

Brief Industrials: Toshiba: King Street Round Two and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Toshiba: King Street Round Two
  2. Nsk (6471) Conditions Have Deteriorated Significantly but Given Valuations, This Is Now in the Price
  3. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support
  4. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach
  5. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone

1. Toshiba: King Street Round Two

Yesterday, King Street sent a letter to Toshiba Corp (6502 JP) CEO Nobuaki Kurumatani, applying pressure by threatening to nominate alternative directors to the company’s board. The full contents of the letter can be found here.

King Street’s requirements for the new board are stated as:

Among other things, the new Board must:

(i) ensure management applies rigorous financial discipline to capital allocation decisions, including use of excess cash, determination of optimal capital structure and capital expenditure return requirements;

(ii) drive management to re-examine Toshiba’s business portfolio with a critical eye on competitive position, sector landscape, synergies available and profitable growth prospects;

(iii) direct management to evaluate non-operating and underperforming businesses and assets (while respecting that Toshiba may need to be engaged in certain activities important to Japan’s national security interests);

(iv) ensure that management attains global peer profitability levels at each business segment based on projections supported by robust, bottoms-up analysis; and

(v) instill a culture of accountability and ownership at all levels of the organization.

By and large these demands amount to, “follow the instructions in our previous presentation“. That presentation, while thorough in some respects struck us as being naively optimistic, as we noted in Toshiba: King Street Assumptions Look Exceedingly Optimistic.

Travis Lundy also commented on the presentation in Toshiba: King Street’s Buyback Proposals Lack Required Detail and Toshiba: King Street’s Valuation Analysis Is… Punchy?

Given developments in the intervening time period including a sell-down of about 27% of King Street’s initial stake at a price of ¥3,925 (some 64% below the “well over ¥11,000” per share they feel Toshiba is worth) according to Bloomberg, and a downward revision to OP guidance from ¥60bn to ¥20bn, we feel that there is little reason to change our assessment.

2. Nsk (6471) Conditions Have Deteriorated Significantly but Given Valuations, This Is Now in the Price


Over the last 12 months, these shares have been a dreadful performer (as have the other ball bearing makers), both in absolute terms (-36%) and on a relative basis (underperformed TOPIX by 30%). Operating profits for the full year have recently been revised down (for the second time). The operating environment has deteriorated markedly into 4Q. It would appear to us that the market, and analysts, are aware of the current poor trading conditions. The question is when will conditions start to improve. The first half of next year will be very poor indeed with profits down perhaps 35% year-on-year. And it now appears that some analyst’s numbers do not assume recovery for any of next fiscal year, which we believe as too harsh.

Clearly the first half of next year (3/20) is going to show very poor year on year comparisons. This will be unavoidable given a good first half this year and business conditions now. The company itself is now forecasting a 4Q operating profit of Y16.7bn (-40%) having made Y24.8bn in 1Q, Y20.2bn in 2Q and Y21.3bn in 3Q. Assuming this level carries on into the first half of next year before starting a gradual recovery in the second half, then first half operating profit may well come in at about Y32-33bn, a 35% year-on-year fall. The consensus for the full year is currently about Y70bn with the lowest number being Y64bn. Sell recommendations have also begun to appear. To us this appear to be a bit after the event given where earnings are now and where the shares are trading.

The shares currently yield 4.2% and the pay-out ratio this year is 36%. Management’s target is for 30% but at the same time they are reluctant to cut the dividend going forward. This may well prove some support. Meanwhile the company owns 7% of itself and on our calculation is trading on an EV/ebitda of just under 4x. Finally, its book value (0.9x) relative to the market’s book value is now at a very depressed level (see chart below) which suggests to us that although there may be some short term down side risk, we would look to buy on a longer term.

3. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support


LG Corp (003550 KS) is resting on critical daily cycle pivot support; if broken would see momentum spill over into the weekly cycle with a bias to re test base line support.

Daily RSI has already broken the wedge support equivalent in price and very often a good leading indicator. LGC is currently resting just above key pivot support, that once broken would induce a slide back to more attractive and a better risk to reward zone.

4. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach

Comp%201 comp%202%20120d%20relative%20price%20chart%20%28source %20krx%29

  • The DSME deal between HHI and KDB was officially finalized last Friday. We will then have the following four step process. Schedule detail is yet to come out. HHI intermediate holdco is named Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, or KSOE.
  • HHI went south by nearly 4% last Friday when the deal was finalized. DSME stayed flat. Why did this happen? There was another story we heard last Friday. HHI and Korea Eximbank agreed that the ₩2.3tril CBs wouldn’t be converted into DSME shares and disposed any time soon. Not only that, there will be a downwardly interest adjustment to help ease DSME’s financial burden.
  • This agreement immediately sparked a speculation that HHI must have pledged Korea Eximbank some sort of DSME valuation pushings. This is like a value transfer rather from HHI to DSME. I’d wrap the current HHI long/DSEM short position at this point. Short-term, I expect DSME outperforming HHI. Longer term, I still doubt what value transfer from who to who. I’d rather stay away from both.

5. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone


Late Friday night, Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., (687 HK) (“HKICIM”) announced HNA Finance had entered into a SPA in which Times Holdings, a Blackstone-controlled vehicle, had conditionally agreed to buy 69.54% of HKICIM’s issued shares for HK$3/share in an HK$7bn transaction. Should the SPA complete, Times will make a mandatory unconditional offer – also at $3.00/share (14.5% premium to last close) – for the remaining 30.46% of shares out.

