

Brief Healthcare: Taisho To Launch Another DHG Pharma Tender and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. Taisho To Launch Another DHG Pharma Tender
  2. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA
  3. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote
  4. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019
  5. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion

1. Taisho To Launch Another DHG Pharma Tender

Screenshot%202019 03 01%20at%201.40.16%20am

After the close on 28 February 2019, Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings (4581 JP)announced it would launch another Tender Offer, this time to purchase up to 21.7% of the Vietnam-listed DHG Pharmaceutical Jsc (DHG VN) a.k.a. Duoc Hau Giang Pharmaceutical JSC.

On 3 July 2018, the company announced that it had received approval from the State Securities Commission (SSC) to raise the foreign ownership limit to 100%, with official disclosure of it going into effect 4 July. Shortly afterwards, Taisho launched a Tender Offer to purchase 7.06% of the shares outstanding of DHG, with the intention to get to 32.00%. Taisho registered to buy more shares last autumn, and bought a further 925,200 shares on 20 February to bring their stake to 34.99%, and now they intend to move to 56.69%.

This next one threatens a much higher minimum pro-ration, BUT it is at the same price as the last one, and while this is at a significant premium to a one-month or three-month average trading price, it is less than a 3.5% premium to Wednesday’s close of VND 116,000/share.

More below the fold.

2. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA


Merck KGaA (MRK GY), the German pharmaceutical and chemical company, gatecrashed the Entegris Inc (ENTG US) merger with Versum Materials (VSM US) the morning of February 27, 2019, with the announcement of a $48 per share cash acquisition proposal that was presented to Versum’s board of directors that same day. Versum, which was spun out of Air Products & Chemicals, Inc (APD US) in 2016, is a global provider of solutions (Materials and Delivery Systems and Services) to the semiconductor and display industries.

On January 28, 2019, a day after the WSJ broke the story that Versum and Entegris were in talks, the companies announced a $9 billion (combined value) merger of equals whereby each VSM share would receive a fixed exchange ratio of 1.12 ENTG shares, resulting in VSM holders owning 47.5% of the combined company and ENTG holders owning the other 52.5%. The deal was well received with both companies’ shares climbing steadily since the announcement.

However, these best laid plans took a Teutonic turn when the other Merck (Merck KGaA, the German pharmaceuticals and chemicals group unaffiliated with Merck & Co Inc. (MRK US) of the USA) threw its hat in the ring.

According to Merck, its Executive Board unanimously approved its proposal and is fully committed to pursuing the transaction. Merck said it is prepared to proceed immediately to due diligence and negotiations and to quickly agree to a merger agreement. It further stated the completion of the offer will be subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of necessary regulatory clearances.

The $48 per share proposed price is a 51.7% premium over VSM’s January 25, 2019 share price just prior to the announcement of the Versum/Entegris merger and a 15.9% premium over VSM’s closing price on February 26, 2019.

The ball is now in the VSM board of directors’ court and below we’ll look at how the board might react and where the chips may fall.

3. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote

Screenshot%202019 02 28%20at%2010.31.37%20pm

This insight is a kind of public service announcement for investors looking at the Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) situation as it might affect the likely upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting that the Ernst Göhner Foundation requested of Panalpina, and to which Panalpina has acquiesced. The agenda item of the EGM requested is to implement a “One Share One Vote” system. 

Activist Cevian has come out against the proposal by the Ernst Göhner Foundation. This sounds counterintuitive except for one odd legal angle.

The Foundation’s ostensible goal is to ensure that the vote is “fair” so that Cevian and Artisan Partners can vote their full stake after having been capped at 5% for many years because of Article 5 in the Panalpina Articles of Association. The more cunning aspect of this is that, as per the Panalpina announcement

In a letter addressed to Panalpina’s Board of Directors, minority shareholder Cevian had recently questioned the practice to fully admit EGF with all its voting rights at the Company’s shareholders’ meetings. Cevian took the position that the voting restriction of 5% must be applied to all shareholders and, hence the voting power of EGF must be reduced to 5%. An ad hoc board of independent directors (BoiD) consisting of five directors (without representatives of EGF and Cevian) and chaired by Thomas E. Kern, is currently evaluating the situation based on expert opinions submitted by each of EGF and Cevian and based on independent expert advice obtained by the BoiD.

The Foundation knows that their position may be legally weak, and their position could be capped at 5% rather than grandfathered. Indeed, the “independent expert advice” obtained by Cevian includes the opinions of “four leading Swiss stockbrokers” who had come to the conclusion that the Foundation had been unlawfully excluded from the 5% cap, according to this Reuters article on the 26th. The company states that the Ernst Göhner Foundation is and has been exempted from this rule because of “grandfathering” because it owned the shares before the implementation of the rule, but there is nothing in the Articles of Association which grants the EGF that exemption. The full Cevian press releases in English and German are available through their spokesperson and are attached below (at the bottom of the insight).

Another Reuters article discussed the situation, with quotes from Cevian, and added this tidbit at the end.

An ad hoc board of independent directors consisting of five directors, without representatives of EGF and Cevian…will review the proposal and decide how the voting on it will take place at the extraordinary general meeting,” spokeswoman Edna Ayme-Yahil said.

Investors should note…..

The last paragraph of Article 5 of the Panalpina Articles of Association says “No entries shall be made in the register of shareholders following the dispatch of the convocation to the Shareholders’ Meeting until the day after the Shareholders’ Meeting.” This is a little different than is the case for many large Swiss companies where they give the convocation and investors may subsequently register their shares.

For Novartis AG (NOVN SW), which held its AGM today (28 Feb 2019), the deadline for registering shares was 3 days prior to the AGM as shown on p6 in the Organizational Notes on the AGM Notice.

Temenos Group Ag (TEMN SW) last year set their registration deadline 13 days ahead of the AGM, which is further away, but the Convocation Notice had been sent 47 days before the AGM.

In Panalpina’s case, if you are not registered by the time the company sends out the convocation, there is no requirement for the company to admit your shares to the register even if there is plenty of time to do so (though the Board can make exceptions to the entry restriction).

For investors interested in or concerned about the situation, there are measures which may be advisable to implement ASAP to ensure you can vote.

4. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019

For the month of February, thirteen new deals were discussed on Smartkarma with an overall deal size of US$12.3bn.

This overall number includes the “offer” for Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK) which has no value, as yet, attached to the scrip component.

A firm number for Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB) has yet to be announced, which could result in a US$4bn+ deal.

The average premium to last close for the new deals was 27.5%.

New Deals


Deal size (US$mn)


Deal Type

Ruralco Holdings (RHL AU)Agriculture33644.0%Scheme
Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK)Semiconductor EquipmentScheme
Xingfa Aluminium (98 HK)Aluminum2022.9%Off-Mkt
Veriserve Corp (3724 JP)IT Consulting14343.6%Off-Mkt
Jiec Co Ltd (4291 JP)Software17039.3%Off-Mkt
Nd Software (3794 JP)Software27028.7%Off-Mkt
U Shin Ltd (6985 JP)Auto Parts and Equipment28828.3%Off-Mkt
Golden Land Prop Dvlp (GOLD TB)Diversified Real Estate6322.4%Off-Mkt
Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB)IPP and Energy Traders4,000Tender Offer (?)
Dairy Crest (DCG LN)Dairy Products1,27212.0%Scheme
Ophir Energy (OPHR LN)Oil & Gas E&P51166.0%Scheme
RPC Group PLC (RPC LN)Financials4,10616.0%Scheme
Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd A (600779 CH)Alcoholic Beverages33019.3%Off-Mkt
Source: Company announcements

Brief Summary of News in February of Arb Situations On Our Radar


Comments (with links)

At the Eclipx Group 2019 AGM, the Chairman mentioned that it was the board unanimously endorses this proposal and that a revised timetable will be announced when the contents of the Scheme Book are agreed upon with MMS.
At the GrainCorp 2019 AGM, the Chairman announced that the engagement between the two parties remains active, and the proposal is still indicative and non-binding.
On 6th February 2019, Greencross held a scheme meeting at which the shareholders approved the scheme of arrangement (99.67% of Greencross shareholders present and voting at the Scheme Meeting voted in favour). A dividend of AUD 0.19 was announced on 7th February (ex-date: 12-Feb-2019), to be paid on 20th February 2019, conditional on court approval of the scheme. The scheme received court approval on 11th February 2019, along with which the company suspended the trading of its shares on ASX from the close of trading on 11th February 2019. The Scheme was implemented on 27th February 2019.
On 1st February 2019 it was announced that Healthscope entered into an Implementation Deed with Brookfield, where Brookfield is to acquire all of the shares of Healthscope through a scheme at A$2.5/share and an off-market takeover offer A$4.2/share. A dividend of A$ 0.035 (ex-date:04-Mar-2019) announced on 14th February 2019, is included in the offer price.
The “go-shop” period in relation to the KKR Scheme, which allowed MYOB and its advisers to solicit a superior competing proposal, ended on 22nd February 2019, without any superior proposals emerging. As a result, the Directors of MYOB have reaffirmed their recommendation of the scheme. The Scheme Booklet is expected to be released in mid – late March 2019, with the Scheme meeting expected to be held in late April 2019.
On 18th February 2019, when the exclusivity period granted to BGH Consortium was to expire, Navitas announced that the exclusivity period is extended to 1st March 2019. This extension was granted in order to carry out a limited set of remaining due diligence, as per the announcement. The Directors of Navitas continue to unanimously recommend the Scheme.
On 20th February 2019, the company announced the offer becoming unconditional, along with which it was announced that ESR has an interest of 74.78% of Propertylink and that Centuria Capital Group in respect of their 19.51% ownership. The offer has been extended to the 8th March.
Ruralco has announced it has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed in which Nutrien Ltd (NTR CN) has agreed to take Ruralco private at $4.40/share – a 44% premium to last close and the one-month VWAP.
In a market update released by Sigma Healthcare, on 11th February 2019, it was announced that high level due diligence is still underway with regard to the potential merger proposal.

Hong Kong

Comments (with links)

Hanergy announced on 26th February 2019, the intention of HMEH to privatise the company by way of a Scheme, at one SPV share for every Hanergy share. No price was given for the SPV.
The deadline to despatch the Composite Document was further extended to 29th March 2019, from its previous extension – 22nd February 2019.
The scheme document for the privatisation of Hopewell Holdings was dispatched on 24th February 2019.

The deadline to despatch the Composite Document has been extended to either 30th April 2019 or 7 days after the date of fulfilment of the conditions, whichever is earlier. This extension is required in order to prepare the Goldjoy Circular to convene the EGM and because completion is subject to the conditions of the Sale and Purchase Agreement being fulfilled.

On 13th February 2019, major shareholder of Xingfa Aluminium – Guangxin Aluminium, acquired 5,000 shares in Xingfa, which triggered the launch of a Madatory General Offer, as Guangxin’s stake in Xingfa exceeded 30%. The offer price is HK$5.60 cash/share.


Comments (with links)

The transaction is expected to close today

No Feb update

No Feb update



Based on the original schedule, BDMN has today gone ex-rights on being able to vote in the Shareholder Meeting on March 26 and also ex-rights on the ability to select the cash payment for your shares.


Comments (with links)

The offer closed today

On the 7th Feb, Descente announced that it was opposed to the deal. They can’t do much because the deal is launched. Shortly after, the employees union, a group of ex-employees, and a former president all came out against Itochu’s Tender Offer. On the 26th, the company announced that it would bring forward its announcement of its Medium Term Plan by a couple of months.

