

Brief Consumer: Hyundai Autoever IPO Preview and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Preview

1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Preview

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  • Hyundai Autoever is ready to complete its IPO in March 2019. Established in 2000, Hyundai Autoever is the IT service arm of the Hyundai Motor Group. Hyundai Autoever is expected to play a key role in the Hyundai Motor Group’s push to become a leading global player of autonomous driving in the coming decade. 
  • The IPO price range is between 40,000 won and 44,000 won. The IPO base deal size is from $125 million to $138 million. According to the bankers’ valuation, the expected market cap is expected to range from 840 billion won to 924 billion won. 
  • The bankers used four companies including Samsung SDS, POSCO ICT, Lotte Data Comm, and Shinsegae I&C to value Hyundai Autoever. Using the annualized net profit of the comps in 2018, the bankers derived an average P/E multiple of 24x for the peers. Then the bankers took the annualized net profit of Hyundai Autoever in 2018 (52.2 billion won) and applied the peers average P/E multiple of 24x to derive the implied market cap of 1.25 trillion won. After applying additional IPO discount of 26.4% – 33.1%, the bankers derived the IPO price range of 40,000 to 44,000 won. 

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Brief Consumer: Hyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger

1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Pricing: Likely to Be a Dull Event Given No Growth Story & Glovis Merger


  • Hyundai Autoever offers a total 3,510,000 shares. Split is 9.9% primary and 90.1% secondary. Shares are preliminarily priced at ₩40,000~44,000. This puts the company value at ₩840~924bil. Bookbuilding will be Mar 13~14.
  • Valuation is a bit aggressive. It is being heard that local institutions are not particularly excited about this IPO mainly because of Autoever’s 90% captive business. That is, growth story isn’t looking fancy. At a 17x PER on Autoever’s FY19 expected earnings, it is sitting in the middle of the indicative price band. There shouldn’t be much room to play around.
  • The major shareholder was expected to sell as much as 50% of their shares through secondary distribution. Actual offering size is much smaller. This sparks the speculation that Autoever will soon be merged with Glovis. Much smaller offering size may be for facilitating the merger. It can pave a less controversial path for another merger attempt with Mobis.
  • But this speculation can render this IPO meaningless though. I expect this IPO will be a dull event. I wouldn’t avoid it completely though. Stable income stream and connected car are are still something worthy. I’d buy them at the right price. Low end should be the right price.

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Brief Consumer: Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer
  2. Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk
  3. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends
  4. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait
  5. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups

1. Murakami-San Goes Hostile on Kosaido (7868 JP), Overbids Bain’s “Final” Offer

I should have seen this coming. The asset is juicy enough, and they have a large enough stake, and the company is small enough, that this is an easy trade to do if you can get the funding. It makes eminent sense to be able to put the money down and go for it. 

I have covered this minor disaster of an MBO (Management BuyOut) of Kosaido Co Ltd (7868 JP) since it was launched, with the original question of what one could do (other than refuse). Famed/notorious Japanese activist Yoshiaki Murakami and his associated companies started buying in and then the stock quickly cleared the Bain Capital Japan vehicle’s bid price. The deal was extended, then the Bain bid was raised to ¥700/share last week with the minimum threshold set at 50.01% not 66.67% but still the shares had not traded that low, and did not following the news. But Bain played chicken with Murakami and the market in its amended filing, including the words 「公開買付者は、本開買付条件の変更後の本公開買付価格を最終的なものとし、今後、本公開買付価格を一切変更しないことの決定をしております。」which roughly translates to “The Offeror, having changed the terms, has made This Tender Offer Price final, and from this point onward, has decided to absolutely not raise the Tender Offer Price.”

So now Murakami-san has launched a Tender Offer of his own. Murakami-affiliated entities Minami Aoyama Fudosan KK and Reno KK have launched a Tender Offer at ¥750/share to buy a minimum of 9,100,900 shares and a maximum of all remaining shares. The entities currently own 3,355,900 shares (13.47%) between them – up from 11.71% reported up through yesterday [as noted in yesterday’s insight, it looked likely from the volume and trading patterns prior to yesterday’s Large Shareholder Report that they had continued buying]. 

