

Brief Australia: Aussie Equities Month in Review (March 2019) and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Aussie Equities Month in Review (March 2019)
  2. Battery Technology- The Key To An Electric Vehicle Future
  3. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG
  4. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR
  5. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

1. Aussie Equities Month in Review (March 2019)


  • Australia underperformed the global benchmark due to Financials after their strong post-Royal-Commission-led rally. Trade protagonists China (24%) and the US (13.6%) lead the global rally this year buoyed by optimism of a truce and a more supportive policy backdrop.  The bond market reaction to the change in US policy direction and a new TLTRO in Europe has been aggressive and has been the key support for risk appetite.
  • The bond market rally has underpinned the strong performance of defensive sectors such as Communications Services, Property and Consumer Staples. However, Materials also outperformed by a wide margin as well (3.2%pts) on the back of stronger Iron ore, Copper and Oil prices.  Thermal coal remains problematic due to tighter Chinese environmental policy.  The commodity fell 11.2% in the month and is now 17% lower year-to-date.
  • Downgrades have eased. The unrelenting run of downgrades between December and February now appears to have eased, with the upgrades: downgrades ratio almost twice the long-run average.  Only IT, Healthcare and Communication Services saw larger than normal upgrades.  However, downgrades were particularly scarce in Consumer Discretionary, Industrials and Energy.  Valuations remain reasonably stretched, with IT, Industrials and Healthcare the most expensive sectors.  Energy is cheap and Financials and Consumer Discretionary are around fair value.
  • Weaker GDP and housing data show that the domestic economy is reasonably soft, but the labour force data remains key for the policy outlook, in our view. In turn, this will depend on the global economy and the current patch of weakness in China and the US mean that the prospect of lower official interest rates will be in play.  Indeed, the market has one full interest rate cut priced in by year-end.  The Australian bond market rallied strongly along with global peers, with the 10-year yield at 1.81% by month-end.  In real terms it is 0%, which is its lowest level since the mid-1970’s.
  • Company guidance remained little changed with weather-related downgrades by both BHP and RIO and COL providing some positive guidance from its merger with Ocado. In a repeat of last year, ECX aggressively cut its NPATA guidance only weeks after guiding single-digit growth.  SGM downgraded both FY19 output and longer-term throughput from its Gwalia gold mine.
  • Stay long Resources and Energy over Banks. In our last model portfolio update we moved from neutral in Banks to underweight and moved from slightly underweight Resources and Energy to overweight.  This trade has worked well over the past month, particularly now there are signs that the slide in global growth may have run its course.  Our infrastructure and mining capex-related exposures have also performed well and we expect this to continue.

2. Battery Technology- The Key To An Electric Vehicle Future


This Insight has been produced jointly by William Keating at Ingenuity and Mio Kato, CFA and Aqila Ali at LightStream Research.

The Insight is structured as follows:

  • A. Key  Conclusions
  • B. Report Highlights
  • C.History of Electric Vehicles
  • E. History of Rechargeable Battery Technologies And An In-Depth Analysis on Li-ion Batteries
  • F. Batteries Beyond Li-ion
  • G. Supply Constraints for Key Raw Materials
  • H. The Competitive Landscape

A. Key  Conclusions

Global sales of EV’s reached 2m units in 2018. As a base case scenario, we expect a combination of improving EV battery cost-effectiveness, increasingly challenging emissions standards and ongoing incentives by various governments to propel unit sales to 8m units annually by 2025. Against this, we consider battery material price increases, a reduction of EV incentives in the US and China and political and environmental risks from the mining of metals used in batteries as downside risks which could delay the growth of the EV market.

Surprisingly, the EV battery technology that will drive us towards that 8m unit goal is still very much a work in progress. While Lithium Ion is the by far the dominant technology, there are striking differences between variants of the technology, battery pack design, battery management systems and manufacturing scale between the leading contenders. Furthermore, while there’s nothing on the horizon to completely displace Lithium Ion within the next decade, it remains unclear whether the technology will be the one to achieve the $100/kWh price target that would make the EV cost-neutral compared to its internal combustion predecessors. 

Quite apart from the technology,  the EV battery segment faces other significant challenges including increasing costs for core materials such as Cobalt, increasing safety concerns as the mix of that very same cobalt is reduced in the cathode, the growing risk of litigation amidst a fiercely competitive environment and last but not least, the appetite of various governments to maintain a favourable subsidy framework. 

3. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG


The JKM has halved its value since December, continuing its steady decline and dropping below the TTF, the benchmark for European LNG prices. Asian LNG spot prices are now at their lowest level since May 2015. While a prolonged LNG price downturn could force many projects to be cancelled, the winners among the developers are starting to emerge, aggressively pushing ahead their projects closer to the final investment decision.

Both Tellurian Inc (TELL US) and NextDecade Corp (NEXT US) signed high-profile deals, respectively with Total Sa (FP FP) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN), that could significantly de-risk their proposed LNG projects and increase the probability to reach FID in 2019. In Russia, LNG newcomer Novatek PJSC (NVTK LI) agreed two long-term offtake deals with Repsol SA (REP SM) and Vitol thereby moving a step closer to FID its Arctic LNG 2 project.

4. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR

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FX markets are meandering with no clear trends, and it seems investors have little market conviction.  This appears to be resulting in choppy price action influenced mainly by short term technicals rather than macroeconomic developments.

We have noted that in recent years the FX market has appeared to be less pre-emptive, and often responds surprisingly sharply after the event.  As such we remain wary of a reversal of recent USD strength if, as it seems increasingly likely, a negotiated trade and Brexit deal might be found relatively soon.

 If there is a trend, it is a mild downtrend in the EUR that has underperformed most other currencies over the last six months.  It failed to rise much in January when most other currencies experienced a rebound against the USD, and it has continued to drift lower, in recent months, during a period of mixed to weaker price action in other currencies against the USD.

The market may be moving into a yield-seeking mode.  Yield compression tends to shift capital to higher-yielding assets, resulting in a stronger performance for higher-yielding currencies even as their yield spreads narrow. The USD is now one of the higher-yielding currencies.

5. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

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Originally I had thought KKR’s offer could go higher. Instead, it came in lower at A$3.40 and KKR gave MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) management all of a couple of days to think about it.

The title to my subsequent piece was MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer.

Manikay Partners started buying up shares and by early March had reached a position of 11%. They made noise. The Scheme Booklet came out on the 14th of March. Four days later Manikay announced their position was now 13.61% and the following day Mawer announced re-upped its stake from the mid 8s to high 9% level.

The 20th saw a Scheme Update from MYO announcing receipt of a letter from KKR saying that the A$3.40 price was their “best and final offer”, making it clear under Truth in Takeovers language that Manikay was not going to get a higher price out of them.

Manikay continued to buy shares on the 20th and the 21st, getting to 16.16% of the company as filed on the 22nd.

On Monday 1 April, MYOB announced a supplemental disclosure to the Scheme documents noting KKR’s final intention, and that the directors continued to unanimously recommend the Scheme.

Today we have new news.

Manikay Caves and Agrees to KKR’s Reduced (Now Final) Offer

Earlier today a Reuters story about Manikay accepting the offer popped up and MYOB shares popped from A$3.34 to A$3.38-39 area where they closed. Partway through the day MYOB released a document on the ASX feed saying that Manikay had sent a letter saying…

In order avoid speculation regarding our voting intentions in respect of the Scheme, we are writing to inform you that we, Manikay Partners, intend to vote all the MYOB shares that we own or control FOR the upcoming Scheme, subject to there being no proposal that we consider to be superior prior to the vote.

We remain very disappointed that, despite our repeated efforts to convince you otherwise, you failed to change your recommendation in light of the material improvement in market conditions since announcement of the Scheme, among other factors. We are also disappointed that the disclosures to MYOB shareholders did not fully explain the impact of such improved market conditions on the value of MYOB.
excerpt of the letter.

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Brief Australia: Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines
  2. Japan – Chinese Flu
  3. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested
  4. Speedcast: Back on Track

1. Last Week in Event SPACE: MYOB, Lynas, Versum, Jardines


Last Week in Event SPACE …

(This insight covers specific insights & comments involving Stubs, Pairs, Arbitrage, share Classification and Events – or SPACE – in the past week)


MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) (Mkt Cap: $1.4bn; Liquidity: $10mn)

While not new news, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has now reached a stake of 11%. The last chunks purchased appear to have been done at (or around) A$3.40/share, which is equal to terms. The Manikay letter to the Board asks the Board to consider the market movements since December and posits a fair value in excess of A$4.00/share.

  • Manikay says that it is interested in becoming a long-term shareholder. But the letter seems to level its criticism of the deal price most pointedly at the fact that the deal was offered and agreed to just a few days off a two-year low in the S&P/ASX200 Index and since then the index has rebounded to within 1.5% of an 11-year high.
  • A “market context” bump is not a bad case in and of itself because of where peers have moved and where the market has moved, and we won’t know whether that point is taken up by the IER in the Scheme Document. 
  • This strikes Travis Lundy as not a bad reward/risk to buy up to 1-2% through terms. The back end “undisturbed price” has risen and the recent earnings release shows online penetration continues to grow. 

(link to Travis’ insight: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade)


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Irrespective of whether the Malaysian rare earth processing licence provided to Lynas was without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the facility is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process – imposing unachievable pre-conditions by the licence renewal date this September – and that is wrong.

  • Ongoing negotiation with the Malaysian government is the only course of action by which Lynas will achieve the renewal of its operating licence (unencumbered or with “acceptable” caveats). The agreed management pathway for NUF provides scope for a positive outcome from extensive consultation. 
  • But even if a viable resolution is reached, it would only serve to temporarily manage Lynas out of its current predicament – given the vocal domestic opposition, the long-term prognosis is likely the shuttering and removal of the LAMP.
  • Shares are down 45% from the pre-general election (for Malaysia) peak and ~24% down from when the Review Committee was first mooted in September 2018, and roughly a similar % compared to the 3 December closing price, the day before the pre-conditions were introduced. That still appears too optimistic. Resolving the Malaysian government roadblock will quite likely be a stop-gap measure, at best.

