

Daily Industrials: Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings
  2. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)
  3. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long
  4. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich
  5. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right

1. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) (Mkt Cap: $546mn; Liquidity: $0.4mn)

As previously discussed in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric (HE) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, is bang in line with that paid by HEC in January this year for new domestic shares. The Offer price has been declared final. 

  • Of note, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.
  • On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors (and the IFA) can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price below the net cash/share, especially when the underlying business is profit-generating.
  • Dissension rights are available, however, there is no administrative guidance on the substantive as well as procedural rules as to how the “fair price” will be determined under PRC and HK Law.
  • Trading at a gross/annualised spread of 15%/28% assuming end-July completion, based on the average timeline for merger by absorption precedents. As HEC is only waiting for approval from independent H-shareholders suggests this transaction may complete earlier than precedents. 

(link to my insight: Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right)  

MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

KKR and MYOB entered into Scheme Implementation Agreement (SIA) at $3.40/share, valuing MYOB, on a market cap basis, at A$2bn. MYOB’s board unanimously recommends shareholders to vote in favour of the Offer, in the absence of a superior proposal. The Offer price assumes no full-year dividend is paid.

  • On balance, MYOB’s board has made the right decision to accept KKR’s reduced Offer. The argument that MYOB is a “known turnaround story” is challenged as cloud-based accounting software providers Xero Ltd (XRO AU)  and Intuit Inc (INTU US) grab market share. This is also reflected in MYOB’s forecast 7% revenue growth in FY18 and follows a 10% decline in first-half profit, despite a 61% jump in online subscribers.
  • And there is justification for KKR’s lowering the Offer price: the ASX is down 10% since KKR’s initial tilt, the ASX technology index is off by ~14%, a basket of listed Aussie peers are down 17%, while Xero, the most comparable peer, is down ~20%. The Scheme Offer is at a ~27% premium to the estimated adjusted (for the ASX index) downside price of $2.68/share.
  • Bain was okay selling at $3.15/share to KKR and will be fine selling its remaining ~6.5% stake at $3.40. Presumably, MYOB sounded out the other major shareholders such as Fidelity, Yarra Funds Management, Vanguard etc as to their read on the revised $3.40 offer, before agreeing to the SIA with KKR.

  • If the markets avoid further declines, this deal will probably get up. If the markets rebound, the outcome is less assured. This Tuesday marks the beginning of a new year and a renewed mandate for investors to take risk, especially an agreed deal; but the current 5.3% annualised spread is tight.

(link to my insight: MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer)

TMB Bank PCL (TMB TB) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

The Ministry of Finance, the major shareholder of TMB, confirmed that both Krung Thai Bank Pub (KTB TB) and Thanachart Capital (TCAP TB) had engaged in merger talks with TMB. Considering an earlier KTB/TMB courtship failed, it is more likely, but by no means guaranteed, that the deal with Thanachart will happen. Bloomberg is also reporting that Thanachart and TMB want to do a deal before the next elections, which is less than two months away.

  • TMB is much bigger than Thanachart and therefore it may boil down to whether TMB wants to be the target or acquirer. In Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA‘s view, a deal with Thanachart would leave TMB as the acquirer rather than the target. But Thanachart’s management has a better track record than TMB.
  • Both banks have undergone extensive deals before this one: 1) TMB acquired DBS Thai Danu and IFCT; and 2) Thanachart engineered an acquisition of the much bigger, but struggling, SCIB.
  • A merger between the two would still leave them smaller than Bank Of Ayudhya (BAY TB) and would not change the bank rankings; but it would give TMB a bigger presence in asset management, hire-purchase finance and a re-entry into the securities business.

(link to Athaporn’s insight: Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship)  


Halla Holdings (060980 KS) / Mando Corp (204320 KS)

Mando accounts for 45% of Halla’s NAV, which is currently trading at a 50% discount. Sanghyun Park believes the recent narrowing in the discount may be due to the hype attached to Mando-Hella Elec, which he believes is overdone; and recommends a short Holdco and long Mando. Using Sanghyun’s figures, I see the discount to NAV at 51%, 2STD above the 12-month average of ~47%.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: Halla Holdings Stub Trade: Downwardly Mean Reversion in Favor of Mando)  




My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


Putian Communication (1720 HK)
Shanghai Pudong
Outside CCASS
China Industrial
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx

2. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)


Although Uber aims to be an Amazon for transport, we will focus on the ride-hailing market in part 3 of this series. Here, we try to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the indicative ride-hailing market shares of Uber vs Lyft in North America?
  2. What is Uber’s share in other key countries?
  3. What are the lawsuits investors should watch out for?
  4. How do Uber’s revenue drivers compare with Lyft’s?
  5. What are the timelines and key figures for both companies’ IPOs?

This is the third note in a series about the expected 2019 IPO of global ride-hailing giant Uber Technologies (0084207D US) and Lyft. Please read the earlier two pieces in the series for better contexts:

Uber IPO Preview: Its Sprawling Empire and Battle Lines (Part 1) written by me.

Uber IPO Preview: Fast-Growing Uber Eats Has Become a Material Part of Uber (Part 2) written by Daniel Hellberg

3. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long

Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) has reported the new orders worth only Rs95 bn after 2Q FY19 results (reported on 31st October 2018). This is much lower run rate as compared to 2Q FY19 (Rs419 bn) or 1H FY19 (Rs781 bn). All these orders by Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) have been received from construction segment where margins are relatively poor e.g. the construction and infrastructure segment of Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) in 2H FY19 has reported 6.8% EBITDA margin, much lower than 11.8% for the company on an overall basis.

Unless new orders pick up in next few weeks, there is a strong likelihood that there could be a negative surprise in 3Q results on order inflow for Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) . This is despite the fact that overall number reported for a quarter for order inflow is a bit higher than the sum of individual orders announced and reported by the company. While the market has not noticed decline in new orders so far and may have been still hopeful about a recovery in order wins, it is highly unlikely that this will continue to get ignored by investors if the trend doesn’t change and get better in next couple of weeks.

4. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich

Share%20price%2027 12 2018

Swaraj Engines (SWE IN) (SEL)is primarily manufacturing diesel engines for fitment into Swaraj tractors manufactured by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M). The Company is also supplying engine components to SML Isuzu Ltd used in the assembly of commercial vehicle engines. SEL was started as a joint venture between Punjab Tractor Ltd (now acquired by M&M Ltd) and Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. M&M holds 33.3% stake in SEL and is its key client.  

We are positive about the business because:

  • SEL’s growth is correlated with M&M’s tractor business growth. SEL supplies engines to the Swaraj division of M&M. M&M expects tractor growth to be around 12% YoY in FY19E. We forecast SEL’s tractor engine volumes will grow at a CAGR of 12% for FY18-21E.
  • The growth of the company is dependent on the monsoon and rural sentiments. We expect the profitability to improve with normal rainfall and government initiatives towards the rural sector. We expect the revenue/ EBITDA/ PAT CAGR for FY18-21E to be 14%/ 15%/ 14% respectively.
  • SEL is debt free and a cash generating company. It has a healthy and stable ROCE and ROE. SEL has increased its capacity from 75,000 engines in FY16 to 120,000 engines in FY18. We expect the capacity utilisation to reach 97% by FY20E from 90% in 1HFY19. SEL funds its capex through internal accruals. We forecast a capex of Rs 600 mn for FY19E to FY21E considering the requirement of the additional capacity, R&D and testing costs for new and higher HP engines & for upgradation of engines according to the TREM IV emission norms for >50 HP engines.