Buying a minimum of 9,100,900 shares at ¥750/share should be easier for Murakami-san’s bidding entity than buying a minimum of 12,456,800 shares (Bain Capital’s minimum threshold) at ¥700/share, but the Murakami TOB Tender Agent is Mita Securities, which is a lesser-known agent and it is possible that the main agent for the Bain tender (SMBC Securities) could make life difficult for its account holders.

The likelihood that Murakami-san doesn’t have his bid funded or won’t follow through is, in my eyes, effectively zero. Tender Offer announcements are vetted by both the Kanto Local Finance Bureau and the Stock Exchange. You know this has been in the works for a couple of weeks simply because of that aspect. But one of the two documents released today includes an explanation of the process Murakami-san’s companies have gone through to arrive at this bid, and that tells you it may have gone on longer.

So what next? The easy answer is there is now a put at ¥750/share. Unless there is not. Weirder things have happened.

Read on…

For Recent Insights on the Kosaido Situation Published on Smartkarma…

21-Jan-2019Smallcap Kosaido (7868 JP) Tender Offer: Wrong Price But Whaddya Gonna Do?
7-Feb-2019Kosaido: Activism Drives Price 30+% Through Terms
19-Feb-2019Kosaido TOB (7868 JP) Situation Gets Weird – Activists and Independent Opposition to an MBO.
26-Feb-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) TOB Extended
19-Mar-2019Kosaido (7868 JP) – Reno Goes Bigger But TOB Price (This Time) Is Final So What Next?

And now there is more below.

2. Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk


Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) is looking to raise about US$200m in its upcoming IPO.

The company is an internet key opinion leader (KOL) incubator in China. Revenue and GMV grew at impressive rates of 63% and 57% YoY in FY2018, respectively.

The idea of being able to leverage on KOLs influence over consumers to understand demand and retain consumers is interesting but Ruhnn has yet to demonstrate that it has a sustainable business model. 

Gross margin has deteriorated and losses widened as a percentage of revenue. Service fee paid to KOLs as a percentage of revenue has increased and showed little improvement in 9M FY2019.  The company depends heavily on the top KOL, Zhang Dayi, to generate revenue, almost half of the company’s GMV and revenue is generated from her.

3. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends

In our first report on Prada S.P.A. (1913 HK): An expensive luxury, we explained how creative accounting was disguising their business reality.  Since then, the stock has fallen 44% and the dividend has been cut. However, we think the key issues have yet to be addressed. They report growth, good operating cashflow and a solid financial position, but in-store sales are stagnant, margins falling, inventory rising and credit quality declining. It seems that profits are being inflated in order to pay dividends, largely to the controlling family.

4. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait

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I started writing this over the weekend after the results of the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer for 9.56% of Descente Ltd (8114 JP) were announced late Friday. 

Itochu planned on buying 7.21 million shares out of the 75.37mm shares which bear voting rights (as of the commencement of the Tender), and 15,115,148mm shares were tendered, which led to a pro-ration rate of 47.7% which was 0.3% below my the middle of my “wide range” expected pro-ration rate of 42-54% and 0.7% beyond the 44-47% tighter range discussed in Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile of 28 February.

Two more central ideas were discussed in that piece:

  1. The hostility shown by Descente management during the Tender Offer had led Itochu to abandon discussions about post-tender management until after the Tender Offer was completed. Both sides indicated a willingness to pick up where things had left off – at Descente’s request – but Descente needed to stew a bit.
  2. The revelation by ANTA Sports in an interview with the CEO in the Nikkei in late February that ANTA supported Itochu meant that the likelihood of Itochu NOT having enough votes to put through its own slate of directors was almost zero. At a combined 47.0% of post-Tender voting rights, if 94% or less of shares were to vote, it would mean Itochu could get the majority of over 50% and determine the entire slate of directors themselves. If there was another shareholder holding a couple of percent which supported Itochu, it would be a done deal even if everyone voted. And that 2-3% existed.

So… the threat that Itochu would hold an EGM to seat new directors to oblige a stronger course for management was a very strong probability. Management who was rabidly opposed to Itochu owning the stake could not very well bow down in front of Itochu post-tender just to save its own hide – not after the employee union and the OB group came out against. President Ishimoto had effectively put himself in an untenable position unless a miracle occurred because Itochu could not legally walk away from its offer, and Ishimoto-san was bad-mouthing Itochu even as they were negotiating during the Tender Offer Period. 