No update since launch on 31 January

On 12th February 2019, KDDI Corp announced that they intend to conduct a Tender offer for a minimum 45,758,400 shares of Kabu.Com Securities at ¥559/share. If they are able to acquire the minimum, it would lead to a Two Step Squeezeout, because when KDDI’s holding is combined with that of MUFJ Securities’, their total holding reaches 66.67%.
On 4th February 2019 after the close, Reno KK filed a Large Shareholder Report declaring a 5.83% position as of 28th January 2019, following which, on the 5th of February they announced that they had purchased an additional 2.49% on the 29th of January, increasing their holding to 8.31%. On the days that followed, along with their joint holder Aoyama Fudosan, the Reno group increased their stake to 9.55% by 1st February 2019 (which was announced on 8th February 2019). On 18th February, an article was published on which suggested that Mr. Nakatsuji (longstanding external shareholder) and Sakurai Mie (leader shareholder and descendent of the founder of Kosaido), were against the takeover. It was announced on 26th February 2019, that the tender offer close date had extended to 12th March 2019, from 1st March 2019.
Reportedly Inc (AMZN US) and Comcast will enter the race and have submitted initial bids to acquire Nexon. EA was also mooted as a participant in first round bidding.
On the 8 Feb, ND Software announced a Management Buy Out (MBO) sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be roughly 7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA.
Pioneer has received all anti-trust approvals
The results of the Tender Offer was released on 20th February 2019. There were 32.43 million shares tendered, while the Tender Offer was only to buy 26.6666 million shares, which led to an 82.23% pro-ration. Following the closing of the Tender Offer, the Murakami grouping will own 4% of shares out and 5.7% of voting rights remaining.
On 14th February 2019, Minebea Mitsumi announced the launch of their Tender Offer to acquire U Shin Ltd at ¥985/share. The offer opened on 15th February 2019, and will close on 10th April 2019. The intention to make an offer to acquire U Shin Ltd was first announced back in November 2018.
After market close on 31st January 2019, Sumitomo Corp (8053 JP) consolidated subsidiary SCSK Corp (9719 JP) announced a Tender Offer to buy out minorities in Veriserve Corp (3724 JP). At the time of announcement, SCSK held 2,900,000 shares or 55.59% of voting rights. The Tender Offer is at ¥6,700/share

New Zealand


No Feb update


Comments (with links)

No Feb update
The formal offer document was despatched on 1st February 2019, with the first closing date scheduled for 1st March 2019. On the same day a couple of hours later, due to irrevocable involved, the 50% shareholder acceptance condition was met, and the offer was declared unconditional. This allowed the company to extend the closing date of the offer to 15th March 2019 (final closing date).
On 15th February 2019, an announcement was published declaring the offer unconditional, this led to the extension of the closing date to 4th March 2019.
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited approved PCI Limited’s application to delist the company from the official list of the SGX-ST, when the scheme becomes effective and binding in accordance with its terms

South Korea


Hyundai Oilbank
No update



On the 14th of February the company announced that in the board meeting held on 29th January 2019, two independent directors objected to the terms of the Tender Offer which had been agreed. There is reportedly an investigation into shareholder rights being conducted. It is to note that in the 14th Feb release, it became clear that Otis Elevator had bid TWD 63/share for Yungtay but the directors had not approved the bid.


Comments (with links)

On 13th February 2019, Delta announced that the conditions precedent of the Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer was fully satisfied, following which on 18th February 2019 the Intention to Make a Tender Offer (Form 247-3) was announced along with the FY18 Dividend of Bt 2.30/share (which will be added). The Offer document was released on 22nd February 2019, announcing the Tender offer period – from 26-Feb-2019 to 01-Apr-2019.
In the “Management Discussions” attached to FY18 earnings of Global Power Synergy Company Ltd, they mentioned that they are collaborating with GLOW in order to decide on tender offer price for GLOW’s shares, after taking into consideration the disposal of one of GLOW’s plants.
On 25th February 2019, Golden Land Prop Dvlp announced that they had received information that Frasers Property intends to make a Voluntary Tender Offer to acquire all of Golden Land Prop Dvlp’s shares at Bt 8.5/share.
Thanachart Capital Public Company Limited (TCAP), as a major shareholder of Thanachart Bank Company Limited, announced on 26th February 2019, that they entered the Non-binding Memorandums of Understanding, in relation to the merger between Thanachart and TMB.


Comments (with links)

On 21st February 2019, the offer period expiry date was extended to 7th March 2019 (previously 28th February 2019). As per the announcement on 22nd February 2019, the Anta Sports shareholders approved the deal to buy Amer Sports, with 99.19% of votes cast being for the deal. A couple of days later, on 25th February 2019, Mexico’s regulator approved the takeover, and this was the last of the approvals.
No Feb update
On 22nd February 2019, an announcement was released with the news that Saputo Inc had offered £6.20 cash/per share, to acquire all of the shares of Dairy Crest by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.
On 26th February 2019, Diageo made an announcement stating that they had been approached by Sichuan Swellfun, with a possible partial tender offer to increase their stake in Diageo to 70% (from 60%) at RMB 45/share.
Visa announced an increase in their offer to £0.37/share (from £0.30/share), on 7th February 2019. The following day Mastercard issued a stated that they were considering their options. On 11th February 2019, Visa posted their Offer Document, following which Mastercard announced that they no longer have any letters of intent acceptiig their offer. An announcement on 21st February 2019, mentioned that both the Court Meeting and General Meeting have been adjourned by the Chairman and the new date will be announced in due course. On 27th February 2019, the offer was extended to remain open till 8th March 2019.
It was announced on 30th January 2019 that Medco Energi Internasional T had reached an agreement to acquire Ophir Energy at an offer price of £0.55/share, by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.Petrus Advisors (3.5% shareholder) dialed up the pressure on its opposition for this offer, with a letter addressed to Ophir’s Chairman, on 19th February 2019.
Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA
On 4th February Nasdaq AB published the Public Offer document, according to which the acceptance period is from 4th February 2019 to 4th
March 2019.
On 4th February 2019, Panalpina disclosed that their largest shareholder, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, does not support DSV’s indicative offer, which was made in January 2019. Following an announcement by Panalpina on 15th February 2019, regarding Panalpina pursuing a private combination with Agility Group, DSV informed the market that on 6th February 2019, they put forward an all-cash offer of CHF 180/share.
On the morning of January 23rd, 2019, after five PUSU extensions, RPC announced the recommended final cash offer by Apollo for 782p per share, or £3.323 billion.


5. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion


Both Celltrion Inc (068270 KS) and Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) have reported preliminary 2018 results with some MD&A. As suspected, Q4’s results for both companies reflected factors beyond distributors’ destocking: retroactive price adjustments played a major role. This Insight includes updated end market sales forecasts by product. Remsima should grow in the US and decline moderately in the EU (the latter is a best-case scenario). Both Herzuma and Truxima will launch in the US this year with Truxima the largest contributor. Capacity expansion programs should keep margins under pressure near-term.

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Brief Healthcare: Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA
  2. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote
  3. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019
  4. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion
  5. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

1. Versum Materials – Entegris Beaten to the Punch by Merck KGaA


Merck KGaA (MRK GY), the German pharmaceutical and chemical company, gatecrashed the Entegris Inc (ENTG US) merger with Versum Materials (VSM US) the morning of February 27, 2019, with the announcement of a $48 per share cash acquisition proposal that was presented to Versum’s board of directors that same day. Versum, which was spun out of Air Products & Chemicals, Inc (APD US) in 2016, is a global provider of solutions (Materials and Delivery Systems and Services) to the semiconductor and display industries.

On January 28, 2019, a day after the WSJ broke the story that Versum and Entegris were in talks, the companies announced a $9 billion (combined value) merger of equals whereby each VSM share would receive a fixed exchange ratio of 1.12 ENTG shares, resulting in VSM holders owning 47.5% of the combined company and ENTG holders owning the other 52.5%. The deal was well received with both companies’ shares climbing steadily since the announcement.

However, these best laid plans took a Teutonic turn when the other Merck (Merck KGaA, the German pharmaceuticals and chemicals group unaffiliated with Merck & Co Inc. (MRK US) of the USA) threw its hat in the ring.

According to Merck, its Executive Board unanimously approved its proposal and is fully committed to pursuing the transaction. Merck said it is prepared to proceed immediately to due diligence and negotiations and to quickly agree to a merger agreement. It further stated the completion of the offer will be subject to customary closing conditions, including the receipt of necessary regulatory clearances.

The $48 per share proposed price is a 51.7% premium over VSM’s January 25, 2019 share price just prior to the announcement of the Versum/Entegris merger and a 15.9% premium over VSM’s closing price on February 26, 2019.

The ball is now in the VSM board of directors’ court and below we’ll look at how the board might react and where the chips may fall.

2. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote

Screenshot%202019 02 28%20at%2010.31.37%20pm

This insight is a kind of public service announcement for investors looking at the Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) situation as it might affect the likely upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting that the Ernst Göhner Foundation requested of Panalpina, and to which Panalpina has acquiesced. The agenda item of the EGM requested is to implement a “One Share One Vote” system. 

Activist Cevian has come out against the proposal by the Ernst Göhner Foundation. This sounds counterintuitive except for one odd legal angle.

The Foundation’s ostensible goal is to ensure that the vote is “fair” so that Cevian and Artisan Partners can vote their full stake after having been capped at 5% for many years because of Article 5 in the Panalpina Articles of Association. The more cunning aspect of this is that, as per the Panalpina announcement

In a letter addressed to Panalpina’s Board of Directors, minority shareholder Cevian had recently questioned the practice to fully admit EGF with all its voting rights at the Company’s shareholders’ meetings. Cevian took the position that the voting restriction of 5% must be applied to all shareholders and, hence the voting power of EGF must be reduced to 5%. An ad hoc board of independent directors (BoiD) consisting of five directors (without representatives of EGF and Cevian) and chaired by Thomas E. Kern, is currently evaluating the situation based on expert opinions submitted by each of EGF and Cevian and based on independent expert advice obtained by the BoiD.

The Foundation knows that their position may be legally weak, and their position could be capped at 5% rather than grandfathered. Indeed, the “independent expert advice” obtained by Cevian includes the opinions of “four leading Swiss stockbrokers” who had come to the conclusion that the Foundation had been unlawfully excluded from the 5% cap, according to this Reuters article on the 26th. The company states that the Ernst Göhner Foundation is and has been exempted from this rule because of “grandfathering” because it owned the shares before the implementation of the rule, but there is nothing in the Articles of Association which grants the EGF that exemption. The full Cevian press releases in English and German are available through their spokesperson and are attached below (at the bottom of the insight).

Another Reuters article discussed the situation, with quotes from Cevian, and added this tidbit at the end.

An ad hoc board of independent directors consisting of five directors, without representatives of EGF and Cevian…will review the proposal and decide how the voting on it will take place at the extraordinary general meeting,” spokeswoman Edna Ayme-Yahil said.

Investors should note…..

The last paragraph of Article 5 of the Panalpina Articles of Association says “No entries shall be made in the register of shareholders following the dispatch of the convocation to the Shareholders’ Meeting until the day after the Shareholders’ Meeting.” This is a little different than is the case for many large Swiss companies where they give the convocation and investors may subsequently register their shares.

For Novartis AG (NOVN SW), which held its AGM today (28 Feb 2019), the deadline for registering shares was 3 days prior to the AGM as shown on p6 in the Organizational Notes on the AGM Notice.

Temenos Group Ag (TEMN SW) last year set their registration deadline 13 days ahead of the AGM, which is further away, but the Convocation Notice had been sent 47 days before the AGM.

In Panalpina’s case, if you are not registered by the time the company sends out the convocation, there is no requirement for the company to admit your shares to the register even if there is plenty of time to do so (though the Board can make exceptions to the entry restriction).

For investors interested in or concerned about the situation, there are measures which may be advisable to implement ASAP to ensure you can vote.

3. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019

For the month of February, thirteen new deals were discussed on Smartkarma with an overall deal size of US$12.3bn.

This overall number includes the “offer” for Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK) which has no value, as yet, attached to the scrip component.

A firm number for Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB) has yet to be announced, which could result in a US$4bn+ deal.

The average premium to last close for the new deals was 27.5%.

