

Brief China: China A Share: Near-Term Momentum, but Time to Start Taking Profits and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. China A Share: Near-Term Momentum, but Time to Start Taking Profits
  2. Sea Ltd (SE US): The Bear Case – A One-Hit Wonder?
  3. Meituan Dianping (美团点评): Thoughts Before Lock-Up Expiry
  4. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition

1. China A Share: Near-Term Momentum, but Time to Start Taking Profits

Bottoming out (albeit marginal) of investor confidence drove the market rally YTD. News on 28th Feb that MSCI decides to quadruple China A-Shares inclusion in emerging market index is further boosting the market. Positive signals from Government Work Report might keep the market rally going for a while.

However, stake sale plans of listed companies’ major shareholders, who own 53% of A-share free-floating market cap, are on the way. This might be the catalyst for the rally to end as attracting new investors into the market is going to be tough. Institutional investors’ share positions are close to their historical high after keeping buying in the past few weeks and have limit cash for buying more. There are also no signal signs individual investors are increasing their capital allocation for stock investment.  In addition the aggressive stake reduction plans of major shareholders might be taken by other market participants to indicate negative expectations on their companies’ earnings this year. 

We think it’s time to turn cautious on A-shares: take profit and wait for the next buying opportunity for value investors.

2. Sea Ltd (SE US): The Bear Case – A One-Hit Wonder?


Despite burning through $700mn in cash in 2018, investors decided to give another $1.3bn to Sea Ltd (SE US) . We believe investors should treat Sea Ltd with caution for the following reasons:

A significant slowdown in e-commerce

Is the gaming division a one-hit wonder?

Expecting another 800mn cash burn into 2019

Consensus has priced in further upgrades while cash flow metrics worst in the sector

NB. Our team has taken both sides of the Sea Ltd investment case as we think this makes for better decision making and encourages unique thinking within our team. We strongly recommend that investors read my colleague Arun’s positive notes on the company listed below, if you have not already done so.

Sea Ltd (SE US): Placing Price Leaves Money on the Table

Sea Ltd (SE US): Placement a Good Opportunity to Enter an Attractive Story

3. Meituan Dianping (美团点评): Thoughts Before Lock-Up Expiry


Meituan Dianping, the largest O2O platform in China, was listed on September 20th last year and lock-up expiry will be on March 20th. The stock has returned -13% since listing. 

  • As it heads into lock-up expiry on March 20th, we will examine Meituan Dianping shareholder structure and potential shares up for sale.
  • Meituan was included by MSCI recently and will be eligible for the Hong Kong Connect soon thanks to rule amendment.
  • The company delivered a decent topline growth in 3Q2018 but its profit fell short of expectation. We highlight potentials from the food supply chain solution. We also discuss implication from MoBike acquisition.
  • We review our SOTP valuation of Meituan and believe there is an upside. 

4. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition


  • The advertising revenues slowed down significantly in 4Q2018.
  • We believe the content transition from politics to entertainment was not as good as the management expected.
  • We believe WB will not defeat Tencent’s WeChat.
  • We believe the stock price has downside of 9%.

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Brief China: Nexon Sale: Key Questions at This Point & Most Realistic Answers and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Nexon Sale: Key Questions at This Point & Most Realistic Answers
  2. Bank of Zhengzhou: “Bend One Cubit, Make Eight Cubits Straight”
  3. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse
  4. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew
  5. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”

1. Nexon Sale: Key Questions at This Point & Most Realistic Answers


This post discusses the key questions on Nexon sale at this point. It then provides the most realistic answers to these questions from various circumstantial aspects. This post is based on the recent news reports and also various local sources.

2. Bank of Zhengzhou: “Bend One Cubit, Make Eight Cubits Straight”

Bank Of Zhengzhou (6196 HK) reveals a picture of cascading asset toxicity and subpar earnings quality. As elsewhere in China, it is difficult to decipher whether better NPL recognition is behind this profound asset quality deterioration or poor underwriting practice and discipline combined with troubled debtors: the answer may lie somewhere in between.

While the low PH Score (a value-quality gauge) of 4.7 is supported by a lowly valuation metric (earnings quality is not reassuring), it is more a testament to -and reflection of- core eroding fundamental trends across the board. Regarding trends, Capital Adequacy and Provisioning were the variables to post a positive change. But even then, not all Capitalisation and Provisioning metrics moved in the right direction.

Franchise Valuation at 12% does not indicate that the bank is especially cheap though P/Book of 0.64x is below the regional median of 0.78x.

3. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse


Follow-on offerings by Chinese ADRs are the flavour of the day. Hot on the heels of Qutoutiao Inc (QTT US) and Bilibili Inc (BILI US), HUYA Inc (HUYA US) filed for a potential $550 million public offering without presenting any details on the new ADS being offered. Also, certain selling shareholders will offer shares in the offering.