We initiate coverage on SEL with a fair value objective of Rs 1,655/- over the next 12 months. This represents a potential upside of 15% from the closing price of Rs 1,435/- (as on 26-12-2018). We arrive at the fair value by applying PE multiple of 18x to EPS of Rs 87/- to the year ending December-20E and add cash of Rs 82/- per share. While the business outlook is good, we think the upside in the share price is limited due to rich valuation.

Particulars (Rs mn) (Y/E March)















EPS (Rs)





PE (x)





Source: SEL Annual Report FY18, Trivikram Consultants Research as on 26-12-2018

Note: E= Estimates

5. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right


As speculated in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. 

The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, has been declared final. The price corresponds to the subscription of 329mn domestic shares (~47.16% of the existing issued domestic shares and ~24.02% of the existing total issued shares) @$4.56/share by HEC in January this year

Of greater significance, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.

On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price which gave cash less cavalier than cash.

Dissension rights are available, however, what constitutes a “fair price” under those rights, and the timing of the settlement under such rights, are not evident. 

As all PRC approvals have been obtained, this transaction may complete earlier than prior mergers by absorption, which have taken 6-8 months from the initial announcement.

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Daily Industrials: ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity
  2. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview
  3. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs
  4. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth

1. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity

  • Low downside risk, low correlation with Western stock markets, and good price momentum relative to its sector
  • Growing demand from emerging markets as seen by increase in trading activities e.g. Asia sales increased 10% YoY in 3Q18
  • Planned terminal expansions in Manila, Mexico, Iraq, and Honduras are underway and should provide about 7% capacity growth by end 2019
  • Trades below ASEAN Transportation at 19CE* 17.1x PE and offers much better EPS growth
  • Risk: Foreign exchange risk, disruption from US-China trade war

* Consensus Estimates

2. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview

Chunbo 3

  • Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS) is a provider of fine chemical materials in Korea, and it is expected to complete its IPO in January 2019. Its chemical materials are used in numerous industries including the display, semiconductors, rechargeable batteries, and pharmaceutical. 
  • The bankers used nine comparable companies, including Sk Materials (036490 KS)Foosung Co Ltd (093370 KS), and Iljin Materials (020150 KS), to value Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS). The bankers used the annualized net profit of these companies from 1Q-3Q18 in their valuation analysis. The average P/E multiple of the comps were 25.3x. The bankers then applied Chunbo’s annualized net profit of 19.8 billion won from 1Q18 to 3Q18 and applied the P/E multiple of 25.3x to derive an implied market cap of 501.3 billion won. After applying an IPO discount of 20.2% to 30.2%, the bankers derived an IPO range of 35,000 to 40,000 won. 
  • The company has a consistent record of generating solid growth in sales and profits in the past few years. The company’s sales increased 18.4% CAGR from 2014 to 2017. Its operating margin averaged 21% from 2014 to 3Q18. 

3. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs


During the second half of December 2018, Japan saw two telecom companies list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Softbank Corp (9434 JP) and ARTERIA Networks (4423 JP). After years of industry consolidation, which saw several stocks delist, this felt like a Christmas miracle (at least for those watching the sector’s stocks).

It would be hard to find two companies in the same industry that are so different – both in their business models as well as in how their IPOs were positioned to investors. One stock is 100 times larger than the other, but this is not a story of David and Goliath. It is two unique stories in parallel. 

While each company took a very different approach to selling its stock, both have suffered from the subsequent broader market weakness, irrespective of company specifics. We can’t say it has been the worst of times, but it certainly has been a tough time with SoftBank Corp down 13% and Arteria down 20% from their IPO prices.

In this Insight we explore how each company approached its IPO and how each has fared since. 

4. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth

  • Good payout ratio, good growth in core profit, and strong long-term sales growth relative to its sector
  • Acquisition of 49% stake in a 30MW solar farm in Malaysia with a commercial operation date (COD) set for 1Q20 to support revenue growth
  • High volume of solar rooftop installation projects planned for Charoen Pokphand Foods Pub (CPF TB) and other private firms to boost GUNKUL’s construction revenue
  • Attractive at 19CE* PEG ratio of 0.5 relative to ASEAN Industry at 1.6
  • Risk: Lower than expected electricity demand, unfavorable weather conditions

* Consensus Estimates

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Daily Industrials: Chengdu Expressway (成都高速) IPO Review – Well-Managed but Unexciting and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Chengdu Expressway (成都高速) IPO Review – Well-Managed but Unexciting
  2. Pasona Non-Grata
  3. Selamat Sempurna (SMSM IJ) – Truly Industrious – On the Ground in J-Town
  4. Discover SZ/​SH Connect: Foreigners Were Buying Industries and Financials in December
  5. Jardine C&C (JCNC SP): Close the Stub Trade

1. Chengdu Expressway (成都高速) IPO Review – Well-Managed but Unexciting


Chengdu Expressway Company Limited (1785 HK) is looking to raise US$112m in its upcoming IPO. 

The expressways that CEC operate are integral in Chengdu’s transport network. The expressways have been upgraded and expanded consistently over the past three years which has led to an increase in traffic and toll revenue. However, in terms of valuation, CEC will likely trade at a valuation closer to small expressway peers which implies a 10% downside.

In this insight, we will look at the company’s financial and operational performance, toll payment model, and compare its valuation to Hong Kong-listed expressway peers. We will also run the deal through our IPO framework.

2. Pasona Non-Grata

2019 01 03 16 26 06


Source: Japan Analytics

ROUND TRIP – Temporary staffing company Pasona (2168 JP)‘s shares have completed a year-long ’round trip’ after reaching Overbought territory one year ago following the launch of an ‘engagement campaign’ by the activist investor, Oasis. In May 2018, the company took advantage of its elevated share price to sell 2.3m shares (of which 2m were Treasury Shares), prompting a sharp correction in the share price. In recent months, the shares have languished as the company’s business performance has begun to deteriorate, reaching an 18-month low of 1,008 on 25th December, before rebounding 12% to close the year at ¥1,126.

HOLDCO DISCOUNT – According to the Smartkarma HoldCo Monitor, Pasona has the largest ‘ListCo as a % of Market Cap’ percentage at 365%, and the second-largest ‘Discount to Net Asset Value’ (78%) of the 77 companies that are tracked. With Pasona’s interim results due to be released on Friday 11th, January, the Insight will look at the company’s recent business performance, offer some guidelines for valuing the company and make two stock-specific recommendations. The format follows that of our recent Insight on GMO Internet

3. Selamat Sempurna (SMSM IJ) – Truly Industrious – On the Ground in J-Town

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Indonesia has a shortage of good quality industrial companies but Selamat Sempurna (SMSM IJ) is most certainly an exception to this rule, with a track record of consistent long-term growth and strong corporate governance. After a slower 1H18 due to seasonal factors, the company saw a very strong performance in 3Q18, which looks set to continue into 2019.