New Deals


Deal size (US$mn)


Deal Type

Ruralco Holdings (RHL AU)Agriculture33644.0%Scheme
Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK)Semiconductor EquipmentScheme
Xingfa Aluminium (98 HK)Aluminum2022.9%Off-Mkt
Veriserve Corp (3724 JP)IT Consulting14343.6%Off-Mkt
Jiec Co Ltd (4291 JP)Software17039.3%Off-Mkt
Nd Software (3794 JP)Software27028.7%Off-Mkt
U Shin Ltd (6985 JP)Auto Parts and Equipment28828.3%Off-Mkt
Golden Land Prop Dvlp (GOLD TB)Diversified Real Estate6322.4%Off-Mkt
Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB)IPP and Energy Traders4,000Tender Offer (?)
Dairy Crest (DCG LN)Dairy Products1,27212.0%Scheme
Ophir Energy (OPHR LN)Oil & Gas E&P51166.0%Scheme
RPC Group PLC (RPC LN)Financials4,10616.0%Scheme
Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd A (600779 CH)Alcoholic Beverages33019.3%Off-Mkt
Source: Company announcements

Brief Summary of News in February of Arb Situations On Our Radar


Comments (with links)

At the Eclipx Group 2019 AGM, the Chairman mentioned that it was the board unanimously endorses this proposal and that a revised timetable will be announced when the contents of the Scheme Book are agreed upon with MMS.
At the GrainCorp 2019 AGM, the Chairman announced that the engagement between the two parties remains active, and the proposal is still indicative and non-binding.
On 6th February 2019, Greencross held a scheme meeting at which the shareholders approved the scheme of arrangement (99.67% of Greencross shareholders present and voting at the Scheme Meeting voted in favour). A dividend of AUD 0.19 was announced on 7th February (ex-date: 12-Feb-2019), to be paid on 20th February 2019, conditional on court approval of the scheme. The scheme received court approval on 11th February 2019, along with which the company suspended the trading of its shares on ASX from the close of trading on 11th February 2019. The Scheme was implemented on 27th February 2019.
On 1st February 2019 it was announced that Healthscope entered into an Implementation Deed with Brookfield, where Brookfield is to acquire all of the shares of Healthscope through a scheme at A$2.5/share and an off-market takeover offer A$4.2/share. A dividend of A$ 0.035 (ex-date:04-Mar-2019) announced on 14th February 2019, is included in the offer price.
The “go-shop” period in relation to the KKR Scheme, which allowed MYOB and its advisers to solicit a superior competing proposal, ended on 22nd February 2019, without any superior proposals emerging. As a result, the Directors of MYOB have reaffirmed their recommendation of the scheme. The Scheme Booklet is expected to be released in mid – late March 2019, with the Scheme meeting expected to be held in late April 2019.
On 18th February 2019, when the exclusivity period granted to BGH Consortium was to expire, Navitas announced that the exclusivity period is extended to 1st March 2019. This extension was granted in order to carry out a limited set of remaining due diligence, as per the announcement. The Directors of Navitas continue to unanimously recommend the Scheme.
On 20th February 2019, the company announced the offer becoming unconditional, along with which it was announced that ESR has an interest of 74.78% of Propertylink and that Centuria Capital Group in respect of their 19.51% ownership. The offer has been extended to the 8th March.
Ruralco has announced it has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed in which Nutrien Ltd (NTR CN) has agreed to take Ruralco private at $4.40/share – a 44% premium to last close and the one-month VWAP.
In a market update released by Sigma Healthcare, on 11th February 2019, it was announced that high level due diligence is still underway with regard to the potential merger proposal.

Hong Kong

Comments (with links)

Hanergy announced on 26th February 2019, the intention of HMEH to privatise the company by way of a Scheme, at one SPV share for every Hanergy share. No price was given for the SPV.
The deadline to despatch the Composite Document was further extended to 29th March 2019, from its previous extension – 22nd February 2019.
The scheme document for the privatisation of Hopewell Holdings was dispatched on 24th February 2019.

The deadline to despatch the Composite Document has been extended to either 30th April 2019 or 7 days after the date of fulfilment of the conditions, whichever is earlier. This extension is required in order to prepare the Goldjoy Circular to convene the EGM and because completion is subject to the conditions of the Sale and Purchase Agreement being fulfilled.

On 13th February 2019, major shareholder of Xingfa Aluminium – Guangxin Aluminium, acquired 5,000 shares in Xingfa, which triggered the launch of a Madatory General Offer, as Guangxin’s stake in Xingfa exceeded 30%. The offer price is HK$5.60 cash/share.


Comments (with links)

The transaction is expected to close today

No Feb update

No Feb update



Based on the original schedule, BDMN has today gone ex-rights on being able to vote in the Shareholder Meeting on March 26 and also ex-rights on the ability to select the cash payment for your shares.


Comments (with links)

The offer closed today

On the 7th Feb, Descente announced that it was opposed to the deal. They can’t do much because the deal is launched. Shortly after, the employees union, a group of ex-employees, and a former president all came out against Itochu’s Tender Offer. On the 26th, the company announced that it would bring forward its announcement of its Medium Term Plan by a couple of months.

No update since launch on 31 January

On 12th February 2019, KDDI Corp announced that they intend to conduct a Tender offer for a minimum 45,758,400 shares of Kabu.Com Securities at ¥559/share. If they are able to acquire the minimum, it would lead to a Two Step Squeezeout, because when KDDI’s holding is combined with that of MUFJ Securities’, their total holding reaches 66.67%.
On 4th February 2019 after the close, Reno KK filed a Large Shareholder Report declaring a 5.83% position as of 28th January 2019, following which, on the 5th of February they announced that they had purchased an additional 2.49% on the 29th of January, increasing their holding to 8.31%. On the days that followed, along with their joint holder Aoyama Fudosan, the Reno group increased their stake to 9.55% by 1st February 2019 (which was announced on 8th February 2019). On 18th February, an article was published on which suggested that Mr. Nakatsuji (longstanding external shareholder) and Sakurai Mie (leader shareholder and descendent of the founder of Kosaido), were against the takeover. It was announced on 26th February 2019, that the tender offer close date had extended to 12th March 2019, from 1st March 2019.
Reportedly Inc (AMZN US) and Comcast will enter the race and have submitted initial bids to acquire Nexon. EA was also mooted as a participant in first round bidding.
On the 8 Feb, ND Software announced a Management Buy Out (MBO) sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be roughly 7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA.
Pioneer has received all anti-trust approvals
The results of the Tender Offer was released on 20th February 2019. There were 32.43 million shares tendered, while the Tender Offer was only to buy 26.6666 million shares, which led to an 82.23% pro-ration. Following the closing of the Tender Offer, the Murakami grouping will own 4% of shares out and 5.7% of voting rights remaining.
On 14th February 2019, Minebea Mitsumi announced the launch of their Tender Offer to acquire U Shin Ltd at ¥985/share. The offer opened on 15th February 2019, and will close on 10th April 2019. The intention to make an offer to acquire U Shin Ltd was first announced back in November 2018.
After market close on 31st January 2019, Sumitomo Corp (8053 JP) consolidated subsidiary SCSK Corp (9719 JP) announced a Tender Offer to buy out minorities in Veriserve Corp (3724 JP). At the time of announcement, SCSK held 2,900,000 shares or 55.59% of voting rights. The Tender Offer is at ¥6,700/share

New Zealand


No Feb update


Comments (with links)

No Feb update
The formal offer document was despatched on 1st February 2019, with the first closing date scheduled for 1st March 2019. On the same day a couple of hours later, due to irrevocable involved, the 50% shareholder acceptance condition was met, and the offer was declared unconditional. This allowed the company to extend the closing date of the offer to 15th March 2019 (final closing date).
On 15th February 2019, an announcement was published declaring the offer unconditional, this led to the extension of the closing date to 4th March 2019.
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited approved PCI Limited’s application to delist the company from the official list of the SGX-ST, when the scheme becomes effective and binding in accordance with its terms

South Korea


Hyundai Oilbank
No update



On the 14th of February the company announced that in the board meeting held on 29th January 2019, two independent directors objected to the terms of the Tender Offer which had been agreed. There is reportedly an investigation into shareholder rights being conducted. It is to note that in the 14th Feb release, it became clear that Otis Elevator had bid TWD 63/share for Yungtay but the directors had not approved the bid.


Comments (with links)

On 13th February 2019, Delta announced that the conditions precedent of the Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer was fully satisfied, following which on 18th February 2019 the Intention to Make a Tender Offer (Form 247-3) was announced along with the FY18 Dividend of Bt 2.30/share (which will be added). The Offer document was released on 22nd February 2019, announcing the Tender offer period – from 26-Feb-2019 to 01-Apr-2019.
In the “Management Discussions” attached to FY18 earnings of Global Power Synergy Company Ltd, they mentioned that they are collaborating with GLOW in order to decide on tender offer price for GLOW’s shares, after taking into consideration the disposal of one of GLOW’s plants.
On 25th February 2019, Golden Land Prop Dvlp announced that they had received information that Frasers Property intends to make a Voluntary Tender Offer to acquire all of Golden Land Prop Dvlp’s shares at Bt 8.5/share.
Thanachart Capital Public Company Limited (TCAP), as a major shareholder of Thanachart Bank Company Limited, announced on 26th February 2019, that they entered the Non-binding Memorandums of Understanding, in relation to the merger between Thanachart and TMB.


Comments (with links)

On 21st February 2019, the offer period expiry date was extended to 7th March 2019 (previously 28th February 2019). As per the announcement on 22nd February 2019, the Anta Sports shareholders approved the deal to buy Amer Sports, with 99.19% of votes cast being for the deal. A couple of days later, on 25th February 2019, Mexico’s regulator approved the takeover, and this was the last of the approvals.
No Feb update
On 22nd February 2019, an announcement was released with the news that Saputo Inc had offered £6.20 cash/per share, to acquire all of the shares of Dairy Crest by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.
On 26th February 2019, Diageo made an announcement stating that they had been approached by Sichuan Swellfun, with a possible partial tender offer to increase their stake in Diageo to 70% (from 60%) at RMB 45/share.
Visa announced an increase in their offer to £0.37/share (from £0.30/share), on 7th February 2019. The following day Mastercard issued a stated that they were considering their options. On 11th February 2019, Visa posted their Offer Document, following which Mastercard announced that they no longer have any letters of intent acceptiig their offer. An announcement on 21st February 2019, mentioned that both the Court Meeting and General Meeting have been adjourned by the Chairman and the new date will be announced in due course. On 27th February 2019, the offer was extended to remain open till 8th March 2019.
It was announced on 30th January 2019 that Medco Energi Internasional T had reached an agreement to acquire Ophir Energy at an offer price of £0.55/share, by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.Petrus Advisors (3.5% shareholder) dialed up the pressure on its opposition for this offer, with a letter addressed to Ophir’s Chairman, on 19th February 2019.
Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA
On 4th February Nasdaq AB published the Public Offer document, according to which the acceptance period is from 4th February 2019 to 4th
March 2019.
On 4th February 2019, Panalpina disclosed that their largest shareholder, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, does not support DSV’s indicative offer, which was made in January 2019. Following an announcement by Panalpina on 15th February 2019, regarding Panalpina pursuing a private combination with Agility Group, DSV informed the market that on 6th February 2019, they put forward an all-cash offer of CHF 180/share.
On the morning of January 23rd, 2019, after five PUSU extensions, RPC announced the recommended final cash offer by Apollo for 782p per share, or £3.323 billion.


4. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion


Both Celltrion Inc (068270 KS) and Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) have reported preliminary 2018 results with some MD&A. As suspected, Q4’s results for both companies reflected factors beyond distributors’ destocking: retroactive price adjustments played a major role. This Insight includes updated end market sales forecasts by product. Remsima should grow in the US and decline moderately in the EU (the latter is a best-case scenario). Both Herzuma and Truxima will launch in the US this year with Truxima the largest contributor. Capacity expansion programs should keep margins under pressure near-term.

5. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

Vascepa scrips 021519

Q4 2018 Revenues Stronger Than Pre-Announcement on January 4th: Amarin released its Q4 2018 results today and held a conference call. Results of $77m in sales (+44% YoY), were stronger than the January 4th pre-announced range of $72m and $76m.  2019 revenue guidance of 50% growth to $350m was left unchanged, but management sounded very confident on the conference call (see details below). 

Q1 2019 Revenue Growth Appears Stronger than Expected: On the conference call, Amarin was asked whether Q1 revenues were tracking the prescription data, which indicates +50% YoY growth so far. Management said that sales looked about the same, despite revenues tending not to track prescriptions that closely in Q1 normally.   

FDA May Fast-Track Vascepa Label Expansion: While Amarin’s CEO, John Thero, is usually very conservative with guidance, today he explored the possibilities of fast-track treatment by the FDA for Vascepa’s label expansion for the first time. Amarin is still on course to file for this with the FDA by March-end. Fast-track treatment by the FDA would speed up the approval process to 6 months, versus 10 months, and if favorable, could have significant upside impact on 2019 revenues. 

Approval for Vascepa in Europe to be Sought This Year: Amarin disclosed for the first time that it would seek approval for Vascepa in Europe this year. This is highly significant because the cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient population is 22% higher than the US. Amarin confirmed that FDA approval for label expansion would speed up the approval process in Europe. 

Next Catalyst is the ACC Conference on March 18th: Amarin will be announcing “late-breaking” data from the Reduce-It clinical trial at the American College of Cardiology on March 18th. Because the Reduce-It trial results themselves were so powerful, we expect the ACC event to be of high interest among CVD specialists and investors. 

Amarin Remains an Attractive Take-Over Candidate: Given the high efficacy of Vascepa in the treatment of CVD patients, Amarin continues to be one of the most highly attractive take-over candidates in the pharmaceutical world. Management’s confidence on today’s call appears to be linked to a stronger than expected response to Vascepa among doctors since its block-buster trial results were announced last September. For details about our outlook on Amarin, please refer to our deep-dive report published last month: Amarin–2019’s Biggest Buyout Target for Big Pharma

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Brief Healthcare: The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote
  2. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019
  3. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion
  4. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence
  5. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts

1. The Mechanics of the Panalpina Vote

Screenshot%202019 02 28%20at%2010.31.37%20pm

This insight is a kind of public service announcement for investors looking at the Panalpina Welttransport Holding (PWTN SW) situation as it might affect the likely upcoming Extraordinary General Meeting that the Ernst Göhner Foundation requested of Panalpina, and to which Panalpina has acquiesced. The agenda item of the EGM requested is to implement a “One Share One Vote” system. 