This proposal arrives nearly three years after HNA bought a 66% in Tysan Holdings  – as HKICIM was previously known – from Blackstone for HK$4.53 per share, triggering an MGO.

This share sale underlines HNA Group’s ongoing strategy to ease its debt burden and align its core business focus towards aviation, not construction and property.

HKICIM made headlines in the past not just for its eye-watering property acquisitions at Kai Tak (up to HK$13.5k/sqft in March 2017), the former site of Hong Kong’s international airport; but that HNA was also oddly motivated to acquire these parcels of land at record breaking prices to “snatch land and pricing power from the city’s real estate cartel“.

HKICIM sold its last Kai Tak site to Wheelock & (20 HK) last month (for a loss of $740mn), leaving the company with an estimated net cash position of ~$6.0bn (using FY18 interim numbers) or ~$1.80/share, it’s foundation piling operations, a development site in Hong Kong and a residential and commercial property development project in Shenyang.

The closing of the SPA is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of various conditions. However, the short time frame (13 business days from this announcement) in which to secure, fulfill or waive these conditions suggest minimal deal risk.

This will trade tight to, if not through terms, with an anticipated completion late April. There will be no bump to the Offer. Times does not intend to avail itself to compulsory acquisition and intends to maintain HKICIM’s listing; while both Times and HKICIM will take appropriate steps to maintain a sufficient public float after the close of the Offer.

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Brief Industrials: Nsk (6471) Conditions Have Deteriorated Significantly but Given Valuations, This Is Now in the Price and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Nsk (6471) Conditions Have Deteriorated Significantly but Given Valuations, This Is Now in the Price
  2. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support
  3. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach
  4. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone
  5. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines

1. Nsk (6471) Conditions Have Deteriorated Significantly but Given Valuations, This Is Now in the Price


Over the last 12 months, these shares have been a dreadful performer (as have the other ball bearing makers), both in absolute terms (-36%) and on a relative basis (underperformed TOPIX by 30%). Operating profits for the full year have recently been revised down (for the second time). The operating environment has deteriorated markedly into 4Q. It would appear to us that the market, and analysts, are aware of the current poor trading conditions. The question is when will conditions start to improve. The first half of next year will be very poor indeed with profits down perhaps 35% year-on-year. And it now appears that some analyst’s numbers do not assume recovery for any of next fiscal year, which we believe as too harsh.

Clearly the first half of next year (3/20) is going to show very poor year on year comparisons. This will be unavoidable given a good first half this year and business conditions now. The company itself is now forecasting a 4Q operating profit of Y16.7bn (-40%) having made Y24.8bn in 1Q, Y20.2bn in 2Q and Y21.3bn in 3Q. Assuming this level carries on into the first half of next year before starting a gradual recovery in the second half, then first half operating profit may well come in at about Y32-33bn, a 35% year-on-year fall. The consensus for the full year is currently about Y70bn with the lowest number being Y64bn. Sell recommendations have also begun to appear. To us this appear to be a bit after the event given where earnings are now and where the shares are trading.

The shares currently yield 4.2% and the pay-out ratio this year is 36%. Management’s target is for 30% but at the same time they are reluctant to cut the dividend going forward. This may well prove some support. Meanwhile the company owns 7% of itself and on our calculation is trading on an EV/ebitda of just under 4x. Finally, its book value (0.9x) relative to the market’s book value is now at a very depressed level (see chart below) which suggests to us that although there may be some short term down side risk, we would look to buy on a longer term.

2. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support


LG Corp (003550 KS) is resting on critical daily cycle pivot support; if broken would see momentum spill over into the weekly cycle with a bias to re test base line support.

Daily RSI has already broken the wedge support equivalent in price and very often a good leading indicator. LGC is currently resting just above key pivot support, that once broken would induce a slide back to more attractive and a better risk to reward zone.

3. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach


  • The DSME deal between HHI and KDB was officially finalized last Friday. We will then have the following four step process. Schedule detail is yet to come out. HHI intermediate holdco is named Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, or KSOE.
  • HHI went south by nearly 4% last Friday when the deal was finalized. DSME stayed flat. Why did this happen? There was another story we heard last Friday. HHI and Korea Eximbank agreed that the ₩2.3tril CBs wouldn’t be converted into DSME shares and disposed any time soon. Not only that, there will be a downwardly interest adjustment to help ease DSME’s financial burden.
  • This agreement immediately sparked a speculation that HHI must have pledged Korea Eximbank some sort of DSME valuation pushings. This is like a value transfer rather from HHI to DSME. I’d wrap the current HHI long/DSEM short position at this point. Short-term, I expect DSME outperforming HHI. Longer term, I still doubt what value transfer from who to who. I’d rather stay away from both.

4. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone


Late Friday night, Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., (687 HK) (“HKICIM”) announced HNA Finance had entered into a SPA in which Times Holdings, a Blackstone-controlled vehicle, had conditionally agreed to buy 69.54% of HKICIM’s issued shares for HK$3/share in an HK$7bn transaction. Should the SPA complete, Times will make a mandatory unconditional offer – also at $3.00/share (14.5% premium to last close) – for the remaining 30.46% of shares out.

This proposal arrives nearly three years after HNA bought a 66% in Tysan Holdings  – as HKICIM was previously known – from Blackstone for HK$4.53 per share, triggering an MGO.