It was not, therefore, any surprise that President Ishimoto would step down. The surprise for me was that the news he would go came out as talks commenced over the weekend (but did not “bridge the gap” as the Nikkei reported), before we got to the first business day post-results. 

Talks apparently continue with no resolution, and the media reports offer no hint as to what the issues might be. 

Recent Insights on the Descente/Wacoal and Itochu/Descente Situations on Smartkarma

12-Sep-2018Michael CaustonWacoal and Descente Agree Partial Merger to Head Off Itochu
16-Oct-2018Michael Causton Itochu Ups Stake in Descente – Refuses to Give up Dreams of Takeover
21-Jan-2019Michael Causton Itochu Confirms Intent to Deepen Hold over Descente
31-Jan-2019Travis LundyNo Détente for Descente: Itochu Launches Partial Tender
10-Feb-2019Michael Causton Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off
10-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
28-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile

5. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups

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Since its announcement on 4Q2018 results and termination of Jiading plant construction, NIO’s share price has been halved. We believe the market has over-reacted on NIO’s cashflow risk. With the expected 30-50% reduction on NEV (New Energy Vehicle) subsidies, all the Start-ups would have worse-than-ever cashflow pressure in 2019. But NIO might survive.

In China’s NEV market, NIO’s market position remains unique among all the Chinese Start-ups. Tesla is still NIO’s main competitor. NIO’s ES6 has capability to compete with Tesla’s Model Y, based on our comparison. Tesla and NIO both have to rely on external funding. The other Chinese Start-ups have to compete with traditional OEMs who have much less cash flow pressures.

NIO’s 4Q2018 financial data were in good trend. We estimate its net loss in 2019 to be further narrowed to Rmb6.1bn. With estimated Rmb13.2bn cash balance at end-Feb 2019, NIO have enough money to cover its estimated cash outflow in the next two year. And it would be able to get another round of external funding in 2020/2021, as long as its business operation ramps up as expected.

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Brief Consumer: Hyundai Autoever IPO Bookbuilding: Surprising Results, Local Street Bets on Autoever/Glovis Merger and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Bookbuilding: Surprising Results, Local Street Bets on Autoever/Glovis Merger
  2. NVIDIA’s $6.9 Billion Mellanox Band-Aid Is A Strategic Misstep
  3. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Eligibility Adjustment (2019-03-15)
  4. SUTL: Puteri Harbor Construction Started Last Week, Membership Sales to Follow, Cash = 84% of MktCap
  5. Re-Launching Coverage of ZTO Express with Sell Rating and US$13.31 Target Price

1. Hyundai Autoever IPO Bookbuilding: Surprising Results, Local Street Bets on Autoever/Glovis Merger


  • Subscription rate is 797 to 1. Offer price was fixed at ₩48,000, substantially higher than the upper end. Deal size is now ₩168.5bil. Company value is put at slightly higher than ₩1tril. Demands are spread out pretty well between long-term funds and hot money and local and foreign investors as well. All of the orders are universally placed at 75% of upper end or higher.
  • Local street is betting on Autoever/Glovis merger not long after this IPO. That is, HMG is still wanting the initial Glovis/Mobis merger plan. To better manage to win shareholder support, they must be thinking that bigger Glovis can be an answer. This means HMG should do whatever it takes to make Autoever bigger in the immediate future.
  • This is what local street is betting on and why they went really aggressive on this IPO. As witnessed in the bookbuilding results, this street mentalitywon’t be changed any time soon. We should expect even stronger prices after new shares are listed on Mar 28.

2. NVIDIA’s $6.9 Billion Mellanox Band-Aid Is A Strategic Misstep

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On March 11’th 2019, Nvidia announced the acquisition of market leading high-speed interconnect company Mellanox for $6.9 billion in an all-cash deal. At first blush, the benefits touted by both companies and accepted by most commentators make sense and the deal will be immediately accretive to both EPS and revenues upon closing according to NVIDIA. 

However, the clear and present threat to NVIDIA’s future success has little to do with interconnect technologies. Rather, it is the competitive challenge to their GPU solutions for data center acceleration from a broad spectrum of alternatives from the likes of Alphabet, Baidu, Intel, Xilinx, Advanced Micro Devices etc, not to mention the host of custom-ASIC accelerator startups poised to launch their products this year. The acquisition of Mellanox will do nothing to address this situation and we see it as being a distraction from where the company really needs to be focusing.