Activist Cevian has come out against the proposal by the Ernst Göhner Foundation. This sounds counterintuitive except for one odd legal angle.

The Foundation’s ostensible goal is to ensure that the vote is “fair” so that Cevian and Artisan Partners can vote their full stake after having been capped at 5% for many years because of Article 5 in the Panalpina Articles of Association. The more cunning aspect of this is that, as per the Panalpina announcement

In a letter addressed to Panalpina’s Board of Directors, minority shareholder Cevian had recently questioned the practice to fully admit EGF with all its voting rights at the Company’s shareholders’ meetings. Cevian took the position that the voting restriction of 5% must be applied to all shareholders and, hence the voting power of EGF must be reduced to 5%. An ad hoc board of independent directors (BoiD) consisting of five directors (without representatives of EGF and Cevian) and chaired by Thomas E. Kern, is currently evaluating the situation based on expert opinions submitted by each of EGF and Cevian and based on independent expert advice obtained by the BoiD.

The Foundation knows that their position may be legally weak, and their position could be capped at 5% rather than grandfathered. Indeed, the “independent expert advice” obtained by Cevian includes the opinions of “four leading Swiss stockbrokers” who had come to the conclusion that the Foundation had been unlawfully excluded from the 5% cap, according to this Reuters article on the 26th. The company states that the Ernst Göhner Foundation is and has been exempted from this rule because of “grandfathering” because it owned the shares before the implementation of the rule, but there is nothing in the Articles of Association which grants the EGF that exemption. The full Cevian press releases in English and German are available through their spokesperson and are attached below (at the bottom of the insight).

Another Reuters article discussed the situation, with quotes from Cevian, and added this tidbit at the end.

An ad hoc board of independent directors consisting of five directors, without representatives of EGF and Cevian…will review the proposal and decide how the voting on it will take place at the extraordinary general meeting,” spokeswoman Edna Ayme-Yahil said.

Investors should note…..

The last paragraph of Article 5 of the Panalpina Articles of Association says “No entries shall be made in the register of shareholders following the dispatch of the convocation to the Shareholders’ Meeting until the day after the Shareholders’ Meeting.” This is a little different than is the case for many large Swiss companies where they give the convocation and investors may subsequently register their shares.

For Novartis AG (NOVN SW), which held its AGM today (28 Feb 2019), the deadline for registering shares was 3 days prior to the AGM as shown on p6 in the Organizational Notes on the AGM Notice.

Temenos Group Ag (TEMN SW) last year set their registration deadline 13 days ahead of the AGM, which is further away, but the Convocation Notice had been sent 47 days before the AGM.

In Panalpina’s case, if you are not registered by the time the company sends out the convocation, there is no requirement for the company to admit your shares to the register even if there is plenty of time to do so (though the Board can make exceptions to the entry restriction).

For investors interested in or concerned about the situation, there are measures which may be advisable to implement ASAP to ensure you can vote.

2. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019

For the month of February, thirteen new deals were discussed on Smartkarma with an overall deal size of US$12.3bn.

This overall number includes the “offer” for Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK) which has no value, as yet, attached to the scrip component.

A firm number for Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB) has yet to be announced, which could result in a US$4bn+ deal.

The average premium to last close for the new deals was 27.5%.

New Deals


Deal size (US$mn)


Deal Type

Ruralco Holdings (RHL AU)Agriculture33644.0%Scheme
Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK)Semiconductor EquipmentScheme
Xingfa Aluminium (98 HK)Aluminum2022.9%Off-Mkt
Veriserve Corp (3724 JP)IT Consulting14343.6%Off-Mkt
Jiec Co Ltd (4291 JP)Software17039.3%Off-Mkt
Nd Software (3794 JP)Software27028.7%Off-Mkt
U Shin Ltd (6985 JP)Auto Parts and Equipment28828.3%Off-Mkt
Golden Land Prop Dvlp (GOLD TB)Diversified Real Estate6322.4%Off-Mkt
Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB)IPP and Energy Traders4,000Tender Offer (?)
Dairy Crest (DCG LN)Dairy Products1,27212.0%Scheme
Ophir Energy (OPHR LN)Oil & Gas E&P51166.0%Scheme
RPC Group PLC (RPC LN)Financials4,10616.0%Scheme
Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd A (600779 CH)Alcoholic Beverages33019.3%Off-Mkt
Source: Company announcements

Brief Summary of News in February of Arb Situations On Our Radar


Comments (with links)

At the Eclipx Group 2019 AGM, the Chairman mentioned that it was the board unanimously endorses this proposal and that a revised timetable will be announced when the contents of the Scheme Book are agreed upon with MMS.
At the GrainCorp 2019 AGM, the Chairman announced that the engagement between the two parties remains active, and the proposal is still indicative and non-binding.
On 6th February 2019, Greencross held a scheme meeting at which the shareholders approved the scheme of arrangement (99.67% of Greencross shareholders present and voting at the Scheme Meeting voted in favour). A dividend of AUD 0.19 was announced on 7th February (ex-date: 12-Feb-2019), to be paid on 20th February 2019, conditional on court approval of the scheme. The scheme received court approval on 11th February 2019, along with which the company suspended the trading of its shares on ASX from the close of trading on 11th February 2019. The Scheme was implemented on 27th February 2019.
On 1st February 2019 it was announced that Healthscope entered into an Implementation Deed with Brookfield, where Brookfield is to acquire all of the shares of Healthscope through a scheme at A$2.5/share and an off-market takeover offer A$4.2/share. A dividend of A$ 0.035 (ex-date:04-Mar-2019) announced on 14th February 2019, is included in the offer price.
The “go-shop” period in relation to the KKR Scheme, which allowed MYOB and its advisers to solicit a superior competing proposal, ended on 22nd February 2019, without any superior proposals emerging. As a result, the Directors of MYOB have reaffirmed their recommendation of the scheme. The Scheme Booklet is expected to be released in mid – late March 2019, with the Scheme meeting expected to be held in late April 2019.
On 18th February 2019, when the exclusivity period granted to BGH Consortium was to expire, Navitas announced that the exclusivity period is extended to 1st March 2019. This extension was granted in order to carry out a limited set of remaining due diligence, as per the announcement. The Directors of Navitas continue to unanimously recommend the Scheme.
On 20th February 2019, the company announced the offer becoming unconditional, along with which it was announced that ESR has an interest of 74.78% of Propertylink and that Centuria Capital Group in respect of their 19.51% ownership. The offer has been extended to the 8th March.
Ruralco has announced it has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed in which Nutrien Ltd (NTR CN) has agreed to take Ruralco private at $4.40/share – a 44% premium to last close and the one-month VWAP.
In a market update released by Sigma Healthcare, on 11th February 2019, it was announced that high level due diligence is still underway with regard to the potential merger proposal.

Hong Kong

Comments (with links)

Hanergy announced on 26th February 2019, the intention of HMEH to privatise the company by way of a Scheme, at one SPV share for every Hanergy share. No price was given for the SPV.
The deadline to despatch the Composite Document was further extended to 29th March 2019, from its previous extension – 22nd February 2019.
The scheme document for the privatisation of Hopewell Holdings was dispatched on 24th February 2019.

The deadline to despatch the Composite Document has been extended to either 30th April 2019 or 7 days after the date of fulfilment of the conditions, whichever is earlier. This extension is required in order to prepare the Goldjoy Circular to convene the EGM and because completion is subject to the conditions of the Sale and Purchase Agreement being fulfilled.

On 13th February 2019, major shareholder of Xingfa Aluminium – Guangxin Aluminium, acquired 5,000 shares in Xingfa, which triggered the launch of a Madatory General Offer, as Guangxin’s stake in Xingfa exceeded 30%. The offer price is HK$5.60 cash/share.


Comments (with links)

The transaction is expected to close today

No Feb update

No Feb update



Based on the original schedule, BDMN has today gone ex-rights on being able to vote in the Shareholder Meeting on March 26 and also ex-rights on the ability to select the cash payment for your shares.


Comments (with links)

The offer closed today

On the 7th Feb, Descente announced that it was opposed to the deal. They can’t do much because the deal is launched. Shortly after, the employees union, a group of ex-employees, and a former president all came out against Itochu’s Tender Offer. On the 26th, the company announced that it would bring forward its announcement of its Medium Term Plan by a couple of months.

No update since launch on 31 January

On 12th February 2019, KDDI Corp announced that they intend to conduct a Tender offer for a minimum 45,758,400 shares of Kabu.Com Securities at ¥559/share. If they are able to acquire the minimum, it would lead to a Two Step Squeezeout, because when KDDI’s holding is combined with that of MUFJ Securities’, their total holding reaches 66.67%.
On 4th February 2019 after the close, Reno KK filed a Large Shareholder Report declaring a 5.83% position as of 28th January 2019, following which, on the 5th of February they announced that they had purchased an additional 2.49% on the 29th of January, increasing their holding to 8.31%. On the days that followed, along with their joint holder Aoyama Fudosan, the Reno group increased their stake to 9.55% by 1st February 2019 (which was announced on 8th February 2019). On 18th February, an article was published on which suggested that Mr. Nakatsuji (longstanding external shareholder) and Sakurai Mie (leader shareholder and descendent of the founder of Kosaido), were against the takeover. It was announced on 26th February 2019, that the tender offer close date had extended to 12th March 2019, from 1st March 2019.
Reportedly Inc (AMZN US) and Comcast will enter the race and have submitted initial bids to acquire Nexon. EA was also mooted as a participant in first round bidding.
On the 8 Feb, ND Software announced a Management Buy Out (MBO) sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be roughly 7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA.
Pioneer has received all anti-trust approvals
The results of the Tender Offer was released on 20th February 2019. There were 32.43 million shares tendered, while the Tender Offer was only to buy 26.6666 million shares, which led to an 82.23% pro-ration. Following the closing of the Tender Offer, the Murakami grouping will own 4% of shares out and 5.7% of voting rights remaining.
On 14th February 2019, Minebea Mitsumi announced the launch of their Tender Offer to acquire U Shin Ltd at ¥985/share. The offer opened on 15th February 2019, and will close on 10th April 2019. The intention to make an offer to acquire U Shin Ltd was first announced back in November 2018.
After market close on 31st January 2019, Sumitomo Corp (8053 JP) consolidated subsidiary SCSK Corp (9719 JP) announced a Tender Offer to buy out minorities in Veriserve Corp (3724 JP). At the time of announcement, SCSK held 2,900,000 shares or 55.59% of voting rights. The Tender Offer is at ¥6,700/share

New Zealand


No Feb update


Comments (with links)

No Feb update
The formal offer document was despatched on 1st February 2019, with the first closing date scheduled for 1st March 2019. On the same day a couple of hours later, due to irrevocable involved, the 50% shareholder acceptance condition was met, and the offer was declared unconditional. This allowed the company to extend the closing date of the offer to 15th March 2019 (final closing date).
On 15th February 2019, an announcement was published declaring the offer unconditional, this led to the extension of the closing date to 4th March 2019.
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited approved PCI Limited’s application to delist the company from the official list of the SGX-ST, when the scheme becomes effective and binding in accordance with its terms

South Korea


Hyundai Oilbank
No update



On the 14th of February the company announced that in the board meeting held on 29th January 2019, two independent directors objected to the terms of the Tender Offer which had been agreed. There is reportedly an investigation into shareholder rights being conducted. It is to note that in the 14th Feb release, it became clear that Otis Elevator had bid TWD 63/share for Yungtay but the directors had not approved the bid.


Comments (with links)

On 13th February 2019, Delta announced that the conditions precedent of the Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer was fully satisfied, following which on 18th February 2019 the Intention to Make a Tender Offer (Form 247-3) was announced along with the FY18 Dividend of Bt 2.30/share (which will be added). The Offer document was released on 22nd February 2019, announcing the Tender offer period – from 26-Feb-2019 to 01-Apr-2019.
In the “Management Discussions” attached to FY18 earnings of Global Power Synergy Company Ltd, they mentioned that they are collaborating with GLOW in order to decide on tender offer price for GLOW’s shares, after taking into consideration the disposal of one of GLOW’s plants.
On 25th February 2019, Golden Land Prop Dvlp announced that they had received information that Frasers Property intends to make a Voluntary Tender Offer to acquire all of Golden Land Prop Dvlp’s shares at Bt 8.5/share.
Thanachart Capital Public Company Limited (TCAP), as a major shareholder of Thanachart Bank Company Limited, announced on 26th February 2019, that they entered the Non-binding Memorandums of Understanding, in relation to the merger between Thanachart and TMB.