This share sale underlines HNA Group’s ongoing strategy to ease its debt burden and align its core business focus towards aviation, not construction and property.

HKICIM made headlines in the past not just for its eye-watering property acquisitions at Kai Tak (up to HK$13.5k/sqft in March 2017), the former site of Hong Kong’s international airport; but that HNA was also oddly motivated to acquire these parcels of land at record breaking prices to “snatch land and pricing power from the city’s real estate cartel“.

HKICIM sold its last Kai Tak site to Wheelock & (20 HK) last month (for a loss of $740mn), leaving the company with an estimated net cash position of ~$6.0bn (using FY18 interim numbers) or ~$1.80/share, it’s foundation piling operations, a development site in Hong Kong and a residential and commercial property development project in Shenyang.

The closing of the SPA is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of various conditions. However, the short time frame (13 business days from this announcement) in which to secure, fulfill or waive these conditions suggest minimal deal risk.

This will trade tight to, if not through terms, with an anticipated completion late April. There will be no bump to the Offer. Times does not intend to avail itself to compulsory acquisition and intends to maintain HKICIM’s listing; while both Times and HKICIM will take appropriate steps to maintain a sufficient public float after the close of the Offer.

5. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

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Brief Industrials: LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support
  2. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach
  3. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone
  4. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines
  5. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates

1. LG Corp Daily Cycle Pivot and Re Test of Base Line Support


LG Corp (003550 KS) is resting on critical daily cycle pivot support; if broken would see momentum spill over into the weekly cycle with a bias to re test base line support.

Daily RSI has already broken the wedge support equivalent in price and very often a good leading indicator. LGC is currently resting just above key pivot support, that once broken would induce a slide back to more attractive and a better risk to reward zone.

2. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach

Comp%201 comp%202%20120d%20relative%20price%20chart%20%28source %20krx%29

  • The DSME deal between HHI and KDB was officially finalized last Friday. We will then have the following four step process. Schedule detail is yet to come out. HHI intermediate holdco is named Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, or KSOE.
  • HHI went south by nearly 4% last Friday when the deal was finalized. DSME stayed flat. Why did this happen? There was another story we heard last Friday. HHI and Korea Eximbank agreed that the ₩2.3tril CBs wouldn’t be converted into DSME shares and disposed any time soon. Not only that, there will be a downwardly interest adjustment to help ease DSME’s financial burden.
  • This agreement immediately sparked a speculation that HHI must have pledged Korea Eximbank some sort of DSME valuation pushings. This is like a value transfer rather from HHI to DSME. I’d wrap the current HHI long/DSEM short position at this point. Short-term, I expect DSME outperforming HHI. Longer term, I still doubt what value transfer from who to who. I’d rather stay away from both.

3. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone


Late Friday night, Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., (687 HK) (“HKICIM”) announced HNA Finance had entered into a SPA in which Times Holdings, a Blackstone-controlled vehicle, had conditionally agreed to buy 69.54% of HKICIM’s issued shares for HK$3/share in an HK$7bn transaction. Should the SPA complete, Times will make a mandatory unconditional offer – also at $3.00/share (14.5% premium to last close) – for the remaining 30.46% of shares out.

This proposal arrives nearly three years after HNA bought a 66% in Tysan Holdings  – as HKICIM was previously known – from Blackstone for HK$4.53 per share, triggering an MGO.

This share sale underlines HNA Group’s ongoing strategy to ease its debt burden and align its core business focus towards aviation, not construction and property.

HKICIM made headlines in the past not just for its eye-watering property acquisitions at Kai Tak (up to HK$13.5k/sqft in March 2017), the former site of Hong Kong’s international airport; but that HNA was also oddly motivated to acquire these parcels of land at record breaking prices to “snatch land and pricing power from the city’s real estate cartel“.

HKICIM sold its last Kai Tak site to Wheelock & (20 HK) last month (for a loss of $740mn), leaving the company with an estimated net cash position of ~$6.0bn (using FY18 interim numbers) or ~$1.80/share, it’s foundation piling operations, a development site in Hong Kong and a residential and commercial property development project in Shenyang.

The closing of the SPA is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of various conditions. However, the short time frame (13 business days from this announcement) in which to secure, fulfill or waive these conditions suggest minimal deal risk.

This will trade tight to, if not through terms, with an anticipated completion late April. There will be no bump to the Offer. Times does not intend to avail itself to compulsory acquisition and intends to maintain HKICIM’s listing; while both Times and HKICIM will take appropriate steps to maintain a sufficient public float after the close of the Offer.

4. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

5. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates

Screen%20shot%202019 03 08%20at%2022.59.52

Downturns in the semiconductor, auto and other user industries have caught up with SMC. Sales were down 4.0% year-on-year in the three months to December (the first decline in more than two years) and the decline in profits accelerated, with gross profit down 5.4%, operating profit down 10.6% and net profit down 18.8%. Year-on-year comparisons are likely to remain difficult for at least another two quarters.

In December, we wrote: “Management reports that semiconductor-related demand is down in all markets and that auto-related demand is down in the U.S. Auto sales are also declining in China.” (SMC (6273 JP): Profits Start to Decline ) Last week, WSTS reported the first decline in semiconductor sales in 30 months and the Nikkei newspaper reported that “Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics will temporarily halt work at 13 of the company’s 14 production facilities, including all nine domestic plants, due to high inventory levels and possible impact as Chinese demand for automotive and machinery tools plummets.” On Friday, March 8, SMC’s share price dropped by 3%. 