Huya is one of the few recent Chinese “new-economy” IPOs which has lived up to the hype by delivering a creditable post-IPO financial performance. While Huya has proven to be a good IPO, we believe this follow-on offering is highly opportunistic and would be tempted to participate only at a large discount.

4. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew

Screenshot%202019 04 04%20at%208.59.54%20pm

On February 27th of this year, Altaba Inc (AABA US) held a “Strategic and Financial Update Conference Call.” In that call the company led by CEO Thomas McInerney said that effectively it was going to deal with its two major remaining assets (2.03bn shares of Yahoo Japan Corp (4689 JP) and 383.56mm shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA US)) in two stages, saying at the time they were “moving to an active monetization mode on [our] Yahoo Japan stake.”

That Yahoo Japan stake took longer, but the company worked to sell $20+bn of Alibaba last summer through a tender offer and selldown to generate cash for corporate liabilities and taxes, and then the company sold its Yahoo Japan stake in early September. 

Since then, there has been a period of watchful waiting. Some have been expecting a period with an acceptable amount of carry and then possible significant upside. I haven’t seen the upside but agree there has been some baseline carry. And if you can get lots of leverage on this and ride the volatility, it could produce an OK return from A to Z if you ignore the indignities and volatility of passing through stops B to Y.

The New News

Yesterday, Altaba and CEO McInerney held a conference call after filing a PRE 14A preliminary proxy statement related to the selldown/unwinding of its entire Alibaba stake and the proposed windup/dissolution of Altaba as an entity. 

Set of Relevant Documents and Filings

Press Release


PRE 14 A Preliminary Proxy Filing



DEFA14A Additional Info



DEFA14A Additional Info  – Call Transcript



The Webcast


Home Page with Basic Details


Annual Report from Year to 31 December 2018


The company will sell or distribute, in stages, its remaining net assets to shareholders, with a “pre-dissolution liquidating distribution to stockholders (in cash, Alibaba ADSs or a combination thereof), which the Fund currently expects will be made in the fourth quarter of 2019 and estimates will be in an amount between $52.12 and $59.63 per Share in cash and/or Alibaba ADSs (which estimates assume, among other things, an Alibaba Share price realized on sale and, if applicable, an Alibaba Share value at the time of distribution, of $177.00 per Alibaba Share).”

As p55 of the preliminary proxy makes clear (and as discussed in the transcript linked above, which is short and worth reading), based on the same US$177/share assumption of value realized or distributed per Alibaba share held, the total distributed would be in a range of $76.72 and $79.72 based on some other assumptions. A larger portion of the remaining amount could take 12 months to arrive, and there could be other residual portions which will take longer (years), as discussed in the proxy and call transcript.

The figure of $76.72 – $79.72 represents a 5.44-9.56% premium to yesterday’s close of $72.76/share and represents the total of the Pre-Dissolution Liquidating Distribution in Q4 2019, a second distribution in Q4 2020, then residuals thereafter after the court-mandated holdback in the dissolution process pays its claims.

Fair value calculations, parameters, and risk discussion below.

Elaborate fair value calculations using different assumptions of appropriate discount rates for each payment, and exactly how much is in the last bit (and how long it takes to pay out) suggest a group of ranges of fair value, from about 3-4% below the last-traded price, to about 4-5% above. However, for a hedge fund to earn a 10% net return for investors from owning the trade at the close of yesterday, getting there requires a fair bit of leverage and the resulting information ratio may be lower than desirable.

Assuming the approximate time to payment as described in the proxy statement, and amount of payment in the first distribution as described, and a multi-year residual of US$5/share, current borrow rates and an assumption of slightly higher discount rate required for the portion of time the stock is unlisted and even higher when one is receiving residual claims, the current fair value of the stock ranges from about 2% below current price and 4% higher. If you assume a higher Holdback Amount, the range of outcomes shifts lower.

5. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”

Jiangxi Bank Co Ltd (1916 HK) initially attracted our attention with a subpar PH Score (a quantamental value-quality gauge). The bank only scored positively on Capital Adequacy and Efficiency trends. The latter is almost certainly not a true picture.

Further analysis reveals a bank ratcheting up the credit spigot exuberantly on the back of poor asset quality fundamentals (booming substandard loans and SML expansion) with ensuing elevated asset writedowns weighing on a reducing bottom-line despite gains from securities and a lower tax provision.

Valuations do not fully reflect a somewhat challenging picture. Shares trade at Book Value vs a regional median of 0.8x, at a Franchise Valuation of 13% vs a regional median of 9%, and at an Earnings Yield of 8.4% vs a regional median of 10%. Based on FY18 data, this is a bank that should trade at a discount rather than at a premium to peers.