Comments (with links)

On 21st February 2019, the offer period expiry date was extended to 7th March 2019 (previously 28th February 2019). As per the announcement on 22nd February 2019, the Anta Sports shareholders approved the deal to buy Amer Sports, with 99.19% of votes cast being for the deal. A couple of days later, on 25th February 2019, Mexico’s regulator approved the takeover, and this was the last of the approvals.
No Feb update
On 22nd February 2019, an announcement was released with the news that Saputo Inc had offered £6.20 cash/per share, to acquire all of the shares of Dairy Crest by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.
On 26th February 2019, Diageo made an announcement stating that they had been approached by Sichuan Swellfun, with a possible partial tender offer to increase their stake in Diageo to 70% (from 60%) at RMB 45/share.
Visa announced an increase in their offer to £0.37/share (from £0.30/share), on 7th February 2019. The following day Mastercard issued a stated that they were considering their options. On 11th February 2019, Visa posted their Offer Document, following which Mastercard announced that they no longer have any letters of intent acceptiig their offer. An announcement on 21st February 2019, mentioned that both the Court Meeting and General Meeting have been adjourned by the Chairman and the new date will be announced in due course. On 27th February 2019, the offer was extended to remain open till 8th March 2019.
It was announced on 30th January 2019 that Medco Energi Internasional T had reached an agreement to acquire Ophir Energy at an offer price of £0.55/share, by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.Petrus Advisors (3.5% shareholder) dialed up the pressure on its opposition for this offer, with a letter addressed to Ophir’s Chairman, on 19th February 2019.
Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA
On 4th February Nasdaq AB published the Public Offer document, according to which the acceptance period is from 4th February 2019 to 4th
March 2019.
On 4th February 2019, Panalpina disclosed that their largest shareholder, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, does not support DSV’s indicative offer, which was made in January 2019. Following an announcement by Panalpina on 15th February 2019, regarding Panalpina pursuing a private combination with Agility Group, DSV informed the market that on 6th February 2019, they put forward an all-cash offer of CHF 180/share.
On the morning of January 23rd, 2019, after five PUSU extensions, RPC announced the recommended final cash offer by Apollo for 782p per share, or £3.323 billion.


3. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion


Both Celltrion Inc (068270 KS) and Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) have reported preliminary 2018 results with some MD&A. As suspected, Q4’s results for both companies reflected factors beyond distributors’ destocking: retroactive price adjustments played a major role. This Insight includes updated end market sales forecasts by product. Remsima should grow in the US and decline moderately in the EU (the latter is a best-case scenario). Both Herzuma and Truxima will launch in the US this year with Truxima the largest contributor. Capacity expansion programs should keep margins under pressure near-term.

4. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

Amrn suitors

Q4 2018 Revenues Stronger Than Pre-Announcement on January 4th: Amarin released its Q4 2018 results today and held a conference call. Results of $77m in sales (+44% YoY), were stronger than the January 4th pre-announced range of $72m and $76m.  2019 revenue guidance of 50% growth to $350m was left unchanged, but management sounded very confident on the conference call (see details below). 

Q1 2019 Revenue Growth Appears Stronger than Expected: On the conference call, Amarin was asked whether Q1 revenues were tracking the prescription data, which indicates +50% YoY growth so far. Management said that sales looked about the same, despite revenues tending not to track prescriptions that closely in Q1 normally.   

FDA May Fast-Track Vascepa Label Expansion: While Amarin’s CEO, John Thero, is usually very conservative with guidance, today he explored the possibilities of fast-track treatment by the FDA for Vascepa’s label expansion for the first time. Amarin is still on course to file for this with the FDA by March-end. Fast-track treatment by the FDA would speed up the approval process to 6 months, versus 10 months, and if favorable, could have significant upside impact on 2019 revenues. 

Approval for Vascepa in Europe to be Sought This Year: Amarin disclosed for the first time that it would seek approval for Vascepa in Europe this year. This is highly significant because the cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient population is 22% higher than the US. Amarin confirmed that FDA approval for label expansion would speed up the approval process in Europe. 

Next Catalyst is the ACC Conference on March 18th: Amarin will be announcing “late-breaking” data from the Reduce-It clinical trial at the American College of Cardiology on March 18th. Because the Reduce-It trial results themselves were so powerful, we expect the ACC event to be of high interest among CVD specialists and investors. 

Amarin Remains an Attractive Take-Over Candidate: Given the high efficacy of Vascepa in the treatment of CVD patients, Amarin continues to be one of the most highly attractive take-over candidates in the pharmaceutical world. Management’s confidence on today’s call appears to be linked to a stronger than expected response to Vascepa among doctors since its block-buster trial results were announced last September. For details about our outlook on Amarin, please refer to our deep-dive report published last month: Amarin–2019’s Biggest Buyout Target for Big Pharma

5. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts


CStone Pharma’s IPO was priced at HKD 12.00/share and started trading today. In this insight, we summarize the allocation, the use of proceeds and recap our view on our valuation. We also look at past few biotech listings and discuss our thoughts on the market sentiments. We are of the view that despite a strong debut performance, CStone lacks near term catalysts that can continue to drive performance after the first day. 

Our Previous Coverage of CStone

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Brief Healthcare: M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019 and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019
  2. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion
  3. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence
  4. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts
  5. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)

1. M&A: A Round-Up of Deals in February 2019

For the month of February, thirteen new deals were discussed on Smartkarma with an overall deal size of US$12.3bn.

This overall number includes the “offer” for Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK) which has no value, as yet, attached to the scrip component.

A firm number for Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB) has yet to be announced, which could result in a US$4bn+ deal.

The average premium to last close for the new deals was 27.5%.

New Deals


Deal size (US$mn)


Deal Type

Ruralco Holdings (RHL AU)Agriculture33644.0%Scheme
Hanergy Thin Film Power (566 HK)Semiconductor EquipmentScheme
Xingfa Aluminium (98 HK)Aluminum2022.9%Off-Mkt
Veriserve Corp (3724 JP)IT Consulting14343.6%Off-Mkt
Jiec Co Ltd (4291 JP)Software17039.3%Off-Mkt
Nd Software (3794 JP)Software27028.7%Off-Mkt
U Shin Ltd (6985 JP)Auto Parts and Equipment28828.3%Off-Mkt
Golden Land Prop Dvlp (GOLD TB)Diversified Real Estate6322.4%Off-Mkt
Glow Energy Pcl (GLOW TB)IPP and Energy Traders4,000Tender Offer (?)
Dairy Crest (DCG LN)Dairy Products1,27212.0%Scheme
Ophir Energy (OPHR LN)Oil & Gas E&P51166.0%Scheme
RPC Group PLC (RPC LN)Financials4,10616.0%Scheme
Sichuan Swellfun Co Ltd A (600779 CH)Alcoholic Beverages33019.3%Off-Mkt
Source: Company announcements

Brief Summary of News in February of Arb Situations On Our Radar


Comments (with links)

At the Eclipx Group 2019 AGM, the Chairman mentioned that it was the board unanimously endorses this proposal and that a revised timetable will be announced when the contents of the Scheme Book are agreed upon with MMS.
At the GrainCorp 2019 AGM, the Chairman announced that the engagement between the two parties remains active, and the proposal is still indicative and non-binding.
On 6th February 2019, Greencross held a scheme meeting at which the shareholders approved the scheme of arrangement (99.67% of Greencross shareholders present and voting at the Scheme Meeting voted in favour). A dividend of AUD 0.19 was announced on 7th February (ex-date: 12-Feb-2019), to be paid on 20th February 2019, conditional on court approval of the scheme. The scheme received court approval on 11th February 2019, along with which the company suspended the trading of its shares on ASX from the close of trading on 11th February 2019. The Scheme was implemented on 27th February 2019.
On 1st February 2019 it was announced that Healthscope entered into an Implementation Deed with Brookfield, where Brookfield is to acquire all of the shares of Healthscope through a scheme at A$2.5/share and an off-market takeover offer A$4.2/share. A dividend of A$ 0.035 (ex-date:04-Mar-2019) announced on 14th February 2019, is included in the offer price.
The “go-shop” period in relation to the KKR Scheme, which allowed MYOB and its advisers to solicit a superior competing proposal, ended on 22nd February 2019, without any superior proposals emerging. As a result, the Directors of MYOB have reaffirmed their recommendation of the scheme. The Scheme Booklet is expected to be released in mid – late March 2019, with the Scheme meeting expected to be held in late April 2019.
On 18th February 2019, when the exclusivity period granted to BGH Consortium was to expire, Navitas announced that the exclusivity period is extended to 1st March 2019. This extension was granted in order to carry out a limited set of remaining due diligence, as per the announcement. The Directors of Navitas continue to unanimously recommend the Scheme.
On 20th February 2019, the company announced the offer becoming unconditional, along with which it was announced that ESR has an interest of 74.78% of Propertylink and that Centuria Capital Group in respect of their 19.51% ownership. The offer has been extended to the 8th March.
Ruralco has announced it has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed in which Nutrien Ltd (NTR CN) has agreed to take Ruralco private at $4.40/share – a 44% premium to last close and the one-month VWAP.
In a market update released by Sigma Healthcare, on 11th February 2019, it was announced that high level due diligence is still underway with regard to the potential merger proposal.

Hong Kong

Comments (with links)

Hanergy announced on 26th February 2019, the intention of HMEH to privatise the company by way of a Scheme, at one SPV share for every Hanergy share. No price was given for the SPV.
The deadline to despatch the Composite Document was further extended to 29th March 2019, from its previous extension – 22nd February 2019.
The scheme document for the privatisation of Hopewell Holdings was dispatched on 24th February 2019.

The deadline to despatch the Composite Document has been extended to either 30th April 2019 or 7 days after the date of fulfilment of the conditions, whichever is earlier. This extension is required in order to prepare the Goldjoy Circular to convene the EGM and because completion is subject to the conditions of the Sale and Purchase Agreement being fulfilled.

On 13th February 2019, major shareholder of Xingfa Aluminium – Guangxin Aluminium, acquired 5,000 shares in Xingfa, which triggered the launch of a Madatory General Offer, as Guangxin’s stake in Xingfa exceeded 30%. The offer price is HK$5.60 cash/share.


Comments (with links)

The transaction is expected to close today

No Feb update

No Feb update



Based on the original schedule, BDMN has today gone ex-rights on being able to vote in the Shareholder Meeting on March 26 and also ex-rights on the ability to select the cash payment for your shares.


Comments (with links)

The offer closed today

On the 7th Feb, Descente announced that it was opposed to the deal. They can’t do much because the deal is launched. Shortly after, the employees union, a group of ex-employees, and a former president all came out against Itochu’s Tender Offer. On the 26th, the company announced that it would bring forward its announcement of its Medium Term Plan by a couple of months.