SMC has left FY Mar-19 guidance unchanged, implying a 4.1% decline in sales and a 2.9% decline in operating profit in 4Q. In view of current trends, this looks over-optimistic. The shares are now selling at 17.8x our EPS estimate for FY Mar-19 and 18.6x our estimate for FY Mar-20. These multiples compare with a 5-year historical P/E range of 13.8x – 28.5x. 

SMC is a leading supplier of pneumatic and other automated control equipment for the electronics, auto, machine tool and other industries. 

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Brief Industrials: HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach
  2. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone
  3. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines
  4. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates
  5. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed

1. HHI – DSME Acquisition: Current Situation & Trade Approach


  • The DSME deal between HHI and KDB was officially finalized last Friday. We will then have the following four step process. Schedule detail is yet to come out. HHI intermediate holdco is named Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering, or KSOE.
  • HHI went south by nearly 4% last Friday when the deal was finalized. DSME stayed flat. Why did this happen? There was another story we heard last Friday. HHI and Korea Eximbank agreed that the ₩2.3tril CBs wouldn’t be converted into DSME shares and disposed any time soon. Not only that, there will be a downwardly interest adjustment to help ease DSME’s financial burden.
  • This agreement immediately sparked a speculation that HHI must have pledged Korea Eximbank some sort of DSME valuation pushings. This is like a value transfer rather from HHI to DSME. I’d wrap the current HHI long/DSEM short position at this point. Short-term, I expect DSME outperforming HHI. Longer term, I still doubt what value transfer from who to who. I’d rather stay away from both.

2. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone


Late Friday night, Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., (687 HK) (“HKICIM”) announced HNA Finance had entered into a SPA in which Times Holdings, a Blackstone-controlled vehicle, had conditionally agreed to buy 69.54% of HKICIM’s issued shares for HK$3/share in an HK$7bn transaction. Should the SPA complete, Times will make a mandatory unconditional offer – also at $3.00/share (14.5% premium to last close) – for the remaining 30.46% of shares out.

This proposal arrives nearly three years after HNA bought a 66% in Tysan Holdings  – as HKICIM was previously known – from Blackstone for HK$4.53 per share, triggering an MGO.

This share sale underlines HNA Group’s ongoing strategy to ease its debt burden and align its core business focus towards aviation, not construction and property.

HKICIM made headlines in the past not just for its eye-watering property acquisitions at Kai Tak (up to HK$13.5k/sqft in March 2017), the former site of Hong Kong’s international airport; but that HNA was also oddly motivated to acquire these parcels of land at record breaking prices to “snatch land and pricing power from the city’s real estate cartel“.

HKICIM sold its last Kai Tak site to Wheelock & (20 HK) last month (for a loss of $740mn), leaving the company with an estimated net cash position of ~$6.0bn (using FY18 interim numbers) or ~$1.80/share, it’s foundation piling operations, a development site in Hong Kong and a residential and commercial property development project in Shenyang.

The closing of the SPA is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of various conditions. However, the short time frame (13 business days from this announcement) in which to secure, fulfill or waive these conditions suggest minimal deal risk.

This will trade tight to, if not through terms, with an anticipated completion late April. There will be no bump to the Offer. Times does not intend to avail itself to compulsory acquisition and intends to maintain HKICIM’s listing; while both Times and HKICIM will take appropriate steps to maintain a sufficient public float after the close of the Offer.

3. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

4. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates

Screen%20shot%202019 03 08%20at%2022.59.52

Downturns in the semiconductor, auto and other user industries have caught up with SMC. Sales were down 4.0% year-on-year in the three months to December (the first decline in more than two years) and the decline in profits accelerated, with gross profit down 5.4%, operating profit down 10.6% and net profit down 18.8%. Year-on-year comparisons are likely to remain difficult for at least another two quarters.

In December, we wrote: “Management reports that semiconductor-related demand is down in all markets and that auto-related demand is down in the U.S. Auto sales are also declining in China.” (SMC (6273 JP): Profits Start to Decline ) Last week, WSTS reported the first decline in semiconductor sales in 30 months and the Nikkei newspaper reported that “Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics will temporarily halt work at 13 of the company’s 14 production facilities, including all nine domestic plants, due to high inventory levels and possible impact as Chinese demand for automotive and machinery tools plummets.” On Friday, March 8, SMC’s share price dropped by 3%. 

SMC has left FY Mar-19 guidance unchanged, implying a 4.1% decline in sales and a 2.9% decline in operating profit in 4Q. In view of current trends, this looks over-optimistic. The shares are now selling at 17.8x our EPS estimate for FY Mar-19 and 18.6x our estimate for FY Mar-20. These multiples compare with a 5-year historical P/E range of 13.8x – 28.5x. 

SMC is a leading supplier of pneumatic and other automated control equipment for the electronics, auto, machine tool and other industries. 

5. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed


China Tower (788 HK) reported 4Q18 results that looks slightly disappointing. However, they did deliver strong net profit, confirmation that capex is likely to materially undershoot guidance, and the first dividend for the company. However, while that is positive, there were areas of disappointment, with weaker revenue growth and EBITDA.

Our view remains that China Tower’s shares are relatively undervalued and expect share prices to continue to move higher over time, as the stock reflects its inflecting ROIC. It remains our favored name in China given the risks of policy driven over-investment into 5G (see Chinese Telcos: Rising 5G Capex Risk Leads to Another Downgrade).