It will serve one purpose though, as a BandAid to mask the otherwise inevitable decline in its data center revenue growth in the face of ever-increasing competition. 

3. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: Eligibility Adjustment (2019-03-15)

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In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this insight, we will provide an analysis of the performance of selected stocks that just joined the Stock Connect last week. 

4. SUTL: Puteri Harbor Construction Started Last Week, Membership Sales to Follow, Cash = 84% of MktCap


Sutl Enterprise (SUTL SP) did not grow revenues in 2018 as it continued to operate only its flagship Sentosa marina. Change is coming as it has 9 projects in the pipeline which could dramatically alter the financial future of the company by FY21. 

The biggest news is the groundbreaking of Puteri Harbor in Malaysia last week. With a sales gallery opening by May 2019, it will be very interesting to follow the progress on this project and its contribution to SUTL’s top/bottom-line results in FY19/FY20.

SUTL is misunderstood by investors because management disclosure is lacking and liquidity is poor. The valuation of SUTL could be improved if investors had a better understanding of the earnings trajectory we could expect in FY19-FY21.

We realize the Tay family is not looking to sell its stake anytime soon so is not concerned about its current market cap. We caution that this might not be a smart way to run a publicly listed company as a more expensive ‘currency’  (stock price) might help the company be taken more seriously when attempting to make acquisitions overseas. 

However, this does not alter the fact that 84% of the market cap is cash and the EV of this consistently profitable company is barely 6.7M USD. SUTL is undeniably one of the cheapest stocks on SGX.

5. Re-Launching Coverage of ZTO Express with Sell Rating and US$13.31 Target Price

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ZTO Express (ZTO US)‘s earnings will fail to meet the high expectations of sell-side analysts and investors who seeit as a cheap proxy for Chinese e-commerce activity.

China’s express sector revenue grew 43.5% YoY in 2016, the year ZTO went public. Last year, revenue growth was just half that (21.8%), and we expect the sector’s growth to continue to moderate over the next few years.

The express sector is also evolving in ways that will put downward pressure on profitability and require greater investment from the express companies.

We expect the profitability of ZTO’s express business to decline in the medium-term as the company adjusts to slowing demand and emerging sector trends. Our earnings estimates, which are far below consensus figures, reflect these challenges.

ZTO suffers from declining earnings quality and two accounting issues that we feel make it a risky, unattractive investment. Our 12-month target price for ZTO is US$13.31, based on 16 times our blended 2019-20 EPS estimates. We rate the stock Sell.

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Brief Consumer: Best World (BEST SP): Not the Best Financials to Disprove The Business Times Allegations and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Best World (BEST SP): Not the Best Financials to Disprove The Business Times Allegations

1. Best World (BEST SP): Not the Best Financials to Disprove The Business Times Allegations

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Best World International (BEST SP) is a direct-selling company that distributes premium skincare and wellness products. On Monday, The Business Times claimed that it is difficult to verify Best World’s strong sales in China based on “an unimpressive online and offline footprint.” On the back of the Business Times article, Best World shares slid 17% before the company was granted a trading halt pending a clarification announcement.

Checking the accuracy of the Business Times’ facts and figures is beyond the scope of this note. Instead, the aim is to analyse alternative financial metrics to judge if Business Times’ allegations have some substance. Overall, our analysis suggests that Business Times’ claims have some substance and investors should not be so quick to dismiss it.

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Brief Consumer: Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk
  2. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends
  3. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait
  4. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups
  5. After You Looks Beyond Thailand For Opportunities

1. Ruhnn (如涵) Pre-IPO Review- Significant Concentration Risk

Metrics of full serviced model no of online stores no of orders placed m gmv rmbm  chartbuilder

Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) is looking to raise about US$200m in its upcoming IPO.

The company is an internet key opinion leader (KOL) incubator in China. Revenue and GMV grew at impressive rates of 63% and 57% YoY in FY2018, respectively.

The idea of being able to leverage on KOLs influence over consumers to understand demand and retain consumers is interesting but Ruhnn has yet to demonstrate that it has a sustainable business model. 

Gross margin has deteriorated and losses widened as a percentage of revenue. Service fee paid to KOLs as a percentage of revenue has increased and showed little improvement in 9M FY2019.  The company depends heavily on the top KOL, Zhang Dayi, to generate revenue, almost half of the company’s GMV and revenue is generated from her.

2. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends

In our first report on Prada S.P.A. (1913 HK): An expensive luxury, we explained how creative accounting was disguising their business reality.  Since then, the stock has fallen 44% and the dividend has been cut. However, we think the key issues have yet to be addressed. They report growth, good operating cashflow and a solid financial position, but in-store sales are stagnant, margins falling, inventory rising and credit quality declining. It seems that profits are being inflated in order to pay dividends, largely to the controlling family.

3. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait

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I started writing this over the weekend after the results of the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer for 9.56% of Descente Ltd (8114 JP) were announced late Friday. 

Itochu planned on buying 7.21 million shares out of the 75.37mm shares which bear voting rights (as of the commencement of the Tender), and 15,115,148mm shares were tendered, which led to a pro-ration rate of 47.7% which was 0.3% below my the middle of my “wide range” expected pro-ration rate of 42-54% and 0.7% beyond the 44-47% tighter range discussed in Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile of 28 February.

Two more central ideas were discussed in that piece:

  1. The hostility shown by Descente management during the Tender Offer had led Itochu to abandon discussions about post-tender management until after the Tender Offer was completed. Both sides indicated a willingness to pick up where things had left off – at Descente’s request – but Descente needed to stew a bit.
  2. The revelation by ANTA Sports in an interview with the CEO in the Nikkei in late February that ANTA supported Itochu meant that the likelihood of Itochu NOT having enough votes to put through its own slate of directors was almost zero. At a combined 47.0% of post-Tender voting rights, if 94% or less of shares were to vote, it would mean Itochu could get the majority of over 50% and determine the entire slate of directors themselves. If there was another shareholder holding a couple of percent which supported Itochu, it would be a done deal even if everyone voted. And that 2-3% existed.

So… the threat that Itochu would hold an EGM to seat new directors to oblige a stronger course for management was a very strong probability. Management who was rabidly opposed to Itochu owning the stake could not very well bow down in front of Itochu post-tender just to save its own hide – not after the employee union and the OB group came out against. President Ishimoto had effectively put himself in an untenable position unless a miracle occurred because Itochu could not legally walk away from its offer, and Ishimoto-san was bad-mouthing Itochu even as they were negotiating during the Tender Offer Period. 

It was not, therefore, any surprise that President Ishimoto would step down. The surprise for me was that the news he would go came out as talks commenced over the weekend (but did not “bridge the gap” as the Nikkei reported), before we got to the first business day post-results. 

Talks apparently continue with no resolution, and the media reports offer no hint as to what the issues might be. 

Recent Insights on the Descente/Wacoal and Itochu/Descente Situations on Smartkarma

12-Sep-2018Michael CaustonWacoal and Descente Agree Partial Merger to Head Off Itochu
16-Oct-2018Michael Causton Itochu Ups Stake in Descente – Refuses to Give up Dreams of Takeover
21-Jan-2019Michael Causton Itochu Confirms Intent to Deepen Hold over Descente
31-Jan-2019Travis LundyNo Détente for Descente: Itochu Launches Partial Tender
10-Feb-2019Michael Causton Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off
10-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
28-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile

4. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups

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Since its announcement on 4Q2018 results and termination of Jiading plant construction, NIO’s share price has been halved. We believe the market has over-reacted on NIO’s cashflow risk. With the expected 30-50% reduction on NEV (New Energy Vehicle) subsidies, all the Start-ups would have worse-than-ever cashflow pressure in 2019. But NIO might survive.

In China’s NEV market, NIO’s market position remains unique among all the Chinese Start-ups. Tesla is still NIO’s main competitor. NIO’s ES6 has capability to compete with Tesla’s Model Y, based on our comparison. Tesla and NIO both have to rely on external funding. The other Chinese Start-ups have to compete with traditional OEMs who have much less cash flow pressures.

NIO’s 4Q2018 financial data were in good trend. We estimate its net loss in 2019 to be further narrowed to Rmb6.1bn. With estimated Rmb13.2bn cash balance at end-Feb 2019, NIO have enough money to cover its estimated cash outflow in the next two year. And it would be able to get another round of external funding in 2020/2021, as long as its business operation ramps up as expected.