No update since launch on 31 January

On 12th February 2019, KDDI Corp announced that they intend to conduct a Tender offer for a minimum 45,758,400 shares of Kabu.Com Securities at ¥559/share. If they are able to acquire the minimum, it would lead to a Two Step Squeezeout, because when KDDI’s holding is combined with that of MUFJ Securities’, their total holding reaches 66.67%.
On 4th February 2019 after the close, Reno KK filed a Large Shareholder Report declaring a 5.83% position as of 28th January 2019, following which, on the 5th of February they announced that they had purchased an additional 2.49% on the 29th of January, increasing their holding to 8.31%. On the days that followed, along with their joint holder Aoyama Fudosan, the Reno group increased their stake to 9.55% by 1st February 2019 (which was announced on 8th February 2019). On 18th February, an article was published on which suggested that Mr. Nakatsuji (longstanding external shareholder) and Sakurai Mie (leader shareholder and descendent of the founder of Kosaido), were against the takeover. It was announced on 26th February 2019, that the tender offer close date had extended to 12th March 2019, from 1st March 2019.
Reportedly Inc (AMZN US) and Comcast will enter the race and have submitted initial bids to acquire Nexon. EA was also mooted as a participant in first round bidding.
On the 8 Feb, ND Software announced a Management Buy Out (MBO) sponsored by both the existing president, who owns 20%, and J-Will Partners to take the company private at ¥1700/share, which is a 28.7% premium to last trade and comes out to be roughly 7.2x trailing 12-month EV/EBITDA.
Pioneer has received all anti-trust approvals
The results of the Tender Offer was released on 20th February 2019. There were 32.43 million shares tendered, while the Tender Offer was only to buy 26.6666 million shares, which led to an 82.23% pro-ration. Following the closing of the Tender Offer, the Murakami grouping will own 4% of shares out and 5.7% of voting rights remaining.
On 14th February 2019, Minebea Mitsumi announced the launch of their Tender Offer to acquire U Shin Ltd at ¥985/share. The offer opened on 15th February 2019, and will close on 10th April 2019. The intention to make an offer to acquire U Shin Ltd was first announced back in November 2018.
After market close on 31st January 2019, Sumitomo Corp (8053 JP) consolidated subsidiary SCSK Corp (9719 JP) announced a Tender Offer to buy out minorities in Veriserve Corp (3724 JP). At the time of announcement, SCSK held 2,900,000 shares or 55.59% of voting rights. The Tender Offer is at ¥6,700/share

New Zealand


No Feb update


Comments (with links)

No Feb update
The formal offer document was despatched on 1st February 2019, with the first closing date scheduled for 1st March 2019. On the same day a couple of hours later, due to irrevocable involved, the 50% shareholder acceptance condition was met, and the offer was declared unconditional. This allowed the company to extend the closing date of the offer to 15th March 2019 (final closing date).
On 15th February 2019, an announcement was published declaring the offer unconditional, this led to the extension of the closing date to 4th March 2019.
Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited approved PCI Limited’s application to delist the company from the official list of the SGX-ST, when the scheme becomes effective and binding in accordance with its terms

South Korea


Hyundai Oilbank
No update



On the 14th of February the company announced that in the board meeting held on 29th January 2019, two independent directors objected to the terms of the Tender Offer which had been agreed. There is reportedly an investigation into shareholder rights being conducted. It is to note that in the 14th Feb release, it became clear that Otis Elevator had bid TWD 63/share for Yungtay but the directors had not approved the bid.


Comments (with links)

On 13th February 2019, Delta announced that the conditions precedent of the Conditional Voluntary Tender Offer was fully satisfied, following which on 18th February 2019 the Intention to Make a Tender Offer (Form 247-3) was announced along with the FY18 Dividend of Bt 2.30/share (which will be added). The Offer document was released on 22nd February 2019, announcing the Tender offer period – from 26-Feb-2019 to 01-Apr-2019.
In the “Management Discussions” attached to FY18 earnings of Global Power Synergy Company Ltd, they mentioned that they are collaborating with GLOW in order to decide on tender offer price for GLOW’s shares, after taking into consideration the disposal of one of GLOW’s plants.
On 25th February 2019, Golden Land Prop Dvlp announced that they had received information that Frasers Property intends to make a Voluntary Tender Offer to acquire all of Golden Land Prop Dvlp’s shares at Bt 8.5/share.
Thanachart Capital Public Company Limited (TCAP), as a major shareholder of Thanachart Bank Company Limited, announced on 26th February 2019, that they entered the Non-binding Memorandums of Understanding, in relation to the merger between Thanachart and TMB.


Comments (with links)

On 21st February 2019, the offer period expiry date was extended to 7th March 2019 (previously 28th February 2019). As per the announcement on 22nd February 2019, the Anta Sports shareholders approved the deal to buy Amer Sports, with 99.19% of votes cast being for the deal. A couple of days later, on 25th February 2019, Mexico’s regulator approved the takeover, and this was the last of the approvals.
No Feb update
On 22nd February 2019, an announcement was released with the news that Saputo Inc had offered £6.20 cash/per share, to acquire all of the shares of Dairy Crest by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.
On 26th February 2019, Diageo made an announcement stating that they had been approached by Sichuan Swellfun, with a possible partial tender offer to increase their stake in Diageo to 70% (from 60%) at RMB 45/share.
Visa announced an increase in their offer to £0.37/share (from £0.30/share), on 7th February 2019. The following day Mastercard issued a stated that they were considering their options. On 11th February 2019, Visa posted their Offer Document, following which Mastercard announced that they no longer have any letters of intent acceptiig their offer. An announcement on 21st February 2019, mentioned that both the Court Meeting and General Meeting have been adjourned by the Chairman and the new date will be announced in due course. On 27th February 2019, the offer was extended to remain open till 8th March 2019.
It was announced on 30th January 2019 that Medco Energi Internasional T had reached an agreement to acquire Ophir Energy at an offer price of £0.55/share, by way of a Scheme of Arrangement.Petrus Advisors (3.5% shareholder) dialed up the pressure on its opposition for this offer, with a letter addressed to Ophir’s Chairman, on 19th February 2019.
Oslo Børs VPS Holding ASA
On 4th February Nasdaq AB published the Public Offer document, according to which the acceptance period is from 4th February 2019 to 4th
March 2019.
On 4th February 2019, Panalpina disclosed that their largest shareholder, the Ernst Göhner Foundation, does not support DSV’s indicative offer, which was made in January 2019. Following an announcement by Panalpina on 15th February 2019, regarding Panalpina pursuing a private combination with Agility Group, DSV informed the market that on 6th February 2019, they put forward an all-cash offer of CHF 180/share.
On the morning of January 23rd, 2019, after five PUSU extensions, RPC announced the recommended final cash offer by Apollo for 782p per share, or £3.323 billion.


2. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion


Both Celltrion Inc (068270 KS) and Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) have reported preliminary 2018 results with some MD&A. As suspected, Q4’s results for both companies reflected factors beyond distributors’ destocking: retroactive price adjustments played a major role. This Insight includes updated end market sales forecasts by product. Remsima should grow in the US and decline moderately in the EU (the latter is a best-case scenario). Both Herzuma and Truxima will launch in the US this year with Truxima the largest contributor. Capacity expansion programs should keep margins under pressure near-term.

3. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

Cvd deathratebycountry

Q4 2018 Revenues Stronger Than Pre-Announcement on January 4th: Amarin released its Q4 2018 results today and held a conference call. Results of $77m in sales (+44% YoY), were stronger than the January 4th pre-announced range of $72m and $76m.  2019 revenue guidance of 50% growth to $350m was left unchanged, but management sounded very confident on the conference call (see details below). 

Q1 2019 Revenue Growth Appears Stronger than Expected: On the conference call, Amarin was asked whether Q1 revenues were tracking the prescription data, which indicates +50% YoY growth so far. Management said that sales looked about the same, despite revenues tending not to track prescriptions that closely in Q1 normally.   

FDA May Fast-Track Vascepa Label Expansion: While Amarin’s CEO, John Thero, is usually very conservative with guidance, today he explored the possibilities of fast-track treatment by the FDA for Vascepa’s label expansion for the first time. Amarin is still on course to file for this with the FDA by March-end. Fast-track treatment by the FDA would speed up the approval process to 6 months, versus 10 months, and if favorable, could have significant upside impact on 2019 revenues. 

Approval for Vascepa in Europe to be Sought This Year: Amarin disclosed for the first time that it would seek approval for Vascepa in Europe this year. This is highly significant because the cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient population is 22% higher than the US. Amarin confirmed that FDA approval for label expansion would speed up the approval process in Europe. 

Next Catalyst is the ACC Conference on March 18th: Amarin will be announcing “late-breaking” data from the Reduce-It clinical trial at the American College of Cardiology on March 18th. Because the Reduce-It trial results themselves were so powerful, we expect the ACC event to be of high interest among CVD specialists and investors. 

Amarin Remains an Attractive Take-Over Candidate: Given the high efficacy of Vascepa in the treatment of CVD patients, Amarin continues to be one of the most highly attractive take-over candidates in the pharmaceutical world. Management’s confidence on today’s call appears to be linked to a stronger than expected response to Vascepa among doctors since its block-buster trial results were announced last September. For details about our outlook on Amarin, please refer to our deep-dive report published last month: Amarin–2019’s Biggest Buyout Target for Big Pharma

4. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts


CStone Pharma’s IPO was priced at HKD 12.00/share and started trading today. In this insight, we summarize the allocation, the use of proceeds and recap our view on our valuation. We also look at past few biotech listings and discuss our thoughts on the market sentiments. We are of the view that despite a strong debut performance, CStone lacks near term catalysts that can continue to drive performance after the first day. 

Our Previous Coverage of CStone

5. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the strong inflow to automobile stocks and Sands China. 

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion
  2. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence
  3. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts
  4. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)
  5. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

1. Biosimilar Battlefield: Unpacking Celltrion


Both Celltrion Inc (068270 KS) and Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) have reported preliminary 2018 results with some MD&A. As suspected, Q4’s results for both companies reflected factors beyond distributors’ destocking: retroactive price adjustments played a major role. This Insight includes updated end market sales forecasts by product. Remsima should grow in the US and decline moderately in the EU (the latter is a best-case scenario). Both Herzuma and Truxima will launch in the US this year with Truxima the largest contributor. Capacity expansion programs should keep margins under pressure near-term.

2. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

Vascepa 2022sales by penetration

Q4 2018 Revenues Stronger Than Pre-Announcement on January 4th: Amarin released its Q4 2018 results today and held a conference call. Results of $77m in sales (+44% YoY), were stronger than the January 4th pre-announced range of $72m and $76m.  2019 revenue guidance of 50% growth to $350m was left unchanged, but management sounded very confident on the conference call (see details below). 

Q1 2019 Revenue Growth Appears Stronger than Expected: On the conference call, Amarin was asked whether Q1 revenues were tracking the prescription data, which indicates +50% YoY growth so far. Management said that sales looked about the same, despite revenues tending not to track prescriptions that closely in Q1 normally.   

FDA May Fast-Track Vascepa Label Expansion: While Amarin’s CEO, John Thero, is usually very conservative with guidance, today he explored the possibilities of fast-track treatment by the FDA for Vascepa’s label expansion for the first time. Amarin is still on course to file for this with the FDA by March-end. Fast-track treatment by the FDA would speed up the approval process to 6 months, versus 10 months, and if favorable, could have significant upside impact on 2019 revenues. 

Approval for Vascepa in Europe to be Sought This Year: Amarin disclosed for the first time that it would seek approval for Vascepa in Europe this year. This is highly significant because the cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient population is 22% higher than the US. Amarin confirmed that FDA approval for label expansion would speed up the approval process in Europe. 

Next Catalyst is the ACC Conference on March 18th: Amarin will be announcing “late-breaking” data from the Reduce-It clinical trial at the American College of Cardiology on March 18th. Because the Reduce-It trial results themselves were so powerful, we expect the ACC event to be of high interest among CVD specialists and investors. 

Amarin Remains an Attractive Take-Over Candidate: Given the high efficacy of Vascepa in the treatment of CVD patients, Amarin continues to be one of the most highly attractive take-over candidates in the pharmaceutical world. Management’s confidence on today’s call appears to be linked to a stronger than expected response to Vascepa among doctors since its block-buster trial results were announced last September. For details about our outlook on Amarin, please refer to our deep-dive report published last month: Amarin–2019’s Biggest Buyout Target for Big Pharma

3. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts


CStone Pharma’s IPO was priced at HKD 12.00/share and started trading today. In this insight, we summarize the allocation, the use of proceeds and recap our view on our valuation. We also look at past few biotech listings and discuss our thoughts on the market sentiments. We are of the view that despite a strong debut performance, CStone lacks near term catalysts that can continue to drive performance after the first day. 

Our Previous Coverage of CStone

4. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the strong inflow to automobile stocks and Sands China. 

5. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) reported preliminary 2018 results that were dramatically short of expectations as the company cut shipments to reduce distributors’ inventories. Management had announced plans to shift to a direct sales model to get better control over pricing decisions, but the magnitude of Q4’s shortfall (94% decline in revenue) raises questions about the role of “channel stuffing” in boosting prior periods’ results. In addition, we expect some spillover effect on Celltrion Inc (068270 KS)‘s Q4’s results. This Insight discusses the results in brief and contrasts Celltrion Healthcare’s results with those of Samsung Bioepis. 

We continue to avoid these stocks.

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence
  2. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts
  3. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)
  4. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned
  5. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma

1. Amarin Q4 2018 Conference Call–Strong Sales & High Confidence

Vascepa 2022sales by penetration

Q4 2018 Revenues Stronger Than Pre-Announcement on January 4th: Amarin released its Q4 2018 results today and held a conference call. Results of $77m in sales (+44% YoY), were stronger than the January 4th pre-announced range of $72m and $76m.  2019 revenue guidance of 50% growth to $350m was left unchanged, but management sounded very confident on the conference call (see details below). 

Q1 2019 Revenue Growth Appears Stronger than Expected: On the conference call, Amarin was asked whether Q1 revenues were tracking the prescription data, which indicates +50% YoY growth so far. Management said that sales looked about the same, despite revenues tending not to track prescriptions that closely in Q1 normally.   

