TMBThanachart Bank

TMBThanachart Bank (TTB TB)

TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited provides a full range of banking and financial services. The Bank offers corporate and personal lending, retail and wholesale banking, international trade financing, and investment banking services to its customers throughout Thailand. It also has branches in Hong Kong, Laos, and Cayman Island.
10 Jan 2021 05:22

Bank Credit Weekly: Moving the Goal Posts

Fixed income goal posts were clearly moved by Democratic Party control of the Senate. Credit has limited upside in the current reflation scenario....

31 Dec 2020 19:12

Bank Credit Compass: Regime Change May Limit the Annual January Bounce

Goldilocks may morph into a market wolf if the US Senate changes hands while 100 mask wearing days haunts of Carter-like sentiment. This is not...

18 Dec 2020 11:24

Snippets #47: Pa Daeng's Trades, Battle for CAT's 5G Network

Country Group gets busy: Selling power, buying hotels, issuing warrants, while AIS and the other two telcos duke it out to supply towers to CAT's...

13 Dec 2020 03:50

Bank Credit Weekly: Krampus Is Coming to Town: Fed, Stimulus & Brexit to Taunt Over-Eager Investors

3-macro event outcomes this week may taunt over-eager investors. US-$ strength could halt the recent rally in Asia and broader EM US$-denominated...

06 Dec 2020 04:28

Bank Credit Weekly: New Equation Is Bad News = Buy

The worse the economic news, the greater the expectation of US federal stimulus, the more the market rallies. We are now more set-up for buy-the...