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Brief Industrials: Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone
  2. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines
  3. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates
  4. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed
  5. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)

1. Another MGO For HKICIM As HNA Sells Stake Back To Blackstone


Late Friday night, Hong Kong International Construction Investment Management Group Co., (687 HK) (“HKICIM”) announced HNA Finance had entered into a SPA in which Times Holdings, a Blackstone-controlled vehicle, had conditionally agreed to buy 69.54% of HKICIM’s issued shares for HK$3/share in an HK$7bn transaction. Should the SPA complete, Times will make a mandatory unconditional offer – also at $3.00/share (14.5% premium to last close) – for the remaining 30.46% of shares out.

This proposal arrives nearly three years after HNA bought a 66% in Tysan Holdings  – as HKICIM was previously known – from Blackstone for HK$4.53 per share, triggering an MGO.

This share sale underlines HNA Group’s ongoing strategy to ease its debt burden and align its core business focus towards aviation, not construction and property.

HKICIM made headlines in the past not just for its eye-watering property acquisitions at Kai Tak (up to HK$13.5k/sqft in March 2017), the former site of Hong Kong’s international airport; but that HNA was also oddly motivated to acquire these parcels of land at record breaking prices to “snatch land and pricing power from the city’s real estate cartel“.

HKICIM sold its last Kai Tak site to Wheelock & (20 HK) last month (for a loss of $740mn), leaving the company with an estimated net cash position of ~$6.0bn (using FY18 interim numbers) or ~$1.80/share, it’s foundation piling operations, a development site in Hong Kong and a residential and commercial property development project in Shenyang.

The closing of the SPA is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of various conditions. However, the short time frame (13 business days from this announcement) in which to secure, fulfill or waive these conditions suggest minimal deal risk.

This will trade tight to, if not through terms, with an anticipated completion late April. There will be no bump to the Offer. Times does not intend to avail itself to compulsory acquisition and intends to maintain HKICIM’s listing; while both Times and HKICIM will take appropriate steps to maintain a sufficient public float after the close of the Offer.

2. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

3. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates

Screen%20shot%202019 03 06%20at%209.59.23

Downturns in the semiconductor, auto and other user industries have caught up with SMC. Sales were down 4.0% year-on-year in the three months to December (the first decline in more than two years) and the decline in profits accelerated, with gross profit down 5.4%, operating profit down 10.6% and net profit down 18.8%. Year-on-year comparisons are likely to remain difficult for at least another two quarters.

In December, we wrote: “Management reports that semiconductor-related demand is down in all markets and that auto-related demand is down in the U.S. Auto sales are also declining in China.” (SMC (6273 JP): Profits Start to Decline ) Last week, WSTS reported the first decline in semiconductor sales in 30 months and the Nikkei newspaper reported that “Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics will temporarily halt work at 13 of the company’s 14 production facilities, including all nine domestic plants, due to high inventory levels and possible impact as Chinese demand for automotive and machinery tools plummets.” On Friday, March 8, SMC’s share price dropped by 3%. 

SMC has left FY Mar-19 guidance unchanged, implying a 4.1% decline in sales and a 2.9% decline in operating profit in 4Q. In view of current trends, this looks over-optimistic. The shares are now selling at 17.8x our EPS estimate for FY Mar-19 and 18.6x our estimate for FY Mar-20. These multiples compare with a 5-year historical P/E range of 13.8x – 28.5x. 

SMC is a leading supplier of pneumatic and other automated control equipment for the electronics, auto, machine tool and other industries. 

4. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed

China tower since ipo and nsr target price we turned positive on 10 dec china tower nsr target price chartbuilder

China Tower (788 HK) reported 4Q18 results that looks slightly disappointing. However, they did deliver strong net profit, confirmation that capex is likely to materially undershoot guidance, and the first dividend for the company. However, while that is positive, there were areas of disappointment, with weaker revenue growth and EBITDA.

Our view remains that China Tower’s shares are relatively undervalued and expect share prices to continue to move higher over time, as the stock reflects its inflecting ROIC. It remains our favored name in China given the risks of policy driven over-investment into 5G (see Chinese Telcos: Rising 5G Capex Risk Leads to Another Downgrade).

5. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)


Since my initial report on Versum Materials (VSM US)  last week, Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA , I’ve dug deeper and feel even more confident that Merck KGaA (MRK GR) is intent on seeing its proposal to acquire Versum to a successful conclusion, with or without a recommendation from the Versum board.

In this follow-up note I provide an update of events since last week, look at VSM’s corporate governance documents, review relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborate on a possible path to control of Versum for Merck KGaA.

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Brief Industrials: Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines
  2. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates
  3. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed
  4. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)
  5. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

1. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

2. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates


Downturns in the semiconductor, auto and other user industries have caught up with SMC. Sales were down 4.0% year-on-year in the three months to December (the first decline in more than two years) and the decline in profits accelerated, with gross profit down 5.4%, operating profit down 10.6% and net profit down 18.8%. Year-on-year comparisons are likely to remain difficult for at least another two quarters.

In December, we wrote: “Management reports that semiconductor-related demand is down in all markets and that auto-related demand is down in the U.S. Auto sales are also declining in China.” (SMC (6273 JP): Profits Start to Decline ) Last week, WSTS reported the first decline in semiconductor sales in 30 months and the Nikkei newspaper reported that “Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics will temporarily halt work at 13 of the company’s 14 production facilities, including all nine domestic plants, due to high inventory levels and possible impact as Chinese demand for automotive and machinery tools plummets.” On Friday, March 8, SMC’s share price dropped by 3%. 