A company visit in Jakarta revealed that it continues to focus on growing its higher margin heavy-duty filter revenues, with an ongoing emphasis on growing its export business. 

Selamat Sempurna (SMSM IJ) should be a beneficiary of the US-China Trade War given much lower tariffs for Indonesian produced filters versus those from China. It has already seen a marked pick-up in enquiries from potential US customers. 

Its domestic filter business continues to see strong growth, especially heavy-duty filter sales, which are benefitting from demand from commercial vehicles and heavy equipment demand, with higher unit costs and replacement rates in this space.

The company’s body-maker division is seeing even higher rates of growth than filters and decent visibility, with demand coming from heavy equipment customers such as United Tractors (UNTR IJ).

The company should be a beneficiary of the imposition of B20 standards for Indonesia, which will require companies to change filters more regularly.

It was also recently granted ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System, which should be positive from an environmental and ESG perspective. This is important for its US and European sales in the long-term. 

Selamat Sempurna (SMSM IJ) continues to be one of the few attractive industrial companies in Indonesia, with a very strong long-term record on sales growth and profitability. Its domestic filter business continues to see strong growth, with a significant tailwind from its body-maker division. It is also focused on growing both its export sales and at the same time its higher-margin heavy-duty filter business. According to Bloomberg Consensus Estimates, the company trades on 12.4x FY19E PER and 10.9x FY20E PER, with forecast EPS CAGR of 15% for FY19E and FY20E respectively. 

4. Discover SZ/​SH Connect: Foreigners Were Buying Industries and Financials in December


In our Discover SZ/SH Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of northbound trades via the Shanghai Connect and Shenzhen Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by offshore investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the northbound trade into three groups: those with a market capitalization of above USD 5 billion, and those with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion.

We note that offshore investors were buying industries and financials in December. Interesting stocks in the north bound trades are Han’S Laser Technology In A (002008 CH), Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd A (002714 CH) and  Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting (300347 CH) . 

5. Jardine C&C (JCNC SP): Close the Stub Trade

In my original insight on October 17, 2018 TRADE IDEA – Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) Stub , I proposed setting up a stub trade to profit from volatility in the markets that caused the Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) stub to trade at a historically low discount to NAV. During the 78 calendar days that followed, Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) has gained 23% and the trade has made 5.03% on the gross notional. I now recommend closing the trade.

In this insight I will discuss:

  • Performance of ALL my recommended stub trades
  • a post-mortem trade analysis on the JCNC stub

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Daily Industrials: StubWorld: A 2018 Review In Charts and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. StubWorld: A 2018 Review In Charts
  2. M1 Offer Coming – Market Odds Suggest a Bump But…
  3. THK (6481 JP): Downturn Discounted, Recovery Depends on New Orders
  4. Recruit Holdings Down 30% From October; Still Not Cheap
  5. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings

1. StubWorld: A 2018 Review In Charts


This week in StubWorld …

Below the various NAV discount chart summaries of various baskets are my weekly setup/unwind tables.

This, and other relationships discussed below, trade with: 1) a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average; and 2) a minimum 20% ‘market capitalisation’ threshold, whereby the value of the holding/Opco held must be at least 20% of the parent’s market cap.

Comments on Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP)Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP) also follow the setup/unwind tables.

2. M1 Offer Coming – Market Odds Suggest a Bump But…

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Singapore telecom firm M1 announced on the 28th of December 2018 that Konnectivity Pte. Ltd. (a company jointly owned by Keppel Corp Ltd (KEP SP)  and Singapore Press Holdings (SPH SP)) had made a Voluntary Conditional General Offer following the satisfaction of the pre-condition (IMDA approval) mentioned in the pre-conditional offer made in September. 

The offer is to buy a minimum of 16.69% of the total share capital of M1 at a price of S$2.06 in order to increase the collective holding of the acquirer and its related parties from the current level of 33.32% to 50+% of fully-diluted shares (current shares out + 26.826mm Options + ~2.1mm Award shares). 

The Offerors will buy all shares tendered if they get to a minimum of 50+%.  

The other terms and conditions of this deal will be set out in the offer document which is expected to be despatched in mid-January 2019 (14-21 days from 28 December).  

The offer price of S$2.06 translated to a premium of 26.4% to the undisturbed price before the trading halt for the pre-conditional offer. At the time of writing, the stock is trading at S$2.10 which is higher than the proposed Offer Price, indicating the market is expecting a bump or an overbid.

We’ll see.

3. THK (6481 JP): Downturn Discounted, Recovery Depends on New Orders

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After dropping 60% from a high of ¥4,830 last February 27 to a 52-week low of ¥1,945 on December 26, THK closed at ¥2,062 on December 28, the last trading day of 2018.  

New orders peaked in the three months to Dec-17. The order backlog peaked in the three months to Mar-18, and so did the share price. Sales and operating profit peaked in the three months to Jun-18. Demand from the company’s top three user categories – electronics (semiconductor production equpment in particular), machine tools, and general industry – has been moving in parallel. By region, new orders from China have dropped most rapidly, followed by orders from Taiwan and Japan. 

After double-digit positive comparisons in the nine months to Sep-18, management is guiding for a 30% year-on-year decline in operating profit in 4Q of FY Dec-18. Judging from the orders trend and economic situation, substantial declines in sales and profits are likely in FY Dec-19. If demand from China picks up following a trade agreement with the U.S. sometime next year, there should be a moderate recovery going into FY Dec-20.

The shares are now selling at 7.7x management’s EPS guidance for FY Dec-18 and 0.9x book value at the end of Sep-18. Our forecast puts the shares on 11.9x earnings for FY Dec-19 and 10.4x earnings for FY Dec-20E. Valuations are at the bottom of their recent historical ranges. When orders recover, the stock price should, too.

THK is the world’s top producer of linear motion guides, which enable high-speed, high-precision operation of machine tools, semiconductor production equipment and other machinery. Management estimates the company’s global market share at about 50%. Competitors include Nippon Thompson (6480 JP) and NSK (6471 JP) in Japan and several companies headquartered in Europe, the U.S. and China. THK sells worldwide and has production facilities in Japan, Europe, the Americas, China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and India. The company is financially sound, with a current ratio of 2.9x and net cash equal to 14% of equity at the end of Sep-18.

4. Recruit Holdings Down 30% From October; Still Not Cheap


The share price of Recruit Holdings (6098 JP) has fallen by around 30% over the past three months from an all-time high of JPY3,826 (on 1st October 2018) to JPY2,705 on 24th December 2018. Prior to this, Recruit’s share price saw a strong upward rally during May-September following the company’s announcement that it would acquire Glassdoor Inc. (the company which operates the employment information website

We expect Recruit’s consolidated revenue to grow 7.7% and 6.5% YoY in FY03/19E and FY03/20E respectively, driven by the acquisition of Glassdoor and steady growth in Japanese staffing operations, partially offset by a likely slowdown in global labour market activity. We also expect Recruit’s consolidated EBITDA margin to improve by around 50bps due to higher margin from Glassdoor.