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Brief China: StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update
  2. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up
  3. China – Soaring Real Estate Loans Makes One Wonder
  4. Ruhnn (如涵) Trading Update – Worst First-Day Performance Out of Recent US ADR Listings
  5. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact

1. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Naspers are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

2. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up


Huya, a leading live streaming player in China, announced share placement of USD 550 million after market close on April 3rd. In this insight, we will look at recent developments of Huya and score the deal in our ECM Framework.

3. China – Soaring Real Estate Loans Makes One Wonder


China Construction Bank H (939 HK) (CCB) added real estate loans at more than double the amount of total corporate loans during 2018. This is something we see with many of China’s banks in the period. What is also apparent is a sharp drop in real estate NPL ratios during the year – not simply due to a larger denominator. There is nothing anecdotally or otherwise that we have seen, that should suggest a dramatically more healthy China real estate sector, e.g. property development, commercial real estate during 2018 compared with 2017. The risk is that banks are extending substantially more credit here to support weak, frail debtors.  With a weakening economy, this is not likely to last without negative consequences.

4. Ruhnn (如涵) Trading Update – Worst First-Day Performance Out of Recent US ADR Listings


Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) raised US$125m at US$12.50 per share, the mid-point of the price range. We have previously analyzed the IPO in:

In this insight, we will update on the deal dynamics, implied valuation, and include a valuation sensitivity table.

5. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact

Naspers v tencent us terms naspers price reacts positively to newco announcement naspers rh tencent lh  chartbuilder

Naspers (NPN SJ) recently announced another attempt to reduce the holdco discount which has remained stubbornly high despite previous attempts by management to reduce it. Since the announcement there has been movement, so perhaps this time it really is different!

So what is being done? Naspers will spin off its international internet assets, which account for >99% of its value, into a newco. They will then list 25% of newco on the Euronext in Amsterdam by issuing these shares to Naspers’ shareholders. The intention is to create a vehicle which can attract increased foreign and tech investors without the complication of a South African listing. The company believes this has been a key factor behind the wide holdco discount. The move also reduces Naspers weighting in South African indices which is another contributing factor.

Alastair Jones sees the announcement as a positive, although there are still issues with the main listing being in South Africa. He still believes a buyback would be the most effective way to reduce the discount, but Naspers is also keen to keep investing. 

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Brief China: Bank of Zhengzhou: “Bend One Cubit, Make Eight Cubits Straight” and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Bank of Zhengzhou: “Bend One Cubit, Make Eight Cubits Straight”
  2. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse
  3. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew
  4. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”
  5. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad

1. Bank of Zhengzhou: “Bend One Cubit, Make Eight Cubits Straight”

Bank Of Zhengzhou (6196 HK) reveals a picture of cascading asset toxicity and subpar earnings quality. As elsewhere in China, it is difficult to decipher whether better NPL recognition is behind this profound asset quality deterioration or poor underwriting practice and discipline combined with troubled debtors: the answer may lie somewhere in between.

While the low PH Score (a value-quality gauge) of 4.7 is supported by a lowly valuation metric (earnings quality is not reassuring), it is more a testament to -and reflection of- core eroding fundamental trends across the board. Regarding trends, Capital Adequacy and Provisioning were the variables to post a positive change. But even then, not all Capitalisation and Provisioning metrics moved in the right direction.

Franchise Valuation at 12% does not indicate that the bank is especially cheap though P/Book of 0.64x is below the regional median of 0.78x.

2. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse


Follow-on offerings by Chinese ADRs are the flavour of the day. Hot on the heels of Qutoutiao Inc (QTT US) and Bilibili Inc (BILI US), HUYA Inc (HUYA US) filed for a potential $550 million public offering without presenting any details on the new ADS being offered. Also, certain selling shareholders will offer shares in the offering.

Huya is one of the few recent Chinese “new-economy” IPOs which has lived up to the hype by delivering a creditable post-IPO financial performance. While Huya has proven to be a good IPO, we believe this follow-on offering is highly opportunistic and would be tempted to participate only at a large discount.

3. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew

Screenshot%202019 04 04%20at%208.59.54%20pm

On February 27th of this year, Altaba Inc (AABA US) held a “Strategic and Financial Update Conference Call.” In that call the company led by CEO Thomas McInerney said that effectively it was going to deal with its two major remaining assets (2.03bn shares of Yahoo Japan Corp (4689 JP) and 383.56mm shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA US)) in two stages, saying at the time they were “moving to an active monetization mode on [our] Yahoo Japan stake.”

That Yahoo Japan stake took longer, but the company worked to sell $20+bn of Alibaba last summer through a tender offer and selldown to generate cash for corporate liabilities and taxes, and then the company sold its Yahoo Japan stake in early September. 

Since then, there has been a period of watchful waiting. Some have been expecting a period with an acceptable amount of carry and then possible significant upside. I haven’t seen the upside but agree there has been some baseline carry. And if you can get lots of leverage on this and ride the volatility, it could produce an OK return from A to Z if you ignore the indignities and volatility of passing through stops B to Y.

