks trying to top up profit before the end of the fiscal year, using heretofore unrealised gains.

The Nintendo-specific situation is discussed in Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics

An analysis of the Bank of Kyoto-specific situation is discussed below.

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Brief Japan: 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS

1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS

2019 02 24 11 45 38


Source: Japan Analytics

ALMOST THREE-MONTH HIGH RECOVERY – The bear market rally is now in its second stage, and the market composite is now 14% above the Christmas Day low. The ‘market value’-based percentage above moving averages almost reached a new three-month on Thursday; the stock count version is lagging as usual.

Source: Japan Analytics

STILL SOME UPSIDE – Using the three-month rate of change in this indicator, we are a few weeks away from generating a short-term sell signal, the last such trigger having occurred on 25th October. 


LEGEND: The ‘sparklines’ show the three-year trend in the weighted percentage above moving average relative to the Market Composite and the ‘STDev’ column is a measure of the variability of that relative measure. The table also provides averages for the breaks above and breaks below and the positive and negative crossovers.

SECTOR BREAKDOWN – The top six sectors remain domestic and defensive. REITs, Information Technology, Transporation and Utilities continue from our previous review with Restaurants and Healthcare replacing Media and Telecommunications. Equally predictable is the bottom half-dozen – Banks, Non-Bank Finance, Autos, and Metals remain from two weeks ago, with Construction and Retail replacing Chemicals and Other Materials


COMPANY MOVING AVERAGE OUTLIERS – As with the Market Composite and Sectors, the Moving Average Outlier indicator uses a weighted sum of each company’s share price relative to its 5-day, 20-day, 60-day, 120-day and 240-day moving averages. ‘Extreme’ values are weighted sums greater than 100% and less than -100%. We would caution that this indicator is best used for timing shorter-term reversals and, in many cases, higher highs and lower lows will be seen. 

In the DETAIL section below, we highlight the current top and bottom twenty-five large capitalisation outliers, as well as those companies that have seen the most significant positive and negative changes in their outlier percentage in the last two weeks and provide short comments on companies of particular note.

PKSHA Technology (3993 JP) is currently the most extreme large capitalisation positive outlier and an excellent example of a -100 to 100 ’roundtrip’ in under two months. SanBio (4592 JP) is, again, the most extreme negative outlier, having topped the 13th January positive outlier list and is another ’round-tripper’. We also add the chart for ‘cockroach’ stock Leopalace21 (8848 JP) which no longer qualifies for inclusion in our tables, having lost 60% of its value in the last two weeks and 79% in less than a year.

Source: Japan Analytics

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Japan: 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS
  2. Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics

1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS

2019 02 24 11 45 38


Source: Japan Analytics

ALMOST THREE-MONTH HIGH RECOVERY – The bear market rally is now in its second stage, and the market composite is now 14% above the Christmas Day low. The ‘market value’-based percentage above moving averages almost reached a new three-month on Thursday; the stock count version is lagging as usual.

Source: Japan Analytics

STILL SOME UPSIDE – Using the three-month rate of change in this indicator, we are a few weeks away from generating a short-term sell signal, the last such trigger having occurred on 25th October. 


LEGEND: The ‘sparklines’ show the three-year trend in the weighted percentage above moving average relative to the Market Composite and the ‘STDev’ column is a measure of the variability of that relative measure. The table also provides averages for the breaks above and breaks below and the positive and negative crossovers.

SECTOR BREAKDOWN – The top six sectors remain domestic and defensive. REITs, Information Technology, Transporation and Utilities continue from our previous review with Restaurants and Healthcare replacing Media and Telecommunications. Equally predictable is the bottom half-dozen – Banks, Non-Bank Finance, Autos, and Metals remain from two weeks ago, with Construction and Retail replacing Chemicals and Other Materials


COMPANY MOVING AVERAGE OUTLIERS – As with the Market Composite and Sectors, the Moving Average Outlier indicator uses a weighted sum of each company’s share price relative to its 5-day, 20-day, 60-day, 120-day and 240-day moving averages. ‘Extreme’ values are weighted sums greater than 100% and less than -100%. We would caution that this indicator is best used for timing shorter-term reversals and, in many cases, higher highs and lower lows will be seen. 