Despite the recent dip in share price and steady topline and bottom line growth over the forecast period, at a FY2 EV/EBITDA multiple of 14.0x, Recruit doesn’t look particularly attractive to us. Recruit’s internet advertising business and employment business peers, Yahoo Japan (4689 JP) and Persol Holdings (2181 JP) are trading at FY2 EV/EBITDAs of 7.7x and 9.6x respectively.

Key Financials FY03/18-20E





Consolidated Revenue (JPYbn)




YoY Growth %




Consolidated EBITDA (JPYbn)




EBITDA Margin %




Source: Company Disclosures/LSR Estimates

5. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) (Mkt Cap: $546mn; Liquidity: $0.4mn)

As previously discussed in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric (HE) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, is bang in line with that paid by HEC in January this year for new domestic shares. The Offer price has been declared final. 

  • Of note, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.
  • On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors (and the IFA) can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price below the net cash/share, especially when the underlying business is profit-generating.
  • Dissension rights are available, however, there is no administrative guidance on the substantive as well as procedural rules as to how the “fair price” will be determined under PRC and HK Law.
  • Trading at a gross/annualised spread of 15%/28% assuming end-July completion, based on the average timeline for merger by absorption precedents. As HEC is only waiting for approval from independent H-shareholders suggests this transaction may complete earlier than precedents. 

(link to my insight: Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right)  

MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

KKR and MYOB entered into Scheme Implementation Agreement (SIA) at $3.40/share, valuing MYOB, on a market cap basis, at A$2bn. MYOB’s board unanimously recommends shareholders to vote in favour of the Offer, in the absence of a superior proposal. The Offer price assumes no full-year dividend is paid.

  • On balance, MYOB’s board has made the right decision to accept KKR’s reduced Offer. The argument that MYOB is a “known turnaround story” is challenged as cloud-based accounting software providers Xero Ltd (XRO AU)  and Intuit Inc (INTU US) grab market share. This is also reflected in MYOB’s forecast 7% revenue growth in FY18 and follows a 10% decline in first-half profit, despite a 61% jump in online subscribers.
  • And there is justification for KKR’s lowering the Offer price: the ASX is down 10% since KKR’s initial tilt, the ASX technology index is off by ~14%, a basket of listed Aussie peers are down 17%, while Xero, the most comparable peer, is down ~20%. The Scheme Offer is at a ~27% premium to the estimated adjusted (for the ASX index) downside price of $2.68/share.
  • Bain was okay selling at $3.15/share to KKR and will be fine selling its remaining ~6.5% stake at $3.40. Presumably, MYOB sounded out the other major shareholders such as Fidelity, Yarra Funds Management, Vanguard etc as to their read on the revised $3.40 offer, before agreeing to the SIA with KKR.

  • If the markets avoid further declines, this deal will probably get up. If the markets rebound, the outcome is less assured. This Tuesday marks the beginning of a new year and a renewed mandate for investors to take risk, especially an agreed deal; but the current 5.3% annualised spread is tight.

(link to my insight: MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer)

TMB Bank PCL (TMB TB) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

The Ministry of Finance, the major shareholder of TMB, confirmed that both Krung Thai Bank Pub (KTB TB) and Thanachart Capital (TCAP TB) had engaged in merger talks with TMB. Considering an earlier KTB/TMB courtship failed, it is more likely, but by no means guaranteed, that the deal with Thanachart will happen. Bloomberg is also reporting that Thanachart and TMB want to do a deal before the next elections, which is less than two months away.

  • TMB is much bigger than Thanachart and therefore it may boil down to whether TMB wants to be the target or acquirer. In Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA‘s view, a deal with Thanachart would leave TMB as the acquirer rather than the target. But Thanachart’s management has a better track record than TMB.
  • Both banks have undergone extensive deals before this one: 1) TMB acquired DBS Thai Danu and IFCT; and 2) Thanachart engineered an acquisition of the much bigger, but struggling, SCIB.
  • A merger between the two would still leave them smaller than Bank Of Ayudhya (BAY TB) and would not change the bank rankings; but it would give TMB a bigger presence in asset management, hire-purchase finance and a re-entry into the securities business.

(link to Athaporn’s insight: Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship)  


Halla Holdings (060980 KS) / Mando Corp (204320 KS)

Mando accounts for 45% of Halla’s NAV, which is currently trading at a 50% discount. Sanghyun Park believes the recent narrowing in the discount may be due to the hype attached to Mando-Hella Elec, which he believes is overdone; and recommends a short Holdco and long Mando. Using Sanghyun’s figures, I see the discount to NAV at 51%, 2STD above the 12-month average of ~47%.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: Halla Holdings Stub Trade: Downwardly Mean Reversion in Favor of Mando)  




My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


Putian Communication (1720 HK)
Shanghai Pudong
Outside CCASS
China Industrial
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx

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Daily Industrials: Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3) and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)
  2. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long
  3. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich
  4. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right
  5. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity

1. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)


Although Uber aims to be an Amazon for transport, we will focus on the ride-hailing market in part 3 of this series. Here, we try to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the indicative ride-hailing market shares of Uber vs Lyft in North America?
  2. What is Uber’s share in other key countries?
  3. What are the lawsuits investors should watch out for?
  4. How do Uber’s revenue drivers compare with Lyft’s?
  5. What are the timelines and key figures for both companies’ IPOs?

This is the third note in a series about the expected 2019 IPO of global ride-hailing giant Uber Technologies (0084207D US) and Lyft. Please read the earlier two pieces in the series for better contexts:

Uber IPO Preview: Its Sprawling Empire and Battle Lines (Part 1) written by me.

Uber IPO Preview: Fast-Growing Uber Eats Has Become a Material Part of Uber (Part 2) written by Daniel Hellberg

2. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long

Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) has reported the new orders worth only Rs95 bn after 2Q FY19 results (reported on 31st October 2018). This is much lower run rate as compared to 2Q FY19 (Rs419 bn) or 1H FY19 (Rs781 bn). All these orders by Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) have been received from construction segment where margins are relatively poor e.g. the construction and infrastructure segment of Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) in 2H FY19 has reported 6.8% EBITDA margin, much lower than 11.8% for the company on an overall basis.

Unless new orders pick up in next few weeks, there is a strong likelihood that there could be a negative surprise in 3Q results on order inflow for Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) . This is despite the fact that overall number reported for a quarter for order inflow is a bit higher than the sum of individual orders announced and reported by the company. While the market has not noticed decline in new orders so far and may have been still hopeful about a recovery in order wins, it is highly unlikely that this will continue to get ignored by investors if the trend doesn’t change and get better in next couple of weeks.

3. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich

Share%20price%2027 12 2018

Swaraj Engines (SWE IN) (SEL)is primarily manufacturing diesel engines for fitment into Swaraj tractors manufactured by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M). The Company is also supplying engine components to SML Isuzu Ltd used in the assembly of commercial vehicle engines. SEL was started as a joint venture between Punjab Tractor Ltd (now acquired by M&M Ltd) and Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. M&M holds 33.3% stake in SEL and is its key client.  