The New News

Yesterday, Altaba and CEO McInerney held a conference call after filing a PRE 14A preliminary proxy statement related to the selldown/unwinding of its entire Alibaba stake and the proposed windup/dissolution of Altaba as an entity. 

Set of Relevant Documents and Filings

Press Release


PRE 14 A Preliminary Proxy Filing



DEFA14A Additional Info



DEFA14A Additional Info  – Call Transcript



The Webcast


Home Page with Basic Details


Annual Report from Year to 31 December 2018


The company will sell or distribute, in stages, its remaining net assets to shareholders, with a “pre-dissolution liquidating distribution to stockholders (in cash, Alibaba ADSs or a combination thereof), which the Fund currently expects will be made in the fourth quarter of 2019 and estimates will be in an amount between $52.12 and $59.63 per Share in cash and/or Alibaba ADSs (which estimates assume, among other things, an Alibaba Share price realized on sale and, if applicable, an Alibaba Share value at the time of distribution, of $177.00 per Alibaba Share).”

As p55 of the preliminary proxy makes clear (and as discussed in the transcript linked above, which is short and worth reading), based on the same US$177/share assumption of value realized or distributed per Alibaba share held, the total distributed would be in a range of $76.72 and $79.72 based on some other assumptions. A larger portion of the remaining amount could take 12 months to arrive, and there could be other residual portions which will take longer (years), as discussed in the proxy and call transcript.

The figure of $76.72 – $79.72 represents a 5.44-9.56% premium to yesterday’s close of $72.76/share and represents the total of the Pre-Dissolution Liquidating Distribution in Q4 2019, a second distribution in Q4 2020, then residuals thereafter after the court-mandated holdback in the dissolution process pays its claims.

Fair value calculations, parameters, and risk discussion below.

Elaborate fair value calculations using different assumptions of appropriate discount rates for each payment, and exactly how much is in the last bit (and how long it takes to pay out) suggest a group of ranges of fair value, from about 3-4% below the last-traded price, to about 4-5% above. However, for a hedge fund to earn a 10% net return for investors from owning the trade at the close of yesterday, getting there requires a fair bit of leverage and the resulting information ratio may be lower than desirable.

Assuming the approximate time to payment as described in the proxy statement, and amount of payment in the first distribution as described, and a multi-year residual of US$5/share, current borrow rates and an assumption of slightly higher discount rate required for the portion of time the stock is unlisted and even higher when one is receiving residual claims, the current fair value of the stock ranges from about 2% below current price and 4% higher. If you assume a higher Holdback Amount, the range of outcomes shifts lower.

4. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”

Jiangxi Bank Co Ltd (1916 HK) initially attracted our attention with a subpar PH Score (a quantamental value-quality gauge). The bank only scored positively on Capital Adequacy and Efficiency trends. The latter is almost certainly not a true picture.

Further analysis reveals a bank ratcheting up the credit spigot exuberantly on the back of poor asset quality fundamentals (booming substandard loans and SML expansion) with ensuing elevated asset writedowns weighing on a reducing bottom-line despite gains from securities and a lower tax provision.

Valuations do not fully reflect a somewhat challenging picture. Shares trade at Book Value vs a regional median of 0.8x, at a Franchise Valuation of 13% vs a regional median of 9%, and at an Earnings Yield of 8.4% vs a regional median of 10%. Based on FY18 data, this is a bank that should trade at a discount rather than at a premium to peers.

5. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad


Tesla Motors (TSLA US) finally reported first-quarter production and delivery numbers late Wednesday night and, sure enough, results came in closer to my below-market estimates and trailed management guidance and market consensus (see my report Tesla’s Weak QTD Deliveries Signal March Expectation Madness).

Tesla also admitted it delivered half of its total deliveries for the entire quarter in the last nine days of March, blaming “challenges encountered” for delays in getting cars to buyers in Europe and China. But even adding cars “in transit” doesn’t cover the shortfall versus guidance and market expectations.

It also doesn’t ease investors’ concerns about cooling demand for Model 3 in the US, or the alarming drop-off in sales for Models S and X, well, everywhere.

Read on for continued Bond Angle analysis.

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Brief China: Meituan Dianping (美团点评): Thoughts Before Lock-Up Expiry and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Meituan Dianping (美团点评): Thoughts Before Lock-Up Expiry
  2. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition
  3. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound
  4. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”

1. Meituan Dianping (美团点评): Thoughts Before Lock-Up Expiry


Meituan Dianping, the largest O2O platform in China, was listed on September 20th last year and lock-up expiry will be on March 20th. The stock has returned -13% since listing. 

  • As it heads into lock-up expiry on March 20th, we will examine Meituan Dianping shareholder structure and potential shares up for sale.
  • Meituan was included by MSCI recently and will be eligible for the Hong Kong Connect soon thanks to rule amendment.
  • The company delivered a decent topline growth in 3Q2018 but its profit fell short of expectation. We highlight potentials from the food supply chain solution. We also discuss implication from MoBike acquisition.
  • We review our SOTP valuation of Meituan and believe there is an upside. 

2. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition


  • The advertising revenues slowed down significantly in 4Q2018.
  • We believe the content transition from politics to entertainment was not as good as the management expected.
  • We believe WB will not defeat Tencent’s WeChat.
  • We believe the stock price has downside of 9%.

3. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound


The slump in the global manufacturing PMIs that is broad-based in major economies and alarming in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, appears to reflect a disruption in global trade that may relate to US tariff policy. Services PMIs, on the other hand, are relatively stable and have recovered recently, and may help the global economy avoid a recession.  India’s PMIs have been relatively strong and may account for solid Indian currency and equity market performance.  The slump in the global manufacturing PMI is at odds with stronger global equities and commodity prices this year.  The market appears to be building confidence that the US-China trade dispute will be resolved, and the Chinese stimulus and a patient Fed will combine to revive manufacturing PMIs is coming months.

4. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”


* The recovery in 4Q2018 shows that CTRP has already survived the new law and the new competitor in 2018.
* We believe EPS will grow 12% in 2019.
* However, we believe the market has already over-reacted to the news last November that CTRP became the largest online travel agency.
* We set a target price of USD23.80, which is 32% below the market price.

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Brief China: Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up
  2. China – Soaring Real Estate Loans Makes One Wonder
  3. Ruhnn (如涵) Trading Update – Worst First-Day Performance Out of Recent US ADR Listings
  4. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact
  5. Alibaba (BABA): Weakest Business Line Transfers Risk to Suppliers and Cuts Headcount, 38% Upside

1. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up


Huya, a leading live streaming player in China, announced share placement of USD 550 million after market close on April 3rd. In this insight, we will look at recent developments of Huya and score the deal in our ECM Framework.

2. China – Soaring Real Estate Loans Makes One Wonder


China Construction Bank H (939 HK) (CCB) added real estate loans at more than double the amount of total corporate loans during 2018. This is something we see with many of China’s banks in the period. What is also apparent is a sharp drop in real estate NPL ratios during the year – not simply due to a larger denominator. There is nothing anecdotally or otherwise that we have seen, that should suggest a dramatically more healthy China real estate sector, e.g. property development, commercial real estate during 2018 compared with 2017. The risk is that banks are extending substantially more credit here to support weak, frail debtors.  With a weakening economy, this is not likely to last without negative consequences.

3. Ruhnn (如涵) Trading Update – Worst First-Day Performance Out of Recent US ADR Listings


Ruhnn Holding Ltd (RUHN US) raised US$125m at US$12.50 per share, the mid-point of the price range. We have previously analyzed the IPO in:

In this insight, we will update on the deal dynamics, implied valuation, and include a valuation sensitivity table.

4. Naspers: Addressing the Discount (Again). New Moves to Realize Value Are Having an Impact


Naspers (NPN SJ) recently announced another attempt to reduce the holdco discount which has remained stubbornly high despite previous attempts by management to reduce it. Since the announcement there has been movement, so perhaps this time it really is different!

So what is being done? Naspers will spin off its international internet assets, which account for >99% of its value, into a newco. They will then list 25% of newco on the Euronext in Amsterdam by issuing these shares to Naspers’ shareholders. The intention is to create a vehicle which can attract increased foreign and tech investors without the complication of a South African listing. The company believes this has been a key factor behind the wide holdco discount. The move also reduces Naspers weighting in South African indices which is another contributing factor.

Alastair Jones sees the announcement as a positive, although there are still issues with the main listing being in South Africa. He still believes a buyback would be the most effective way to reduce the discount, but Naspers is also keen to keep investing. 

5. Alibaba (BABA): Weakest Business Line Transfers Risk to Suppliers and Cuts Headcount, 38% Upside


* Youku, the online TV subsidiary of BABA, is transforming its risk of loss to content providers.

* Youku is dismissing employees.

* We believe both of Youku’s decisions are positive for cost control and the operating margin will recover in FY2020.

* The P/E band suggests a price target HKD250, which is 38% upside above the market price.

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Brief China: Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse
  2. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew
  3. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”
  4. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad
  5. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update

1. Huya Offering: Everyone Else Was Doing It Excuse


Follow-on offerings by Chinese ADRs are the flavour of the day. Hot on the heels of Qutoutiao Inc (QTT US) and Bilibili Inc (BILI US), HUYA Inc (HUYA US) filed for a potential $550 million public offering without presenting any details on the new ADS being offered. Also, certain selling shareholders will offer shares in the offering.

Huya is one of the few recent Chinese “new-economy” IPOs which has lived up to the hype by delivering a creditable post-IPO financial performance. While Huya has proven to be a good IPO, we believe this follow-on offering is highly opportunistic and would be tempted to participate only at a large discount.

2. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew

Screenshot%202019 04 04%20at%208.59.54%20pm

On February 27th of this year, Altaba Inc (AABA US) held a “Strategic and Financial Update Conference Call.” In that call the company led by CEO Thomas McInerney said that effectively it was going to deal with its two major remaining assets (2.03bn shares of Yahoo Japan Corp (4689 JP) and 383.56mm shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA US)) in two stages, saying at the time they were “moving to an active monetization mode on [our] Yahoo Japan stake.”

That Yahoo Japan stake took longer, but the company worked to sell $20+bn of Alibaba last summer through a tender offer and selldown to generate cash for corporate liabilities and taxes, and then the company sold its Yahoo Japan stake in early September. 

Since then, there has been a period of watchful waiting. Some have been expecting a period with an acceptable amount of carry and then possible significant upside. I haven’t seen the upside but agree there has been some baseline carry. And if you can get lots of leverage on this and ride the volatility, it could produce an OK return from A to Z if you ignore the indignities and volatility of passing through stops B to Y.

The New News

Yesterday, Altaba and CEO McInerney held a conference call after filing a PRE 14A preliminary proxy statement related to the selldown/unwinding of its entire Alibaba stake and the proposed windup/dissolution of Altaba as an entity. 

Set of Relevant Documents and Filings

Press Release


PRE 14 A Preliminary Proxy Filing



DEFA14A Additional Info



DEFA14A Additional Info  – Call Transcript



The Webcast


Home Page with Basic Details


Annual Report from Year to 31 December 2018


The company will sell or distribute, in stages, its remaining net assets to shareholders, with a “pre-dissolution liquidating distribution to stockholders (in cash, Alibaba ADSs or a combination thereof), which the Fund currently expects will be made in the fourth quarter of 2019 and estimates will be in an amount between $52.12 and $59.63 per Share in cash and/or Alibaba ADSs (which estimates assume, among other things, an Alibaba Share price realized on sale and, if applicable, an Alibaba Share value at the time of distribution, of $177.00 per Alibaba Share).”

As p55 of the preliminary proxy makes clear (and as discussed in the transcript linked above, which is short and worth reading), based on the same US$177/share assumption of value realized or distributed per Alibaba share held, the total distributed would be in a range of $76.72 and $79.72 based on some other assumptions. A larger portion of the remaining amount could take 12 months to arrive, and there could be other residual portions which will take longer (years), as discussed in the proxy and call transcript.

The figure of $76.72 – $79.72 represents a 5.44-9.56% premium to yesterday’s close of $72.76/share and represents the total of the Pre-Dissolution Liquidating Distribution in Q4 2019, a second distribution in Q4 2020, then residuals thereafter after the court-mandated holdback in the dissolution process pays its claims.

Fair value calculations, parameters, and risk discussion below.

Elaborate fair value calculations using different assumptions of appropriate discount rates for each payment, and exactly how much is in the last bit (and how long it takes to pay out) suggest a group of ranges of fair value, from about 3-4% below the last-traded price, to about 4-5% above. However, for a hedge fund to earn a 10% net return for investors from owning the trade at the close of yesterday, getting there requires a fair bit of leverage and the resulting information ratio may be lower than desirable.

Assuming the approximate time to payment as described in the proxy statement, and amount of payment in the first distribution as described, and a multi-year residual of US$5/share, current borrow rates and an assumption of slightly higher discount rate required for the portion of time the stock is unlisted and even higher when one is receiving residual claims, the current fair value of the stock ranges from about 2% below current price and 4% higher. If you assume a higher Holdback Amount, the range of outcomes shifts lower.

3. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”

Jiangxi Bank Co Ltd (1916 HK) initially attracted our attention with a subpar PH Score (a quantamental value-quality gauge). The bank only scored positively on Capital Adequacy and Efficiency trends. The latter is almost certainly not a true picture.

Further analysis reveals a bank ratcheting up the credit spigot exuberantly on the back of poor asset quality fundamentals (booming substandard loans and SML expansion) with ensuing elevated asset writedowns weighing on a reducing bottom-line despite gains from securities and a lower tax provision.

Valuations do not fully reflect a somewhat challenging picture. Shares trade at Book Value vs a regional median of 0.8x, at a Franchise Valuation of 13% vs a regional median of 9%, and at an Earnings Yield of 8.4% vs a regional median of 10%. Based on FY18 data, this is a bank that should trade at a discount rather than at a premium to peers.

4. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad

Multicoloured squirrel4

Tesla Motors (TSLA US) finally reported first-quarter production and delivery numbers late Wednesday night and, sure enough, results came in closer to my below-market estimates and trailed management guidance and market consensus (see my report Tesla’s Weak QTD Deliveries Signal March Expectation Madness).