5. After You Looks Beyond Thailand For Opportunities


We met up with management of two companies whose industries couldn’t have been more different. This is the quick run-down on what they are up to recently:

  • After You posted 14% earnings growth on the back of 20% revenue growth. While this remains healthy, it realizes that domestic market opportunities will become more limited and has started to look abroad with HK as its first market.
  • Locally, the desserts leader is still planning a slew of new products and some in exclusive partnerships with various airlines such as Air Asia and Thai Smile.
  • In an effort to reduce storefront expenses, they will start selling certain products outside stores and even online, now 3% of total sales.
  • Amata’s earnings crashed 28% in 2018 on the back of 2% revenue decline, as Vietnam retroactively forbid certain land sales and even fines the company for past transactions that abided with the law back then!

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Brief Consumer: FANCL: Playing the Long Game and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. FANCL: Playing the Long Game

1. FANCL: Playing the Long Game


  • The declining and ageing population in Japan has been a major cause for concern to many Japanese companies.
  • Fancl Corp (4921 JP), is a relatively small player in the Japanese cosmetics and nutritional supplements space who is expected to benefit from the declining and ageing population.
  • Compared to the peer average, EV/Sales discount narrowed down significantly over the course of the last year. But we believe the discount remains the same on a growth adjusted basis.
  • Still too small for institutional investors to notice. But we expect them to start noticing the company over the coming years.
  • One of the cheapest stocks on a long term forward multiple, as we expect FANCL to sustain its high growth over a long period of time.

We are not sure if Fancl Corp (4921 JP) can ever be in the same league as Shiseido or Kao, but we certainly believe the company doesn’t deserve to be about 10% of the size of Shiseido. Thus, we have a very long-term bullish view on FANCL and expect to see the company’s market cap to double over the next 5-7 years

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief Consumer: Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends
  2. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait
  3. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups
  4. After You Looks Beyond Thailand For Opportunities
  5. Hyundai Autoever IPO Bookbuilding: Surprising Results, Local Street Bets on Autoever/Glovis Merger

1. Sell Prada (1913 HK): Accounting Inflates Margins and Facilitates Excessive Dividends

In our first report on Prada S.P.A. (1913 HK): An expensive luxury, we explained how creative accounting was disguising their business reality.  Since then, the stock has fallen 44% and the dividend has been cut. However, we think the key issues have yet to be addressed. They report growth, good operating cashflow and a solid financial position, but in-store sales are stagnant, margins falling, inventory rising and credit quality declining. It seems that profits are being inflated in order to pay dividends, largely to the controlling family.

2. Descente Tamed, Itochu Delicacy Required And Investors Can Probably Wait

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I started writing this over the weekend after the results of the Itochu Corp (8001 JP) Tender Offer for 9.56% of Descente Ltd (8114 JP) were announced late Friday. 

Itochu planned on buying 7.21 million shares out of the 75.37mm shares which bear voting rights (as of the commencement of the Tender), and 15,115,148mm shares were tendered, which led to a pro-ration rate of 47.7% which was 0.3% below my the middle of my “wide range” expected pro-ration rate of 42-54% and 0.7% beyond the 44-47% tighter range discussed in Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile of 28 February.

Two more central ideas were discussed in that piece:

  1. The hostility shown by Descente management during the Tender Offer had led Itochu to abandon discussions about post-tender management until after the Tender Offer was completed. Both sides indicated a willingness to pick up where things had left off – at Descente’s request – but Descente needed to stew a bit.
  2. The revelation by ANTA Sports in an interview with the CEO in the Nikkei in late February that ANTA supported Itochu meant that the likelihood of Itochu NOT having enough votes to put through its own slate of directors was almost zero. At a combined 47.0% of post-Tender voting rights, if 94% or less of shares were to vote, it would mean Itochu could get the majority of over 50% and determine the entire slate of directors themselves. If there was another shareholder holding a couple of percent which supported Itochu, it would be a done deal even if everyone voted. And that 2-3% existed.

So… the threat that Itochu would hold an EGM to seat new directors to oblige a stronger course for management was a very strong probability. Management who was rabidly opposed to Itochu owning the stake could not very well bow down in front of Itochu post-tender just to save its own hide – not after the employee union and the OB group came out against. President Ishimoto had effectively put himself in an untenable position unless a miracle occurred because Itochu could not legally walk away from its offer, and Ishimoto-san was bad-mouthing Itochu even as they were negotiating during the Tender Offer Period. 