We are positive about the business because:

  • SEL’s growth is correlated with M&M’s tractor business growth. SEL supplies engines to the Swaraj division of M&M. M&M expects tractor growth to be around 12% YoY in FY19E. We forecast SEL’s tractor engine volumes will grow at a CAGR of 12% for FY18-21E.
  • The growth of the company is dependent on the monsoon and rural sentiments. We expect the profitability to improve with normal rainfall and government initiatives towards the rural sector. We expect the revenue/ EBITDA/ PAT CAGR for FY18-21E to be 14%/ 15%/ 14% respectively.
  • SEL is debt free and a cash generating company. It has a healthy and stable ROCE and ROE. SEL has increased its capacity from 75,000 engines in FY16 to 120,000 engines in FY18. We expect the capacity utilisation to reach 97% by FY20E from 90% in 1HFY19. SEL funds its capex through internal accruals. We forecast a capex of Rs 600 mn for FY19E to FY21E considering the requirement of the additional capacity, R&D and testing costs for new and higher HP engines & for upgradation of engines according to the TREM IV emission norms for >50 HP engines.

We initiate coverage on SEL with a fair value objective of Rs 1,655/- over the next 12 months. This represents a potential upside of 15% from the closing price of Rs 1,435/- (as on 26-12-2018). We arrive at the fair value by applying PE multiple of 18x to EPS of Rs 87/- to the year ending December-20E and add cash of Rs 82/- per share. While the business outlook is good, we think the upside in the share price is limited due to rich valuation.

Particulars (Rs mn) (Y/E March)















EPS (Rs)





PE (x)





Source: SEL Annual Report FY18, Trivikram Consultants Research as on 26-12-2018

Note: E= Estimates

4. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right


As speculated in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. 

The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, has been declared final. The price corresponds to the subscription of 329mn domestic shares (~47.16% of the existing issued domestic shares and ~24.02% of the existing total issued shares) @$4.56/share by HEC in January this year

Of greater significance, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.

On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price which gave cash less cavalier than cash.

Dissension rights are available, however, what constitutes a “fair price” under those rights, and the timing of the settlement under such rights, are not evident. 

As all PRC approvals have been obtained, this transaction may complete earlier than prior mergers by absorption, which have taken 6-8 months from the initial announcement.

5. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity

  • Low downside risk, low correlation with Western stock markets, and good price momentum relative to its sector
  • Growing demand from emerging markets as seen by increase in trading activities e.g. Asia sales increased 10% YoY in 3Q18
  • Planned terminal expansions in Manila, Mexico, Iraq, and Honduras are underway and should provide about 7% capacity growth by end 2019
  • Trades below ASEAN Transportation at 19CE* 17.1x PE and offers much better EPS growth
  • Risk: Foreign exchange risk, disruption from US-China trade war

* Consensus Estimates

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Daily Industrials: Chunbo Co. IPO Preview and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview
  2. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs
  3. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth
  4. Daelim Industrial Share Class: One of Prefs to Arb Trade on Div Payout Record Date

1. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview

Chunbo 3

  • Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS) is a provider of fine chemical materials in Korea, and it is expected to complete its IPO in January 2019. Its chemical materials are used in numerous industries including the display, semiconductors, rechargeable batteries, and pharmaceutical. 
  • The bankers used nine comparable companies, including Sk Materials (036490 KS)Foosung Co Ltd (093370 KS), and Iljin Materials (020150 KS), to value Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS). The bankers used the annualized net profit of these companies from 1Q-3Q18 in their valuation analysis. The average P/E multiple of the comps were 25.3x. The bankers then applied Chunbo’s annualized net profit of 19.8 billion won from 1Q18 to 3Q18 and applied the P/E multiple of 25.3x to derive an implied market cap of 501.3 billion won. After applying an IPO discount of 20.2% to 30.2%, the bankers derived an IPO range of 35,000 to 40,000 won. 
  • The company has a consistent record of generating solid growth in sales and profits in the past few years. The company’s sales increased 18.4% CAGR from 2014 to 2017. Its operating margin averaged 21% from 2014 to 3Q18. 

2. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs


During the second half of December 2018, Japan saw two telecom companies list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Softbank Corp (9434 JP) and ARTERIA Networks (4423 JP). After years of industry consolidation, which saw several stocks delist, this felt like a Christmas miracle (at least for those watching the sector’s stocks).

It would be hard to find two companies in the same industry that are so different – both in their business models as well as in how their IPOs were positioned to investors. One stock is 100 times larger than the other, but this is not a story of David and Goliath. It is two unique stories in parallel. 

While each company took a very different approach to selling its stock, both have suffered from the subsequent broader market weakness, irrespective of company specifics. We can’t say it has been the worst of times, but it certainly has been a tough time with SoftBank Corp down 13% and Arteria down 20% from their IPO prices.

In this Insight we explore how each company approached its IPO and how each has fared since. 

3. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth

  • Good payout ratio, good growth in core profit, and strong long-term sales growth relative to its sector
  • Acquisition of 49% stake in a 30MW solar farm in Malaysia with a commercial operation date (COD) set for 1Q20 to support revenue growth
  • High volume of solar rooftop installation projects planned for Charoen Pokphand Foods Pub (CPF TB) and other private firms to boost GUNKUL’s construction revenue
  • Attractive at 19CE* PEG ratio of 0.5 relative to ASEAN Industry at 1.6
  • Risk: Lower than expected electricity demand, unfavorable weather conditions

* Consensus Estimates

4. Daelim Industrial Share Class: One of Prefs to Arb Trade on Div Payout Record Date


  • Daelim Industrial (000210 KS) is one of the main targets of local activist movement. This makes a setting for higher dividends. Common div yield to 1.58% and Pref to 4.18%. Difference is 2.59%p. This is the widest gap in many years.
  • Pref is currently at a 60.89% discount to Common. Among those > ₩100bil MC prefs, it is the second highest discounted pref, only behind CJ Cheiljedang 1P (097955 KS). Local street expects at least ₩1,600 div per share. This should be a conservative estimate. On a 20D MA, Pref is above +1 σ.
  • Dec 26 is record date of dividend payout. I expect a price catchup movement tomorrow in favor of Pref. I’d go long Pref and short Common as early in the morning as possible.

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Daily Industrials: Discover SZ/​SH Connect: Foreigners Were Buying Industries and Financials in December and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Discover SZ/​SH Connect: Foreigners Were Buying Industries and Financials in December
  2. Jardine C&C (JCNC SP): Close the Stub Trade
  3. StubWorld: A 2018 Review In Charts
  4. M1 Offer Coming – Market Odds Suggest a Bump But…
  5. THK (6481 JP): Downturn Discounted, Recovery Depends on New Orders

1. Discover SZ/​SH Connect: Foreigners Were Buying Industries and Financials in December

Northbound inflow by sector in december 2018 usd m chartbuilder

In our Discover SZ/SH Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of northbound trades via the Shanghai Connect and Shenzhen Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by offshore investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the northbound trade into three groups: those with a market capitalization of above USD 5 billion, and those with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion.

We note that offshore investors were buying industries and financials in December. Interesting stocks in the north bound trades are Han’S Laser Technology In A (002008 CH), Muyuan Foodstuff Co Ltd A (002714 CH) and  Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting (300347 CH) . 

2. Jardine C&C (JCNC SP): Close the Stub Trade

In my original insight on October 17, 2018 TRADE IDEA – Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) Stub , I proposed setting up a stub trade to profit from volatility in the markets that caused the Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) stub to trade at a historically low discount to NAV. During the 78 calendar days that followed, Jardine Cycle & Carriage (JCNC SP) has gained 23% and the trade has made 5.03% on the gross notional. I now recommend closing the trade.