(link to my insight: Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock)

POSCO Chemtech (003670 KS) (Mkt Cap: $758mn; Liquidity: $6mn)

Posco Chemtech is to merge with POSCO ESM through a stock swap at a ratio of 1 to 0.2172865. The merger will be effective as of April 1. The merged company is planning to move from KOSDAQ to KOSPI. These proposals will be put to the vote at the upcoming AGM scheduled for March 18. 

  • KOSPI 200’s re-balancing reference date is after the close of the last trading day in April and the change takes effect on the next trading day after the 2nd Thursday of June. If the KRX approves it before the end of April, Chemtech’s KOSPI inclusion will happen this June. If not, it will have to wait until next year. 
  • New passive money flowing into Chemtech is estimated at ₩68bn. This represents 1.69% of market cap and 4.82% of float market cap. This is less than twice total daily trade value.

(link to Sanghyun Park‘s insight: POSCO Chemtech: Merger, Renaming, KOSPI Move & Joining KOSPI 200)

M&A – US

Versum Materials (VSM US) (Mkt Cap: $5.3bn; Liquidity: $75mn)

In a follow-up note John DeMasi provides an update of events, looking into VSM’s corporate governance documents, reviewing relevant landmark Delaware takeover case law, and elaborating on a possible path to control of Versum for  Merck KGaA (MRK GR)

  • Merck has now filed form DFAN14A filed with the SEC. The talking points/Q&A confirm that the VSM/Entegris Inc (ENTG US) deal caught Merck by surprise as they had not been contacted by Versum as part of any market check.
  • Other important takeaways include number 7, where Merck stress (yet again) they are fully committed to pursuing their proposal; number 11, where they don’t rule out raising their price; and number 21, where they answer whether they have purchased any VSM shares with “The number of shares of Versum common stock held by Merck … does not exceed a level that would require disclosure.”
  • Merck continues to speak and act like a bidder who is not going away, and its upcoming roadshow in New York with shareholders underscores its commitment to the deal, adding to the pressure on the Versum Board. 

(link to John’s insight: Versum Materials – Merck KGaA Not Going Away (Part II))

Briefly …

Bristol Myers Squibb Co (BMY US) has responded to Starboard Value’s (& other critics) opposition of its perceived overpaying for Celgene Corp (CELG US) with a comprehensive and substantive presentation, increasing the likelihood this deal gets up. (link to ANTYA Investments Inc.‘s insight: Bristol Myers Squib & Celgene–Starboard Objections Addressed Today- Successful Deal Closure Probable)


Jardine Matheson Hldgs (JM SP) / Jardine Strategic Hldgs (JS SP)

JM has bought 662k shares in JS since the beginning of March, averaging 47.5% of daily volume, narrowing the simple ratio (JM/JS). JM has consistently bought back shares in JS over the years. Since December 2011, buybacks have taken place at an average price/book (for JS) of 0.75x (it is currently at 0.70x according to CapIQ) and at an average JM/JS ratio of 1.75x. The current ratio is 1.70x, bang in line with its 7+ year average. The 20-year average is 1.82x.

  • Presumably the Keswick family’s long-term plan is collapsing the circularity. But given the significant costs involved – either JM privatizing JS or vice versa – for now, the family will likely opt for the circularity creep, by continuing to chip away at minority ownership as JS takes its dividends in-specie, JM acquires JS, gradually increasing the inter holdings of the two entities.
  • JS is also trading “cheap”, at a 42% discount to NAV, adjusted for cross-holdings. JS is now around 25% points “cheaper” than JM (which has a discount to NAV of 17%), compared to a one-year average of ~24%.  A year ago, the % difference was 6%.
  • JM has bought 1.8mn shares YTD compared to 2.5mn for the same period last year, while 4.9mn shares were acquired in 2018, compared to 7.6mn, 8.2mn, and 2.1mn in 2015-2017 respectively. The very long-term ratio is marginally in favour of JM, yet the more recent yearly average suggests it is line. JS looks cheap on a discount to NAV basis and it makes sense for JM to continue to acquire shares, favouring JS near-term. I also tilt in favour of this outcome.

(link to my insight: StubWorld: Matheson’s Strategic Buying of Strategic)

Briefly …



My ongoing series flags large moves (~10%) in CCASS holdings over the past week or so, moves which are often outside normal market transactions.  These may be indicative of share pledges.  Or potential takeovers. Or simply help understand volume swings. 

Often these moves can easily be explained – the placement of new shares, rights issue, movements subsequent to a takeover, amongst others. For those mentioned below, I could not find an obvious reason for the CCASS move.   


% chg


Out of


Sun Securities
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Outside CCASS
Well Link
Outside CCASS
Source: HKEx




Deal Type



AusGrainCorpSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusGreencrossScheme6-MarSettlement DateC
AusPropertylinkOff Mkt8-AprLast Payment DateC
AusSigmaSchemeMarchBinding Offer to be AnnouncedE
AusEclipx GroupSchemeMarchFirst Court HearingE
AusMYOB GroupScheme11-MarFirst Court Hearing DateE
AusHealthscopeSchemeApril/MayDespatch of Explanatory BookletE
HKHarbin ElectricScheme29-MarDespatch of Composite DocumentC
HKHopewellScheme13-MarLast time for lodging shares to qualify to voteC
IndiaGlaxoSmithKlineScheme9-AprTarget Shareholder Decision DateE
JapanShowa ShellScheme1-AprClose of offerE
NZTrade Me GroupScheme19-MarDespatch of Scheme BookletC
SingaporeCourts AsiaScheme15-MarOffer Close DateC
SingaporeM1 LimitedOff Mkt18-MarClosing date of offerC
SingaporePCI LimitedSchemeMarchRelease of Scheme BookletE
ThailandDeltaOff Mkt1-AprClosing date of offerC
FinlandAmer SportsOff Mkt12-MarRelease of Final Results of Tender OfferC
NorwayOslo Børs VPSOff Mkt29-MarAcceptance Period EndsC
SwitzerlandPanalpinaOff Mkt5-AprEGMC
USRed Hat, Inc.SchemeMarch/AprilDeal lodged for approval with EU RegulatorsC
Source: Company announcements. E = our estimates; C =confirmed

2. Japan – Chinese Flu


By Konstantinos Venetis, Senior Economist

  • Japan skirts recession but near-term prospects remain weak
  • Deflationary headwinds to persist in H1, threatening business spending
  • Recovery likely in late 2019 as world trade finds a firmer footing

3. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested

19 03 08%20on%20lsi%20time%20series

A credible poll — the first new trustworthy data in a month — shows Widodo having expanded his lead to 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Prabowo.  The latter’s prospects are dim.  Indonesia’s Comprehensive Partnership (Cepa) with Australia will bring myriad import prices down — although, contrary to a spate of international press reports, it does not raise ownership ceilings for Australian investors.  A senior activist with Amnesty International Indonesia suffered arrest for critizing the military’s plan to place hundreds of active officers in civilian posts.  The BKPM’s OSS system for online permiting is making progress, although its smooth functioning remains a distanct prospect.

Politics: President Joko Widodo proposed monthly income support for graduates of vocational programs who lack immediate employment and need to search for jobs.  He did not specify an amount per recipient.  The proposal has some merit – but simple regulatory changes to facilitate investment and job‑creation would obviate its need.  Politically, the concept will likely prove popular, further boosting Widodo (Page 2).  A prominent Partai Demokrat official, Andi Arief, left the party to undergo drug rehabilitation.  This marks yet another blow for a party that had been Indonesia’s largest only five years ago (p. 3).  A human rights activist and lecturer suffered arrest for allegedly defaming the military (p. 4). 

Surveys: In the first new poll data to emerge in over a month, the Survey Network (LSI) showed that, as of late February, nationwide support for Widodo stood at 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Gerindra Chair Prabowo Subianto.  The findings, which are credible, suggest that Widodo strengthened during February, perhaps due to the two televised debates – and despite Prabowo’s emphatic attempts to provoke various economic fears.  The data portray Prabowo’s prospects as distinctly remote.  A Widodo landslide would further reduce the likelihood of disruption or unrest, as Prabowo‑camp claims of fraud or manipulation would lack credence.  Meanwhile, Widodo would emerge with an unequivocal mandate and particularly strong political capital.  Parties that defy him would jeopardize their own image.  But whether he would use this strength effectively is questionable (p. 5).  Findings from Polmark, a somewhat obscure firm employed by the National Mandate Party (Pan), claim that Widodo’s margin over Prabowo is only 15 percentage points – but the poll is old, it has a large error margin and it featured a 34 percent level of undecided respondents.  As a percen­tage of decided respondents, Widodo’s support is comparable to other (and better) polls (p. 6). 

Justice: In the first verdicts in Lippo’s Meikarta scandal, four Lippo personnel including Billy Sindoro received sentences ranging from 1.5‑3.5 years each.  This is Sindoro’s second conviction from the Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) (p. 8).

Policy News: A new phase of implementation is underway for online permitting (p. 8).

Produced since 2003, the Reformasi Weekly Review provides timely, relevant and independent analysis on Indonesian political and policy news.  The writer is Kevin O’Rourke, author of the book Reformasi.  For subscription info please contact: <[email protected]>.

International: During an election that features strident economic critiques, the govern­ment concluded the Comprehensive Economic Partnership with Australia (IA‑Cepa).  Parties may yet posture when it comes due for ratifi­cation, but other trade agreements have managed to pass.  The IA-Cepa reduces tariffs on myriad Australian goods from five percent to zero, while higher tariffs on certain foods will fall precipitously.  Contrary to reports, it sets no new foreign ownership ceilings (p. 8). 