It was not, therefore, any surprise that President Ishimoto would step down. The surprise for me was that the news he would go came out as talks commenced over the weekend (but did not “bridge the gap” as the Nikkei reported), before we got to the first business day post-results. 

Talks apparently continue with no resolution, and the media reports offer no hint as to what the issues might be. 

Recent Insights on the Descente/Wacoal and Itochu/Descente Situations on Smartkarma

12-Sep-2018Michael CaustonWacoal and Descente Agree Partial Merger to Head Off Itochu
16-Oct-2018Michael Causton Itochu Ups Stake in Descente – Refuses to Give up Dreams of Takeover
21-Jan-2019Michael Causton Itochu Confirms Intent to Deepen Hold over Descente
31-Jan-2019Travis LundyNo Détente for Descente: Itochu Launches Partial Tender
10-Feb-2019Michael Causton Itochu and Descente: Gloves Off
10-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente’s Doleful Defense (Dicaeologia)
28-Feb-2019Travis Lundy Descente Descended and Itochu Angle Is More Hostile

3. NIO: A Survivor Among All the Chinese Start-Ups

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Since its announcement on 4Q2018 results and termination of Jiading plant construction, NIO’s share price has been halved. We believe the market has over-reacted on NIO’s cashflow risk. With the expected 30-50% reduction on NEV (New Energy Vehicle) subsidies, all the Start-ups would have worse-than-ever cashflow pressure in 2019. But NIO might survive.

In China’s NEV market, NIO’s market position remains unique among all the Chinese Start-ups. Tesla is still NIO’s main competitor. NIO’s ES6 has capability to compete with Tesla’s Model Y, based on our comparison. Tesla and NIO both have to rely on external funding. The other Chinese Start-ups have to compete with traditional OEMs who have much less cash flow pressures.

NIO’s 4Q2018 financial data were in good trend. We estimate its net loss in 2019 to be further narrowed to Rmb6.1bn. With estimated Rmb13.2bn cash balance at end-Feb 2019, NIO have enough money to cover its estimated cash outflow in the next two year. And it would be able to get another round of external funding in 2020/2021, as long as its business operation ramps up as expected.

4. After You Looks Beyond Thailand For Opportunities


We met up with management of two companies whose industries couldn’t have been more different. This is the quick run-down on what they are up to recently:

  • After You posted 14% earnings growth on the back of 20% revenue growth. While this remains healthy, it realizes that domestic market opportunities will become more limited and has started to look abroad with HK as its first market.
  • Locally, the desserts leader is still planning a slew of new products and some in exclusive partnerships with various airlines such as Air Asia and Thai Smile.
  • In an effort to reduce storefront expenses, they will start selling certain products outside stores and even online, now 3% of total sales.
  • Amata’s earnings crashed 28% in 2018 on the back of 2% revenue decline, as Vietnam retroactively forbid certain land sales and even fines the company for past transactions that abided with the law back then!

5. Hyundai Autoever IPO Bookbuilding: Surprising Results, Local Street Bets on Autoever/Glovis Merger


  • Subscription rate is 797 to 1. Offer price was fixed at ₩48,000, substantially higher than the upper end. Deal size is now ₩168.5bil. Company value is put at slightly higher than ₩1tril. Demands are spread out pretty well between long-term funds and hot money and local and foreign investors as well. All of the orders are universally placed at 75% of upper end or higher.
  • Local street is betting on Autoever/Glovis merger not long after this IPO. That is, HMG is still wanting the initial Glovis/Mobis merger plan. To better manage to win shareholder support, they must be thinking that bigger Glovis can be an answer. This means HMG should do whatever it takes to make Autoever bigger in the immediate future.
  • This is what local street is betting on and why they went really aggressive on this IPO. As witnessed in the bookbuilding results, this street mentalitywon’t be changed any time soon. We should expect even stronger prices after new shares are listed on Mar 28.

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Brief Consumer: HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15) and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15)

1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the continuous inflow to China Tower prior to lock-up expiry,  positive news development for automobile stocks, and the pork cycle beneficiary. 