In this insight I will discuss:

  • Performance of ALL my recommended stub trades
  • a post-mortem trade analysis on the JCNC stub

3. StubWorld: A 2018 Review In Charts


This week in StubWorld …

Below the various NAV discount chart summaries of various baskets are my weekly setup/unwind tables.

This, and other relationships discussed below, trade with: 1) a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average; and 2) a minimum 20% ‘market capitalisation’ threshold, whereby the value of the holding/Opco held must be at least 20% of the parent’s market cap.

Comments on Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP)Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP) also follow the setup/unwind tables.

4. M1 Offer Coming – Market Odds Suggest a Bump But…

Screenshot%202019 01 02%20at%207.57.32%20am

Singapore telecom firm M1 announced on the 28th of December 2018 that Konnectivity Pte. Ltd. (a company jointly owned by Keppel Corp Ltd (KEP SP)  and Singapore Press Holdings (SPH SP)) had made a Voluntary Conditional General Offer following the satisfaction of the pre-condition (IMDA approval) mentioned in the pre-conditional offer made in September. 

The offer is to buy a minimum of 16.69% of the total share capital of M1 at a price of S$2.06 in order to increase the collective holding of the acquirer and its related parties from the current level of 33.32% to 50+% of fully-diluted shares (current shares out + 26.826mm Options + ~2.1mm Award shares). 

The Offerors will buy all shares tendered if they get to a minimum of 50+%.  

The other terms and conditions of this deal will be set out in the offer document which is expected to be despatched in mid-January 2019 (14-21 days from 28 December).  

The offer price of S$2.06 translated to a premium of 26.4% to the undisturbed price before the trading halt for the pre-conditional offer. At the time of writing, the stock is trading at S$2.10 which is higher than the proposed Offer Price, indicating the market is expecting a bump or an overbid.

We’ll see.

5. THK (6481 JP): Downturn Discounted, Recovery Depends on New Orders

Screen%20shot%202018 12 31%20at%2020.08.51

After dropping 60% from a high of ¥4,830 last February 27 to a 52-week low of ¥1,945 on December 26, THK closed at ¥2,062 on December 28, the last trading day of 2018.  

New orders peaked in the three months to Dec-17. The order backlog peaked in the three months to Mar-18, and so did the share price. Sales and operating profit peaked in the three months to Jun-18. Demand from the company’s top three user categories – electronics (semiconductor production equpment in particular), machine tools, and general industry – has been moving in parallel. By region, new orders from China have dropped most rapidly, followed by orders from Taiwan and Japan. 

After double-digit positive comparisons in the nine months to Sep-18, management is guiding for a 30% year-on-year decline in operating profit in 4Q of FY Dec-18. Judging from the orders trend and economic situation, substantial declines in sales and profits are likely in FY Dec-19. If demand from China picks up following a trade agreement with the U.S. sometime next year, there should be a moderate recovery going into FY Dec-20.

The shares are now selling at 7.7x management’s EPS guidance for FY Dec-18 and 0.9x book value at the end of Sep-18. Our forecast puts the shares on 11.9x earnings for FY Dec-19 and 10.4x earnings for FY Dec-20E. Valuations are at the bottom of their recent historical ranges. When orders recover, the stock price should, too.

THK is the world’s top producer of linear motion guides, which enable high-speed, high-precision operation of machine tools, semiconductor production equipment and other machinery. Management estimates the company’s global market share at about 50%. Competitors include Nippon Thompson (6480 JP) and NSK (6471 JP) in Japan and several companies headquartered in Europe, the U.S. and China. THK sells worldwide and has production facilities in Japan, Europe, the Americas, China, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and India. The company is financially sound, with a current ratio of 2.9x and net cash equal to 14% of equity at the end of Sep-18.

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Daily Industrials: Recruit Holdings Down 30% From October; Still Not Cheap and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Recruit Holdings Down 30% From October; Still Not Cheap
  2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings
  3. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)
  4. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long
  5. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich

1. Recruit Holdings Down 30% From October; Still Not Cheap


The share price of Recruit Holdings (6098 JP) has fallen by around 30% over the past three months from an all-time high of JPY3,826 (on 1st October 2018) to JPY2,705 on 24th December 2018. Prior to this, Recruit’s share price saw a strong upward rally during May-September following the company’s announcement that it would acquire Glassdoor Inc. (the company which operates the employment information website

We expect Recruit’s consolidated revenue to grow 7.7% and 6.5% YoY in FY03/19E and FY03/20E respectively, driven by the acquisition of Glassdoor and steady growth in Japanese staffing operations, partially offset by a likely slowdown in global labour market activity. We also expect Recruit’s consolidated EBITDA margin to improve by around 50bps due to higher margin from Glassdoor.

Despite the recent dip in share price and steady topline and bottom line growth over the forecast period, at a FY2 EV/EBITDA multiple of 14.0x, Recruit doesn’t look particularly attractive to us. Recruit’s internet advertising business and employment business peers, Yahoo Japan (4689 JP) and Persol Holdings (2181 JP) are trading at FY2 EV/EBITDAs of 7.7x and 9.6x respectively.

Key Financials FY03/18-20E





Consolidated Revenue (JPYbn)




YoY Growth %




Consolidated EBITDA (JPYbn)




EBITDA Margin %




Source: Company Disclosures/LSR Estimates

2. Last Week in Event SPACE: Harbin Electric, MYOB, TMB Bank, Halla Holdings


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) (Mkt Cap: $546mn; Liquidity: $0.4mn)

As previously discussed in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric (HE) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, is bang in line with that paid by HEC in January this year for new domestic shares. The Offer price has been declared final. 

  • Of note, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.
  • On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors (and the IFA) can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price below the net cash/share, especially when the underlying business is profit-generating.
  • Dissension rights are available, however, there is no administrative guidance on the substantive as well as procedural rules as to how the “fair price” will be determined under PRC and HK Law.
  • Trading at a gross/annualised spread of 15%/28% assuming end-July completion, based on the average timeline for merger by absorption precedents. As HEC is only waiting for approval from independent H-shareholders suggests this transaction may complete earlier than precedents. 

(link to my insight: Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right)  

MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

KKR and MYOB entered into Scheme Implementation Agreement (SIA) at $3.40/share, valuing MYOB, on a market cap basis, at A$2bn. MYOB’s board unanimously recommends shareholders to vote in favour of the Offer, in the absence of a superior proposal. The Offer price assumes no full-year dividend is paid.

  • On balance, MYOB’s board has made the right decision to accept KKR’s reduced Offer. The argument that MYOB is a “known turnaround story” is challenged as cloud-based accounting software providers Xero Ltd (XRO AU)  and Intuit Inc (INTU US) grab market share. This is also reflected in MYOB’s forecast 7% revenue growth in FY18 and follows a 10% decline in first-half profit, despite a 61% jump in online subscribers.
  • And there is justification for KKR’s lowering the Offer price: the ASX is down 10% since KKR’s initial tilt, the ASX technology index is off by ~14%, a basket of listed Aussie peers are down 17%, while Xero, the most comparable peer, is down ~20%. The Scheme Offer is at a ~27% premium to the estimated adjusted (for the ASX index) downside price of $2.68/share.
  • Bain was okay selling at $3.15/share to KKR and will be fine selling its remaining ~6.5% stake at $3.40. Presumably, MYOB sounded out the other major shareholders such as Fidelity, Yarra Funds Management, Vanguard etc as to their read on the revised $3.40 offer, before agreeing to the SIA with KKR.