Tesla also admitted it delivered half of its total deliveries for the entire quarter in the last nine days of March, blaming “challenges encountered” for delays in getting cars to buyers in Europe and China. But even adding cars “in transit” doesn’t cover the shortfall versus guidance and market expectations.

It also doesn’t ease investors’ concerns about cooling demand for Model 3 in the US, or the alarming drop-off in sales for Models S and X, well, everywhere.

Read on for continued Bond Angle analysis.

5. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Naspers are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

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Brief China: ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew
  2. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”
  3. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad
  4. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update
  5. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up

1. ALTABA UNWINDING – Not Much Juice, and Considerably Different Skew

Screenshot%202019 04 04%20at%208.59.54%20pm

On February 27th of this year, Altaba Inc (AABA US) held a “Strategic and Financial Update Conference Call.” In that call the company led by CEO Thomas McInerney said that effectively it was going to deal with its two major remaining assets (2.03bn shares of Yahoo Japan Corp (4689 JP) and 383.56mm shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd (BABA US)) in two stages, saying at the time they were “moving to an active monetization mode on [our] Yahoo Japan stake.”

That Yahoo Japan stake took longer, but the company worked to sell $20+bn of Alibaba last summer through a tender offer and selldown to generate cash for corporate liabilities and taxes, and then the company sold its Yahoo Japan stake in early September. 

Since then, there has been a period of watchful waiting. Some have been expecting a period with an acceptable amount of carry and then possible significant upside. I haven’t seen the upside but agree there has been some baseline carry. And if you can get lots of leverage on this and ride the volatility, it could produce an OK return from A to Z if you ignore the indignities and volatility of passing through stops B to Y.

The New News

Yesterday, Altaba and CEO McInerney held a conference call after filing a PRE 14A preliminary proxy statement related to the selldown/unwinding of its entire Alibaba stake and the proposed windup/dissolution of Altaba as an entity. 

Set of Relevant Documents and Filings

Press Release


PRE 14 A Preliminary Proxy Filing



DEFA14A Additional Info



DEFA14A Additional Info  – Call Transcript



The Webcast


Home Page with Basic Details


Annual Report from Year to 31 December 2018


The company will sell or distribute, in stages, its remaining net assets to shareholders, with a “pre-dissolution liquidating distribution to stockholders (in cash, Alibaba ADSs or a combination thereof), which the Fund currently expects will be made in the fourth quarter of 2019 and estimates will be in an amount between $52.12 and $59.63 per Share in cash and/or Alibaba ADSs (which estimates assume, among other things, an Alibaba Share price realized on sale and, if applicable, an Alibaba Share value at the time of distribution, of $177.00 per Alibaba Share).”

As p55 of the preliminary proxy makes clear (and as discussed in the transcript linked above, which is short and worth reading), based on the same US$177/share assumption of value realized or distributed per Alibaba share held, the total distributed would be in a range of $76.72 and $79.72 based on some other assumptions. A larger portion of the remaining amount could take 12 months to arrive, and there could be other residual portions which will take longer (years), as discussed in the proxy and call transcript.

The figure of $76.72 – $79.72 represents a 5.44-9.56% premium to yesterday’s close of $72.76/share and represents the total of the Pre-Dissolution Liquidating Distribution in Q4 2019, a second distribution in Q4 2020, then residuals thereafter after the court-mandated holdback in the dissolution process pays its claims.

Fair value calculations, parameters, and risk discussion below.

Elaborate fair value calculations using different assumptions of appropriate discount rates for each payment, and exactly how much is in the last bit (and how long it takes to pay out) suggest a group of ranges of fair value, from about 3-4% below the last-traded price, to about 4-5% above. However, for a hedge fund to earn a 10% net return for investors from owning the trade at the close of yesterday, getting there requires a fair bit of leverage and the resulting information ratio may be lower than desirable.

Assuming the approximate time to payment as described in the proxy statement, and amount of payment in the first distribution as described, and a multi-year residual of US$5/share, current borrow rates and an assumption of slightly higher discount rate required for the portion of time the stock is unlisted and even higher when one is receiving residual claims, the current fair value of the stock ranges from about 2% below current price and 4% higher. If you assume a higher Holdback Amount, the range of outcomes shifts lower.

2. Jiangxi Bank: “No Sooner Has One Pushed a Gourd Under Water than Another Pops Up”

Jiangxi Bank Co Ltd (1916 HK) initially attracted our attention with a subpar PH Score (a quantamental value-quality gauge). The bank only scored positively on Capital Adequacy and Efficiency trends. The latter is almost certainly not a true picture.

Further analysis reveals a bank ratcheting up the credit spigot exuberantly on the back of poor asset quality fundamentals (booming substandard loans and SML expansion) with ensuing elevated asset writedowns weighing on a reducing bottom-line despite gains from securities and a lower tax provision.