4. Speedcast: Back on Track


Speedcast International (SDA AU) recently reported FY18 (Dec YE) results which showed a solid recovery in 2H. That has allowed the stock to start to recover from a torrid 1H18 performance which saw targets missed. The strong recovery in operating performance in 2H18 has allowed Ian Martin to reset forecasts and he now looks for the EBITDA margin to increase steadily as acquisitions are bedded down. By FY20, we expect Speedcast to be in a much stronger position as rising cash flow leads to lower debts. We have a new 12m target price of A$4.40 based on 11.7x FY20F EPS. We expect SpeedCast to be in a materially better operating position as it moves into FY20, and good cash flow will be used to reduce debt through the year. Operating execution in 1H19 is crucial.

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Brief Australia: Japan – Chinese Flu and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Japan – Chinese Flu
  2. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested
  3. Speedcast: Back on Track
  4. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit

1. Japan – Chinese Flu


By Konstantinos Venetis, Senior Economist

  • Japan skirts recession but near-term prospects remain weak
  • Deflationary headwinds to persist in H1, threatening business spending
  • Recovery likely in late 2019 as world trade finds a firmer footing

2. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested

19 03 08%20on%20lsi%20time%20series

A credible poll — the first new trustworthy data in a month — shows Widodo having expanded his lead to 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Prabowo.  The latter’s prospects are dim.  Indonesia’s Comprehensive Partnership (Cepa) with Australia will bring myriad import prices down — although, contrary to a spate of international press reports, it does not raise ownership ceilings for Australian investors.  A senior activist with Amnesty International Indonesia suffered arrest for critizing the military’s plan to place hundreds of active officers in civilian posts.  The BKPM’s OSS system for online permiting is making progress, although its smooth functioning remains a distanct prospect.

Politics: President Joko Widodo proposed monthly income support for graduates of vocational programs who lack immediate employment and need to search for jobs.  He did not specify an amount per recipient.  The proposal has some merit – but simple regulatory changes to facilitate investment and job‑creation would obviate its need.  Politically, the concept will likely prove popular, further boosting Widodo (Page 2).  A prominent Partai Demokrat official, Andi Arief, left the party to undergo drug rehabilitation.  This marks yet another blow for a party that had been Indonesia’s largest only five years ago (p. 3).  A human rights activist and lecturer suffered arrest for allegedly defaming the military (p. 4). 

Surveys: In the first new poll data to emerge in over a month, the Survey Network (LSI) showed that, as of late February, nationwide support for Widodo stood at 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Gerindra Chair Prabowo Subianto.  The findings, which are credible, suggest that Widodo strengthened during February, perhaps due to the two televised debates – and despite Prabowo’s emphatic attempts to provoke various economic fears.  The data portray Prabowo’s prospects as distinctly remote.  A Widodo landslide would further reduce the likelihood of disruption or unrest, as Prabowo‑camp claims of fraud or manipulation would lack credence.  Meanwhile, Widodo would emerge with an unequivocal mandate and particularly strong political capital.  Parties that defy him would jeopardize their own image.  But whether he would use this strength effectively is questionable (p. 5).  Findings from Polmark, a somewhat obscure firm employed by the National Mandate Party (Pan), claim that Widodo’s margin over Prabowo is only 15 percentage points – but the poll is old, it has a large error margin and it featured a 34 percent level of undecided respondents.  As a percen­tage of decided respondents, Widodo’s support is comparable to other (and better) polls (p. 6). 

Justice: In the first verdicts in Lippo’s Meikarta scandal, four Lippo personnel including Billy Sindoro received sentences ranging from 1.5‑3.5 years each.  This is Sindoro’s second conviction from the Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) (p. 8).

Policy News: A new phase of implementation is underway for online permitting (p. 8).

Produced since 2003, the Reformasi Weekly Review provides timely, relevant and independent analysis on Indonesian political and policy news.  The writer is Kevin O’Rourke, author of the book Reformasi.  For subscription info please contact: <[email protected]>.

International: During an election that features strident economic critiques, the govern­ment concluded the Comprehensive Economic Partnership with Australia (IA‑Cepa).  Parties may yet posture when it comes due for ratifi­cation, but other trade agreements have managed to pass.  The IA-Cepa reduces tariffs on myriad Australian goods from five percent to zero, while higher tariffs on certain foods will fall precipitously.  Contrary to reports, it sets no new foreign ownership ceilings (p. 8). 

3. Speedcast: Back on Track


Speedcast International (SDA AU) recently reported FY18 (Dec YE) results which showed a solid recovery in 2H. That has allowed the stock to start to recover from a torrid 1H18 performance which saw targets missed. The strong recovery in operating performance in 2H18 has allowed Ian Martin to reset forecasts and he now looks for the EBITDA margin to increase steadily as acquisitions are bedded down. By FY20, we expect Speedcast to be in a much stronger position as rising cash flow leads to lower debts. We have a new 12m target price of A$4.40 based on 11.7x FY20F EPS. We expect SpeedCast to be in a materially better operating position as it moves into FY20, and good cash flow will be used to reduce debt through the year. Operating execution in 1H19 is crucial.

4. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit


On 5 March 2019, Manikay Partners, an 11% shareholder, wrote to MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) chairman Justin Milne to reveal that it believed that KKR & Co Inc (KKR US)’s recommended offer of $3.40 cash per share was too low due to the significant market rally and normalisation of financing markets.

Manikay believes MYOB is worth well in excess of A$4.00 per share. Manikay intends to use the threat of a shareholder rejection to get KKR to sweeten its bid, in our view. However, we believe that KKR has little reason to increase its bid. With the shares just 1 cent below KKR’s revised proposal, we believe shareholders should cash out.

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Brief Australia: Battery Technology- The Key To An Electric Vehicle Future and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Battery Technology- The Key To An Electric Vehicle Future
  2. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG
  3. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR
  4. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer
  5. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

1. Battery Technology- The Key To An Electric Vehicle Future


This Insight has been produced jointly by William Keating at Ingenuity and Mio Kato, CFA and Aqila Ali at LightStream Research.

The Insight is structured as follows:

  • A. Key  Conclusions
  • B. Report Highlights
  • C.History of Electric Vehicles
  • E. History of Rechargeable Battery Technologies And An In-Depth Analysis on Li-ion Batteries
  • F. Batteries Beyond Li-ion
  • G. Supply Constraints for Key Raw Materials
  • H. The Competitive Landscape

A. Key  Conclusions

Global sales of EV’s reached 2m units in 2018. As a base case scenario, we expect a combination of improving EV battery cost-effectiveness, increasingly challenging emissions standards and ongoing incentives by various governments to propel unit sales to 8m units annually by 2025. Against this, we consider battery material price increases, a reduction of EV incentives in the US and China and political and environmental risks from the mining of metals used in batteries as downside risks which could delay the growth of the EV market.

Surprisingly, the EV battery technology that will drive us towards that 8m unit goal is still very much a work in progress. While Lithium Ion is the by far the dominant technology, there are striking differences between variants of the technology, battery pack design, battery management systems and manufacturing scale between the leading contenders. Furthermore, while there’s nothing on the horizon to completely displace Lithium Ion within the next decade, it remains unclear whether the technology will be the one to achieve the $100/kWh price target that would make the EV cost-neutral compared to its internal combustion predecessors. 

Quite apart from the technology,  the EV battery segment faces other significant challenges including increasing costs for core materials such as Cobalt, increasing safety concerns as the mix of that very same cobalt is reduced in the cathode, the growing risk of litigation amidst a fiercely competitive environment and last but not least, the appetite of various governments to maintain a favourable subsidy framework. 

2. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG


The JKM has halved its value since December, continuing its steady decline and dropping below the TTF, the benchmark for European LNG prices. Asian LNG spot prices are now at their lowest level since May 2015. While a prolonged LNG price downturn could force many projects to be cancelled, the winners among the developers are starting to emerge, aggressively pushing ahead their projects closer to the final investment decision.

Both Tellurian Inc (TELL US) and NextDecade Corp (NEXT US) signed high-profile deals, respectively with Total Sa (FP FP) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN), that could significantly de-risk their proposed LNG projects and increase the probability to reach FID in 2019. In Russia, LNG newcomer Novatek PJSC (NVTK LI) agreed two long-term offtake deals with Repsol SA (REP SM) and Vitol thereby moving a step closer to FID its Arctic LNG 2 project.

3. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR


FX markets are meandering with no clear trends, and it seems investors have little market conviction.  This appears to be resulting in choppy price action influenced mainly by short term technicals rather than macroeconomic developments.

We have noted that in recent years the FX market has appeared to be less pre-emptive, and often responds surprisingly sharply after the event.  As such we remain wary of a reversal of recent USD strength if, as it seems increasingly likely, a negotiated trade and Brexit deal might be found relatively soon.

 If there is a trend, it is a mild downtrend in the EUR that has underperformed most other currencies over the last six months.  It failed to rise much in January when most other currencies experienced a rebound against the USD, and it has continued to drift lower, in recent months, during a period of mixed to weaker price action in other currencies against the USD.

The market may be moving into a yield-seeking mode.  Yield compression tends to shift capital to higher-yielding assets, resulting in a stronger performance for higher-yielding currencies even as their yield spreads narrow. The USD is now one of the higher-yielding currencies.

4. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

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Originally I had thought KKR’s offer could go higher. Instead, it came in lower at A$3.40 and KKR gave MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) management all of a couple of days to think about it.

The title to my subsequent piece was MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer.

Manikay Partners started buying up shares and by early March had reached a position of 11%. They made noise. The Scheme Booklet came out on the 14th of March. Four days later Manikay announced their position was now 13.61% and the following day Mawer announced re-upped its stake from the mid 8s to high 9% level.