  • If the markets avoid further declines, this deal will probably get up. If the markets rebound, the outcome is less assured. This Tuesday marks the beginning of a new year and a renewed mandate for investors to take risk, especially an agreed deal; but the current 5.3% annualised spread is tight.

(link to my insight: MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer)

TMB Bank PCL (TMB TB) (Mkt Cap: $1.2bn; Liquidity: $7mn)

The Ministry of Finance, the major shareholder of TMB, confirmed that both Krung Thai Bank Pub (KTB TB) and Thanachart Capital (TCAP TB) had engaged in merger talks with TMB. Considering an earlier KTB/TMB courtship failed, it is more likely, but by no means guaranteed, that the deal with Thanachart will happen. Bloomberg is also reporting that Thanachart and TMB want to do a deal before the next elections, which is less than two months away.

  • TMB is much bigger than Thanachart and therefore it may boil down to whether TMB wants to be the target or acquirer. In Athaporn Arayasantiparb, CFA‘s view, a deal with Thanachart would leave TMB as the acquirer rather than the target. But Thanachart’s management has a better track record than TMB.
  • Both banks have undergone extensive deals before this one: 1) TMB acquired DBS Thai Danu and IFCT; and 2) Thanachart engineered an acquisition of the much bigger, but struggling, SCIB.
  • A merger between the two would still leave them smaller than Bank Of Ayudhya (BAY TB) and would not change the bank rankings; but it would give TMB a bigger presence in asset management, hire-purchase finance and a re-entry into the securities business.

(link to Athaporn’s insight: Sathorn Series M: TMB-Thanachart Courtship)  


Halla Holdings (060980 KS) / Mando Corp (204320 KS)

Mando accounts for 45% of Halla’s NAV, which is currently trading at a 50% discount. Sanghyun Park believes the recent narrowing in the discount may be due to the hype attached to Mando-Hella Elec, which he believes is overdone; and recommends a short Holdco and long Mando. Using Sanghyun’s figures, I see the discount to NAV at 51%, 2STD above the 12-month average of ~47%.

(link to Sanghyun’s insight: Halla Holdings Stub Trade: Downwardly Mean Reversion in Favor of Mando)  




My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% change


Out of


Putian Communication (1720 HK)
Shanghai Pudong
Outside CCASS
China Industrial
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx

3. Uber IPO: Its Sprawling Empire And Battle Lines (Part 3)


Although Uber aims to be an Amazon for transport, we will focus on the ride-hailing market in part 3 of this series. Here, we try to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the indicative ride-hailing market shares of Uber vs Lyft in North America?
  2. What is Uber’s share in other key countries?
  3. What are the lawsuits investors should watch out for?
  4. How do Uber’s revenue drivers compare with Lyft’s?
  5. What are the timelines and key figures for both companies’ IPOs?

This is the third note in a series about the expected 2019 IPO of global ride-hailing giant Uber Technologies (0084207D US) and Lyft. Please read the earlier two pieces in the series for better contexts:

Uber IPO Preview: Its Sprawling Empire and Battle Lines (Part 1) written by me.

Uber IPO Preview: Fast-Growing Uber Eats Has Become a Material Part of Uber (Part 2) written by Daniel Hellberg

4. Larsen & Toubro (LT IN): Slowdown in New Orders Is Risk for 3Q, Markets Can’t Ignore It for Long

Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) has reported the new orders worth only Rs95 bn after 2Q FY19 results (reported on 31st October 2018). This is much lower run rate as compared to 2Q FY19 (Rs419 bn) or 1H FY19 (Rs781 bn). All these orders by Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) have been received from construction segment where margins are relatively poor e.g. the construction and infrastructure segment of Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) in 2H FY19 has reported 6.8% EBITDA margin, much lower than 11.8% for the company on an overall basis.

Unless new orders pick up in next few weeks, there is a strong likelihood that there could be a negative surprise in 3Q results on order inflow for Larsen & Toubro (LT IN) . This is despite the fact that overall number reported for a quarter for order inflow is a bit higher than the sum of individual orders announced and reported by the company. While the market has not noticed decline in new orders so far and may have been still hopeful about a recovery in order wins, it is highly unlikely that this will continue to get ignored by investors if the trend doesn’t change and get better in next couple of weeks.

5. Swaraj Engines: Positive Outlook But Growth Is Slowing and Valuation Is Rich

Share%20price%2027 12 2018

Swaraj Engines (SWE IN) (SEL)is primarily manufacturing diesel engines for fitment into Swaraj tractors manufactured by Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (M&M). The Company is also supplying engine components to SML Isuzu Ltd used in the assembly of commercial vehicle engines. SEL was started as a joint venture between Punjab Tractor Ltd (now acquired by M&M Ltd) and Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. M&M holds 33.3% stake in SEL and is its key client.  

We are positive about the business because:

  • SEL’s growth is correlated with M&M’s tractor business growth. SEL supplies engines to the Swaraj division of M&M. M&M expects tractor growth to be around 12% YoY in FY19E. We forecast SEL’s tractor engine volumes will grow at a CAGR of 12% for FY18-21E.
  • The growth of the company is dependent on the monsoon and rural sentiments. We expect the profitability to improve with normal rainfall and government initiatives towards the rural sector. We expect the revenue/ EBITDA/ PAT CAGR for FY18-21E to be 14%/ 15%/ 14% respectively.
  • SEL is debt free and a cash generating company. It has a healthy and stable ROCE and ROE. SEL has increased its capacity from 75,000 engines in FY16 to 120,000 engines in FY18. We expect the capacity utilisation to reach 97% by FY20E from 90% in 1HFY19. SEL funds its capex through internal accruals. We forecast a capex of Rs 600 mn for FY19E to FY21E considering the requirement of the additional capacity, R&D and testing costs for new and higher HP engines & for upgradation of engines according to the TREM IV emission norms for >50 HP engines.

We initiate coverage on SEL with a fair value objective of Rs 1,655/- over the next 12 months. This represents a potential upside of 15% from the closing price of Rs 1,435/- (as on 26-12-2018). We arrive at the fair value by applying PE multiple of 18x to EPS of Rs 87/- to the year ending December-20E and add cash of Rs 82/- per share. While the business outlook is good, we think the upside in the share price is limited due to rich valuation.

Particulars (Rs mn) (Y/E March)















EPS (Rs)





PE (x)





Source: SEL Annual Report FY18, Trivikram Consultants Research as on 26-12-2018

Note: E= Estimates

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Daily Industrials: Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right
  2. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity
  3. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview
  4. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs
  5. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth

1. Harbin Electric: The Price Is Not Right


As speculated in Harbin Electric Expected To Be Privatised, Harbin Electric Co Ltd H (1133 HK) has now announced a privatisation Offer from parent and 60.41%-shareholder Harbin Electric Corporation (“HEC”) by way of a merger by absorption. 