FDA May Fast-Track Vascepa Label Expansion: While Amarin’s CEO, John Thero, is usually very conservative with guidance, today he explored the possibilities of fast-track treatment by the FDA for Vascepa’s label expansion for the first time. Amarin is still on course to file for this with the FDA by March-end. Fast-track treatment by the FDA would speed up the approval process to 6 months, versus 10 months, and if favorable, could have significant upside impact on 2019 revenues. 

Approval for Vascepa in Europe to be Sought This Year: Amarin disclosed for the first time that it would seek approval for Vascepa in Europe this year. This is highly significant because the cardiovascular disease (CVD) patient population is 22% higher than the US. Amarin confirmed that FDA approval for label expansion would speed up the approval process in Europe. 

Next Catalyst is the ACC Conference on March 18th: Amarin will be announcing “late-breaking” data from the Reduce-It clinical trial at the American College of Cardiology on March 18th. Because the Reduce-It trial results themselves were so powerful, we expect the ACC event to be of high interest among CVD specialists and investors. 

Amarin Remains an Attractive Take-Over Candidate: Given the high efficacy of Vascepa in the treatment of CVD patients, Amarin continues to be one of the most highly attractive take-over candidates in the pharmaceutical world. Management’s confidence on today’s call appears to be linked to a stronger than expected response to Vascepa among doctors since its block-buster trial results were announced last September. For details about our outlook on Amarin, please refer to our deep-dive report published last month: Amarin–2019’s Biggest Buyout Target for Big Pharma

2. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts


CStone Pharma’s IPO was priced at HKD 12.00/share and started trading today. In this insight, we summarize the allocation, the use of proceeds and recap our view on our valuation. We also look at past few biotech listings and discuss our thoughts on the market sentiments. We are of the view that despite a strong debut performance, CStone lacks near term catalysts that can continue to drive performance after the first day. 

Our Previous Coverage of CStone

3. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the strong inflow to automobile stocks and Sands China. 

4. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) reported preliminary 2018 results that were dramatically short of expectations as the company cut shipments to reduce distributors’ inventories. Management had announced plans to shift to a direct sales model to get better control over pricing decisions, but the magnitude of Q4’s shortfall (94% decline in revenue) raises questions about the role of “channel stuffing” in boosting prior periods’ results. In addition, we expect some spillover effect on Celltrion Inc (068270 KS)‘s Q4’s results. This Insight discusses the results in brief and contrasts Celltrion Healthcare’s results with those of Samsung Bioepis. 

We continue to avoid these stocks.

5. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma


Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Starting with listings in Hong Kong next week, CStone Pharma (2616 HK) and Dexin China Holdings (2019 HK) will list on the 26th of February. Dexin is said to have priced at the mid-point of its price range while CStone is priced above its mid-point.

We also heard that Haitong Unitrust International Leasing was given the green light by CSRC for its Hong Kong IPO. The company had previously re-filed its draft prospectus in September last year. Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance has also received approval from CSRC for its IPO.

There had also been a small property developer, YinCheng, that had launched its US$100m IPO. Jinxin Fertility had also just filed its draft prospectus with the HKEX.

Back in the US, we are hearing that Futu Holdings Ltd (FHL US) could be starting its bookbuild as early as next week. Sumeet Singh had previously analyzed the company in his insight, Futu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry, and he will be following up with another insight next week.

In Japan, there is an Aruhi Corp (7198 JP) placement in which Carlyle looking to sell their entire stake in the company. Sumeet Singh had covered in Aruhi Placement – Bigger than the IPO but Good Track Record and Price Performance Should Help. The placement would be more attractive if it corrects down over the next few days but the removal of overhang from Carlyle seemed to be very well received by the market and the share price had even traded up 13% on Wednesday this week. 

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.7% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings

  • Jinxin Fertility Group (US$600m, Hong Kong)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

Hong Kong
AB InbevAb InBev Asia Pre-IPO – A Brief History of the Asia Pacific Operations – Eeking Out Growth in China
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)

ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: How Jinri Toutiao Paves The Way for a Bigger Empire (Part 1)


ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: Tiktok the No.1 Short Video App for a Good Reason (Part 2)

China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party

Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

SH Henlius

HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake 

TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO Preview: The World’s #2 Player in the NCA High Nickel-Based Cathode Materials
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
HomeplusHomeplus REIT IPO – The Largest Ever REIT IPO in Korea
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Preview
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Embassy REITEmbassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts
  2. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)
  3. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned
  4. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma
  5. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?

1. CStone Pharma (基石药业) Post-IPO: Strong Debut but Lacks near Term Catalysts


CStone Pharma’s IPO was priced at HKD 12.00/share and started trading today. In this insight, we summarize the allocation, the use of proceeds and recap our view on our valuation. We also look at past few biotech listings and discuss our thoughts on the market sentiments. We are of the view that despite a strong debut performance, CStone lacks near term catalysts that can continue to drive performance after the first day. 

Our Previous Coverage of CStone

2. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the strong inflow to automobile stocks and Sands China. 

3. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) reported preliminary 2018 results that were dramatically short of expectations as the company cut shipments to reduce distributors’ inventories. Management had announced plans to shift to a direct sales model to get better control over pricing decisions, but the magnitude of Q4’s shortfall (94% decline in revenue) raises questions about the role of “channel stuffing” in boosting prior periods’ results. In addition, we expect some spillover effect on Celltrion Inc (068270 KS)‘s Q4’s results. This Insight discusses the results in brief and contrasts Celltrion Healthcare’s results with those of Samsung Bioepis. 

We continue to avoid these stocks.

4. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma


Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Starting with listings in Hong Kong next week, CStone Pharma (2616 HK) and Dexin China Holdings (2019 HK) will list on the 26th of February. Dexin is said to have priced at the mid-point of its price range while CStone is priced above its mid-point.

We also heard that Haitong Unitrust International Leasing was given the green light by CSRC for its Hong Kong IPO. The company had previously re-filed its draft prospectus in September last year. Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance has also received approval from CSRC for its IPO.

There had also been a small property developer, YinCheng, that had launched its US$100m IPO. Jinxin Fertility had also just filed its draft prospectus with the HKEX.

Back in the US, we are hearing that Futu Holdings Ltd (FHL US) could be starting its bookbuild as early as next week. Sumeet Singh had previously analyzed the company in his insight, Futu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry, and he will be following up with another insight next week.

In Japan, there is an Aruhi Corp (7198 JP) placement in which Carlyle looking to sell their entire stake in the company. Sumeet Singh had covered in Aruhi Placement – Bigger than the IPO but Good Track Record and Price Performance Should Help. The placement would be more attractive if it corrects down over the next few days but the removal of overhang from Carlyle seemed to be very well received by the market and the share price had even traded up 13% on Wednesday this week. 

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.7% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings

  • Jinxin Fertility Group (US$600m, Hong Kong)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

Hong Kong
AB InbevAb InBev Asia Pre-IPO – A Brief History of the Asia Pacific Operations – Eeking Out Growth in China
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)

ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: How Jinri Toutiao Paves The Way for a Bigger Empire (Part 1)


ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: Tiktok the No.1 Short Video App for a Good Reason (Part 2)

China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party

Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

SH Henlius

HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake 

TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO Preview: The World’s #2 Player in the NCA High Nickel-Based Cathode Materials
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
HomeplusHomeplus REIT IPO – The Largest Ever REIT IPO in Korea
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Preview
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Embassy REITEmbassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

5. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?

87 percent xolair patients zero exacerbations graph desktop

MabPharma, backed by Chinese private equity investor CDH, is seeking to list in Hong Kong. In this insight, we will discuss the following topics:

  • The company’s background
  • Details of pipeline drug candidates, the potential market of these products and the competition
  • Shareholders and investors
  • Questions for management meetings
  • Summary of our likes and concerns

We will leave the discussion of valuation for our next insight.

Our coverage in the healthcare and biotech sectors:

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22) and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)
  2. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned
  3. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma
  4. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?
  5. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO

1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Geely, Great Wall Motor and Sands China (2019-02-22)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the strong inflow to automobile stocks and Sands China. 

2. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) reported preliminary 2018 results that were dramatically short of expectations as the company cut shipments to reduce distributors’ inventories. Management had announced plans to shift to a direct sales model to get better control over pricing decisions, but the magnitude of Q4’s shortfall (94% decline in revenue) raises questions about the role of “channel stuffing” in boosting prior periods’ results. In addition, we expect some spillover effect on Celltrion Inc (068270 KS)‘s Q4’s results. This Insight discusses the results in brief and contrasts Celltrion Healthcare’s results with those of Samsung Bioepis. 

We continue to avoid these stocks.

3. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma


Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Starting with listings in Hong Kong next week, CStone Pharma (2616 HK) and Dexin China Holdings (2019 HK) will list on the 26th of February. Dexin is said to have priced at the mid-point of its price range while CStone is priced above its mid-point.

We also heard that Haitong Unitrust International Leasing was given the green light by CSRC for its Hong Kong IPO. The company had previously re-filed its draft prospectus in September last year. Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance has also received approval from CSRC for its IPO.

There had also been a small property developer, YinCheng, that had launched its US$100m IPO. Jinxin Fertility had also just filed its draft prospectus with the HKEX.

Back in the US, we are hearing that Futu Holdings Ltd (FHL US) could be starting its bookbuild as early as next week. Sumeet Singh had previously analyzed the company in his insight, Futu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry, and he will be following up with another insight next week.

In Japan, there is an Aruhi Corp (7198 JP) placement in which Carlyle looking to sell their entire stake in the company. Sumeet Singh had covered in Aruhi Placement – Bigger than the IPO but Good Track Record and Price Performance Should Help. The placement would be more attractive if it corrects down over the next few days but the removal of overhang from Carlyle seemed to be very well received by the market and the share price had even traded up 13% on Wednesday this week. 

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.7% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings

  • Jinxin Fertility Group (US$600m, Hong Kong)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

Hong Kong
AB InbevAb InBev Asia Pre-IPO – A Brief History of the Asia Pacific Operations – Eeking Out Growth in China
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)

ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: How Jinri Toutiao Paves The Way for a Bigger Empire (Part 1)


ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: Tiktok the No.1 Short Video App for a Good Reason (Part 2)

China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party

Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

SH Henlius

HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake 

TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO Preview: The World’s #2 Player in the NCA High Nickel-Based Cathode Materials
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
HomeplusHomeplus REIT IPO – The Largest Ever REIT IPO in Korea
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Preview
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Embassy REITEmbassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

4. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?

87 percent xolair patients zero exacerbations graph desktop

MabPharma, backed by Chinese private equity investor CDH, is seeking to list in Hong Kong. In this insight, we will discuss the following topics:

  • The company’s background
  • Details of pipeline drug candidates, the potential market of these products and the competition
  • Shareholders and investors
  • Questions for management meetings
  • Summary of our likes and concerns

We will leave the discussion of valuation for our next insight.

Our coverage in the healthcare and biotech sectors:

5. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO

Fortis Healthcare (FORH IN) ‘s hospital business continued to improve in FQ3 while the lab business remained stable. This Insight briefly focuses on the highlights of the results and their implications. The hiring of a CEO out of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NARH IN) signals continued (and likely intensified) focus on efficiency to improve profitability. 

We continue to think that Fortis is a promising turnaround story. Refer to the Insight Stream for the history of this situation.

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned
  2. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma
  3. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?
  4. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO
  5. HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake

1. Celltrion Healthcare: Well, We Were Warned

Celltrion Healthcare (091990 KS) reported preliminary 2018 results that were dramatically short of expectations as the company cut shipments to reduce distributors’ inventories. Management had announced plans to shift to a direct sales model to get better control over pricing decisions, but the magnitude of Q4’s shortfall (94% decline in revenue) raises questions about the role of “channel stuffing” in boosting prior periods’ results. In addition, we expect some spillover effect on Celltrion Inc (068270 KS)‘s Q4’s results. This Insight discusses the results in brief and contrasts Celltrion Healthcare’s results with those of Samsung Bioepis. 

We continue to avoid these stocks.

2. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma

Total deals since inception accuracy rate since inception  chartbuilder%20%288%29

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Starting with listings in Hong Kong next week, CStone Pharma (2616 HK) and Dexin China Holdings (2019 HK) will list on the 26th of February. Dexin is said to have priced at the mid-point of its price range while CStone is priced above its mid-point.

We also heard that Haitong Unitrust International Leasing was given the green light by CSRC for its Hong Kong IPO. The company had previously re-filed its draft prospectus in September last year. Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance has also received approval from CSRC for its IPO.

There had also been a small property developer, YinCheng, that had launched its US$100m IPO. Jinxin Fertility had also just filed its draft prospectus with the HKEX.