The 20th saw a Scheme Update from MYO announcing receipt of a letter from KKR saying that the A$3.40 price was their “best and final offer”, making it clear under Truth in Takeovers language that Manikay was not going to get a higher price out of them.

Manikay continued to buy shares on the 20th and the 21st, getting to 16.16% of the company as filed on the 22nd.

On Monday 1 April, MYOB announced a supplemental disclosure to the Scheme documents noting KKR’s final intention, and that the directors continued to unanimously recommend the Scheme.

Today we have new news.

Manikay Caves and Agrees to KKR’s Reduced (Now Final) Offer

Earlier today a Reuters story about Manikay accepting the offer popped up and MYOB shares popped from A$3.34 to A$3.38-39 area where they closed. Partway through the day MYOB released a document on the ASX feed saying that Manikay had sent a letter saying…

In order avoid speculation regarding our voting intentions in respect of the Scheme, we are writing to inform you that we, Manikay Partners, intend to vote all the MYOB shares that we own or control FOR the upcoming Scheme, subject to there being no proposal that we consider to be superior prior to the vote.

We remain very disappointed that, despite our repeated efforts to convince you otherwise, you failed to change your recommendation in light of the material improvement in market conditions since announcement of the Scheme, among other factors. We are also disappointed that the disclosures to MYOB shareholders did not fully explain the impact of such improved market conditions on the value of MYOB.
excerpt of the letter.

5. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

Despite some signs of stabilization in China’s factory gauges the primary trend is still weakness and it might be rash for investors to read too much into the recent data given the apparent weakness in the Eurozone and the moderation form a high level of growth in the United States.  Quantitative tightening is on hold in the United States but a sharp “U-turn” to easing has not happened yet and is politically embarrassing. As inflation falls real rates are rising. Housing markets are showing signs of price weakness. Investors need to watch for signs of credit quality decay that could be an indicator of the next period of severe financial distress. 

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Brief Australia: Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested
  2. Speedcast: Back on Track
  3. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit
  4. Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock

1. Widodo Leads 59-31 / IA-Cepa Holds Promise / Online Permitting Progresses / Rights Activist Arrested

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A credible poll — the first new trustworthy data in a month — shows Widodo having expanded his lead to 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Prabowo.  The latter’s prospects are dim.  Indonesia’s Comprehensive Partnership (Cepa) with Australia will bring myriad import prices down — although, contrary to a spate of international press reports, it does not raise ownership ceilings for Australian investors.  A senior activist with Amnesty International Indonesia suffered arrest for critizing the military’s plan to place hundreds of active officers in civilian posts.  The BKPM’s OSS system for online permiting is making progress, although its smooth functioning remains a distanct prospect.

Politics: President Joko Widodo proposed monthly income support for graduates of vocational programs who lack immediate employment and need to search for jobs.  He did not specify an amount per recipient.  The proposal has some merit – but simple regulatory changes to facilitate investment and job‑creation would obviate its need.  Politically, the concept will likely prove popular, further boosting Widodo (Page 2).  A prominent Partai Demokrat official, Andi Arief, left the party to undergo drug rehabilitation.  This marks yet another blow for a party that had been Indonesia’s largest only five years ago (p. 3).  A human rights activist and lecturer suffered arrest for allegedly defaming the military (p. 4). 

Surveys: In the first new poll data to emerge in over a month, the Survey Network (LSI) showed that, as of late February, nationwide support for Widodo stood at 59 percent, versus 31 percent for Gerindra Chair Prabowo Subianto.  The findings, which are credible, suggest that Widodo strengthened during February, perhaps due to the two televised debates – and despite Prabowo’s emphatic attempts to provoke various economic fears.  The data portray Prabowo’s prospects as distinctly remote.  A Widodo landslide would further reduce the likelihood of disruption or unrest, as Prabowo‑camp claims of fraud or manipulation would lack credence.  Meanwhile, Widodo would emerge with an unequivocal mandate and particularly strong political capital.  Parties that defy him would jeopardize their own image.  But whether he would use this strength effectively is questionable (p. 5).  Findings from Polmark, a somewhat obscure firm employed by the National Mandate Party (Pan), claim that Widodo’s margin over Prabowo is only 15 percentage points – but the poll is old, it has a large error margin and it featured a 34 percent level of undecided respondents.  As a percen­tage of decided respondents, Widodo’s support is comparable to other (and better) polls (p. 6). 

Justice: In the first verdicts in Lippo’s Meikarta scandal, four Lippo personnel including Billy Sindoro received sentences ranging from 1.5‑3.5 years each.  This is Sindoro’s second conviction from the Anti-Corruption Commission (KPK) (p. 8).

Policy News: A new phase of implementation is underway for online permitting (p. 8).

Produced since 2003, the Reformasi Weekly Review provides timely, relevant and independent analysis on Indonesian political and policy news.  The writer is Kevin O’Rourke, author of the book Reformasi.  For subscription info please contact: <[email protected]>.

International: During an election that features strident economic critiques, the govern­ment concluded the Comprehensive Economic Partnership with Australia (IA‑Cepa).  Parties may yet posture when it comes due for ratifi­cation, but other trade agreements have managed to pass.  The IA-Cepa reduces tariffs on myriad Australian goods from five percent to zero, while higher tariffs on certain foods will fall precipitously.  Contrary to reports, it sets no new foreign ownership ceilings (p. 8). 

2. Speedcast: Back on Track


Speedcast International (SDA AU) recently reported FY18 (Dec YE) results which showed a solid recovery in 2H. That has allowed the stock to start to recover from a torrid 1H18 performance which saw targets missed. The strong recovery in operating performance in 2H18 has allowed Ian Martin to reset forecasts and he now looks for the EBITDA margin to increase steadily as acquisitions are bedded down. By FY20, we expect Speedcast to be in a much stronger position as rising cash flow leads to lower debts. We have a new 12m target price of A$4.40 based on 11.7x FY20F EPS. We expect SpeedCast to be in a materially better operating position as it moves into FY20, and good cash flow will be used to reduce debt through the year. Operating execution in 1H19 is crucial.

3. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit


On 5 March 2019, Manikay Partners, an 11% shareholder, wrote to MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) chairman Justin Milne to reveal that it believed that KKR & Co Inc (KKR US)’s recommended offer of $3.40 cash per share was too low due to the significant market rally and normalisation of financing markets.

Manikay believes MYOB is worth well in excess of A$4.00 per share. Manikay intends to use the threat of a shareholder rejection to get KKR to sweeten its bid, in our view. However, we believe that KKR has little reason to increase its bid. With the shares just 1 cent below KKR’s revised proposal, we believe shareholders should cash out.

4. Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) has been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons.

The change in Malaysia’s government last May appears to have caught up with Lynas’ rare earth processing plant in Kuantan – or Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) – a facility that has faced persistent environmental opposition since its initial proposal in 2006.

The LAMP’s licence stipulates that residue/waste should be recycled, and if that does not occur, then stored in a permanent disposal facility (PDF). Removing/Exporting the residue was the last resort. Lynas is still in the first phase of the licensing guidelines, having submitted a plan to build the PDF but Lynas has not received specific instructions where to build this facility. 

Events reached a head on the 4th December 2018 with two pre-conditions imposed by the Minister for Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate to rolling over the processing licence by September this year:

  1. The export before September 2, 2019 of all WLP residue that is currently stored at the LAMP; and
  2. Submission of an action plan on the disposal of NUF residue.

By some accounts, there is 500k+ tonnes of WLP, conceivably requiring in excess of three years to export. This resulted in Ernst & Young concluding (page 15) in the interim results (released last week) there is a material uncertainty for Lynas to continue to operate on a going concern basis.

Irrespective of whether the licence was provided to Lynas without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the LAMP is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process, and that is wrong.

This is a binary outcome: either Lynas re-negotiates on the residue management and LAMP’s ongoing operations; or Lynas ceases operation in Malaysia and its rare earth deposit is just a bunch of rocks – until an alternative processing facility is established.

A Brief Timeline of Events


Data in the Date

Ashton Mining discovers Mt Weld in Western Australia
Lynas enters into an HoA with Ashton giving Lynas a 35% stake in Mt Weld
Lynas takes full ownership of Mt Weld
Kemaman (Malaysia) selected for LAMP
LAMP site relocated to Kuantan (Malaysia) at the recommendation of Malaysia G
LAMP assigned “Pioneer Status
LAMP receives G approval
Temporary operating licence by Malaysia’s Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)
First shipment to LAMP from Western Australia
First rare earth production
2-year Full Operating Stage Licence by AELB
3-year Full Operating Stage Licence by AELB
Pakatan Harapan wins Malaysian general election
Government review of LAMP (Review Committee)
Review Committee finds LAMP low risk and compliant with licence. But an increase in heavy metals.
MESTECC specifies new pre-conditions including exporting WLP residue before 2 Sept 2019
Source: Lynas

The Residues of LAMP

The LAMP produces two solid residues, the Neutralization Underflow Residue (NUF) and the Water Leached Purification Residue (WLP). 

  • The NUF is a magnesium-rich gypsum and is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-ecotoxic, and non-radioactive.  NUF can be used to “condition poor agricultural soil, and to rejuvenate and rehabilitate unproductive and depleted land“.
  • The WLP residue is classified as a radioactive material and has the same radioactivity level as the feedstock material used in the LAMP process (about 6 Bq/g of Th). This material is classified as low-level radioactive material. The LAMP operation does not enhance or alter this natural radioactivity. 

The Terms of the Licence

WLP is managed under the terms of the Full Operating Stage Licence (FOSL), first granted in 2014. The terms of FOSL state that WLP residue should be recycled, and if that fails, then it should be stored in a Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF). Exporting WLP is only to be considered in the event neither recycling nor PDF are possible.