In the DETAIL section below, we highlight the current top and bottom twenty-five large capitalisation outliers, as well as those companies that have seen the most significant positive and negative changes in their outlier percentage in the last two weeks and provide short comments on companies of particular note.

PKSHA Technology (3993 JP) is currently the most extreme large capitalisation positive outlier and an excellent example of a -100 to 100 ’roundtrip’ in under two months. SanBio (4592 JP) is, again, the most extreme negative outlier, having topped the 13th January positive outlier list and is another ’round-tripper’. We also add the chart for ‘cockroach’ stock Leopalace21 (8848 JP) which no longer qualifies for inclusion in our tables, having lost 60% of its value in the last two weeks and 79% in less than a year.

Source: Japan Analytics

2. Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics

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On Friday 22 February 2019 after the close, Nintendo Co Ltd (7974 JP)announced (J) a Secondary Shares Uridashi Offering of 2,428,700 shares by five shareholder banks, with an overallotment of 364,300 shares. This will be a little bit over 2% of shares outstanding. 

Applying a hypothetical 4% discount to the last traded price of ¥30,030/share, this is an ¥80bn Offering including greenshoe. 

On the same day, Nintendo announced (E) a share buyback program to buy up to 1 million shares or up to ¥33 billion worth (whichever is reached first) to last from the business day immediately following the delivery date of the Offering shares (practically speaking, a day on or between 13 March and 18 March 2019) to 12 April 2019. Based on an average daily volume traded of 2.2mm shares, 10% participation would mean the buyback would take 5 days to complete. 5% would take 9 days. The company also announced (E) it would cancel 10 million shares on 29 March 2019. That may only be 45% of the post-buyback treasury share position, but it leads to another event investors should watch.

This is the first buyback Nintendo has announced in five years. The Nikkei article discussing the situation suggests that the possibility of supply/demand being weak is the reason for the buyback. The stated reason for the Offering as proposed by Nintendo in its Offering announcement, suggested a goal of increasing and diversifying the shareholder base.

The real reason why this selldown is happening – also noted in the Offering Document “reason for the offering” – is because of the heightened focus on policy cross-holdings highlighted in the changes to the Corporate Governance Code (especially Principle 1.4) which went live June 1 2018. The major changes were discussed in Japan’s Corporate Governance Code Amendments – A Much Bigger Stick for Activists and Stewards at that time, but the hint of how this might play out was discussed in Japan Crossholdings: Japan Exchange’s Sale of SGX Shares Sets A Precedent – Watch Closely from 1 April 2018. In an announcement after the close on the last day of the last fiscal year, Japan Exchange Group (8697 JP) announced it would sell down its 4.95% stake in Singapore Exchange (SGX SP) over the space of three years. 

The fact that JPX was selling the shares was not important. The reasoning was. And JPX provided an example of how it should be done (as explained in the insight). 

My words then still stand.

And JPX provided an example of how it should be done (as explained in the insight). The ramifications are significant.

The ramifications of this Offering are significant too. This is a lot more than just an offering by entities looking to take profits.

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Brief Japan: 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS and more

By | Japan

In this briefing:

  1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS
  2. Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics
  3. NTT Docomo Share Cancellation

1. 🇯🇵 Japan: Moving Average Outliers – PKSHA, SanBio, Goldwin, ZOZO, Drugstores & ASICS

2019 02 24 11 45 38


Source: Japan Analytics

ALMOST THREE-MONTH HIGH RECOVERY – The bear market rally is now in its second stage, and the market composite is now 14% above the Christmas Day low. The ‘market value’-based percentage above moving averages almost reached a new three-month on Thursday; the stock count version is lagging as usual.

Source: Japan Analytics

STILL SOME UPSIDE – Using the three-month rate of change in this indicator, we are a few weeks away from generating a short-term sell signal, the last such trigger having occurred on 25th October. 


LEGEND: The ‘sparklines’ show the three-year trend in the weighted percentage above moving average relative to the Market Composite and the ‘STDev’ column is a measure of the variability of that relative measure. The table also provides averages for the breaks above and breaks below and the positive and negative crossovers.