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Brief Consumer: HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15) and more

By | Consumer

In this briefing:

  1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15)
  2. M1 Offer Unconditional as Axiata Tenders
  3. Hansae Holdco/Sub Trade: Huge Divergence Now, Sub Price Rally Should Be Resisted Here
  4. Pepper Food Services 4QFY2018 Results: Burnt, But a Lesson Learnt

1. HK Connect Discovery Weekly: China Tower, Geely, COFCO Meat (2019-02-15)


In our Discover HK Connect series, we aim to help our investors understand the flow of southbound trades via the Hong Kong Connect, as analyzed by our proprietary data engine. We will discuss the stocks that experienced the most inflow and outflow by mainland investors in the past seven days.

We split the stocks eligible for the Hong Kong Connect trade into three groups: component stocks in the HSCEI index, stocks with a market capitalization between USD 1 billion and USD 5 billion, and stocks with a market capitalization between USD 500 million and USD 1 billion.

In this week’s HK Connect Discovery, we highlight the continuous inflow to China Tower prior to lock-up expiry,  positive news development for automobile stocks, and the pork cycle beneficiary. 

2. M1 Offer Unconditional as Axiata Tenders


Friday 15 February after the close, the Offerors for M1 Ltd (M1 SP)announced that their Offer had been declared Unconditional In All Respects as the tendered amount was 57.04% and the total held by concert parties was 76.35%.

Axiata Group (AXIATA MK) made an announcement to the Bursa Malaysia that it had accepted the Offer as required because it was a significant asset disposal. The reasoning for the disposal was that given the long-term view required because of changes in the Singaporean telecom market structure and the inability of Axiata to exert management control, the disposal fit within Axiata’s portfolio rebalancing strategy and would serve to mitigate short- to medium-term risks associated with the changes in the Singaporean market.

Going unconditional has triggered an extension of the Closing Date to 4 March 2019 at 5:30pm Singapore time (our estimate pre-Offer Despatch was closing of 7 March).

If you are going to tender, you might as well do it now. Consideration (the offer price) will be despatched to those Shareholders who have already tendered within 7 business days, and those who accept the Offer starting now will get their funds within 7 business days of the Offer acceptance being validated.

3. Hansae Holdco/Sub Trade: Huge Divergence Now, Sub Price Rally Should Be Resisted Here

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  • Hansae Holdco/Sub duo is giving a very wide price divergence right now. They are now at -227% of σ. This is a 120D low. Holdco discount is 50% to NAV. Sub is 55% of the sub holdings and 60% of Holdco NAV. Sub has made a run lately mainly on improving outlook. Local long-term funds have led the recent Sub buying. They like Sub’s 4Q results. They also expect this trend to continue at least for this year.
  • Valuation wise, Sub price is at a little over 17x PER on already adjusted FY19 earnings. This is pretty much in line with the yearly average in the past 3 years. Sub price rally should be resisted at this point. Holdco/Sub price ratio is at the lowest in 120D on a 20D MA. It has also fallen to near 2 year low.
  • Local short-term money managers do not seem to be joining the current Sub buying. Shorting on Sub is still at a significant level (nearly 10%). I’d make a trade at this point. I’d go long Holdco and short Sub for a short-term mean reversion. Again, Holdco liquidity can be an issue to some of us.

4. Pepper Food Services 4QFY2018 Results: Burnt, But a Lesson Learnt


On Thursday the 14th Feb 2019, Pepper Food Service (3053 JP) announced its results for FY2018 and the guidance for both 1HFY2019 and FY2019. The company managed to grow its revenue by an impressive 75.3% YoY outperforming its own estimate by 6.4%.

However, the gross profit only grew by 69.9% during the year as the gross margin slipped 137bps in FY2018 driven by higher energy prices and wages. Higher wages were due to active recruitment of foreign workers within the food service industry which created a supply shortage. To tackle increasing costs, towards the end of the year, Ikinari Steak restaurants increased the prices of its steak. We believe the margin recovery witnessed in 4Q2018 was a direct result of this price increase.

Gross Margin Showing Signs of Recovery

Source: Company Disclosures

Pepper Food Services saw its EBIT margin decline by 20bps to 6.1% in FY2018, as revenue growth offset most of the gross margin drop through gains from operating leverage. However, its restaurants in New York City continued to underperform. The company expected those restaurants to turn a corner and start contributing to the overall EBIT from FY2018, however, those restaurants failed miserably and continued to drag the overall EBIT margin down. Hence, the company failed to meet its EBIT margin forecast with EBIT falling 4.6% short of company guidance.

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