Back in the US, we are hearing that Futu Holdings Ltd (FHL US) could be starting its bookbuild as early as next week. Sumeet Singh had previously analyzed the company in his insight, Futu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry, and he will be following up with another insight next week.

In Japan, there is an Aruhi Corp (7198 JP) placement in which Carlyle looking to sell their entire stake in the company. Sumeet Singh had covered in Aruhi Placement – Bigger than the IPO but Good Track Record and Price Performance Should Help. The placement would be more attractive if it corrects down over the next few days but the removal of overhang from Carlyle seemed to be very well received by the market and the share price had even traded up 13% on Wednesday this week. 

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.7% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings

  • Jinxin Fertility Group (US$600m, Hong Kong)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

Hong Kong
AB InbevAb InBev Asia Pre-IPO – A Brief History of the Asia Pacific Operations – Eeking Out Growth in China
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)

ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: How Jinri Toutiao Paves The Way for a Bigger Empire (Part 1)


ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: Tiktok the No.1 Short Video App for a Good Reason (Part 2)

China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party

Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

SH Henlius

HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake 

TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO Preview: The World’s #2 Player in the NCA High Nickel-Based Cathode Materials
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
HomeplusHomeplus REIT IPO – The Largest Ever REIT IPO in Korea
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Preview
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Embassy REITEmbassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

3. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?

87 percent xolair patients zero exacerbations graph desktop

MabPharma, backed by Chinese private equity investor CDH, is seeking to list in Hong Kong. In this insight, we will discuss the following topics:

  • The company’s background
  • Details of pipeline drug candidates, the potential market of these products and the competition
  • Shareholders and investors
  • Questions for management meetings
  • Summary of our likes and concerns

We will leave the discussion of valuation for our next insight.

Our coverage in the healthcare and biotech sectors:

4. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO

Fortis Healthcare (FORH IN) ‘s hospital business continued to improve in FQ3 while the lab business remained stable. This Insight briefly focuses on the highlights of the results and their implications. The hiring of a CEO out of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NARH IN) signals continued (and likely intensified) focus on efficiency to improve profitability. 

We continue to think that Fortis is a promising turnaround story. Refer to the Insight Stream for the history of this situation.

5. HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake

The oncology treatment landscape in China is evolving rapidly as the government has prioritized access to innovative drugs to meet this significant unmet need. In particular, investors considering the Shanghai Henlius Biotech (1566213D HK) listing should be aware of the emergence of a drug that potentially is superior to Roche Holding AG (ROG SW)‘s Herceptin (and Shanghai Henlius’ HLX02) for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer (and ultimately HER2-positive gastric cancer). While there should be good demand for cheaper alternatives to Herceptin, the availability of a superior alternative potentially shortens the lifecycle of Herceptin biosimilars. 

China has only recently “modernized” its drug approval and reimbursement, so there is little precedent to rely upon to estimate the speed and magnitude of changes in the market. As brokers rollout forecasts for the company and HLX02, investors should ask if the numbers somehow reflect this risk.

We do not have a view of the offering, but tag this Insight as Bearish because we are highlighting a potential risk.

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Healthcare: ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma and more

By | Healthcare

In this briefing:

  1. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma
  2. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?
  3. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO
  4. HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake
  5. Last Week in GER Research: API/Sigma, M1, Eclipx/Mcmillan and Hansoh IPO

1. ECM Weekly (23 February 2019) – Futu, CStone, Dexin, New Century, AB InBev, MabPharma

Total deals since inception accuracy rate since inception  chartbuilder%20%288%29

Aequitas Research puts out a weekly update on the deals that have been covered by Smartkarma Insight Providers recently, along with updates for upcoming IPOs.

Starting with listings in Hong Kong next week, CStone Pharma (2616 HK) and Dexin China Holdings (2019 HK) will list on the 26th of February. Dexin is said to have priced at the mid-point of its price range while CStone is priced above its mid-point.

We also heard that Haitong Unitrust International Leasing was given the green light by CSRC for its Hong Kong IPO. The company had previously re-filed its draft prospectus in September last year. Shanghai Dongzheng Automotive Finance has also received approval from CSRC for its IPO.

There had also been a small property developer, YinCheng, that had launched its US$100m IPO. Jinxin Fertility had also just filed its draft prospectus with the HKEX.

Back in the US, we are hearing that Futu Holdings Ltd (FHL US) could be starting its bookbuild as early as next week. Sumeet Singh had previously analyzed the company in his insight, Futu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry, and he will be following up with another insight next week.

In Japan, there is an Aruhi Corp (7198 JP) placement in which Carlyle looking to sell their entire stake in the company. Sumeet Singh had covered in Aruhi Placement – Bigger than the IPO but Good Track Record and Price Performance Should Help. The placement would be more attractive if it corrects down over the next few days but the removal of overhang from Carlyle seemed to be very well received by the market and the share price had even traded up 13% on Wednesday this week. 

Accuracy Rate:

Our overall accuracy rate is 72.1% for IPOs and 63.7% for Placements 

(Performance measurement criteria is explained at the end of the note)

New IPO filings

  • Jinxin Fertility Group (US$600m, Hong Kong)

Below is a snippet of our IPO tool showing upcoming events for the next week. The IPO tool is designed to provide readers with timely information on all IPO related events (Book open/closing, listing, initiation, lock-up expiry, etc) for all the deals that we have worked on. You can access the tool here or through the tools menu.

Source: Aequitas Research, Smartkarma

News on Upcoming IPOs

Smartkarma Community’s this week Analysis on Upcoming IPO

Hong Kong
AB InbevAb InBev Asia Pre-IPO – A Brief History of the Asia Pacific Operations – Eeking Out Growth in China
AscentageAscentage Pharma (亚盛医药) IPO: Too Early for an IPO
Ant FinancialAnt Financial IPO Early Thought: Understand Fintech Empire, Growth & Risk Factors
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview: The Last Hurrah Before Reality Bites
BitmainBitmain IPO Preview (Part 2) – King of Cryptocurrency Mining Rigs but Its Moat Is Shrinking
BitmainBitmain: A Counter Thesis
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Running Out of Steam on Mining Rigs (Part 1)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Value At Risk of Founder’s Belief (Part 2)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Take-Aways from Founder’s Recent Speech at Tsinghua University (Part 3)
BitmainBitmain (比特大陆) IPO: Intense Competition in the 7nm Mining ASIC Market (Part 4)

ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: How Jinri Toutiao Paves The Way for a Bigger Empire (Part 1)


ByteDance (字节跳动) IPO: Tiktok the No.1 Short Video App for a Good Reason (Part 2)

China East EduChina East Education (中国东方教育) Pre-IPO – The Company Known for Its Culinary School
China TobacChina Tobacco International (IPO): The Monopolist Will Not Recover
China TobacChina Tobacco International IPO: Heavy Regulation, Declining Margins – A Bit Late to IPO Party

Frontage Holding (方达控股) IPO: More Disclosure Needed to Understand Moat and Growth Prospect

Hujiang Edu

Hujiang Education (沪江教育) Pre-IPO – Spending More than It Earns

MicuRxMicuRx Pharma (盟科医药) IPO: Betting on Single Drug in the Not so Attractive Antibiotic Segment
SH Henlius

Shanghai Henlius (复宏汉霖) IPO: Not an Impressive Biosimilar Portfolio 

SH Henlius

HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake 

TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Performing Better than Qeeka but Growing Much Slower, US$1bn a Stretch
TubatuTubatu Group Pre-IPO – Online -> Online + Offline -> Online -> ?
Viva BioViva Biotech (维亚生物) IPO: When CRO Becomes Early Stage Biotech Investor
South Korea
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 1)
AsianaAsiana IDT IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO Preview: The World’s #2 Player in the NCA High Nickel-Based Cathode Materials
Ecopro BMEcopro BM IPO: Valuation Analysis
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 1) – Highly Profitable Operator of Public Golf Courses in Korea
KMH ShillaKMH Shilla Leisure IPO Preview (Part 2) – Valuation Analysis
HomeplusHomeplus REIT IPO – The Largest Ever REIT IPO in Korea
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Preview
Hyundai AutoeverHyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

Plakor IPO Preview (Part 1)

ZinusZinus IPO Preview (Part 1) – An Amazing Comeback Story (#1 Mattress Brand on Amazon)
Anmol IndAnmol Industries Pre-IPO Quick Take – No Growth, Generous Payments to Founders
Bharat Hotels

Bharat Hotels Pre-IPO – Catching up with Peers 

CMS InfoCMS Info Systems Pre-IPO Review – When a PE Sells to Another PE… Only One Gets the Timing Right
Crystal CropCrystal Crop Protection Pre-IPO – DRHP Raises More Questions than in Answers
Embassy REITEmbassy Office Parks REIT – Good Assets but Projections Might Be a Tad Too Bullish
Flemingo Flemingo Travel Retail Pre-IPO – Its a Different Business in Every Country
NSENSE IPO Preview- Not Only Fast..its Risky and Expensive
NSENational Stock Exchange Pre-IPO Review – Bigger, Better, Stronger but a Little Too Fast for Some
Mazagon DockMazagon Dock IPO Preview: A Monopoly Submarine Yard in India with Captive Navy Spending
Mrs. BectorMrs. Bectors Food Specialities Pre-IPO Quick Take – Sales for Its Main Segment Have Been Sta


Lodha Developers Pre-IPO – Second Time Lucky but Not Really that Much Affordable
LodhaLodha Developers IPO: Large Presence in Affordable Segment Saves Lodha the Blushes in a Sluggish Mkt
IndiaMartIndiaMART Pre-IPO – Getting and Retaining Subscribers Seems to Be Difficult
PolycabPolycab India Limited Pre-IPO – Market Leader with Steady Growth but with a Few Unanswered Question
The U.S.
FutuFutu Holdings IPO Preview: Running Out of Steam
FutuFutu Holdings Pre-IPO – Great Metrics but in a Commoditised Industry
QSRQSR Brands Pre-IPO – As Healthy as Fast Food

2. MabPharma (迈博医药) IPO: Assembled for a Trade?

87 percent xolair patients zero exacerbations graph desktop

MabPharma, backed by Chinese private equity investor CDH, is seeking to list in Hong Kong. In this insight, we will discuss the following topics:

  • The company’s background
  • Details of pipeline drug candidates, the potential market of these products and the competition
  • Shareholders and investors
  • Questions for management meetings
  • Summary of our likes and concerns

We will leave the discussion of valuation for our next insight.

Our coverage in the healthcare and biotech sectors:

3. Fortis Healthcare: OK Results and a Cost-Cutter CEO

Fortis Healthcare (FORH IN) ‘s hospital business continued to improve in FQ3 while the lab business remained stable. This Insight briefly focuses on the highlights of the results and their implications. The hiring of a CEO out of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NARH IN) signals continued (and likely intensified) focus on efficiency to improve profitability. 

We continue to think that Fortis is a promising turnaround story. Refer to the Insight Stream for the history of this situation.

4. HLX02: Innovation Could Overtake

The oncology treatment landscape in China is evolving rapidly as the government has prioritized access to innovative drugs to meet this significant unmet need. In particular, investors considering the Shanghai Henlius Biotech (1566213D HK) listing should be aware of the emergence of a drug that potentially is superior to Roche Holding AG (ROG SW)‘s Herceptin (and Shanghai Henlius’ HLX02) for the treatment of patients with HER2-positive breast cancer (and ultimately HER2-positive gastric cancer). While there should be good demand for cheaper alternatives to Herceptin, the availability of a superior alternative potentially shortens the lifecycle of Herceptin biosimilars. 

China has only recently “modernized” its drug approval and reimbursement, so there is little precedent to rely upon to estimate the speed and magnitude of changes in the market. As brokers rollout forecasts for the company and HLX02, investors should ask if the numbers somehow reflect this risk.

We do not have a view of the offering, but tag this Insight as Bearish because we are highlighting a potential risk.

5. Last Week in GER Research: API/Sigma, M1, Eclipx/Mcmillan and Hansoh IPO

In this version of the GER weekly research wrap, we assess the bump prospects in the Australian Pharma Industries (API AU) / Sigma Healthcare (SIG AU) potential merger. Arun updates on M1 Ltd (M1 SP) which could be delisted following an unconditional offer. In addition, we dig into the trading update for Eclipx (ECX AU) and assess the risks that Mcmillan Shakespeare (MMS AU) could walk away from the deal. Finally, we initiate on the IPO of Hansoh Pharmaceutical (HANSOH HK). A calendar of upcoming catalysts is also attached. 

More details can be found below. 

Best of luck for the new week – Rickin, Venkat and Arun

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.