  • The WLP is currently stored in temporary storage facilities on site (temporary residue storage facility (RSF)) and in accordance with the current licence. The RSF is designed and constructed and is managed to meet the requirement of a PDF within the LAMP.
  • Lynas’ PDF Planning Framework and Site Protection Plan were approved by the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) on February 25, 2014. The Pahang State Government has given its consent to the location of the PDF in Pahang, should it be required. AELB is holding a US$34mn bond on behalf of Lynas to build the PDF. 
  • Occupational and health exposures monitored since 2012 have shown that risks to employees from radiation and chemicals are well within the permissible limits.

The Details of the 4th December Reports

Both reports are in bahasa Malaysia

  • The Review Committee Report found Lynas’ operations are low risk and compliant with applicable laws. However, on page 94 it does state:
    • The Executive Committee found that there was an increase in heavy metal concentrations for nickel, chromium, lead and mercury in-ground waste. Nickel and chromium are carcinogenic substances for human beings.

    • One recommendation by the Committee was to determine the location and build a PDF for the WLP residue, including identifying sites for PDF construction before the renewal of the next licence.
    • The report said to “Be prepared to export WLP residues from Malaysia if the PDF location is not identified or approved.
    • The review committee comprises six members according to this link.  
  • The Minister for Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) reported two new pre-conditions for its licence renewal on 2 September 2019 and future permission renewals in relation to residue management, those being:
    • The export of WLP residue before 2 September 2019; and the submission of an action plan on the disposal of NUF (current approval valid until 15 February 2019).
      • Following consultation with the government and regulators, an agreed pathway for the management of NUF was reached on the 14 Feb.
    • This pre-condition is inconsistent with the Review Committee’s recommendation on the PDF facility for WLP residue. The Review Committee said that Lynas should be prepared to export WLP residues from Malaysia only if the PDF location is not identified or approved.
    • All senior management of MESTECC were appointed following the 2018 general election. The AELB is an agency/department under MESTECC.

On the Political Front

After being elected as a Member of Parliament for Kuantan in 2008, Fusiah Salleh spearheaded the “Stop Lynas Rare earth Refinery” campaign.

  • This campaign cause was buoyed by the Mitsubishi  Chemical Corporations incident in Ipoh in the 80s and 90s, together with the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster – although the latter is not wholly pertinent.
  • Bowing to pressure the AELB conducted a review of LAMP in 2011 and ultimately claimed they were not able to identify any non-compliance with international radiation safety standards at the plant. Environmentalist pointed out this report did not address the long-term waste management nor the possible contamination of surface water and atmosphere by radioactive waste material.
  • Despite extensive and ongoing opposition, Lynas was offered a 12-year tax holiday at the onset, and was issued a 2-year full operating licence in 2014. 
  • The re-election of Mohammad Mahathir in 2018 provided a more sympathetic ear to the campaign’s voice compared to that under Najib Razak (PM from Apr-09 to May-18), resulting in the Review Committee to conduct the environmental impact assessment of LAMP. 
    • Indeed, projects and investments made by Najib are being reviewed such as LAMP and Belt & Road proposals.
  • Fusiah Salleh was appointed the chair of this Committee, although she withdrew her position in October to “prevent Lynas from shifting the focus from the real issue“.  She is currently the deputy minister in the PM’s department.

Just How Radioactive?

It’s low but it’s not nothing – there is no such thing as zero harm. One issue, to me, is a decent layman’s overview of the radiation. In previous slides issued by Lynas it mentioned the limits for members of the public to be 1.0 mSv (milisievert) per year, while Lynas’ residue radioactive content is 6 Bq (becquerels)/g Th-232. 

Converting becquerels to sieverts is easier said than done. Conversions in the table via this link provide some context; it also shows Thorium 232 to have the second highest half-life, and the highest inhalation dose.

Arguably the radiation of this waste is low – and further backed up in this IAEA report (page 20) – but the reality is, if so low, why not process in Australia in the first place? And why are rare metal processing plants generally thin on ground worldwide?

Where Can It Be Exported?

Lynas has an estimated 500,000+ tonnes of WLP stored on site. Even filling one FEU (40-foot container, carrying 40 tonnes) every two hours around the clock, would take at least three years to clear the backlog – not factoring into account new residue being created. A price tag for the export of the residue has been estimated at A$60mn.

But who would (or can) accept this waste?

  • This report is a little over two years old, but on page 18, to the exception of Malaysia, rare metal processing only incurs in China (the world leader), Estonia, and India (marginal production). There appears to be some purification/separation/refining in Kazakhstan and Russia, but there is limited data. 
  • Australia’s Arafura Resources (ARU AU) is expected to build its own rare earth separation plant in Australia, having previously touted the idea of building such a plant in South Korea. 
    • Sending the waste back to Australia appears to be the go-to response from various quarters in Malaysia. But this is a heavily regulated space.
    • Legislation should not be captured under this Nuclear Waste Storage and Transportation (Prohibition) Act 1999 as the residue is not derived from a nuclear plant. 
    • It may be captured under the Hazardous Waste Act, based on the definitions under the Basel Convention. Here is also a list of Basel Convention members
    • A 7-year old article mentions that “National legislation stipulates that Australia will not accept responsibility for any waste product produced from offshore processing of resources purchased in Australia such as iron ore, mineral sands and the rare earth produced by Lynas Corporation.” I have yet to sight this legislation.
    • According to the AFR (paywalled), Robin Chapple, a Greens member in the Western Australian Legislative Council, said the safest place for the radioactive waste would be Western Australia, where it was originally located. Which makes a degree of sense, assuming the waste is in dry form, not liquid, which could then potentially leach into the water table. Of interest, Chapple has been a vocal critic of Lynas in the past.
    • The Australian government may make an exception to such an import in that the radiation is understood to be exactly the same as when it left Australia. And the expected approval of the Arafura plant may suggest an openness to importing this waste. 
  • China won’t accept this waste – it has its own environmental issues to deal with after years of rare earth production. 

Establishing a Plant in Australia

Arafuna has secured Northern Territory (NT) and Australian government environmental approvals for its project in Australia. However, mining regulations in Australia are state/territory based – what is approved in NT does not necessarily translate to approval in WA, where Mt Weld is located; but it should help.

CEO Amanda Lacaze was quoted (paywalled) in the FT saying: 

We could reorganise our assets with time in a way that would allow us to continue to serve our customers. Short term we may need to partner in China; longer term we would re-establish our operations outside of China. Australia is a pretty good place.

“Re-establish” potentially includes disassembling/re-assembling LAMP, but this is not stipulated. Lynas’ PPE has a net book value of ~A$600mn, including rotary kilns, centrifuges, solvent extractors and pumps, most of which presumably could be shipped and railed to Mt Weld, or in close proximity, fast tracking the construction time. Assuming necessary approvals are in place. 

A Show of Support

Since rumours of the Review Committee surfaced, Greencape Capital has increased its stake in Lynas to 9.27% from 6.13%; while FIL has increased its holding to 7.32% from 5.01%. Both shareholders increased their stake after the 4th December reports.


Shares (mn)


Source: CapIQ

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Brief Australia: MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade

1. MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade

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When I wrote about KKR’s purchase of 17.6% of MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) from Bain in October – a trade which got KKR to a 19.9% holding, my take on it was that the deal was probably a bit light. It was not outrageously bad because a) Bain agreed to sell their 17.6% at A$3.15 vs the A$3.65 IPO , and b) something like 93% of volume traded since the IPO in May 2015 had taken place below the proposed indicative offer price, but it was still one of the few platforms on which someone could take a stand to compete against the likes of Xero Ltd (XRO AU) and Intuit Inc (INTU US), it was not overly expensive as SaaS platforms went, and its online presence was growing rapidly.

The full write-up is MYOB: KKR Launches a Proposal. Lightish?

About three weeks later, KKR bumped their indicative offer to A$3.77/share, and MYOB opened its books to allow KKR due diligence. That suggested the price was in the range of the acceptable to MYOB’s board (but that A$3.70 was borderline). 

Then KKR did its due diligence, global equities continued to fall out of bed (down 10+% in two months for many major indices including Australia’s S&P/ASX200), KKR’s due diligence process came down to the wire, and the final bid presented came in at A$3.40, with a very short “take-it-or-leave-it” deadline. The immediate reaction of MYOB’s board was, as David Blennerhassett wrote in Friday Deadline Looms As MYOB Snubs KKR’s Reduced Offer,

Following completion of due diligence and finalisation of debt funding commitments, KKR has revised the offer price to $3.40 per share. …  The board has informed KKR that it is not in a position to recommend the revised proposal, however it remains in discussions with KKR regarding its proposal. (David Blennerhassett ‘s emphasis)

Four days later, KKR and MYOB entered into a Scheme Implementation Agreement (SIA) at A$3.40/share, putting MYOB at a A$2bn market cap.

David Blennerhassett discussed the SIA and the upcoming schedule of events in some detail in MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer. MYOB’s board unanimously recommended shareholders vote in favour of the Offer in the absence of a superior proposal and subject to an independent expert concluding the Offer was in the best interest of shareholders. There was a specific “go-shop” provision through the 22nd of February – when MYOB was expected to release FY results. No offer was forthcoming. KKR had matching rights but if they did not match an offer which was 5% higher and all-cash, then KKR would be obliged to sell its shares into the higher offer.

The New News

While not new new, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has reached a stake of 9.99%. This was declared on Monday. On Tuesday Manikay sent a letter to MYOB (discussed below). This morning MYOB responded saying “The MYOB Board continues to unanimously recommend the Proposal subject to no Superior Proposal being forthcoming, and the receipt of an IER [Independent Experts’ Report] concluding that the Proposal is in the best interests of MYOB Shareholders.”

The Scheme Booklet is currently with ASIC and is expected to be despatched “in coming weeks” (original schedule was for mid-March with Scheme Meeting April 19). The wording in the MYOB release suggests that might get pushed back a little, meanwhile Manikay is likely to make more noise.