The Offer price of $4.56/share, an 82.4% premium to last close, has been declared final. The price corresponds to the subscription of 329mn domestic shares (~47.16% of the existing issued domestic shares and ~24.02% of the existing total issued shares) @$4.56/share by HEC in January this year

Of greater significance, the Offer price is a 37% discount to HE’s net cash of $7.27/share as at 30 June 2018. Should the privatisation be successful, this Offer will cost HEC ~HK$3.08bn, following which it can pocket the remaining net cash of $9.3bn PLUS the power generation equipment manufacturer business thrown in for free.

On pricing, “fair” to me would be something like the distribution of net cash to zero then taking over the company on a PER with respect to peers. That is not happening. It will be difficult to see how independent directors can justify recommending an Offer to shareholders at any price which gave cash less cavalier than cash.

Dissension rights are available, however, what constitutes a “fair price” under those rights, and the timing of the settlement under such rights, are not evident. 

As all PRC approvals have been obtained, this transaction may complete earlier than prior mergers by absorption, which have taken 6-8 months from the initial announcement.

2. ICT (ICT PM): Beneficiary of Higher Trading Activity

  • Low downside risk, low correlation with Western stock markets, and good price momentum relative to its sector
  • Growing demand from emerging markets as seen by increase in trading activities e.g. Asia sales increased 10% YoY in 3Q18
  • Planned terminal expansions in Manila, Mexico, Iraq, and Honduras are underway and should provide about 7% capacity growth by end 2019
  • Trades below ASEAN Transportation at 19CE* 17.1x PE and offers much better EPS growth
  • Risk: Foreign exchange risk, disruption from US-China trade war

* Consensus Estimates

3. Chunbo Co. IPO Preview

Chunbo 3

  • Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS) is a provider of fine chemical materials in Korea, and it is expected to complete its IPO in January 2019. Its chemical materials are used in numerous industries including the display, semiconductors, rechargeable batteries, and pharmaceutical. 
  • The bankers used nine comparable companies, including Sk Materials (036490 KS)Foosung Co Ltd (093370 KS), and Iljin Materials (020150 KS), to value Chunbo Co Ltd (278280 KS). The bankers used the annualized net profit of these companies from 1Q-3Q18 in their valuation analysis. The average P/E multiple of the comps were 25.3x. The bankers then applied Chunbo’s annualized net profit of 19.8 billion won from 1Q18 to 3Q18 and applied the P/E multiple of 25.3x to derive an implied market cap of 501.3 billion won. After applying an IPO discount of 20.2% to 30.2%, the bankers derived an IPO range of 35,000 to 40,000 won. 
  • The company has a consistent record of generating solid growth in sales and profits in the past few years. The company’s sales increased 18.4% CAGR from 2014 to 2017. Its operating margin averaged 21% from 2014 to 3Q18. 

4. SoftBank Corp (9434 JP) & Arteria Networks (4423 JP): A Tale of Two IPOs


During the second half of December 2018, Japan saw two telecom companies list on the Tokyo Stock Exchange: Softbank Corp (9434 JP) and ARTERIA Networks (4423 JP). After years of industry consolidation, which saw several stocks delist, this felt like a Christmas miracle (at least for those watching the sector’s stocks).

It would be hard to find two companies in the same industry that are so different – both in their business models as well as in how their IPOs were positioned to investors. One stock is 100 times larger than the other, but this is not a story of David and Goliath. It is two unique stories in parallel. 

While each company took a very different approach to selling its stock, both have suffered from the subsequent broader market weakness, irrespective of company specifics. We can’t say it has been the worst of times, but it certainly has been a tough time with SoftBank Corp down 13% and Arteria down 20% from their IPO prices.

In this Insight we explore how each company approached its IPO and how each has fared since. 

5. GUNKUL (GUNKUL TB): Solar to Drive Top-Line Growth

  • Good payout ratio, good growth in core profit, and strong long-term sales growth relative to its sector
  • Acquisition of 49% stake in a 30MW solar farm in Malaysia with a commercial operation date (COD) set for 1Q20 to support revenue growth
  • High volume of solar rooftop installation projects planned for Charoen Pokphand Foods Pub (CPF TB) and other private firms to boost GUNKUL’s construction revenue
  • Attractive at 19CE* PEG ratio of 0.5 relative to ASEAN Industry at 1.6
  • Risk: Lower than expected electricity demand, unfavorable weather conditions

* Consensus Estimates

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Daily Industrials: Daelim Industrial Share Class: One of Prefs to Arb Trade on Div Payout Record Date and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Daelim Industrial Share Class: One of Prefs to Arb Trade on Div Payout Record Date
  2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Containers & Air Cargo: Container Rates Up

1. Daelim Industrial Share Class: One of Prefs to Arb Trade on Div Payout Record Date


  • Daelim Industrial (000210 KS) is one of the main targets of local activist movement. This makes a setting for higher dividends. Common div yield to 1.58% and Pref to 4.18%. Difference is 2.59%p. This is the widest gap in many years.
  • Pref is currently at a 60.89% discount to Common. Among those > ₩100bil MC prefs, it is the second highest discounted pref, only behind CJ Cheiljedang 1P (097955 KS). Local street expects at least ₩1,600 div per share. This should be a conservative estimate. On a 20D MA, Pref is above +1 σ.
  • Dec 26 is record date of dividend payout. I expect a price catchup movement tomorrow in favor of Pref. I’d go long Pref and short Common as early in the morning as possible.

2. TRACKING TRAFFIC/Containers & Air Cargo: Container Rates Up

Nov tw yields

Tracking Traffic/Containers & Air Cargo is the hub for all of our research on container shipping and air cargo, featuring analysis of monthly industry data, notes from our conversations with industry participants, and links to recent company and thematic pieces. 

Tracking Traffic/Containers & Air Cargo aims to highlight changes to existing trends, relationships, and views affecting the leading Asian companies in these two sectors. This month’s note includes data from about twenty different sources.

In this issue readers will find:

  1. An analysis of November container shipping rates, which our index suggests increased by over 20% Y/Y. We concede that our index skews toward volatile spot rates rather than contract rates, but we suspect higher average container rates in Q418, combined with moderating fuel prices, will result in surprisingly strong earnings for the quarter.
  2. A look at November air cargo activity and air cargo pricing, which diverged. The volume of air cargo handled by the five airlines we track declined slightly (-0.1% Y/Y) but some of those carriers reported sharply higher yields (circa +10% Y/Y), due to limited capacity expansion in the region.
  3. Some good news: fuel prices have continued to moderate. Bunker climbed by just 5.1% Y/Y as of mid-December, and jet fuel prices have fallen about 11% Y/Y. Given firm container rates and air cargo pricing, the drop in fuel prices bodes well for Q418 margins, though it’s unclear whether such gains are sustainable. 

Although slowing demand growth is unlikely to generate impressive top-line improvements, firmer pricing combined with lower fuel costs should support an ongoing improvement in profitability for container carriers and air cargo operations in the near-term. We believe many investors remain too pessimistic regarding near-term earnings for container carriers and airlines. 

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