SMC has left FY Mar-19 guidance unchanged, implying a 4.1% decline in sales and a 2.9% decline in operating profit in 4Q. In view of current trends, this looks over-optimistic. The shares are now selling at 17.8x our EPS estimate for FY Mar-19 and 18.6x our estimate for FY Mar-20. These multiples compare with a 5-year historical P/E range of 13.8x – 28.5x. 

SMC is a leading supplier of pneumatic and other automated control equipment for the electronics, auto, machine tool and other industries. 

3. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed


China Tower (788 HK) reported 4Q18 results that looks slightly disappointing. However, they did deliver strong net profit, confirmation that capex is likely to materially undershoot guidance, and the first dividend for the company. However, while that is positive, there were areas of disappointment, with weaker revenue growth and EBITDA.

Our view remains that China Tower’s shares are relatively undervalued and expect share prices to continue to move higher over time, as the stock reflects its inflecting ROIC. It remains our favored name in China given the risks of policy driven over-investment into 5G (see Chinese Telcos: Rising 5G Capex Risk Leads to Another Downgrade).

4. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)


Since my initial report on Versum Materials (VSM US)  last week, Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA , I’ve dug deeper and feel even more confident that Merck KGaA (MRK GR) is intent on seeing its proposal to acquire Versum to a successful conclusion, with or without a recommendation from the Versum board.

In this follow-up note I provide an update of events since last week, look at VSM’s corporate governance documents, review relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborate on a possible path to control of Versum for Merck KGaA.

5. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

We caught up with MINT and Bangkok Dec-Con today. Some highlights from the meeting:

  • MINT has gained international presence following the acquisition of NH Hotels in Spain, but the first benefits is mainly coming from the top line side (34% revenue growth) rather than profit level at this stage. Having said that, NH itself has turned around significantly.
  • Synergies expected through branding, loyalty programs, and cross-selling, though perhaps not all at once. 
  • Leverage reduction. Much has already been achieved by asset revaluation, but the next step involves sales of some selected Tivoli assets and issuance of new warrants entailing a maximum dilution of 20%.
  • Bangkok Dec-Con acquired a 40% stake in Phuket water concessionaire Gold Shores in December for Bt600m. A sizable diversification, eventhough they are really growing their profits like crazy in 2018.  

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Brief Industrials: SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates
  2. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed
  3. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)
  4. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update
  5. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown

1. SMC (6273 JP): Profit Decline Accelerates

Screen%20shot%202019 03 06%20at%209.59.23

Downturns in the semiconductor, auto and other user industries have caught up with SMC. Sales were down 4.0% year-on-year in the three months to December (the first decline in more than two years) and the decline in profits accelerated, with gross profit down 5.4%, operating profit down 10.6% and net profit down 18.8%. Year-on-year comparisons are likely to remain difficult for at least another two quarters.

In December, we wrote: “Management reports that semiconductor-related demand is down in all markets and that auto-related demand is down in the U.S. Auto sales are also declining in China.” (SMC (6273 JP): Profits Start to Decline ) Last week, WSTS reported the first decline in semiconductor sales in 30 months and the Nikkei newspaper reported that “Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics will temporarily halt work at 13 of the company’s 14 production facilities, including all nine domestic plants, due to high inventory levels and possible impact as Chinese demand for automotive and machinery tools plummets.” On Friday, March 8, SMC’s share price dropped by 3%. 

SMC has left FY Mar-19 guidance unchanged, implying a 4.1% decline in sales and a 2.9% decline in operating profit in 4Q. In view of current trends, this looks over-optimistic. The shares are now selling at 17.8x our EPS estimate for FY Mar-19 and 18.6x our estimate for FY Mar-20. These multiples compare with a 5-year historical P/E range of 13.8x – 28.5x. 

SMC is a leading supplier of pneumatic and other automated control equipment for the electronics, auto, machine tool and other industries. 

2. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed


China Tower (788 HK) reported 4Q18 results that looks slightly disappointing. However, they did deliver strong net profit, confirmation that capex is likely to materially undershoot guidance, and the first dividend for the company. However, while that is positive, there were areas of disappointment, with weaker revenue growth and EBITDA.

Our view remains that China Tower’s shares are relatively undervalued and expect share prices to continue to move higher over time, as the stock reflects its inflecting ROIC. It remains our favored name in China given the risks of policy driven over-investment into 5G (see Chinese Telcos: Rising 5G Capex Risk Leads to Another Downgrade).

3. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)


Since my initial report on Versum Materials (VSM US)  last week, Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA , I’ve dug deeper and feel even more confident that Merck KGaA (MRK GR) is intent on seeing its proposal to acquire Versum to a successful conclusion, with or without a recommendation from the Versum board.

In this follow-up note I provide an update of events since last week, look at VSM’s corporate governance documents, review relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborate on a possible path to control of Versum for Merck KGaA.

4. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

We caught up with MINT and Bangkok Dec-Con today. Some highlights from the meeting:

  • MINT has gained international presence following the acquisition of NH Hotels in Spain, but the first benefits is mainly coming from the top line side (34% revenue growth) rather than profit level at this stage. Having said that, NH itself has turned around significantly.
  • Synergies expected through branding, loyalty programs, and cross-selling, though perhaps not all at once. 
  • Leverage reduction. Much has already been achieved by asset revaluation, but the next step involves sales of some selected Tivoli assets and issuance of new warrants entailing a maximum dilution of 20%.
  • Bangkok Dec-Con acquired a 40% stake in Phuket water concessionaire Gold Shores in December for Bt600m. A sizable diversification, eventhough they are really growing their profits like crazy in 2018.  

5. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown


  • Polycab India (POLY IN) is the largest wires and cables manufacturer in India almost 2x the size of its next largest competitor. It is also present in electrical consumer durables and EPC projects.
  • Company’s 14% revenue Cagr over FY14-18 was aided by government’s increased capex in rural and railway electrification.
  • Despite large B2B exposure, company managed to defend gross margins over FY15-18 by passing on input cost variations to its customers. Operating margins have also been steady on the back of improving margins in the key wires and cables segment.
  • High B2B nature of business results in 90+days of working capital cycle. Business is capex heavy (annual run rate Rs2.4bn over FY15-18). Company has the lowest asset turnover among its listed peers. It also generates the lowest amount of free cashflows among its peers.
  • Investing most of the operating cash in the business would have been great if company was generating healthy ROE. But company’s ROE is in the sub 15% range and it would fall further after the planned Rs5bn primary issue.
  • The asset-heavy and low ROE model makes Polycab more dependent on earnings growth to drive stock performance. This, in turn, makes it more vulnerable to any slowdown in government capex in electrification compared to peers.

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Brief Industrials: China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed
  2. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)
  3. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update
  4. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown
  5. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic

1. China Tower Results Confirm Lower Capex Outlook, but Were Otherwise Mixed


China Tower (788 HK) reported 4Q18 results that looks slightly disappointing. However, they did deliver strong net profit, confirmation that capex is likely to materially undershoot guidance, and the first dividend for the company. However, while that is positive, there were areas of disappointment, with weaker revenue growth and EBITDA.

Our view remains that China Tower’s shares are relatively undervalued and expect share prices to continue to move higher over time, as the stock reflects its inflecting ROIC. It remains our favored name in China given the risks of policy driven over-investment into 5G (see Chinese Telcos: Rising 5G Capex Risk Leads to Another Downgrade).

2. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)


Since my initial report on Versum Materials (VSM US)  last week, Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA , I’ve dug deeper and feel even more confident that Merck KGaA (MRK GR) is intent on seeing its proposal to acquire Versum to a successful conclusion, with or without a recommendation from the Versum board.

In this follow-up note I provide an update of events since last week, look at VSM’s corporate governance documents, review relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborate on a possible path to control of Versum for Merck KGaA.

3. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

We caught up with MINT and Bangkok Dec-Con today. Some highlights from the meeting:

  • MINT has gained international presence following the acquisition of NH Hotels in Spain, but the first benefits is mainly coming from the top line side (34% revenue growth) rather than profit level at this stage. Having said that, NH itself has turned around significantly.
  • Synergies expected through branding, loyalty programs, and cross-selling, though perhaps not all at once. 
  • Leverage reduction. Much has already been achieved by asset revaluation, but the next step involves sales of some selected Tivoli assets and issuance of new warrants entailing a maximum dilution of 20%.
  • Bangkok Dec-Con acquired a 40% stake in Phuket water concessionaire Gold Shores in December for Bt600m. A sizable diversification, eventhough they are really growing their profits like crazy in 2018.  

4. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown


  • Polycab India (POLY IN) is the largest wires and cables manufacturer in India almost 2x the size of its next largest competitor. It is also present in electrical consumer durables and EPC projects.
  • Company’s 14% revenue Cagr over FY14-18 was aided by government’s increased capex in rural and railway electrification.
  • Despite large B2B exposure, company managed to defend gross margins over FY15-18 by passing on input cost variations to its customers. Operating margins have also been steady on the back of improving margins in the key wires and cables segment.
  • High B2B nature of business results in 90+days of working capital cycle. Business is capex heavy (annual run rate Rs2.4bn over FY15-18). Company has the lowest asset turnover among its listed peers. It also generates the lowest amount of free cashflows among its peers.
  • Investing most of the operating cash in the business would have been great if company was generating healthy ROE. But company’s ROE is in the sub 15% range and it would fall further after the planned Rs5bn primary issue.
  • The asset-heavy and low ROE model makes Polycab more dependent on earnings growth to drive stock performance. This, in turn, makes it more vulnerable to any slowdown in government capex in electrification compared to peers.

5. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Jardine and other stubs are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

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Brief Industrials: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II) and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)
  2. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update
  3. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown
  4. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic
  5. LYFT Pre-IPO – Drivers and Shared Rides Hold the Key But the Numbers Are Missing

1. Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II)


Since my initial report on Versum Materials (VSM US)  last week, Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA , I’ve dug deeper and feel even more confident that Merck KGaA (MRK GR) is intent on seeing its proposal to acquire Versum to a successful conclusion, with or without a recommendation from the Versum board.

In this follow-up note I provide an update of events since last week, look at VSM’s corporate governance documents, review relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborate on a possible path to control of Versum for Merck KGaA.

2. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

We caught up with MINT and Bangkok Dec-Con today. Some highlights from the meeting:

  • MINT has gained international presence following the acquisition of NH Hotels in Spain, but the first benefits is mainly coming from the top line side (34% revenue growth) rather than profit level at this stage. Having said that, NH itself has turned around significantly.
  • Synergies expected through branding, loyalty programs, and cross-selling, though perhaps not all at once. 
  • Leverage reduction. Much has already been achieved by asset revaluation, but the next step involves sales of some selected Tivoli assets and issuance of new warrants entailing a maximum dilution of 20%.
  • Bangkok Dec-Con acquired a 40% stake in Phuket water concessionaire Gold Shores in December for Bt600m. A sizable diversification, eventhough they are really growing their profits like crazy in 2018.  

3. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown


  • Polycab India (POLY IN) is the largest wires and cables manufacturer in India almost 2x the size of its next largest competitor. It is also present in electrical consumer durables and EPC projects.
  • Company’s 14% revenue Cagr over FY14-18 was aided by government’s increased capex in rural and railway electrification.
  • Despite large B2B exposure, company managed to defend gross margins over FY15-18 by passing on input cost variations to its customers. Operating margins have also been steady on the back of improving margins in the key wires and cables segment.
  • High B2B nature of business results in 90+days of working capital cycle. Business is capex heavy (annual run rate Rs2.4bn over FY15-18). Company has the lowest asset turnover among its listed peers. It also generates the lowest amount of free cashflows among its peers.
  • Investing most of the operating cash in the business would have been great if company was generating healthy ROE. But company’s ROE is in the sub 15% range and it would fall further after the planned Rs5bn primary issue.
  • The asset-heavy and low ROE model makes Polycab more dependent on earnings growth to drive stock performance. This, in turn, makes it more vulnerable to any slowdown in government capex in electrification compared to peers.

4. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Jardine and other stubs are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

5. LYFT Pre-IPO – Drivers and Shared Rides Hold the Key But the Numbers Are Missing

Driver%20 %204q18

Lyft Inc (0812823D US) plans to list in the US at a valuation of US$20-25bn, as per media reports. 

Overall growth numbers have been great but some of the numbers are missing like the quarterly driver numbers, the number of shared riders versus single riders, organic growth in major cities, and progress of Canada operations, to name a few.

In my view, without the quarterly active driver numbers and the full picture of the extent of shared rides, one can’t develop an accurate picture of the business.

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Brief Industrials: MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update and more

By | Industrials

In this briefing:

  1. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update
  2. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown
  3. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic
  4. LYFT Pre-IPO – Drivers and Shared Rides Hold the Key But the Numbers Are Missing
  5. Quick Read of 2019 Government Work Report – Bulls and Bears

1. MINT’s First Post-Acquisition Update

We caught up with MINT and Bangkok Dec-Con today. Some highlights from the meeting:

  • MINT has gained international presence following the acquisition of NH Hotels in Spain, but the first benefits is mainly coming from the top line side (34% revenue growth) rather than profit level at this stage. Having said that, NH itself has turned around significantly.
  • Synergies expected through branding, loyalty programs, and cross-selling, though perhaps not all at once. 
  • Leverage reduction. Much has already been achieved by asset revaluation, but the next step involves sales of some selected Tivoli assets and issuance of new warrants entailing a maximum dilution of 20%.
  • Bangkok Dec-Con acquired a 40% stake in Phuket water concessionaire Gold Shores in December for Bt600m. A sizable diversification, eventhough they are really growing their profits like crazy in 2018.  

2. Polycab IPO: Largest Cables Player, Asset-Heavy Low ROE Model = Vulnerable to Govt Capex Slowdown


  • Polycab India (POLY IN) is the largest wires and cables manufacturer in India almost 2x the size of its next largest competitor. It is also present in electrical consumer durables and EPC projects.
  • Company’s 14% revenue Cagr over FY14-18 was aided by government’s increased capex in rural and railway electrification.
  • Despite large B2B exposure, company managed to defend gross margins over FY15-18 by passing on input cost variations to its customers. Operating margins have also been steady on the back of improving margins in the key wires and cables segment.
  • High B2B nature of business results in 90+days of working capital cycle. Business is capex heavy (annual run rate Rs2.4bn over FY15-18). Company has the lowest asset turnover among its listed peers. It also generates the lowest amount of free cashflows among its peers.
  • Investing most of the operating cash in the business would have been great if company was generating healthy ROE. But company’s ROE is in the sub 15% range and it would fall further after the planned Rs5bn primary issue.
  • The asset-heavy and low ROE model makes Polycab more dependent on earnings growth to drive stock performance. This, in turn, makes it more vulnerable to any slowdown in government capex in electrification compared to peers.

3. StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Jardine and other stubs are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

4. LYFT Pre-IPO – Drivers and Shared Rides Hold the Key But the Numbers Are Missing

Driver%20 %204q18

Lyft Inc (0812823D US) plans to list in the US at a valuation of US$20-25bn, as per media reports. 

Overall growth numbers have been great but some of the numbers are missing like the quarterly driver numbers, the number of shared riders versus single riders, organic growth in major cities, and progress of Canada operations, to name a few.

In my view, without the quarterly active driver numbers and the full picture of the extent of shared rides, one can’t develop an accurate picture of the business.

5. Quick Read of 2019 Government Work Report – Bulls and Bears

The Premier Li Keqiang had just conducted an annual Government Work Report in the two session conference (两会) in Beijing this morning. In this insight, we will briefly walk through key points of his report and identify bulls and bears in the market.

While the theme of cost reduction benefits manufacturing companies, it will negative for some infrastructure service providers, such as telecom companies.

The full text in Chinese can be accessed here.

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