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Brief Australia: More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG
  2. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR
  3. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer
  4. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?
  5. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks

1. More Volatility in the LNG Markets as JKM Drops Below TTF – Oil Majors Increase Exposure to US LNG


The JKM has halved its value since December, continuing its steady decline and dropping below the TTF, the benchmark for European LNG prices. Asian LNG spot prices are now at their lowest level since May 2015. While a prolonged LNG price downturn could force many projects to be cancelled, the winners among the developers are starting to emerge, aggressively pushing ahead their projects closer to the final investment decision.

Both Tellurian Inc (TELL US) and NextDecade Corp (NEXT US) signed high-profile deals, respectively with Total Sa (FP FP) and Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA LN), that could significantly de-risk their proposed LNG projects and increase the probability to reach FID in 2019. In Russia, LNG newcomer Novatek PJSC (NVTK LI) agreed two long-term offtake deals with Repsol SA (REP SM) and Vitol thereby moving a step closer to FID its Arctic LNG 2 project.

2. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR


FX markets are meandering with no clear trends, and it seems investors have little market conviction.  This appears to be resulting in choppy price action influenced mainly by short term technicals rather than macroeconomic developments.

We have noted that in recent years the FX market has appeared to be less pre-emptive, and often responds surprisingly sharply after the event.  As such we remain wary of a reversal of recent USD strength if, as it seems increasingly likely, a negotiated trade and Brexit deal might be found relatively soon.

 If there is a trend, it is a mild downtrend in the EUR that has underperformed most other currencies over the last six months.  It failed to rise much in January when most other currencies experienced a rebound against the USD, and it has continued to drift lower, in recent months, during a period of mixed to weaker price action in other currencies against the USD.

The market may be moving into a yield-seeking mode.  Yield compression tends to shift capital to higher-yielding assets, resulting in a stronger performance for higher-yielding currencies even as their yield spreads narrow. The USD is now one of the higher-yielding currencies.

3. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

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Originally I had thought KKR’s offer could go higher. Instead, it came in lower at A$3.40 and KKR gave MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) management all of a couple of days to think about it.

The title to my subsequent piece was MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer.

Manikay Partners started buying up shares and by early March had reached a position of 11%. They made noise. The Scheme Booklet came out on the 14th of March. Four days later Manikay announced their position was now 13.61% and the following day Mawer announced re-upped its stake from the mid 8s to high 9% level.

The 20th saw a Scheme Update from MYO announcing receipt of a letter from KKR saying that the A$3.40 price was their “best and final offer”, making it clear under Truth in Takeovers language that Manikay was not going to get a higher price out of them.

Manikay continued to buy shares on the 20th and the 21st, getting to 16.16% of the company as filed on the 22nd.

On Monday 1 April, MYOB announced a supplemental disclosure to the Scheme documents noting KKR’s final intention, and that the directors continued to unanimously recommend the Scheme.

Today we have new news.

Manikay Caves and Agrees to KKR’s Reduced (Now Final) Offer

Earlier today a Reuters story about Manikay accepting the offer popped up and MYOB shares popped from A$3.34 to A$3.38-39 area where they closed. Partway through the day MYOB released a document on the ASX feed saying that Manikay had sent a letter saying…

In order avoid speculation regarding our voting intentions in respect of the Scheme, we are writing to inform you that we, Manikay Partners, intend to vote all the MYOB shares that we own or control FOR the upcoming Scheme, subject to there being no proposal that we consider to be superior prior to the vote.

We remain very disappointed that, despite our repeated efforts to convince you otherwise, you failed to change your recommendation in light of the material improvement in market conditions since announcement of the Scheme, among other factors. We are also disappointed that the disclosures to MYOB shareholders did not fully explain the impact of such improved market conditions on the value of MYOB.
excerpt of the letter.

4. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

Despite some signs of stabilization in China’s factory gauges the primary trend is still weakness and it might be rash for investors to read too much into the recent data given the apparent weakness in the Eurozone and the moderation form a high level of growth in the United States.  Quantitative tightening is on hold in the United States but a sharp “U-turn” to easing has not happened yet and is politically embarrassing. As inflation falls real rates are rising. Housing markets are showing signs of price weakness. Investors need to watch for signs of credit quality decay that could be an indicator of the next period of severe financial distress. 

5. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks

The future of the US and China relationship remains the most significant geopolitical and economic issue watched by the markets. While the markets prefer to focus on the positives, the eventual outcome of the talks may yet prove disappointing. Meanwhile, a rift is emerging among EU members who have diverging attitudes to cooperation with China. Authorities in Turkey have again spooked investors with their ham-fisted approach to markets. In Ukraine, comedian Zelensky has won in the first round of the presidential poll. In India, sabre-rattling continues ahead of parliamentary elections despite the de-escalation of tensions with neighbouring Pakistan.

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Brief Australia: Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR
  2. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer
  3. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?
  4. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks
  5. TRADE IDEA – Melco (200 HK) Stub: Lose a Little Sleep in Macau

1. Yield Grab Supports the USD, Japanification Fear Weakens EUR


FX markets are meandering with no clear trends, and it seems investors have little market conviction.  This appears to be resulting in choppy price action influenced mainly by short term technicals rather than macroeconomic developments.

We have noted that in recent years the FX market has appeared to be less pre-emptive, and often responds surprisingly sharply after the event.  As such we remain wary of a reversal of recent USD strength if, as it seems increasingly likely, a negotiated trade and Brexit deal might be found relatively soon.

 If there is a trend, it is a mild downtrend in the EUR that has underperformed most other currencies over the last six months.  It failed to rise much in January when most other currencies experienced a rebound against the USD, and it has continued to drift lower, in recent months, during a period of mixed to weaker price action in other currencies against the USD.

The market may be moving into a yield-seeking mode.  Yield compression tends to shift capital to higher-yielding assets, resulting in a stronger performance for higher-yielding currencies even as their yield spreads narrow. The USD is now one of the higher-yielding currencies.

2. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

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Originally I had thought KKR’s offer could go higher. Instead, it came in lower at A$3.40 and KKR gave MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) management all of a couple of days to think about it.

The title to my subsequent piece was MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer.

Manikay Partners started buying up shares and by early March had reached a position of 11%. They made noise. The Scheme Booklet came out on the 14th of March. Four days later Manikay announced their position was now 13.61% and the following day Mawer announced re-upped its stake from the mid 8s to high 9% level.

The 20th saw a Scheme Update from MYO announcing receipt of a letter from KKR saying that the A$3.40 price was their “best and final offer”, making it clear under Truth in Takeovers language that Manikay was not going to get a higher price out of them.

Manikay continued to buy shares on the 20th and the 21st, getting to 16.16% of the company as filed on the 22nd.

On Monday 1 April, MYOB announced a supplemental disclosure to the Scheme documents noting KKR’s final intention, and that the directors continued to unanimously recommend the Scheme.

Today we have new news.

Manikay Caves and Agrees to KKR’s Reduced (Now Final) Offer

Earlier today a Reuters story about Manikay accepting the offer popped up and MYOB shares popped from A$3.34 to A$3.38-39 area where they closed. Partway through the day MYOB released a document on the ASX feed saying that Manikay had sent a letter saying…

In order avoid speculation regarding our voting intentions in respect of the Scheme, we are writing to inform you that we, Manikay Partners, intend to vote all the MYOB shares that we own or control FOR the upcoming Scheme, subject to there being no proposal that we consider to be superior prior to the vote.

We remain very disappointed that, despite our repeated efforts to convince you otherwise, you failed to change your recommendation in light of the material improvement in market conditions since announcement of the Scheme, among other factors. We are also disappointed that the disclosures to MYOB shareholders did not fully explain the impact of such improved market conditions on the value of MYOB.
excerpt of the letter.

3. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

Despite some signs of stabilization in China’s factory gauges the primary trend is still weakness and it might be rash for investors to read too much into the recent data given the apparent weakness in the Eurozone and the moderation form a high level of growth in the United States.  Quantitative tightening is on hold in the United States but a sharp “U-turn” to easing has not happened yet and is politically embarrassing. As inflation falls real rates are rising. Housing markets are showing signs of price weakness. Investors need to watch for signs of credit quality decay that could be an indicator of the next period of severe financial distress. 

4. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks

The future of the US and China relationship remains the most significant geopolitical and economic issue watched by the markets. While the markets prefer to focus on the positives, the eventual outcome of the talks may yet prove disappointing. Meanwhile, a rift is emerging among EU members who have diverging attitudes to cooperation with China. Authorities in Turkey have again spooked investors with their ham-fisted approach to markets. In Ukraine, comedian Zelensky has won in the first round of the presidential poll. In India, sabre-rattling continues ahead of parliamentary elections despite the de-escalation of tensions with neighbouring Pakistan.

5. TRADE IDEA – Melco (200 HK) Stub: Lose a Little Sleep in Macau


Visitors to Macao will notice the gaudy designs of new properties like Studio City and the City of Dreams owned by Melco. Few will know that the Melco of today traces its roots back almost 100 years when it was named The Macau Electric Lighting Company. Melco was listed in Hong Kong in 1927 when it was still managing the electricity supply service for the island of Macau, which it had done since 1906. After the CEM was established in 1972 to supply power in Macau, Melco changed its name to Melco International Development Limited and became a subsidiary of Stanley Ho’s real estate holding company, Shun Tak Holdings (242 HK). With the burden of supplying electricity off its shoulders, the company did what any logical Hong Kong firm would do when its business disappears, it bought real estate.

To this day, Melco International Development (200 HK) still maintains ownership of one of these classic Hong Kong destinations which I will take a closer look at in my note. In the rest of this insight I will:

  • finish the historical overview of Melco
  • present my trade idea and rationale
  • give a detailed overview of the business units of Melco International
  • recap ALL of my stub trades on Smartkarma and the performance of each 

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Brief Australia: MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit
  2. Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock
  3. January Chip Revenues Down 15.6% Year-On-Year
  4. MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade

1. MYOB (MYO AU): Head for the Exit


On 5 March 2019, Manikay Partners, an 11% shareholder, wrote to MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) chairman Justin Milne to reveal that it believed that KKR & Co Inc (KKR US)’s recommended offer of $3.40 cash per share was too low due to the significant market rally and normalisation of financing markets.