Valuations do not fully reflect a somewhat challenging picture. Shares trade at Book Value vs a regional median of 0.8x, at a Franchise Valuation of 13% vs a regional median of 9%, and at an Earnings Yield of 8.4% vs a regional median of 10%. Based on FY18 data, this is a bank that should trade at a discount rather than at a premium to peers.

3. Quick Take on Tesla Q119 Deliveries: Yes, They Were Bad

Multicoloured squirrel4

Tesla Motors (TSLA US) finally reported first-quarter production and delivery numbers late Wednesday night and, sure enough, results came in closer to my below-market estimates and trailed management guidance and market consensus (see my report Tesla’s Weak QTD Deliveries Signal March Expectation Madness).

Tesla also admitted it delivered half of its total deliveries for the entire quarter in the last nine days of March, blaming “challenges encountered” for delays in getting cars to buyers in Europe and China. But even adding cars “in transit” doesn’t cover the shortfall versus guidance and market expectations.

It also doesn’t ease investors’ concerns about cooling demand for Model 3 in the US, or the alarming drop-off in sales for Models S and X, well, everywhere.

Read on for continued Bond Angle analysis.

4. StubWorld: Naspers’ Restructuring Update


This week in StubWorld …

Preceding my comments on Naspers are the weekly setup/unwind tables for Asia-Pacific Holdcos.

These relationships trade with a minimum liquidity threshold of US$1mn on a 90-day moving average, and a % market capitalisation threshold – the $ value of the holding/opco held, over the parent’s market capitalisation, expressed in percent – of at least 20%.

5. Huya Placement: Best Performing Live Streaming Stock but Beware Douyu Is Catching Up


Huya, a leading live streaming player in China, announced share placement of USD 550 million after market close on April 3rd. In this insight, we will look at recent developments of Huya and score the deal in our ECM Framework.

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Brief China: Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition
  2. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound
  3. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”

1. Weibo (WB): Revenues Slowed Down Significantly in 4Q2018, Failed in Transition


  • The advertising revenues slowed down significantly in 4Q2018.
  • We believe the content transition from politics to entertainment was not as good as the management expected.
  • We believe WB will not defeat Tencent’s WeChat.
  • We believe the stock price has downside of 9%.

2. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound


The slump in the global manufacturing PMIs that is broad-based in major economies and alarming in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, appears to reflect a disruption in global trade that may relate to US tariff policy. Services PMIs, on the other hand, are relatively stable and have recovered recently, and may help the global economy avoid a recession.  India’s PMIs have been relatively strong and may account for solid Indian currency and equity market performance.  The slump in the global manufacturing PMI is at odds with stronger global equities and commodity prices this year.  The market appears to be building confidence that the US-China trade dispute will be resolved, and the Chinese stimulus and a patient Fed will combine to revive manufacturing PMIs is coming months.

3. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”


* The recovery in 4Q2018 shows that CTRP has already survived the new law and the new competitor in 2018.
* We believe EPS will grow 12% in 2019.
* However, we believe the market has already over-reacted to the news last November that CTRP became the largest online travel agency.
* We set a target price of USD23.80, which is 32% below the market price.

Get Straight to the Source on Smartkarma

Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.

Brief China: Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound and more

By | China

In this briefing:

  1. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound
  2. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”
  3. Taiwan Investors Factor In China Recovery

1. Global Manufacturing PMI Slump at Odds with Equity and Commodity Price Rebound


The slump in the global manufacturing PMIs that is broad-based in major economies and alarming in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, appears to reflect a disruption in global trade that may relate to US tariff policy. Services PMIs, on the other hand, are relatively stable and have recovered recently, and may help the global economy avoid a recession.  India’s PMIs have been relatively strong and may account for solid Indian currency and equity market performance.  The slump in the global manufacturing PMI is at odds with stronger global equities and commodity prices this year.  The market appears to be building confidence that the US-China trade dispute will be resolved, and the Chinese stimulus and a patient Fed will combine to revive manufacturing PMIs is coming months.

2. Ctrip (CTRP): Overcame Two Difficulties in Q4, But Market Over-Reacted to “Global No. 1”


* The recovery in 4Q2018 shows that CTRP has already survived the new law and the new competitor in 2018.
* We believe EPS will grow 12% in 2019.
* However, we believe the market has already over-reacted to the news last November that CTRP became the largest online travel agency.
* We set a target price of USD23.80, which is 32% below the market price.

3. Taiwan Investors Factor In China Recovery


It is time to go increase exposure to Taiwanese equities, if you haven’t already. Like bourses around the region, Taiwan’s stock market has rebounded from its January low and is up over 10% in two months. Underpinning our and investor optimism are expectations that Taiwan stands to benefit disproportionately from the fiscal and monetary policy easing underway in China,  that China and the US will get to some kind of trade deal and a positive reaction to TSMC’s 2019 dividend pay-out plan.

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Smartkarma supports the world’s leading investors with high-quality, timely, and actionable Insights. Subscribe now for unlimited access, or request a demo below.