SECTOR BREAKDOWN – The top six sectors remain domestic and defensive. REITs, Information Technology, Transporation and Utilities continue from our previous review with Restaurants and Healthcare replacing Media and Telecommunications. Equally predictable is the bottom half-dozen – Banks, Non-Bank Finance, Autos, and Metals remain from two weeks ago, with Construction and Retail replacing Chemicals and Other Materials


COMPANY MOVING AVERAGE OUTLIERS – As with the Market Composite and Sectors, the Moving Average Outlier indicator uses a weighted sum of each company’s share price relative to its 5-day, 20-day, 60-day, 120-day and 240-day moving averages. ‘Extreme’ values are weighted sums greater than 100% and less than -100%. We would caution that this indicator is best used for timing shorter-term reversals and, in many cases, higher highs and lower lows will be seen. 

In the DETAIL section below, we highlight the current top and bottom twenty-five large capitalisation outliers, as well as those companies that have seen the most significant positive and negative changes in their outlier percentage in the last two weeks and provide short comments on companies of particular note.

PKSHA Technology (3993 JP) is currently the most extreme large capitalisation positive outlier and an excellent example of a -100 to 100 ’roundtrip’ in under two months. SanBio (4592 JP) is, again, the most extreme negative outlier, having topped the 13th January positive outlier list and is another ’round-tripper’. We also add the chart for ‘cockroach’ stock Leopalace21 (8848 JP) which no longer qualifies for inclusion in our tables, having lost 60% of its value in the last two weeks and 79% in less than a year.

Source: Japan Analytics

2. Nintendo Offering & Buyback: The Import & The Dynamics

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On Friday 22 February 2019 after the close, Nintendo Co Ltd (7974 JP)announced (J) a Secondary Shares Uridashi Offering of 2,428,700 shares by five shareholder banks, with an overallotment of 364,300 shares. This will be a little bit over 2% of shares outstanding. 

Applying a hypothetical 4% discount to the last traded price of ¥30,030/share, this is an ¥80bn Offering including greenshoe. 

On the same day, Nintendo announced (E) a share buyback program to buy up to 1 million shares or up to ¥33 billion worth (whichever is reached first) to last from the business day immediately following the delivery date of the Offering shares (practically speaking, a day on or between 13 March and 18 March 2019) to 12 April 2019. Based on an average daily volume traded of 2.2mm shares, 10% participation would mean the buyback would take 5 days to complete. 5% would take 9 days. The company also announced (E) it would cancel 10 million shares on 29 March 2019. That may only be 45% of the post-buyback treasury share position, but it leads to another event investors should watch.

This is the first buyback Nintendo has announced in five years. The Nikkei article discussing the situation suggests that the possibility of supply/demand being weak is the reason for the buyback. The stated reason for the Offering as proposed by Nintendo in its Offering announcement, suggested a goal of increasing and diversifying the shareholder base.

The real reason why this selldown is happening – also noted in the Offering Document “reason for the offering” – is because of the heightened focus on policy cross-holdings highlighted in the changes to the Corporate Governance Code (especially Principle 1.4) which went live June 1 2018. The major changes were discussed in Japan’s Corporate Governance Code Amendments – A Much Bigger Stick for Activists and Stewards at that time, but the hint of how this might play out was discussed in Japan Crossholdings: Japan Exchange’s Sale of SGX Shares Sets A Precedent – Watch Closely from 1 April 2018. In an announcement after the close on the last day of the last fiscal year, Japan Exchange Group (8697 JP) announced it would sell down its 4.95% stake in Singapore Exchange (SGX SP) over the space of three years. 

The fact that JPX was selling the shares was not important. The reasoning was. And JPX provided an example of how it should be done (as explained in the insight). 

My words then still stand.

And JPX provided an example of how it should be done (as explained in the insight). The ramifications are significant.

The ramifications of this Offering are significant too. This is a lot more than just an offering by entities looking to take profits.

3. NTT Docomo Share Cancellation

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On Friday 22 February after the close, NTT Docomo Inc (9437 JP)announced (E) that it would cancel 447,067,906 shares (11.82% of issued shares before the cancellation) of Treasury shares on the 28th of February.

The buyback has already occurred. This is largely technical. But it has an interesting side effect.

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