Manikay believes MYOB is worth well in excess of A$4.00 per share. Manikay intends to use the threat of a shareholder rejection to get KKR to sweeten its bid, in our view. However, we believe that KKR has little reason to increase its bid. With the shares just 1 cent below KKR’s revised proposal, we believe shareholders should cash out.

2. Lynas: Between a Hard Place and Just Rock


Lynas Corp Ltd (LYC AU) has been in the news of late for all the wrong reasons.

The change in Malaysia’s government last May appears to have caught up with Lynas’ rare earth processing plant in Kuantan – or Lynas Advanced Materials Plant (LAMP) – a facility that has faced persistent environmental opposition since its initial proposal in 2006.

The LAMP’s licence stipulates that residue/waste should be recycled, and if that does not occur, then stored in a permanent disposal facility (PDF). Removing/Exporting the residue was the last resort. Lynas is still in the first phase of the licensing guidelines, having submitted a plan to build the PDF but Lynas has not received specific instructions where to build this facility. 

Events reached a head on the 4th December 2018 with two pre-conditions imposed by the Minister for Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate to rolling over the processing licence by September this year:

  1. The export before September 2, 2019 of all WLP residue that is currently stored at the LAMP; and
  2. Submission of an action plan on the disposal of NUF residue.

By some accounts, there is 500k+ tonnes of WLP, conceivably requiring in excess of three years to export. This resulted in Ernst & Young concluding (page 15) in the interim results (released last week) there is a material uncertainty for Lynas to continue to operate on a going concern basis.

Irrespective of whether the licence was provided to Lynas without adequate due process (as has been speculated) or whether the LAMP is indeed an environmental concern; the fact remains the Malaysian government has reneged on the previously agreed-upon three-step licence process, and that is wrong.

This is a binary outcome: either Lynas re-negotiates on the residue management and LAMP’s ongoing operations; or Lynas ceases operation in Malaysia and its rare earth deposit is just a bunch of rocks – until an alternative processing facility is established.

A Brief Timeline of Events


Data in the Date

Ashton Mining discovers Mt Weld in Western Australia
Lynas enters into an HoA with Ashton giving Lynas a 35% stake in Mt Weld
Lynas takes full ownership of Mt Weld
Kemaman (Malaysia) selected for LAMP
LAMP site relocated to Kuantan (Malaysia) at the recommendation of Malaysia G
LAMP assigned “Pioneer Status
LAMP receives G approval
Temporary operating licence by Malaysia’s Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)
First shipment to LAMP from Western Australia
First rare earth production
2-year Full Operating Stage Licence by AELB
3-year Full Operating Stage Licence by AELB
Pakatan Harapan wins Malaysian general election
Government review of LAMP (Review Committee)
Review Committee finds LAMP low risk and compliant with licence. But an increase in heavy metals.
MESTECC specifies new pre-conditions including exporting WLP residue before 2 Sept 2019
Source: Lynas

The Residues of LAMP

The LAMP produces two solid residues, the Neutralization Underflow Residue (NUF) and the Water Leached Purification Residue (WLP). 

  • The NUF is a magnesium-rich gypsum and is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, non-ecotoxic, and non-radioactive.  NUF can be used to “condition poor agricultural soil, and to rejuvenate and rehabilitate unproductive and depleted land“.
  • The WLP residue is classified as a radioactive material and has the same radioactivity level as the feedstock material used in the LAMP process (about 6 Bq/g of Th). This material is classified as low-level radioactive material. The LAMP operation does not enhance or alter this natural radioactivity. 

The Terms of the Licence

WLP is managed under the terms of the Full Operating Stage Licence (FOSL), first granted in 2014. The terms of FOSL state that WLP residue should be recycled, and if that fails, then it should be stored in a Permanent Disposal Facility (PDF). Exporting WLP is only to be considered in the event neither recycling nor PDF are possible.

  • The WLP is currently stored in temporary storage facilities on site (temporary residue storage facility (RSF)) and in accordance with the current licence. The RSF is designed and constructed and is managed to meet the requirement of a PDF within the LAMP.
  • Lynas’ PDF Planning Framework and Site Protection Plan were approved by the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) on February 25, 2014. The Pahang State Government has given its consent to the location of the PDF in Pahang, should it be required. AELB is holding a US$34mn bond on behalf of Lynas to build the PDF. 
  • Occupational and health exposures monitored since 2012 have shown that risks to employees from radiation and chemicals are well within the permissible limits.

The Details of the 4th December Reports

Both reports are in bahasa Malaysia

  • The Review Committee Report found Lynas’ operations are low risk and compliant with applicable laws. However, on page 94 it does state:
    • The Executive Committee found that there was an increase in heavy metal concentrations for nickel, chromium, lead and mercury in-ground waste. Nickel and chromium are carcinogenic substances for human beings.

    • One recommendation by the Committee was to determine the location and build a PDF for the WLP residue, including identifying sites for PDF construction before the renewal of the next licence.
    • The report said to “Be prepared to export WLP residues from Malaysia if the PDF location is not identified or approved.
    • The review committee comprises six members according to this link.  
  • The Minister for Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) reported two new pre-conditions for its licence renewal on 2 September 2019 and future permission renewals in relation to residue management, those being:
    • The export of WLP residue before 2 September 2019; and the submission of an action plan on the disposal of NUF (current approval valid until 15 February 2019).
      • Following consultation with the government and regulators, an agreed pathway for the management of NUF was reached on the 14 Feb.
    • This pre-condition is inconsistent with the Review Committee’s recommendation on the PDF facility for WLP residue. The Review Committee said that Lynas should be prepared to export WLP residues from Malaysia only if the PDF location is not identified or approved.
    • All senior management of MESTECC were appointed following the 2018 general election. The AELB is an agency/department under MESTECC.

On the Political Front

After being elected as a Member of Parliament for Kuantan in 2008, Fusiah Salleh spearheaded the “Stop Lynas Rare earth Refinery” campaign.

  • This campaign cause was buoyed by the Mitsubishi  Chemical Corporations incident in Ipoh in the 80s and 90s, together with the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster – although the latter is not wholly pertinent.
  • Bowing to pressure the AELB conducted a review of LAMP in 2011 and ultimately claimed they were not able to identify any non-compliance with international radiation safety standards at the plant. Environmentalist pointed out this report did not address the long-term waste management nor the possible contamination of surface water and atmosphere by radioactive waste material.
  • Despite extensive and ongoing opposition, Lynas was offered a 12-year tax holiday at the onset, and was issued a 2-year full operating licence in 2014. 
  • The re-election of Mohammad Mahathir in 2018 provided a more sympathetic ear to the campaign’s voice compared to that under Najib Razak (PM from Apr-09 to May-18), resulting in the Review Committee to conduct the environmental impact assessment of LAMP. 
    • Indeed, projects and investments made by Najib are being reviewed such as LAMP and Belt & Road proposals.
  • Fusiah Salleh was appointed the chair of this Committee, although she withdrew her position in October to “prevent Lynas from shifting the focus from the real issue“.  She is currently the deputy minister in the PM’s department.

Just How Radioactive?

It’s low but it’s not nothing – there is no such thing as zero harm. One issue, to me, is a decent layman’s overview of the radiation. In previous slides issued by Lynas it mentioned the limits for members of the public to be 1.0 mSv (milisievert) per year, while Lynas’ residue radioactive content is 6 Bq (becquerels)/g Th-232. 

Converting becquerels to sieverts is easier said than done. Conversions in the table via this link provide some context; it also shows Thorium 232 to have the second highest half-life, and the highest inhalation dose.

Arguably the radiation of this waste is low – and further backed up in this IAEA report (page 20) – but the reality is, if so low, why not process in Australia in the first place? And why are rare metal processing plants generally thin on ground worldwide?

Where Can It Be Exported?

Lynas has an estimated 500,000+ tonnes of WLP stored on site. Even filling one FEU (40-foot container, carrying 40 tonnes) every two hours around the clock, would take at least three years to clear the backlog – not factoring into account new residue being created. A price tag for the export of the residue has been estimated at A$60mn.

But who would (or can) accept this waste?

  • This report is a little over two years old, but on page 18, to the exception of Malaysia, rare metal processing only incurs in China (the world leader), Estonia, and India (marginal production). There appears to be some purification/separation/refining in Kazakhstan and Russia, but there is limited data. 
  • Australia’s Arafura Resources (ARU AU) is expected to build its own rare earth separation plant in Australia, having previously touted the idea of building such a plant in South Korea. 
    • Sending the waste back to Australia appears to be the go-to response from various quarters in Malaysia. But this is a heavily regulated space.
    • Legislation should not be captured under this Nuclear Waste Storage and Transportation (Prohibition) Act 1999 as the residue is not derived from a nuclear plant. 
    • It may be captured under the Hazardous Waste Act, based on the definitions under the Basel Convention. Here is also a list of Basel Convention members
    • A 7-year old article mentions that “National legislation stipulates that Australia will not accept responsibility for any waste product produced from offshore processing of resources purchased in Australia such as iron ore, mineral sands and the rare earth produced by Lynas Corporation.” I have yet to sight this legislation.
    • According to the AFR (paywalled), Robin Chapple, a Greens member in the Western Australian Legislative Council, said the safest place for the radioactive waste would be Western Australia, where it was originally located. Which makes a degree of sense, assuming the waste is in dry form, not liquid, which could then potentially leach into the water table. Of interest, Chapple has been a vocal critic of Lynas in the past.
    • The Australian government may make an exception to such an import in that the radiation is understood to be exactly the same as when it left Australia. And the expected approval of the Arafura plant may suggest an openness to importing this waste. 
  • China won’t accept this waste – it has its own environmental issues to deal with after years of rare earth production. 

Establishing a Plant in Australia

Arafuna has secured Northern Territory (NT) and Australian government environmental approvals for its project in Australia. However, mining regulations in Australia are state/territory based – what is approved in NT does not necessarily translate to approval in WA, where Mt Weld is located; but it should help.

CEO Amanda Lacaze was quoted (paywalled) in the FT saying: 

We could reorganise our assets with time in a way that would allow us to continue to serve our customers. Short term we may need to partner in China; longer term we would re-establish our operations outside of China. Australia is a pretty good place.

“Re-establish” potentially includes disassembling/re-assembling LAMP, but this is not stipulated. Lynas’ PPE has a net book value of ~A$600mn, including rotary kilns, centrifuges, solvent extractors and pumps, most of which presumably could be shipped and railed to Mt Weld, or in close proximity, fast tracking the construction time. Assuming necessary approvals are in place. 

A Show of Support

Since rumours of the Review Committee surfaced, Greencape Capital has increased its stake in Lynas to 9.27% from 6.13%; while FIL has increased its holding to 7.32% from 5.01%. Both shareholders increased their stake after the 4th December reports.


Shares (mn)


Source: CapIQ

3. January Chip Revenues Down 15.6% Year-On-Year

2019 03 04%20wsts%20monthly%203mma%20revenue%20history

The Semiconductor Industry Association in the US released the latest WSTS figures for January chip revenues.  Monthly revenues are down 15.6% from January of 2018.  While this is not a surprise to our clients it is frightening to those who anticipated that 2019 would be a continuation of the bonanza enjoyed in 2018.

4. MYOB Setting Up As A Riskier Trade

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When I wrote about KKR’s purchase of 17.6% of MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) from Bain in October – a trade which got KKR to a 19.9% holding, my take on it was that the deal was probably a bit light. It was not outrageously bad because a) Bain agreed to sell their 17.6% at A$3.15 vs the A$3.65 IPO , and b) something like 93% of volume traded since the IPO in May 2015 had taken place below the proposed indicative offer price, but it was still one of the few platforms on which someone could take a stand to compete against the likes of Xero Ltd (XRO AU) and Intuit Inc (INTU US), it was not overly expensive as SaaS platforms went, and its online presence was growing rapidly.

The full write-up is MYOB: KKR Launches a Proposal. Lightish?

About three weeks later, KKR bumped their indicative offer to A$3.77/share, and MYOB opened its books to allow KKR due diligence. That suggested the price was in the range of the acceptable to MYOB’s board (but that A$3.70 was borderline). 

Then KKR did its due diligence, global equities continued to fall out of bed (down 10+% in two months for many major indices including Australia’s S&P/ASX200), KKR’s due diligence process came down to the wire, and the final bid presented came in at A$3.40, with a very short “take-it-or-leave-it” deadline. The immediate reaction of MYOB’s board was, as David Blennerhassett wrote in Friday Deadline Looms As MYOB Snubs KKR’s Reduced Offer,

Following completion of due diligence and finalisation of debt funding commitments, KKR has revised the offer price to $3.40 per share. …  The board has informed KKR that it is not in a position to recommend the revised proposal, however it remains in discussions with KKR regarding its proposal. (David Blennerhassett ‘s emphasis)

Four days later, KKR and MYOB entered into a Scheme Implementation Agreement (SIA) at A$3.40/share, putting MYOB at a A$2bn market cap.

David Blennerhassett discussed the SIA and the upcoming schedule of events in some detail in MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer. MYOB’s board unanimously recommended shareholders vote in favour of the Offer in the absence of a superior proposal and subject to an independent expert concluding the Offer was in the best interest of shareholders. There was a specific “go-shop” provision through the 22nd of February – when MYOB was expected to release FY results. No offer was forthcoming. KKR had matching rights but if they did not match an offer which was 5% higher and all-cash, then KKR would be obliged to sell its shares into the higher offer.

The New News

While not new new, US-based hedge fund – somewhat well-known for being involved in M&A situations – started accumulating a position in MYOB in January and has reached a stake of 9.99%. This was declared on Monday. On Tuesday Manikay sent a letter to MYOB (discussed below). This morning MYOB responded saying “The MYOB Board continues to unanimously recommend the Proposal subject to no Superior Proposal being forthcoming, and the receipt of an IER [Independent Experts’ Report] concluding that the Proposal is in the best interests of MYOB Shareholders.”

The Scheme Booklet is currently with ASIC and is expected to be despatched “in coming weeks” (original schedule was for mid-March with Scheme Meeting April 19). The wording in the MYOB release suggests that might get pushed back a little, meanwhile Manikay is likely to make more noise.

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Brief Australia: Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer and more

By | Australia

In this briefing:

  1. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer
  2. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?
  3. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks
  4. TRADE IDEA – Melco (200 HK) Stub: Lose a Little Sleep in Macau
  5. RBA Hints at an Easing Bias

1. Manikay Caves and Accepts KKR’s Reduced (And Now Final) Offer

Screenshot%202019 04 03%20at%205.22.31%20pm

Originally I had thought KKR’s offer could go higher. Instead, it came in lower at A$3.40 and KKR gave MYOB Group Ltd (MYO AU) management all of a couple of days to think about it.

The title to my subsequent piece was MYOB Caves And Agrees To KKR’s Reduced Offer.

Manikay Partners started buying up shares and by early March had reached a position of 11%. They made noise. The Scheme Booklet came out on the 14th of March. Four days later Manikay announced their position was now 13.61% and the following day Mawer announced re-upped its stake from the mid 8s to high 9% level.

The 20th saw a Scheme Update from MYO announcing receipt of a letter from KKR saying that the A$3.40 price was their “best and final offer”, making it clear under Truth in Takeovers language that Manikay was not going to get a higher price out of them.

Manikay continued to buy shares on the 20th and the 21st, getting to 16.16% of the company as filed on the 22nd.

On Monday 1 April, MYOB announced a supplemental disclosure to the Scheme documents noting KKR’s final intention, and that the directors continued to unanimously recommend the Scheme.

Today we have new news.

Manikay Caves and Agrees to KKR’s Reduced (Now Final) Offer

Earlier today a Reuters story about Manikay accepting the offer popped up and MYOB shares popped from A$3.34 to A$3.38-39 area where they closed. Partway through the day MYOB released a document on the ASX feed saying that Manikay had sent a letter saying…

In order avoid speculation regarding our voting intentions in respect of the Scheme, we are writing to inform you that we, Manikay Partners, intend to vote all the MYOB shares that we own or control FOR the upcoming Scheme, subject to there being no proposal that we consider to be superior prior to the vote.

We remain very disappointed that, despite our repeated efforts to convince you otherwise, you failed to change your recommendation in light of the material improvement in market conditions since announcement of the Scheme, among other factors. We are also disappointed that the disclosures to MYOB shareholders did not fully explain the impact of such improved market conditions on the value of MYOB.
excerpt of the letter.

2. What Next in the Inflation / Deflation Debate and What Does It Mean for Asset Prices?

Despite some signs of stabilization in China’s factory gauges the primary trend is still weakness and it might be rash for investors to read too much into the recent data given the apparent weakness in the Eurozone and the moderation form a high level of growth in the United States.  Quantitative tightening is on hold in the United States but a sharp “U-turn” to easing has not happened yet and is politically embarrassing. As inflation falls real rates are rising. Housing markets are showing signs of price weakness. Investors need to watch for signs of credit quality decay that could be an indicator of the next period of severe financial distress. 

3. Monthly Geopolitical Comment: Markets Are Still Waiting for the Result of US-China Trade Talks

The future of the US and China relationship remains the most significant geopolitical and economic issue watched by the markets. While the markets prefer to focus on the positives, the eventual outcome of the talks may yet prove disappointing. Meanwhile, a rift is emerging among EU members who have diverging attitudes to cooperation with China. Authorities in Turkey have again spooked investors with their ham-fisted approach to markets. In Ukraine, comedian Zelensky has won in the first round of the presidential poll. In India, sabre-rattling continues ahead of parliamentary elections despite the de-escalation of tensions with neighbouring Pakistan.

4. TRADE IDEA – Melco (200 HK) Stub: Lose a Little Sleep in Macau


Visitors to Macao will notice the gaudy designs of new properties like Studio City and the City of Dreams owned by Melco. Few will know that the Melco of today traces its roots back almost 100 years when it was named The Macau Electric Lighting Company. Melco was listed in Hong Kong in 1927 when it was still managing the electricity supply service for the island of Macau, which it had done since 1906. After the CEM was established in 1972 to supply power in Macau, Melco changed its name to Melco International Development Limited and became a subsidiary of Stanley Ho’s real estate holding company, Shun Tak Holdings (242 HK). With the burden of supplying electricity off its shoulders, the company did what any logical Hong Kong firm would do when its business disappears, it bought real estate.

To this day, Melco International Development (200 HK) still maintains ownership of one of these classic Hong Kong destinations which I will take a closer look at in my note. In the rest of this insight I will:

  • finish the historical overview of Melco
  • present my trade idea and rationale
  • give a detailed overview of the business units of Melco International
  • recap ALL of my stub trades on Smartkarma and the performance of each 

5. RBA Hints at an Easing Bias

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The final ‘policy guidance’ paragraph added that the RBA is now “monitoring developments” suggesting that it is less sure that its current policy setting will remain appropriate.

The RBA is typically relatively cautious in tipping its hand in the policy statement, and while subtle compared to the RBNZ statement last week, you might conclude that the change in this final RBA paragraph amounts to a shift from a neutral policy stance to an easing bias.

The final paragraph suggests that the RBA is now prepared to ease policy should various threats to their outlook build further.

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